Who What Where When



  1. 'Ciġālazade' Dervīş Maḥmū … (1)
  2. [City of Manchester] (1)
  3. `Ali al-Nili (12th cent.? … (1)
  4. `Ammar (1)
  5. Aachen, Hans von, 1552-16 … (1)
  6. Aaron ben Moses, ha-Levi, … (5)
  7. Aaron ben Rafa'el Tawil ( … (2)
  8. Aaron Tawil (2)
  9. Ab(u Ya`qub b.) al-Hakim … (1)
  10. Ab. Berakhathah (1)
  11. Abbott, G. H. (1)
  12. Abbott, J. L (2)
  13. Abbott, John. L (1)
  14. Abd al-Ḥaqq ibn Sayf al- … (5)
  15. Abd al-Malik bn Marwan (2)
  16. Abd al-Raḥman Jāmī, 1414- … (4)
  17. Abd al-Raḥīm Bayg (5)
  18. Abd al-Wahid Ibn 'Ashir (1)
  19. Abd al-Wahid Ibn Ashir (1)
  20. Abd-an-Nabi (4)
  21. Abdallah b. ?Ziri (1)
  22. Abdülmecid b. eş-Şeyh Nas … (5)
  23. Abe, Kinin (1)
  24. Abel (Biblical figure) (1)
  25. Abel, Frederick Augustus, … (2)
  26. Abercrombie, Lascelles, 1 … (1)
  27. Aberdare, Henry Austin Br … (1)
  28. Abey, Richard, 1797-1876 (2)
  29. Abgar V, King of Edessa, … (1)
  30. Abney, William de Wiveles … (1)
  31. Aboab, Isaac (14th cent.) (8)
  32. Abraham (3)
  33. Abraham (Biblical patriar … (8)
  34. Abraham Abu 'l-Khair (1)
  35. Abraham Amram (1)
  36. Abraham b. Hayim (d. ca. … (1)
  37. Abraham b. Mevasser (Abra … (1)
  38. Abraham b. Solomon ibn Ta … (4)
  39. Abraham ben ... (1)
  40. Abraham ben David of Pos … (80)
  41. Abraham ben Isaac ibn al … (12)
  42. Abraham ben Isaac of Narb … (1)
  43. Abraham ben Moses ben Mai … (4)
  44. Abraham ben Uri Shabbetai … (1)
  45. Abraham Dayyan (1)
  46. Abraham ha-Dayyan (1)
  47. Abraham ha-Kohen (1)
  48. Abraham ha-Levi (1)
  49. Abraham ha-Levi (18-19th … (2)
  50. Abraham ha-Levi Skandari … (1)
  51. Abraham Halbi (1)
  52. Abraham Haman? (1)
  53. Abraham ibn Havah (1)
  54. Abraham Jabez (1)
  55. Abraham M(...)r Asulin (1)
  56. Abraham Maimon (18th-19th … (1)
  57. Abraham Pinto (1)
  58. Abraham Tsarfati (1)
  59. Abraham Vilyasid (1)
  60. Abraham, Edward Mitford, … (10)
  61. Abraham? (2)
  62. Abramowski, Luise. (1)
  63. Abrantès, Laure Junot, du … (5)
  64. Abu 'l-?Hilal of Syracuse (1)
  65. Abu 'l-?Shabir (1)
  66. Abu 'l-`Uthman (1)
  67. Abu 'l-Baha (2)
  68. Abu 'l-Baka (1)
  69. Abu 'l-Barakat al-Qazzaz … (1)
  70. Abu 'l-Barakat Nethanel (1)
  71. Abu 'l-Bashr (1)
  72. Abu 'l-Fada'il (1)
  73. Abu 'l-Fadl (1)
  74. Abu 'l-Fadl? (1)
  75. Abu 'l-Faraj (6)
  76. Abu 'l-Faraj (11th cent.) (1)
  77. Abu 'l-Faraj bar ?Murur (1)
  78. Abu 'l-Faraj Harun (11th … (2)
  79. Abu 'l-Fath [Nasr Allah] (1)
  80. Abu 'l-Fath Nasr Allah (1)
  81. Abu 'l-Hasan (3)
  82. Abu 'l-Hasan ben (ha-)Sho … (1)
  83. Abu 'l-Husayn (11th cent. … (1)
  84. Abu 'l-Jaj... (1)
  85. Abu 'l-Karam (2)
  86. Abu 'l-Mansur (1)
  87. Abu 'l-Mukarim (fl. 12th … (1)
  88. Abu 'l-Najm (1)
  89. Abu 'l-Surur (2)
  90. Abu 'l-Surur (Farah b. Ye … (1)
  91. Abu 'l-Surur, Ali (1)
  92. Abu 'l-Tahir (1)
  93. Abu 'l-Yasr (1)
  94. Abu (?Nas)r Salama ibn Sa … (1)
  95. Abu ?Sa`d (1)
  96. Abu `Ala b. Abu 'l-Hassan … (1)
  97. Abu `Ali (3)
  98. Abu `Ali (Japhet b. Abrah … (1)
  99. Abu `Ali Hasan ben Bundar … (1)
  100. Abu `Imran (1)
  101. Abu al-Fatḥ ‘Adil Shāh (1)
  102. Abu al-Hasan al-Hud (12th … (1)
  103. Abu Bayan (1)
  104. Abu Bishr Sulayman (Solom … (1)
  105. Abu Ghalib al-Rubban (12t … (1)
  106. Abu Hasan (1)
  107. Abu Ibrahim Isaac b. (... … (1)
  108. Abu Isaac Abi (...) (1)
  109. Abu Isaac Ibrahim (1)
  110. Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ya … (1)
  111. Abu l-Hasan al-Suri (5)
  112. Abu Mansur (3)
  113. Abu Nasr (5)
  114. Abu Nasr al-Halabi (1)
  115. Abu Nasr b. Abraham (12th … (2)
  116. Abu Nasr Ju(dah) of Damas … (1)
  117. Abu Nuwas (d. 813-815) (6)
  118. Abu Sa'd (1)
  119. Abu Sa`d (3)
  120. Abu Sa`d [ben Baladein] (1)
  121. Abu Sa`d al-Kohen (fl. 12 … (1)
  122. Abu Sa`d ben Baladein (1)
  123. Abu Sa`d Sa`adia (1)
  124. Abu Sa`id (12th cent.) (2)
  125. Abu Sa`id Halfon b. Netha … (2)
  126. Abu Sa`id ibn al-Damiyati … (2)
  127. Abu Sa`id Makhluf (1)
  128. Abu Zikri (12th cent.) (2)
  129. Abu Zikri (Judah b. Josep … (2)
  130. Abu Zikri b. `Atiyya (1)
  131. Abulafia, Abraham ben Sa … (20)
  132. Abulafia, Todros ben Jose … (1)
  133. Abū al-Ṭayyib Aḥmad ib … (5)
  134. Abū al-Faz̤l ibn Mubārak … (15)
  135. Achard, Amédée, 1814-1875 (2)
  136. Achates, Leonardus, activ … (1)
  137. Acheson, Sydney C. (1)
  138. Achillas (1)
  139. Achilles (Greek mytholog … (72)
  140. Achilleus (eklogistes) (1)
  141. Ackermann, Rudolph (11)
  142. Actaeon (Greek mythology) (1)
  143. Acton, John Francis Edwar … (1)
  144. Adam (Biblical figure) (6)
  145. Adam, Adolphe, 1803-1856 (1)
  146. Adam, Genuensis (1)
  147. Adam, Henry Brooks (1)
  148. Adamant (1)
  149. Adams, A.E. (1)
  150. Adams, D. J (2)
  151. Adams, E.C. (2)
  152. Adams, Edward (1)
  153. Adams, Henry, 1838-1918 (12)
  154. Adams, J. (Bookbinder, Ma … (5)
  155. Adams, John (1)
  156. Adams, John, -1546 (1)
  157. Adams, John, 1735-1826 (1)
  158. Adams, Joseph Quincy, 188 … (1)
  159. Adams, Katherine (4)
  160. Adams, Reginald (1)
  161. Adams, Robert. (1)
  162. Adams, Stephen (1)
  163. Adams-Acton, John, 1830-1 … (4)
  164. Adamson, Daniel, 1820-189 … (1)
  165. Addaeus (2)
  166. Adelaide, Queen, consort … (1)
  167. Adeodatus II, Pope, -676 (1)
  168. Adey, Louise. (1)
  169. Adman, Peter (1)
  170. Administrateur des domain … (1)
  171. Adolphus Frederick, Princ … (8)
  172. Adret, Solomon ben Abrah … (13)
  173. Adret, Solomon ben Abraha … (1)
  174. Adrian I, Pope, -795 (2)
  175. Adrian II, Pope, -872 (1)
