Abdülmecid b. eş-Şeyh Nas
Abel (Biblical figure)
Abraham (Biblical patriar
Achilles (Greek mytholog
Actaeon (Greek mythology)
Adam (Biblical figure)
Adams, Katherine
Adeodatus II, Pope, -676
Adrian I, Pope, -795
Adrian II, Pope, -872
Adrian IV, Pope, -1159
Aegisthus (Greek mytholog
Aeneas (Legendary charac
Aeson (Greek mythology)
Agamemnon (Greek mytholo
Agapetus I, Pope, -536
Agapetus II, Pope, -956
Agatho, Pope, -681
Agave (Greek mythology)
Ainsworth, Peter
Ajax (Greek mythology)
Al-Qasim ibn 'Ali al Hari
Alexander I, Pope, -115 o
Alexander II, Pope, -1073
Alexander III, Pope, -118
Alexander IV, Pope, -1261
Alexander, the Great, 356
Alfred, King of England,
Alī Şīr Nevā'ī of Herat,
Amalric I, King of Jerusa
Anacletus, Pope
Anastasius I, Pope, -401
Anastasius II, Emperor of
Anastasius II, Pope, -498
Anastasius III, Pope, -91
Anastasius IV, Pope, -115
Anchises (Legendary chara
Andromache (Legendary cha
Anicetus, Pope, -approxim
Anterus, Pope, -236
Antoninus Augustus, Marcu
Antoninus Pius, Emperor o
Apollo (Greek deity)
Arcadius, Emperor of the
Arthur, King
Aston, Joseph, 1762-1844
Athamas (Greek mythology)
Athelstan, King of Englan
Atkins, John, approximate
Augustus, Emperor of Rome
Aurelian, Emperor of Rome
Baldwin I, King of Jerusa
Baldwin II, King of Jerus
Baldwin III, King of Jeru
Bamford, Samuel, 1788-187
Barabbas (Biblical figure
Baradoun, Henry
Barnabas, Apostle, Saint
Bateman, William, 1298?-1
Baudouin IV, King of Jeru
Baudouin V, King of Jerus
Beatus, Saint, Presbyter
Bede, the Venerable, Sain
Benedict I, Pope, -579
Benedict II, Pope, - 685
Benedict IX, Pope, - 1045
Benedict V, Pope, - 965
Benedict VI, Pope, - 974
Benedict VII, Pope, - 983
Benedict VIII, Pope, - 10
Benedict X, Antipope, act
Benedict XI, Pope, 1240-1
Benedict XII, Pope, -1342
Berengar I, Holy Roman Em
Berengar II, King of Ital
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 131
Bohemond I, Prince of Ant
Bonaventure, Saint, Car
Boniface I, Pope, -422
Boniface II, Pope, -532
Boniface V, Pope, -625
Boniface VII, Antipope, -
Boniface VIII, Pope, -130
Boniface, IV, Pope, -615
Brain, E.
Bramhall & Menzies
Bridget, of Sweden, Saint
Bridget, of Sweden, Saint
Brode, John
Brutus the Trojan (Legen
Burgh, Benedict
Byng, John, Sir, 1772-186
Cadmus (Greek mythology)
Cadwaladr, Vendigaid, -66
Caesar, Julius
Caiaphas, High priest, 1s
Cain (Biblical figure)
Caligula, Emperor of Rome
Callistus I, Pope, -appro
Callistus II, Pope, -1124
Canute I, King of Englan
Carlile, Richard, 1790-18
Cartwright, James
Carus, Emperor of Rome
Cassandra (Legendary cha
Cassidy, John, 1860-1939
Catherine, of Valois, Que
Celestine I, Pope, -432
Celestine II, Pope, -1144
Celestine IV, Pope, -1241
Celestine V, Pope, 1215-1
Charlemagne, Emperor, 742
Charles II, King of Franc
Charles III, King of Fran
Charles IV, King of Franc
Charles Martel, approxima
Charles V, King of France
Charles VI, King of Franc
Charles, le Gros, Emperor
Chaucer, Geoffrey, -14
ChildeÌric I, King of th
Christianus Prolianus
Circe (Greek mythology)
Clarke, Robert George
Claudius, Emperor of Rome
Claudius, II, Emperor of
Clement I, Pope
Clement III, Pope, -1191
Clement IV, Pope, -1268
Clement V, Pope, approxim
Clement VI, Pope, approxi
Clotaire I, King of the F
Clotaire II, King of the
Clovis, King of the Frank
Clytemnestra (Greek mytho
Cockerell, Douglas & Son
Cockerell, Douglas, 1870-
Colonne, Guido delle, 13t
Columba, Saint, 521-597
Conon, Pope, -687
Conrad II, Holy Roman Emp
Constans I, Emperor of Ro
Constantine I, Emperor of
Constantine II, Emperor o
Constantine III, Emperor
Constantine IV, Emperor o
Constantine V Copronymus,
Constantine VI, Emperor o
Constantine, Pope, -715
Constantius I, Emperor of
Constantius II, Emperor o
Cordelia, Queen (Legendar
Cornelius, Pope, -253
Cotson, William, active
Cowper, Matthew
Cressida (Fictitious cha
Cross, John, Sir, 1766-18
Cunobelinus, King of the
Cyrus, King of Persia, -5
Dagobert I, King of the F
Dagobert II, King of the
Damasus I, Pope, 305-384
Damasus II, Pope, -1048
Danaus (Greek mythology)
Dante Alighieri, 1265-13
Dares, Phrygius
David, King of Israel
Dean, T.A.
