Veysî, 1561-1628 (1)
Viani, Bernardino de (1)
Viardel, Cosme (6)
Vickers, Vincent C. (Vincent Cartwright), 1879-1939 (1)
Vico, Enea, 1523-1567 (3)
Victor (1)
Victor I, Pope, -198 or 199 (1)
Victor, Publius (1)
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901 (4)
Vidal Yom Tov of Tolosa (14th cent.) (42)
Vidal, Josef (5)
Vienken, Heinz. J. (1)
Vigilius, Pope, -555 (1)
Vignon, Eustache, active 1571-1589 (1)
Vigor, Anne (2)
Vilialon of Briviesca (fl. 1438)?, son of Salmon de (4)
Villalobos, David (1)
Villefranche-sur-Saône, France (District). Directoire (1)
Villemain, Abel-François, 1790-1870 (1)
Villeneuve, Ren (4)