  176. Adrian IV, Pope, -1159 (2)
  177. Adshead, Joseph, 1800-18 … (25)
  178. Aegisthus (Greek mytholog … (5)
  179. Aelius (1)
  180. Aeneas (Legendary charac … (26)
  181. Aertsen, Pieter, approxim … (1)
  182. Aeschines (7)
  183. Aeschylus (4)
  184. Aeson (Greek mythology) (1)
  185. Aesop (19)
  186. Aesop, active 19th centur … (1)
  187. Afif, ? Philippa (1)
  188. Afif, ?Philippa (1)
  189. Afif, David (1)
  190. Agamemnon (Greek mytholo … (43)
  191. Agapetus I, Pope, -536 (1)
  192. Agapetus II, Pope, -956 (1)
  193. Agathinos (1)
  194. Agatho, Pope, -681 (1)
  195. Agathos (1)
  196. Agave (Greek mythology) (1)
  197. Aghnides, Thanassis. (1)
  198. Agnew, A. J. (1)
  199. Agnew, G. W. (1)
  200. Agnew, W. L. (2)
  201. Agnew, William, Sir, 1825 … (1)
  202. Agostino Veneziano, acti … (18)
  203. Agricola, Georg, 1494-155 … (2)
  204. Ahlī Shīrāzī, Muḥammad ib … (2)
  205. Ahmad (1)
  206. Ahmad at-Tamimi al-Khalil … (1)
  207. Ahmad Shaltūt (18th-19th … (1)
  208. Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Re … (2)
  209. Aḥmad ibn Abī Saʿīd Ǧ … (1)
  210. Aigoin, François-Victor (1)
  211. Aiken, Lucy (1)
  212. Aile, Caroline, Marie (1)
  213. Ainsworth, Peter (1)
  214. Ainsworth, William Harris … (5)
  215. Airey, John, active 1867- … (4)
  216. Airviews Ltd. (2)
  217. Airviews Manchester Ltd. (2)
  218. Aitchison, W. (William) (2)
  219. Aix-en-Provence (France). … (9)
  220. Aix-en-Provence (France). … (2)
  221. Ajax (Greek mythology) (18)
  222. Akaviah, A. A. (2)
  223. Akers, William (5)
  224. Akitaya, Taemon (114)
  225. Akiyama, Einen, active 18 … (5)
  226. Al-Hadab, Isaac ben Solom … (1)
  227. al-Haj Ahmad Abu ? (1)
  228. al-Moraekhi, Moshalleh (5)
  229. Al-Qasim ibn 'Ali al Hari … (1)
  230. Albahama, Hussain M. (1)
  231. Albemarle, George Monck, … (1)
  232. Albert Edward, Prince of … (4)
  233. Albert, George (1)
  234. Albert, Prince Consort, c … (1)
  235. Albertas, Jean-Baptiste-S … (1)
  236. Alberti, Leon Battista, 1 … (1)
  237. Albignani, Pietro (2)
  238. Albin, Eleazar, active 17 … (2)
  239. Albinus (1)
  240. Albo, Joseph (15th cent.) (6)
  241. Albosii, Iohannis (5)
  242. Alchorne, Stanesby, -1800 (1)
  243. Alcinous, active 2nd cent … (1)
  244. Alcock, John, 1430-1500 (3)
  245. Alcock, Thomas, M.D., act … (4)
  246. Aldabi, Meir ben Isaac, a … (2)
  247. Aldegrever, Heinrich, 150 … (1)
  248. Aldegrever, Heinrich, 150 … (1)
  249. Alden, Henry Mills, 1836- … (1)
  250. Alder, Joshua, 1792-1867 (1)
  251. Alderson, Brian. (1)
  252. Alderson, Joseph B., -188 … (1)
  253. Aldi Filii (5)
  254. Alding, Heinrich, active … (7)
  255. Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 1522- … (2)
  256. Aldwinkle, Thomas (1)
  257. Aleander, Petrus Marenus (1)
  258. Alexander I, Pope, -115 o … (2)
  259. Alexander II, Pope, -1073 (1)
  260. Alexander III, Pope, -118 … (2)
  261. Alexander Ireland & Co. (1)
  262. Alexander IV, Pope, -1261 (1)
  263. Alexander VI, Pope, 1431- … (1)
  264. Alexander, Philip. S (2)
  265. Alexander, Samuel, 1859-1 … (4)
  266. Alexander, Samuel, 1859-1 … (4)
  267. Alexander, the Great, 356 … (2)
  268. Alexander, the Great, 35 … (14)
  269. Alexandra, Queen, consort … (4)
  270. Alexandre, Jean, -1505 (1)
  271. Alexandros (1)
  272. Alfasi, David ben Abraham … (4)
  273. Alfasi, Isaac ben Jacob … (93)
  274. Alfasi, Isaac ben Jacob ( … (1)
  275. Alfonso X, King of Casti … (14)
  276. Alford, John. A (1)
  277. Alfred Brothers (6)
  278. Alfred brothers (1)
  279. Alfred Werner & Son (2)
  280. Alfred, King of England, … (17)
  281. Alfred, Prince, son of G … (15)
  282. Ali b. abi Talib (1)
  283. Ali ben Ezekiel (11th cen … (2)
  284. Ali ibn ?Harram (1)
  285. Aliyah bat Joseph (2)
  286. Allan, Thomas, 1774-1845 (9)
  287. Allanson, Shaw (1)
  288. Allard, Carel, 1648-appro … (1)
  289. Allen, James H. (1)
  290. Allen, John (1)
  291. Allen, Roland. (1)
  292. Allen, Thomas, 1743-1807 (1)
  293. Allen, Tim. (1)
  294. Allenby, Edmund Henry Hyn … (1)
  295. Allier, France (Departmen … (2)
  296. Allison, Joseph (22)
  297. Allix, Susan (8)
  298. Allun the parnas (11th ce … (1)
  299. Allush ben Makhluf al-Naf … (1)
  300. Alopa, Lorenzo de (2)
  301. Alopa, Lorenzo de, (1)
  302. Alpago, Andrea, active 16 … (1)
  303. Alpharabius, Jacobus, 15t … (1)
  304. Alshekh, Moses (d. after … (4)
  305. Alsop, Bernard (1)
  306. Alsop, Bernard, active 16 … (1)
  307. Alsop, James (1)
  308. Altman, A. (2)
  309. Altmann, Alexander, 1906- … (2)
  310. Alī Şīr Nevā'ī of Herat, … (1)
  311. Amadi, Anton Maria, activ … (1)
  312. Amalric I, King of Jerusa … (2)
  313. Ambergau, Adam de, active … (5)
  314. Ambler, R. W (1)
  315. Amelia, Princess, daughte … (1)
  316. Amerbach, Johannes, 1441? … (3)
  317. American Colony (Jerusal … (18)
  318. American Colony Jerusalem (1)
  319. American Horse, 1840-1908 (1)
  320. Amherst, J.H. (1)
  321. Amīr Khusraw Dihlavī, a … (5)
  322. Amman, Jost, 1539-1591 (2)
  323. Ammonaphris (1)
  324. Ammonios (1)
  325. Ammonius (6)
  326. Ampiés, Martín Martíne … (1)
  327. Amram ben Sheshna (d. ca. … (2)
  328. Amstel, Jan van, approxim … (1)
  329. Amyntas (2)
  330. Amīr Shāhī Sabzavārī -14 … (13)
  331. Anacletus, Pope (1)
  332. Anacreon (1)
  333. Anand Ram Mukhlis, -1751 (1)
  334. Anastasius I, Pope, -401 (1)
  335. Anastasius II, Emperor of … (2)
  336. Anastasius II, Pope, -498 (1)
  337. Anastasius III, Pope, -91 … (1)
  338. Anastasius IV, Pope, -115 … (2)
  339. Anatolius (4)
  340. Anchises (Legendary chara … (1)