Decius, Gaius Messius Qui
Deguilleville, Guillame d
Denis Piramus, active 1
Denison, Henry
Derby, Edward Smith Stanl
Desceliers, Pierre
Deusdedit, Pope, -618
Diana (Roman deity)
Didius Julianus, Emperor
Dido (Legendary character
Diocletian, Emperor of Ro
Diomedes (Greek mytholog
Dionysus (Greek deity)
Domitian, Emperor of Rome
Eadred King of England, -
Edgar, King of England,
Edmond Ironside
Edmonds, George, 1788-186
Edmund I, King of Englan
Edmund II, King of Engla
Edmund, King of East An
Edward I, King of Englan
Edward II, King of Engl
Edward III, King of Eng
Edward IV, King of Englan
Edward, King of England,
Edward, King of England,
Edward, King of England,
Edward, Prince of Wales,
Edwy, King of England, -9
Egbert, King of England,
Egerton, Wilbraham , 1781
Elagabalus, Emperor of Ro
Eleutherius, Pope, -189
Elijah (Biblical prophet
Elizabeth I, Queen of En
Ellenborough, Edward Law,
Elpenor (Greek mythology)
England: Greater Manchest
England: Lancashire: Pres
Enoch (Biblical figure)
Erysichthon (Greek mythol
Ethan the Ezrahite
Ethelred II, King of Engl
Eugene I, Pope, -657
Eugene III, Pope, -1153
Europa (Greek mythology)
Eusebius, Pope, -309 or 3
Eutychianus, Pope, -283
Evans, William David, 176
Evaristus, Pope, -approxi
Eve (Biblical figure)
Ezekiel (Biblical prophet
Fabian, Pope, -250
Fakhr al-Dīn ‘Irāqī
Fazakerley, Liverpool
Felix III, Pope, -492
Felix IV, Pope, -530
Fitton, William
Florianus, Emperor of Rom
Formosus, Pope, approxima
Fortuna (Roman deity)
Frederick I, Holy Roman E
Frederick II, Holy Roman
Furies (Roman mythology)
Gaius, Pope, active 283-2
Gaveston, Piers, approxim
Gelasius I, Pope, -496
Gelasius II, Pope, -1119
Geoffrey, Plantagenet, Co
Gioacchino, di Giovanni
Glendower, Owen, approxim
Godfrey, of Bouillon, app
Gordian III, Emperor of R
Gorst, E.
Gratian, Emperor of Rome,
Green, J. J.
Gregory I, Pope, approx
Gregory II, Pope, -731
Gregory III, Pope, -741
Gregory IV, Pope, -844
Gregory IX, Pope, approxi
Gregory VI, Pope, -1048
Gregory VII, Pope, approx
Gregory VIII, Pope, -1187
Gregory X, Pope, -1276
Gregory XI, Pope, 1329-13
Guido, da Pisa, active 14
Guillaume, de Lorris, act
Guinevere, Queen (Legenda
Guppy, Henry, 1861-1948
Guy of Lusignan, -1194
Hades (Greek deity)
Hadrian, Emperor of Rome,
Hannibal, 247 B.C.-182 B.
Harmer, James, 1777-1853
Harold I, King of England
Harold, King of England,
Harris, Randal
Harrison, F.A.