  341. Anchorimphis (porter) (1)
  342. Anchorimphis, son of Anch … (1)
  343. Anchorimphis, son of Hera … (1)
  344. Ancoats Brotherhood (1)
  345. Anderson, Daphne (1)
  346. Anderson, G. W (1)
  347. Anderson, Hans. Christian (1)
  348. Anderson, J. J (3)
  349. Anderson, J. S. (1)
  350. Andree, R. John (5)
  351. Andrew, Bishop of Moray (6)
  352. Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555- … (1)
  353. Andrews, Eamonn, 1922-198 … (1)
  354. Andrews, Keith (1)
  355. Andromache (Legendary cha … (6)
  356. Andronicus Callistus, -14 … (1)
  357. Androuet du Cerceau, Jacq … (1)
  358. Anelay, Henry, 1817-1883 (1)
  359. Anfuso, G. (1)
  360. Angelini, Evangelista (3)
  361. Anglo, Sydney. (2)
  362. Angus Smith, R. Angus (Ro … (1)
  363. Angus, George, 1783-1829 (1)
  364. Anicetus, Pope, -approxim … (1)
  365. Annan & Swan (1)
  366. Anne Boleyn, Queen, conso … (1)
  367. Anne, of Cleves, Queen, c … (1)
  368. Annesley, Anne (1)
  369. Annis, William, active 17 … (3)
  370. Anon (2)
  371. Anonymous (18)
  372. Anonymous bian (2)
  373. Anonymus Neveleti (1)
  374. Anoubion (1)
  375. Anselm, of Laon, -1117 (1)
  376. Anselm, Saint, Archbishop … (1)
  377. Anselment, Raymond. A (2)
  378. Anstey, Thomas Chisholme, … (1)
  379. Anstruther, Robert, 1768- … (1)
  380. Anterus, Pope, -236 (1)
  381. Anthony of Tagrit (3)
  382. Anthony, Louis d.1933 (1)
  383. Anthony, of Egypt, Saint, … (1)
  384. Antipater (2)
  385. Antipater, of Thessalonic … (2)
  386. Antonia Drusi (landowner) (3)
  387. Antonini, A. (1)
  388. Antoninus Augustus, Marcu … (1)
  389. Antoninus Pius, Emperor o … (1)
  390. Antoninus, Saint, Archbis … (5)
  391. Antonio (Bettini) da Sien … (1)
  392. Antonio Maria, da Villafo … (1)
  393. Antonio, da Rho, active 1 … (3)
  394. Antrobus, Ann (1)
  395. Anusius (2)
  396. Anville, Jean Baptiste Bo … (2)
  397. Anwykyll, John (1)
  398. Apa Ioannes (1)
  399. Apa Shoi (2)
  400. Apheus, son of Apheus (we … (1)
  401. Aphrodisios (2)
  402. Aphrodisios son of Asklep … (1)
  403. Aphrodisios, son of Askle … (2)
  404. Aphrodisius (6)
  405. Aphrodisius, son of Phili … (1)
  406. Apian, Peter, 1495-1552 (6)
  407. Apion/Kapareis (shepherd) (2)
  408. Apollo (Greek deity) (17)
  409. Apollonides (1)
  410. Apollonios (1)
  411. Apollonios, son of Alexan … (1)
  412. Apollonios, son of Alexan … (1)
  413. Apollonius (10)
  414. Apollonius (Pergaeus) (3)
  415. Apollonius Rhodius (2)
  416. Apollonius, Dyscolus, act … (3)
  417. Apollonius, Rhodius (2)
  418. Apollonous (2)
  419. Applebee, John (1)
  420. Applegath, Augustus, -18 … (24)
  421. Appleton, J. D. S. (1)
  422. Aprem, Mar. (1)
  423. Apuleius (1)
  424. Apunchis, son of Panephro … (1)
  425. Aquilecchia, G. (1)
  426. Aragon, 1897-1982 (1)
  427. Aratus, Solensis. Phaenom … (2)
  428. Arberry, A. J (1)
  429. Arcadius, Emperor of the … (1)
  430. Arcaeus, Franciscus, 1493 … (1)
  431. Archedemos (1)
  432. Archer, Thomas, active 16 … (1)
  433. Archinto, Ambrogio (4)
  434. Arconada, César Muñoz, … (1)
  435. Ardern, L. L. (1)
  436. Arderne, John, active 130 … (1)
  437. Arderon, W. (3)
  438. Ardoino, Giovanni Battist … (2)
  439. Areios (2)
  440. Ares, son of Areios (1)
  441. Argilagnes, Franciscus, a … (2)
  442. Argyle, Amelia (1)
  443. Argyll, Elizabeth Campbel … (1)
  444. Argyropoulos, Iōannēs, … (5)
  445. Ariadne (Greek mythology) (6)
  446. Arion of Theadelphia (1)
  447. Ariosto, Ludovico, 1474- … (14)
  448. Aristeas (1)
  449. Aristophanes (9)
  450. Aristotle (26)
  451. Arjun, Guru, 1563-1606 (8)
  452. Armstrong, Henry Edward, … (1)
  453. Army of Naples (France) C … (1)
  454. Armytage, J.C. (1)
  455. Armytage, Walter Harry Gr … (2)
  456. Arnaldus, de Bruxella, ap … (2)
  457. Arnaldus, de Villanova, - … (6)
  458. Arnold, John (7)
  459. Arnold, Matthew, 1822-188 … (1)
  460. Arnold, Thomas, 1795-1842 (2)
  461. Arnot, Fred S. (1)
  462. Arnot, Frederick Stanley … (9)
  463. Arnould, Emile Jules Fran … (3)
  464. Arnoullet, Balthazar, act … (4)
  465. Arrivabene, Giorgio, acti … (6)
  466. Arron, Michael (5)
  467. Artaud, W. (William), 17 … (13)
  468. Artemidoros (brewer) (1)
  469. Artemidoros, son of Eiren … (1)
  470. Artemidorus (2)
  471. Artemis, Aurelia (1)
  472. Arthur, King (92)
  473. Arthus, Gotthard, 1568- (8)
  474. Artist unknown (2)
  475. Arygll, Lady (1)
  476. Asaph (15)
  477. Asbury, Francis, 1745-181 … (2)
  478. Ascoli, Jan (1)
  479. Ashbee, C. R. (Charles Ro … (3)
  480. Ashburne House Students (22)
  481. Ashburner, G. (32)
  482. Ashburton, William Bingha … (1)
  483. Ashdown, W. D. (1)
  484. Ashdown, William D. (1)
  485. Ashendene Press (1)
  486. Asher ben Jehiel (ca. 12 … (16)
  487. Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692 (1)
  488. Ashton, Ralph, active 17t … (1)
  489. Ashton, Thomas (1)
  490. Ashworth, Dom. Henry (1)
  491. Ashworth, Henry. (1)
  492. Ashworth, J (1)
  493. Ashworth, J. (1)
  494. Askew, Anne, 1521-1546 (1)
  495. Asklepiades, son of Ptole … (4)
  496. Aslett, Harry E. (1)
  497. Asquith, H. H. (Herbert H … (2)
  498. Assaf, S (2)
  499. Asseline, Madame (1)
  500. Astemio, Lorenzo (1)
  501. Astle, Thomas, 1735-1803 (4)
  502. Astley, Jacob Astley, Bar … (1)
  503. Aston, Joseph, 1762-1844 (8)
  504. Asulanus, Franciscus, -1 … (23)
  505. Athamas (Greek mythology) (1)
  506. Athelstan, King of Englan … (6)
  507. Athenarion, daughter of H … (1)
  508. Athenodoros (epistates ph … (8)
  509. Atherton, Mark. (1)
  510. Atkins, John, approximate … (1)
  511. Atkinson, Donald, 1886-19 … (1)
  512. Atkinson, K. M T (1)
  513. Atkinson, K. M. T. (1)
  514. Atlay, John, 1736- (5)
  515. Attar Singh, Sardar of Bh … (1)
  516. Attlee, C. R. (Clement Ri … (2)
  517. Auber, Daniel-François-Es … (1)
  518. Audetat, F. (1)
  519. Audubon, John James, 1785 … (9)
  520. Audubon, Lucy Green Bakew … (1)
  521. August, Elector of Saxony … (1)
  522. Augusta Sophia, Princess … (25)
  523. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  524. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  525. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  526. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  527. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  528. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  529. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  530. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  531. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  532. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  533. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  534. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  535. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  536. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  537. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  538. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  539. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (2)
  540. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  541. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (2)
  542. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (2)
  543. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  544. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  545. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  546. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  547. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (2)
  548. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  549. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  550. Augusta Sophia, Princess, … (1)
  551. Augustine, of Hippo, Sai … (20)
  552. Augustinus, de Ratisbona (1)
  553. Augustus Frederick, Princ … (3)
  554. Augustus, Emperor of Rome … (1)
  555. Aulonites, Erasmus (1)
  556. Auneies, son of Menches (1)
  557. Aunes, son of Anchorimphi … (1)
  558. Aurelia (1)
  559. Aurelian, Emperor of Rome … (1)
  560. Aurelius Irenaeus (1)
  561. Ausonius, Decimus Magnus (1)
  562. Austen, John, 1886 - 1948 (1)
  563. Austen, Thomas (1)
  564. Austin, L. J (1)
  565. Austin, Margaret (1)
  566. Austin-Smith: Lord (1)
  567. Author (1)
  568. Avancius, Hieronymus, act … (9)
  569. Avery, Gillian. (1)
  570. Aveyron (France). Conseil … (2)
  571. Aveyron, France (Departme … (2)
  572. Avianus (1)
  573. Avicenna (980-1037) (6)
  574. Avicenna, 980-1037 (410)
  575. Avlonites, Gerasimos, act … (1)
  576. Avont, Peeter van, 1600-1 … (1)
  577. Awdus, Richard (1)
  578. Awḥadī Balyānī, Taqī al- … (5)
  579. Awḥadī Balyānī, Taqī al-D … (5)
  580. Aylett, Philip. (1)
  581. Ayling, S. (1)
  582. Ayloffe, Joseph, Sir, 170 … (7)
  583. Azoguidus, Balthasar, act … (4)
  584. Azulai͏̈, Hayyîm Joseph … (5)
  585. Āṣafī Harawī -1517 (5)
  586. Āz̲ar Baygdilī, Luṭf ʻ … (2)
  587. Aḥmad bin Ḳadır al-Būlavī (1)
  588. Baarland, Adriaan van, 14 … (1)
  589. Babbage, Charles (1)
  590. Bache, A. D. (Alexander D … (2)
  591. Backwell, William (1)
  592. Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 (4)
  593. Bacon, G. W. (George Wash … (4)
  594. Badeley, Henry John Fansh … (1)
  595. Badens, Francesco, 1571-1 … (1)
  596. Badger, George Percy, 181 … (1)
  597. Badius, Josse, 1462-1535 (2)
  598. Baebius Italicus (2)
  599. Baedeker, Frederick Willi … (1)
  600. Bagford, John, 1650-1716 (2)
  601. Baglione, Giovanni, 1571- … (1)
  602. Bagshawe, Samuel, 1713-1 … (13)
  603. Bagshawe, William Henry G … (1)
  604. Bagshawe, William, Rev. (2)
  605. Bahman Balākash (1)
  606. Bahrām ibn Farhād (5)
  607. Bahya ben Asher ben Hlav … (18)
  608. Bahya ben Joseph ibn Pak … (43)
  609. Bailey, Colin. J (1)
  610. Bailey, Doris (2)
  611. Bailey, Emily (15)
  612. Bailey, Maggie. (1)
  613. Bailey, Richard. N (1)
  614. Bailly de Juilly, Edme-Lo … (1)
  615. Baines, Edward, Sir, 1800 … (2)
  616. Baird, Robert. D (1)
  617. Baird, Spencer Fullerton, … (1)
  618. Baker, Anne (1)
  619. Baker, Charles, 1802-1874 (1)
  620. Baker, Frank, 1910-1999 (3)
  621. Baker, Frank. (2)
  622. Baker, George (1)
  623. Baker, H. (1)
  624. Baker, H. Wright (1)
  625. Baker, Henry, 1698-1774 (8)
  626. Baker, J.H. (1)
  627. Baker, R. (1)
  628. Baker, Ray (1)
  629. Baker, Thomas, Sir, 1810- … (1)
  630. Baker, William, 1817-1878 (1)
  631. Balackasami (2)
  632. Balbi, Giovanni, -1298 (10)
  633. Balbi, Pietro, 1399-1479 (1)
  634. Baldini, Baccio (21)
  635. Baldovinus Sabaudiensis (2)
  636. Baldwin I, King of Jerusa … (2)
  637. Baldwin II, King of Jerus … (1)
  638. Baldwin III, King of Jeru … (1)
  639. Baldwin, Henry, 1734-1813 (5)
  640. Baldwin, Jane (2)
  641. Baldwin, Stanley Baldwin, … (2)
  642. Baldwyn, Mary (2)
  643. Baldwyn, Richard (1)
  644. Bale, Stewart (1)
  645. Balen, Jan van, 1611-1654 (1)
  646. Balfour, Arthur James, 18 … (1)
  647. Balfour, Henry, 1863-1939 (1)
  648. Balim-Harding, Çigdem (1)
  649. Ball, Alec (1)
  650. Balsarin, Guillaume, acti … (2)
  651. Balshaw, G. E. (1)
  652. Bamford, Samuel (1)
  653. Bamford, Samuel, 1788-187 … (6)
  654. Banda ʿAlī Khān Bāsitī (5)