Harrison, Joseph, 1779-18
Harrop, Joseph, 1727-1804
Harthacanute II, King of
Havelok the Dane (Legenda
Hay, William Robert, 17
Hector (Legendary charac
Hecuba (Legendary charac
Helen of Troy (Greek myt
Henry I, King of England
Henry I, King of France,
Henry II, Holy Roman Empe
Henry II, King of Englan
Henry III, Holy Roman Emp
Henry III, King of Engla
Henry IV, Holy Roman Empe
Henry IV, King of Englan
Henry V, Holy Roman Emper
Henry V, King of England
Henry VI, Holy Roman Empe
Henry VIII, King of Engla
Heraclius, Emperor of the
Hercules (Roman mytholog
Hermione (Greek mythology
Herod I, King of Judea, 7
Herod I, King of Judea, 7
Hesdin, Simon de
Hesione (Greek mythology
Higden, Ranulf, -1394
Hilarius, Pope, -468
Hilton, Walter, -1396
Honorius I, Pope, -638
Honorius II, Pope, -1130
Honorius III, Pope, -1227
Honorius IV, Pope, approx
Honorius, Flavius, Empero
Hooker, Richard, 1553 or
Hormisdas, Pope, -523
Hugh Capet, King of Franc
Hull, John
Hulton, William, 1787-186
Humphrey, Duke of Glouces
Hunt, Henry, 1773-1835
Hyginus, Pope, -approxima
Ibn al-Muqaffaʻ, -approxi
ibn Isrā'īl al-Rūmī al-Am
Innocent I, Pope, -417
Innocent II, Pope, -1143
Innocent III, Pope, 1160
Innocent IV, Pope, approx
Innocent V, Pope, approxi
Innocent VI, Pope, -1362
Ino (Greek mythology)
Iphigenia (Greek mytholog
Irene, Empress of the Eas
Isabella, Consort of Rich
Isabella, Queen, consort
Isis (Egyptian deity)
Jacob (Biblical patriarch
Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī
James, the Greater, Saint
Jason (Greek mythology)
Jean I, King of France. 1
Jean II, King of France,
Jean, de Meun, approximat
Jesus Christ
Joachinus de Gigantibus
Joan, Princess of Wales,
Joan, Queen, consort of H
Joel (Biblical prophet)
Johannes, de Caulibus,
John I, Pope, -526
John II, King of Scotlan
John II, Pope, -535
John III, Pope, -574
John IV, Pope, -642
John IX, Pope, -900
John of Amewell
John Rylands Library
John V, Pope, -686
John VI, Pope, -705
John VII, Pope, -707
John VIII, Pope, -882
John X, Pope, -928
John XI, Pope, -936
John XII, Pope, -964
John XIII, Pope, -972
John XIV, Pope, -984
John XIX, Pope, -1032
John XV, Pope, -996
John XVI, Antipope, -998
John XVII, Pope, -1003
John XXI, Pope, -1277
John XXII, Pope, -1334
John, de Taysteke, active
John, King of England, 1
John, of Brienne, approxi
John, of Gaunt, Duke of
John, the Apostle, Sain
John, the Baptist, Saint
Johnson, Joseph, 1791-187
Joseph (Son of Jacob)
Joseph, of Arimathea, Sa
Joseph, Saint
Josephus, Flavius
Jovian, Emperor of Rome,
Judas Iscariot
Juno (Roman deity)
Jupiter (Roman deity)
Justin I, Emperor of the
Justinian II, Emperor of
Jāmī, 1414-1492
Kelly, Denis Henry
Knott, Thomas, -1839
Konrad III, King of the R
L'Estrange, Guy
Langton, Stephen, -1228
Laomedon (Greek mytholog
Laurent, de Premierfait,
Lavynham, Richard
Le Bas, Charles Webb, 17
Lear, King (Legendary ch
Lear, King of England (Le
Lees, John, -1819
Leo I, Emperor of the Eas
Leo I, Pope, -461
Leo II, Emperor of the Ea
Leo III, Pope, 795-816
Leo IV, Emperor of the Ea
Leo, II, Pope, -683
Leontius, Emperor of the
Liberius, Pope, -366
Linus, Pope
Littledale, Joseph, Sir,
Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, -1
Lothair I, Emperor, 795-8
Lothair II, Holy Roman Em
Lothair, King of France,
Louis I, Emperor, 778-840
Louis II, King of France,
Louis IV, King of France,
Louis IX, King of France,
Louis V, King of France,
Louis VIII, King of Fran
Louis X, King of France,
Love, Nicholas, active
Lucius I, Pope
Lucius II, Pope, -1145
Lucius III, Pope, 1097?-1
Ludwig IV, Emperor of Ger
Ludwig, King of the East
Luke, Saint
Lydgate, John, 1370?-1
Macrinus, Emperor of Rome
Maidstone, Richard, -139
Mandeville, John, Sir
Manuel II Palaeologus, Em
Marcellinus, Pope, -304
Marcellus I, Pope, -309
Marcian, Emperor of the E
Marcus Aurelius, Emperor
Marcus, Pope, -336
Mark, Saint
Marlborough, James Ley, E
Mars (Roman deity)
Martin I, Pope, -655
Mary Magdalene, Saint
Mary, Blessed Virgin, S
Master Chef of King Ric
Master of the Registrum
Matilda, Empress, consor
Matthew, the Apostle, S
Maurice, Emperor of the E
Maximian, Emperor of Rome
Maximinus, C. Julius Veru
Maximus, Marcus Clodius P
Medea (Greek mythology)
Melisende, Queen of Jerus
Menelaus (Greek mytholog
Mercury (Roman deity)
Merlin (Legendary charac
Miller, J.