  655. Banda ʿAlī Khān Bāsiṭī (5)
  656. Bandinelli, Baccio, 1493- … (1)
  657. Bankes, J. M. (1)
  658. Banks Family (5)
  659. Banks, A. M. (15)
  660. Banks, G. Linnaeus (Geor … (25)
  661. Banks, G. Linnaeus (Georg … (4)
  662. Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820 (1)
  663. Banville, Théodore de, 18 … (1)
  664. Bar Abraham (1)
  665. Bar David (1)
  666. Bar Hebraeus, 1226-1286 (10)
  667. Bar Joseph (1)
  668. Bar Joseph ha-Kohen (1)
  669. Bara, Jan, approximately … (1)
  670. Barabbas (Biblical figure … (2)
  671. Baradani, Joseph al- (11t … (3)
  672. Baradoun, Henry (2)
  673. Barailon, Jean-François, … (5)
  674. Barbant, Charles (1)
  675. Barbaro, Daniel, 1514-157 … (1)
  676. Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Leti … (2)
  677. Barbeau Studio, New York (1)
  678. Barber, G. G (1)
  679. Barber, Joanna (1)
  680. Barber, Karin. (1)
  681. Barber, Sarah (2)
  682. Barber, William (2)
  683. Barbette, Paul, 1629-1699 (1)
  684. Barbé-Marbois, François … (1)
  685. Barcía Carballido y Zún … (2)
  686. Barclay, Cassandra, (1)
  687. Barclay, John, 1582-1621 (1)
  688. Barclay, Robert Noton, Si … (2)
  689. Bardini, Stefano (1)
  690. Bardsley, James Lomax, 18 … (2)
  691. Bardsley, Samuel, -1818 (1)
  692. Bardsley, Samuel, 1769-18 … (1)
  693. Bardsley, Sarah (2)
  694. Barendsz, Dirck, 1534-159 … (1)
  695. Barentsz, Willem, approxi … (1)
  696. Baretti, Giuseppe, 1719-1 … (1)
  697. Barfoot, James Richard, 1 … (1)
  698. Barinus, Jacobus, active … (1)
  699. Barker, Christopher, 152 … (94)
  700. Barker, Eileen (1)
  701. Barker, J. S. (1)
  702. Barker, Robert, -1645 (1)
  703. Barker, Thomas (1)
  704. Barlow, Ann (1)
  705. Barnabas, Apostle, Saint (19)
  706. Barnard, Anne Lindsay, La … (1)
  707. Barnard, Thomas, 1728-180 … (3)
  708. Barnbeck, Sebastian Heinr … (2)
  709. Barnes, Ralph R. (1)
  710. Barnes, Robert, 1495-1540 (2)
  711. Barnett, Ellen (1)
  712. Barnicott, J. (1)
  713. Baron, Hans, 1900-1988. (1)
  714. Barr, James. (12)
  715. Barras, Paul, vicomte de, … (2)
  716. Barrett, C. K (1)
  717. Barrett, Francis (1)
  718. Barrett, William, Sir, 18 … (2)
  719. Barrie, J. M. (James Mat … (13)
  720. Barrington, Daines (1)
  721. Barrington, Russell, Mrs. (1)
  722. Barrow, John, Sir, 1764-1 … (5)
  723. Barrows, A. (1)
  724. Barrows, Mr (3)
  725. Barry, Edward (1)
  726. Barten, Thomas (1)
  727. Barthélemi Faujas de Sai … (1)
  728. Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, … (2)
  729. Bartholomaeus, de Valdezo … (4)
  730. Bartholomew, J. (1)
  731. Bartholomew, J. G. (John … (9)
  732. Bartholomew, John Christo … (3)
  733. Bartholomew, John, 1831-1 … (1)
  734. Bartholomew, John, 1890-1 … (3)
  735. Bartle, G. F (2)
  736. Bartley, Glenn (1)
  737. Bartoli, Cosmio, 1503-157 … (1)
  738. Bartoli, Girolamo, active … (1)
  739. Bartolo, of Sassoferrato, … (1)
  740. Bartolozzi, Francesco, 17 … (2)
  741. Barton, Bonnie (1)
  742. Barton, Royston (10)
  743. Barton-Wright, William, 1 … (1)
  744. Baruch ben Samuel the Sef … (2)
  745. Bary, Hendrik, approximat … (1)
  746. Barzizza, Gasparino, appr … (1)
  747. Bas-Rhin, France (Departm … (1)
  748. Baseggio, Giacomo (6)
  749. Basil, Saint, Bishop of C … (6)
  750. Basire, James, 1730-1802 (14)
  751. Baskerville, John, 1706-1 … (3)
  752. Baskerville, Stephen. W (1)
  753. Bassano, Francesco da Pon … (1)
  754. Bassano, Jacopo, approxim … (1)
  755. Bassano, Leandro da Ponte … (1)
  756. Bastian, Henry Charlton (2)
  757. Bastow, Richard Austin, … (41)
  758. Bat Abraham (1)
  759. Bate, George, 1608-1669 (2)
  760. Bately, Janet. (1)
  761. Bateman, John Frederic ( … (58)
  762. Bateman, John Frederick, … (1)
  763. Bateman, William, 1298?-1 … (5)
  764. Bates, Henry Walter, 1825 … (1)
  765. Bathsheba (Biblical figur … (1)
  766. Bathurst, Charles, 1867-1 … (1)
  767. Battersby, J. (1)
  768. Batty, Edward, 1783-1849 (1)
  769. Batty, Elizabeth Frances (7)
  770. Baudoin, Jean, 1590?-1650 (2)
  771. Baudouin IV, King of Jeru … (1)
  772. Baudouin V, King of Jerus … (1)
  773. Baugh, George (2)
  774. Baugh, Robert, 1748?-1832 (9)
  775. Bauhin, Caspar, 1560-1624 (5)
  776. Baxter, George (1)
  777. Baxter, P. T W (2)
  778. Baxter, Richard, 1615-169 … (1)
  779. Baxter, Richard. (1)
  780. Bayan (1)
  781. Bayle, Moïse Antoine Pie … (1)
  782. Bayne, Peter, 1830-1896 (72)
  783. Baynes, Thomas Mann, 1794 … (1)
  784. Bayz̤āvī, ʻAbd Allāh i … (5)
  785. Bayḍāwī, ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻ … (5)
  786. Beale, John, -1643 (1)
  787. Beard, Richard, 1801 - 18 … (2)
  788. Beato, Felice, 1825-1903 (1)
  789. Beatty, John (1)
  790. Beatus, Saint, Presbyter … (17)
  791. Beauclark, Topham, 1739-1 … (1)
  792. Beaufort, Henry Charles S … (6)
  793. Beaulieu, Luke de (1)
  794. Beaulieu, Luke de. (2)
  795. Beaumont, Francis, 1584-1 … (1)
  796. Beaumont, J. W. (1)
  797. Beaumont-Wright, Daphne (2)
  798. Beausang, Johann Jacob (1)
  799. Beauvoir, M. (3)
  800. Bebbington, John Oliver, … (1)
  801. Beccadelli, Antonio, 1394 … (2)
  802. Bechtermüntze, Nicolaus (1)
  803. Becke, E. (2)
  804. Becker, Lydia, 1827-1890 (3)
  805. Beckett, J. V (1)
  806. Beckford, James. A (1)
  807. Beckford, William, 1760-1 … (3)
  808. Beckingham, C. F (2)
  809. Beckwith, H. (2)
  810. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567 (18)
  811. Bedale, C. L. (Charles Le … (1)
  812. Bede, the Venerable, Sain … (2)
  813. Bedford Lemere (3)
  814. Bedford Lemere & Co. (1)
  815. Bedford Lemere and Co. (45)
  816. Bedford, Francis, 1799-18 … (5)
  817. Bedford, Francis, 1815 - … (7)
  818. Bedford, Francis, 1816-18 … (1)
  819. Bedford, Jasper Tudor, Du … (1)
  820. Bedford, John Plantagenet … (1)
  821. Bedingfield, Edmund, Sir, … (1)
  822. Bedley, W. H. (1)
  823. Bedos-Rezak, Brigitte. (1)
  824. Beecham, John (2)
  825. Beecher Stowe, Harriet, 1 … (1)
  826. Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813 … (5)
  827. Beedham, Katharine. F. (1)
  828. Beer, Ann (1)
  829. Beer, Lucy (1)
  830. Beer, Wilhelm, 1797-1850 (1)
  831. Beeton, Mrs. (Isabella Ma … (2)
  832. Beever, W. A. (1)
  833. Beggi, Dr. (Francesco Ora … (1)
  834. Begum, Nasira (1)
  835. Beham, Hans Sebald, 1500- … (4)
  836. Behnes, Charles, -1840 (7)
  837. Behnes, William, 1795-186 … (7)
  838. Beit-Arie, Malachi. (1)
  839. Bekker, Immanuel, 1785-18 … (2)
  840. Belasco, G. S. (1)
  841. Belcher, John, 1841-1913 (1)
  842. Beldam, George William, 1 … (1)
  843. Belenian, Nicholas, -1546 (1)
  844. Belin, Jules-Léonard (180 … (1)
  845. Bell, Alan. (1)
  846. Bell, Ann (92)
  847. Bell, George, -1807 (1)
  848. Bell, James (8)
  849. Bell, Lucy (1)
  850. Bell, Thomas (1)
  851. Bell, Thomas, 1792-1880 (6)
  852. Bell, William, 1795-1822 (1)
  853. Bellamy, J. G (1)
  854. Bellarmino, Roberto Franc … (1)
  855. Bellett, J. G. (John Giff … (1)
  856. Bellett, John Gifford 179 … (1)
  857. Bellhouse, Gerald (3)
  858. Bellhouse, Vernon (1)
  859. Bellini, Gentile, -1507 (2)
  860. Bellini, Giovanni, 1426?- … (2)
  861. Bellot, William Henry (1)
  862. Bellot, William Henry, 18 … (1)
  863. Belton, Raymond Henry (1)
  864. Beltrán, Francí, of Cata … (2)
  865. Bembo, Pietro, 1470-154 … (524)
  866. Bemrose & Sons Ltd. (2)
  867. Bemrose & Sons Ltd., Lond … (1)
  868. Bemrose and Sons Ltd. (1)
  869. Ben `Allan (1)
  870. Ben Elisha (1)
  871. Ben Sa`adia (1)
  872. Benalius, Bernardinus, a … (10)
  873. Benayahu, M (1)
  874. Bence-Jones, Henry, 1813- … (1)
  875. Benedict I, Pope, -579 (2)
  876. Benedict II, Pope, - 685 (1)
  877. Benedict IX, Pope, - 1045 (1)
  878. Benedict V, Pope, - 965 (1)
  879. Benedict VI, Pope, - 974 (1)
  880. Benedict VII, Pope, - 983 (1)
  881. Benedict VIII, Pope, - 10 … (1)
  882. Benedict X, Antipope, act … (1)
  883. Benedict XI, Pope, 1240-1 … (2)
  884. Benedict XII, Pope, -1342 (2)
  885. Benedikz, B. S (1)
  886. Bengel, Johann Albrecht, … (1)
  887. Benger, Elizabeth (1)
  888. Benivieni, Girolamo, 1453 … (7)
  889. Benjamin ha-Levi (17th ce … (2)
  890. Benjamin Manasse Meyuhas (1)
  891. Bennet, Grace (1)
  892. Bennet, William, -1858 (1)
  893. Bennett, Alfred W. (Alfre … (1)
  894. Bennett, Dorothy (1)
  895. Bennett, E. (1)
  896. Bennett, Edward Turner, 1 … (2)
  897. Bennett, John (1)
  898. Bennett, Mary Angela (1)
  899. Bennett, Richard George (1)
  900. Benoît-Georges de Najac, … (1)
  901. Bensley, Thomas, approxi … (64)
  902. Benson, George 1699-1762 (10)
  903. Benson, Joseph (1)
  904. Benson, Joseph, 1748-182 … (13)
  905. Benson, Joseph, 1749-1821 (3)
  906. Benson, Robert H. (1)
  907. Bentinck, Rudolph (1)
  908. Bentley, Samuel, 1785-186 … (1)
  909. Bentwich, Norman (1)
  910. Benzon, Alfred, 1832-1884 (2)
  911. Berardi, Cristoforo (762)
  912. Berengar I, Holy Roman Em … (1)
  913. Berengar II, King of Ital … (2)
  914. Beresford Hope, A. J. B. … (1)
  915. Bergin, Fanny L. (2)
  916. Bergin, G. L. (1)
  917. Bergmann, Johann, active … (1)
  918. Bergren, Theodore. A (1)
  919. Berkeley, George, 1685-17 … (1)
  920. Berkeley, John, -1678 (2)
  921. Berkin, M. (1)
  922. Berkley, T. (1)
  923. Berlin, Michael (1)
  924. Bernard, de Besse, -appro … (2)
  925. Bernard, of Clairvaux, Sa … (2)
  926. Berners, Juliana, 1388?- (8)
  927. Berney, Jules (1)
  928. Bernhart, Johann Baptist, … (2)
  929. Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 15 … (1)
  930. Beroaldo, Filippo, 1453-1 … (2)
  931. Berquin, M. (Arnaud), 174 … (1)
  932. Berridge, John, 1716-1793 (1)
  933. Berry, Edward, Sir, 1768 … (24)
  934. Berthault, Pierre Gabriel … (1)
  935. Berthelet, Thomas (3)
  936. Berthelet, Thomas, -1555 (2)
  937. Bertin, Louise, 1805-1877 (1)
  938. Bertinoro, Obadiah (ca. 1 … (1)
  939. Bertinoro, Obadiah, appro … (4)
  940. Bertocchi, Donnino, activ … (2)
  941. Besant, Annie, 1847-1933 (1)
  942. Besicken, Johann, active … (1)
  943. Besodorus (2)
  944. Bessborough, Henrietta Fr … (1)
  945. Besson, Jacques (2)
  946. Best, Ernest. (1)
  947. Betbeder, Faustin (1)
  948. Bethlem Royal Hospital (L … (1)
  949. Bettes, John, -1570? (1)
  950. Bettesworth, Arthur, -173 … (5)
  951. Bettesworth, Arthur, d. 1 … (1)
  952. Beuckelaer, Joachim, appr … (1)
  953. Bevenot, Maurice S. J, 18 … (1)
  954. Bevilaqua, Simon, active … (3)
  955. Bevir, Edward Lawrence 18 … (6)
  956. Bevir, Edward Lawrence, 1 … (1)
  957. Bewick, Thomas, 1753-182 … (45)
  958. Bewley, Henry, 1804-1876 (1)
  959. Beza, Theodore, 1519-1605 (1)
  960. Bèze, Théodore de, 1519 … (1)
  961. Bēssariōn, Cardinal, 14 … (1)
  962. Bhatt, Sujata (1)
  963. Biagi, Guido,1855-1925 (4)
  964. Bianca Maria, Empress, co … (1)
  965. Bible Christian Magazine (21)
  966. Bickersteth, Edward Henry … (1)
  967. Biddle, John, 1615-1662 (1)
  968. Biel, Friedrich, -1517? (5)
  969. Billig, Michael (1)
  970. Billing & Sons Ltd (2)
  971. Billinge, Thomas, 1741-1 … (12)
  972. Billinghurst, Evelyn (1)
  973. Billinglsey, H, Sir (5)
  974. Billingsley, Henry, Sir, … (1)
  975. Billington, Louis. (1)