Miltiades, Pope, -314
Minerva (Roman deity)
Mirk, John, active 1403
Mordred (Legendary chara
Morris, William, 1834-189
Mortimer, Roger de, Earl
Moses (Biblical leader)
Neale, T.C.
Nebuchadnezzar II, King o
Nenille, James
Neoptolemus (Greek mytho
Neptune (Roman deity)
Nero, Emperor of Rome, 37
Nerva, Emperor of Rome, a
Nestor (Greek mythology)
Nicholas III, Pope, -1280
Nicholas IV, Pope, 1227-1
Nicholas V, antipope, act
Nicholas, of Lyra, app
Nicodemus (Biblical figu
Nimrod (Biblical figure)
Nizami Ganjavi
Niẓāmī Ganjavī, 1140 or 1
Noah (Biblical figure)
Nonius Marcellus, active
Norris, James, approximat
Odysseus (Greek mytholog
Offa, King of the Mercian
Orestes (Greek mythology)
Otto I, Holy Roman Empero
Otto II, Holy Roman Emper
Otto III, Holy Roman Empe
Otto IV, Holy Roman Emper
Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.
Palamedes (Greek mytholo
Paris (Legendary charact
Paris, Matthew
Paris, Matthew, 1200-1259
Patroclus (Greek mytholog
Paul I, Pope, -767
Paul, the Apostle, Sain
Pearson, Charles, 1793-18
Pedro I, King of Castile
Pelagius I, Pope, -561
Pelagius II, Pope, 520-59
Peleus (Greek mythology)
Pelias (Greek mythology)
Penelope (Greek mythology
Penthesilea (Greek mytho
Pentheus (Greek mythology
Pepin, King of the Franks
Peter Lombard, Bishop of
Peter Lombard, Bishop o
Peter, the Apostle, Sai
Peterloo Relief Fund
Petrarca, Francesco, 1304
Philip III, King of Franc
Philip IV, King of France
Philip V, King of France,
Philip VI, King of France
Philip, the Apostle, Sain
Philip, the Arabian, Empe
Philippa, Queen, consort
Philippicus Bardanes, Emp
Phillips, R. (Richard), S
Philoctetes (Greek mythol
Philomela (Greek mytholog
Phipps, T.A.
Phocas, Emperor of the Ea
Pilate, Pontius, 1st cen
Pilate, Pontius, active 1
Pilkington, Robert
Pirithous (Greek mytholog
Pius I, Pope, -approximat
Polydamas (Greek mytholog
Polyphemus (Greek mytholo
Polyxena (Greek mytholog
Pontain, Pope
Powell, L.F.
Priam (Greek mythology)
Probus, Emperor of Rome,
Procne (Greek mythology)
Prometheus (Greek deity)
Protesilaus (Greek mythol
Qazwīnī, Zakarīyā ibn
Rawstorne & Wilson
Remiet, Pierre
Remus (Twin of Romulus, K
Richard I, King of Engla
Richard II, King of Eng
Rivington, J.G. & F.
Robert I, King of Scots,
Robert II, Duke of Norman
Robert II, King of France
Rolle, Richard, of Ham
Romulus, King of Rome
Rudolph, King of France,
Russell, D.
Russell, John, -1494
S.S. McClure Co.
Salmān Sāvajī -1376
Salome (Biblical figure)
Sanāʼī al-Ghaznavī, Ab
Saturn (Roman deity)
Saxton, John Thacker
Scott, Charles Prestwich,
Semele (Greek mythology)
Serapis (Egyptian deity)
Sergius I, Pope, -701
Severus Alexander, Empero
Severus, Lucius Septimius
Shakespeare, William, 156
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 17
Sibyl, Queen of Jerusalem
Sidmouth, Henry Addington
Silas (Biblical figure)
Silverius, Pope, -537
Simeon (Biblical figure)
Simplicius, Pope, -483
Siricius, Pope, -399
Sisinnius, Pope, -708
Sixtus I, Pope, -approxim
Sixtus II, Pope, -258
Sixtus, III, Pope, -440
Skeat, W. W.
Smaragdus, Abbot of St.
Smaragdus, Abbot of St.
Smith, T.E.
Smith, William
Solomon, King of Israel
Sons of Korah
Soter, Pope, -174 or 175
Stephen I, Pope, -257
Stephen III, Pope, -757
Stephen IV, Pope, -772
Stephen V, Pope, -817
Stephen, King of England
Stephen, Saint, -approxi
Straw, Jack, -1381?
Sylvester I, Pope, -335
Symmachus, Pope, -514
Tacitus, Emperor of Rome
Tantalus (Greek mythology
Telegonus (Greek mytholog
Telemachus (Greek mytholo
Telephus (Greek mythology
Telesphorus, Pope, -appro
Theodore I, Pope, -649
Theodosius I, Emperor of
Theodosius II, Emperor of
Theodosius III, Emperor o
Theseus (Greek mythology)
Thistlewood, Arthur, 1774
Thomas de Tettebur
Thomas, Apostle, Saint, 1
Thomas, à Becket, Saint
Thomas, Becket, Saint, 11
Tiberius II, Emperor of t
Tiberius III, Emperor of
Tiberius, Emperor of Rome
Titus, Emperor of Rome, 4
Trafford, Thomas Joseph d
Trajan, Emperor of Rome,
Trevisa, John, -1402
Troilus (Legendary chara
Tyler, Wat, -1381
Ṭabarī, ʻAlī ibn Sahl
Ugolino Marini Gibertu
Urban I, Pope, -230
Urban III, Pope, -1187
Urban IV, Pope, approxima
Urban V, Pope, 1310-1370
Urban VI, Pope, 1318-1389
Ursula, Saint
Uther Pendragon (Legenda
Valens, Emperor of the Ea
Valentinian I, Emperor of
Valentinian II, Emperor o
Valentinian III, Emperor
Valerian, Emperor of Rome
Valerius Maximus
Venus (Roman deity)
Verus, Lucius Aurelius, E
Vespasian, Emperor of Rom
Victor I, Pope, -198 or 1
Vigilius, Pope, -555
Vitalian, Pope, -672
Vortigern, active 450
Vulcan (Roman deity)
Wadsworth, A.P.
Waithman, Robert, 1764-18
Wake, H.T.
Walker, William Charles
Wallace, William, Sir, -
Watson, James, 1799-1874
Wesley, Charles, 1707-178
William I, King of Englan
William I, King of Engla
William II, King of Engl
William, of Conches, 1080
Williams, Thomas
Williams, Tomas
Wilson, Robert, Sir, 1777
Wimbledon, Thomas
Winchester, Hugh Le Desp
Withington, J.
Wolseley, Charles, Sir, 1
Wolstenholme, John, activ
Woods, W.H.
Wroe, James, 1788-1844
Wycliffe, John, -1384
Wyld, James, 1812-1887
Xerxes I, King of Persia,
Yaʻqūbī, Aḥmad ibn Abi
Zacchaeus (Biblical figur
Zacharias, Pope, -752
Zeno, Emperor of the East
Zephyrinus, Pope, -217
Zosimus, Pope, -418
ʻAṣṣār Tabrīzī, Muḥamm
Ḥasan bin Muḥammad bin Na
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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French MS 1*
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Plan of Alipoor Gardens
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English MS 469
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Calcutta to Chitpoor-Bridge
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English MS 469
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Map: 'Our march from Ismailia to Cairo'
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English MS 1375
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Plan of Colonel Henry Watson's Docks and Marine Yard
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English MS 469
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Carta Geografica
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Italian MS 42
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Marvels of Regions
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Arabic MS 668
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Beatus Super Apocalypsim
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Latin MS 8
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Battle of Clontarf
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Irish MS 67
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Lancastrae Comitatus Palatinus
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Latin MS 509
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Lancastrae Comitatus Palatinus
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Latin MS 509
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
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15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
Image Title
Declaracioun of the pater noster
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English MS 85
Date Created
15th century [early]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
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English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
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Natura brevium
Reference Number
English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
Image Title
Declaracioun of the pater noster
Reference Number
English MS 85
Date Created
15th century [early]
Image Title
Natura brevium
Reference Number
English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
Image Title
Natura brevium
Reference Number
English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]
Image Title
Natura brevium
Reference Number
English MS 288
Date Created
15th century [1479?]