  976. Bindus Guerri, Senensis, … (2)
  977. Bingley, James (3)
  978. Bink, Jacob, approximatel … (1)
  979. Binns, Alan Lawrie (1)
  980. Bint Abu 'l-Surur (12th-1 … (1)
  981. Biondo Flavio, 1392-1463 (1)
  982. Birago, Lampugnino, -1472 (1)
  983. Birch, Alan. (1)
  984. Bird, Florence (1)
  985. Bird, Isabella L. (Isabel … (4)
  986. Birdsall, J. Neville (1)
  987. Birgivî Mehmet Efendi, a … (5)
  988. Biringucci, Vannoccio (1)
  989. Birjandī, ʻAbd al-ʻAlī … (5)
  990. Birkenshaw, J.C. (2)
  991. Birks, Thomas Rawson, 181 … (1)
  992. Birley, A. R (2)
  993. Bishop, Giles (2)
  994. Black, Charles, 1807-1854 (1)
  995. Black, George Fraser, 186 … (1)
  996. Black, Joseph (2)
  997. Black, Matthew, 1908-1994 (5)
  998. Black, Robert (1)
  999. Blackmore, Josiah Thomas … (1)
  1000. Blackwell Family (1)
  1001. Blackwell, Ebenezer (1)
  1002. Blackwell, Ebenzer (3)
  1003. Blackwell, Elizabeth (1)
  1004. Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673 (7)
  1005. Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1 … (1)
  1006. Blagbrough, S. (1)
  1007. Blair, E. (1)
  1008. Blair, Robert, 1699-1746 (4)
  1009. Blake, E. O (1)
  1010. Blake, N. F (2)
  1011. Blake, W. (1)
  1012. Blake, William, 1757-18 … (221)
  1013. Blake, William, 1757-1836 (3)
  1014. Blamires, David. (6)
  1015. Blanc, Louis, 1811-1882 (11)
  1016. Bland, F.C. Earl, 1855-19 … (2)
  1017. Bland, Nathaniel, 1803-18 … (1)
  1018. Blandford, Edward F. (2)
  1019. Blanes, S. (1)
  1020. Blanford, W. T. (William … (1)
  1021. Blankaart, Stephan, 1650- … (1)
  1022. Blanshard, Thomas, 1774-1 … (1)
  1023. Blasius, Gerardus Leonard … (1)
  1024. Bles, Herri met de, appro … (1)
  1025. Bloch, Jean-Richard, 1884 … (1)
  1026. Bloch, Marc Éliéser (1)
  1027. Blocklandt, Anthonie, app … (1)
  1028. Bloemaert, Abraham, 1564- … (1)
  1029. Blom, Eric Walter, 1888-1 … (1)
  1030. Blome, Richard, -1705 (3)
  1031. Blood, E. M. (1)
  1032. Blood, T (1)
  1033. Bloom, Edward. A (1)
  1034. Bloom, Lillian. D. (1)
  1035. Blosset, Dorothy (31)
  1036. Blosset, Miss (1)
  1037. Blount, Edward (1)
  1038. Blower, Benjamin (1)
  1039. Blue Wings (1)
  1040. Blyth, W. A. (1)
  1041. Boaistuau, Pierre, -1566 (1)
  1042. Boardman, George Augustus … (1)
  1043. Boardman, Richard, 1738-1 … (1)
  1044. Bobadilla, Garcia (2)
  1045. Bobbin, Tim, 1708-1786 (3)
  1046. Boccaccio, Giovanni, 13 … (925)
  1047. Bocchi, Francesca. (1)
  1048. Bock, Friedrich. (1)
  1049. Bocking, Thomas (1)
  1050. Boddy, J.H. (1)
  1051. Bode, W. (1)
  1052. Bodmer, Johann Jakob, 161 … (1)
  1053. Body, S. (1)
  1054. Boeck, Carl Leopold, 1803 … (1)
  1055. Boethius (1)
  1056. Boethius, -524 (8)
  1057. Bogdanow, Fanni. (2)
  1058. Bogle, Angela (1)
  1059. Bohemond I, Prince of Ant … (1)
  1060. Bohler, Peter, 1712-1775 (1)
  1061. Boisset, Joseph Antoine d … (1)
  1062. Boitard, Francois, approx … (1)
  1063. Boldieri family (1)
  1064. Bollifant, Edmund, -1602 (2)
  1065. Bolton, Charles (9)
  1066. Bolton, James (2)
  1067. Bona, Teofilo, active 149 … (2)
  1068. Bonar, James, 1757-1821 (1)
  1069. Bonasone, Giulio, approxi … (2)
  1070. Bonaventure, Saint, Car … (238)
  1071. Bond, Sampson (1)
  1072. Bondinus, Alexander, act … (15)
  1073. Bondon, Jules (1)
  1074. Bone James, 1872-1962 (10)
  1075. Bone, James, 1872-1962 (9)
  1076. Bonet, Juan Pablo, 1579-1 … (1)
  1077. Bonfadino, Giovanni Batti … (3)
  1078. Bonham, Thomas (1)
  1079. Bonham, William, -1557 (2)
  1080. Boniface I, Pope, -422 (2)
  1081. Boniface II, Pope, -532 (1)
  1082. Boniface V, Pope, -625 (1)
  1083. Boniface VII, Antipope, - … (1)
  1084. Boniface VIII, Pope, -130 … (7)
  1085. Boniface, IV, Pope, -615 (1)
  1086. Bonini, Bonino, approxi … (639)
  1087. Bonisoli, Ognibene, appro … (7)
  1088. Bonnefons, Nicolas de (2)
  1089. Bonner, Edmund, 1500?-156 … (1)
  1090. Bonner, G.W. (1)
  1091. Bono, Floriano del, 1599- … (1)
  1092. Bonpland, Aimé 1773-1858 (1)
  1093. Bonte, Gregorius de, acti … (6)
  1094. Bontoft, William, active … (1)
  1095. Boobyer, George. H. (2)
  1096. Booker, John, 1820?-1895 (1)
  1097. Boole, George (4)
  1098. Boot, W. H. J. (1)
  1099. Booth, Albert Edward,1860 … (3)
  1100. Booth, Catherine Mumford, … (1)
  1101. Booth, Catherine Mumford, … (1)
  1102. Booth, Edward, 1840-1890 (1)
  1103. Booth, General, William, … (8)
  1104. Booth, George, Earl of Wa … (2)
  1105. Booth, John, 1845-1926 (1)
  1106. Booth, Paul. Anthony (1)
  1107. Booth, William, 1829-1912 (6)
  1108. Boppenhausen, Johann, 166 … (1)
  1109. Borcht, Hendrick van der, … (1)
  1110. Bordeaux (France) Commiss … (1)
  1111. Bordon, Benedetto, 1450- … (10)
  1112. Bordone, Paris, 1500-1571 (1)
  1113. Borgia (Family:, active 1 … (1)
  1114. Borie, Jean, 1756-1828 (1)
  1115. Borlase, William, 1695-17 … (1)
  1116. Bosanquet, Mary, 1739-181 … (1)
  1117. Boscawen, Frances Evelyn (13)
  1118. Bosch, Hieronymus, -1516 (1)
  1119. Boswell, James (1)
  1120. Boswell, James, 1740-1795 (1)
  1121. Boswells, Miss (1)
  1122. Bosworth, C. E (7)
  1123. Botticelli, Sandro, 1444 … (21)
  1124. Boucher, Adolphe Augustus … (6)
  1125. Bouchotte, J. (Jean), 175 … (1)
  1126. Boulanger, Louis (1)
  1127. Boulger, George Simonds, … (1)
  1128. Bourges (France). Tribuna … (1)
  1129. Bourman, Nicholas (1)
  1130. Bourne, Hugh, 1772-1852 (2)
  1131. Bourne, James, 1773-1854 (1)
  1132. Bouts, Dieric, 1415-1475 (1)
  1133. Bowden, B. Vivian (1)
  1134. Bowden, E. S. (1)
  1135. Bowden, M. (1)
  1136. Bowen, Emanuel, 1693 or 1 … (9)
  1137. Bowett, D. W. (1)
  1138. Bowie, Eleonia (1)
  1139. Bowles, Thomas Gibson, 18 … (4)
  1140. Bowman, Alan. K (1)
  1141. Bowman, John. (2)
  1142. Bowring, John, 1792-1872 (1)
  1143. Bowring, John, Sir (16)
  1144. Bowyer, William, 1663-173 … (9)
  1145. Bowyer, William, 1699-177 … (1)
  1146. Boyarin, Daniel. (1)
  1147. Boyce, Gilbert (1)
  1148. Boydell, John, 1719-1804 (6)
  1149. Boyle, J. A (1)
  1150. Boyle, John. Andrew (1)
  1151. Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691 (2)
  1152. Boyvin, René, 1525 - 1598 (2)
  1153. Bracciolini, Poggio 1380- … (4)
  1154. Bracciolini, Poggio, 1380 … (2)
  1155. Brackenbury, Alison, 1953 … (1)
  1156. Bradbury & Evans (1)
  1157. Braden, Amelia (1)
  1158. Bradford, William, 1779 o … (5)
  1159. Bradley, Alice (1)
  1160. Bradley, S. Messenger (Sa … (1)
  1161. Bradshaw & Blacklock (7)
  1162. Bradshaw, George, 1801-1 … (13)
  1163. Bradshaw, John (1)
  1164. Brady, Antonio, 1811-1881 (1)
  1165. Brady, David. (1)
  1166. Brady, Nicholas, 1659-172 … (1)
  1167. Brain, E. (1)
  1168. Braithwaite, Christopher … (1)
  1169. Bramhall & Menzies (9)
  1170. Bramhall and Menzies (2)
  1171. Bramwell, William, 1759-1 … (1)
  1172. Brander, Casimir Evald Wi … (1)
  1173. Brandon, S. G F (3)
  1174. Brandreth, Mary, 1803-187 … (1)
  1175. Branson, Jan. Miller (1)
  1176. Brant, Sebastian, 1458-15 … (7)
  1177. Branthwaite, K. (6)
  1178. Branthwaite, M. & R. (1)
  1179. Brassey, Thomas Brassey, … (1)
  1180. Braun, Georg, 1540 or 154 … (1)
  1181. Braun, Max (1)
  1182. Bray, Jennifer. R (1)
  1183. Bray, John (1)
  1184. Bray, Salomon de, 1597-16 … (1)
  1185. Bray, William, 1794-1868 (1)
  1186. Brătianu, Ion C., 1821-1 … (1)
  1187. Brees, S. C. (Samuel Char … (1)
  1188. Breitscheid, Rudolf, 1874 … (1)
  1189. Bremer, Fredrika, 1801-18 … (1)
  1190. Brend, Arthur (3)
  1191. Brennan, Hugh G. (4)
  1192. Brereton, William, Sir, … (36)
  1193. Brethren's Society for th … (1)
  1194. Breton, M. (Jean Baptiste … (2)
  1195. Brett, John, 1831-1902 (1)
  1196. Brewer, H. W. (1)
  1197. Brewer, Henry William, 18 … (2)
  1198. Brewer, Thomas, 1611-appr … (1)
  1199. Brewster, Edward, -1647 (1)
  1200. Breydenbach, Bernhard von … (3)
  1201. Brice, W. C (2)
  1202. Brice, William. C (1)
  1203. Bridge, J.E.E. (1)
  1204. Bridgeman, Robert (1)
  1205. Bridges, John, 1666-1724 (2)
  1206. Bridget, of Sweden, Saint … (5)
  1207. Bridget, of Sweden, Saint … (4)
  1208. Bridgewater, Francis Henr … (1)
  1209. Brierley, James (1)
  1210. Briggs, A.E. (1)
  1211. Briggs, William (5)
  1212. Bright, Jacob, 1821-1899 (1)
  1213. Bright, Richard, 1789-185 … (1)
  1214. Brigstocke, Hugh. (2)
  1215. Bril, Paul, 1554-1626 (1)
  1216. Brinkley, F., Captain (12)
  1217. Brinsley, John, active 15 … (5)
  1218. Brisco, Thomas, -1798 (1)
  1219. Briscoe, John. (1)
  1220. Bristow, Elizabeth (1)
  1221. Britanicus, Angelus (1)
  1222. Britannico, Giovanni, act … (3)
  1223. British Council (30)
  1224. British Council [?] (1)
  1225. British India Steam Navig … (1)
  1226. British Library (1)
  1227. British Medical Associati … (2)
  1228. Brittle, Jeremiah (3)
  1229. Broadbent, Edmund Hamer, … (3)
  1230. Brocar, Juan de, active 1 … (2)
  1231. Brocheton, Charles-Fabio, … (1)
  1232. Brock, S. P (2)
  1233. Brockedon, William (2)
  1234. Brockington, Colin Fraser … (3)
  1235. Brockman, James (7)
  1236. Brode, John (391)
  1237. Brodie, Alexander (1)
  1238. Broeck, Crispin van den, … (1)
  1239. Brognolus, Benedictus (2)
  1240. Bromley, William, 1769-18 … (1)
  1241. Brontë, Emily, 1818-1848 (1)
  1242. Brontë, Charlotte, 1816- … (20)
  1243. Brontë, Patrick, 1777-186 … (4)
  1244. Brook, G. L (4)
  1245. Brooke, C. N L (1)
  1246. Brooke, Henry (11)
  1247. Brooke, Ralph (3)
  1248. Brooke, Ralph, 1553-1625 (2)
  1249. Brooke, Robert, 1744-1811 (1)
  1250. Brookes, Warwick (5)
  1251. Brooks and Doxey Ltd (11)
  1252. Brothers, Alfred, 1826 - … (1)
  1253. Brothers, Richard, 1757-1 … (1)
  1254. Brothers,A (1)
  1255. Brougham and Vaux, Henry … (2)
  1256. Brougham and Vaux, Henry … (1)
  1257. Broughton, Thomas (2)
  1258. Brown, Barns & Bell (1)
  1259. Brown, George Hardin (2)
  1260. Brown, Henry Box, 1815 or … (1)
  1261. Brown, J. R. (1)
  1262. Brown, Louise. Fargo (1)
  1263. Brown, Mather, 1761-1831 (2)
  1264. Brown, Penny. (1)
  1265. Browne, Hablot Knight, 18 … (8)
  1266. Browne, Hablôt K. ( Phiz" … (2)
  1267. Browne, John, 1642-approx … (8)
  1268. Browne, L. E (1)
  1269. Browne, Paul, 1642-1700 (3)
  1270. Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605 … (8)
  1271. Browne, William (3)
  1272. Browning, Elizabeth Barre … (1)
  1273. Brownley, M. W (1)
  1274. Bruce, F. F (29)
  1275. Bruce, James, 1730-1794 (1)
  1276. Bruce, John Wyndham, 1809 … (1)
  1277. Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786 … (1)
  1278. Bruegel, Pieter, approxim … (1)
  1279. Brumby, James (1)
  1280. Brumby, Thomas Oxley, 180 … (1)
  1281. Brumen, Thomas, 1532-1588 (5)
  1282. Brune, Guillaume-Marie-An … (1)
  1283. Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, … (2)
  1284. Bruni, Leonardo, 1369-14 … (18)
  1285. Brunner, Johann (3)
  1286. Bruno, Gabriello, active … (5)
  1287. Bruno, Giordano, 1548-1 … (207)
  1288. Brunoff, M. (80)
  1289. Brunschwig, Hieronymus, a … (1)
  1290. Brusasorci, Domenico, app … (1)
  1291. Brushing Against (1)
  1292. Bruton, F A (1)
  1293. Bruton, F. A. (Francis Ar … (2)
  1294. Brutus the Trojan (Legen … (19)
  1295. Brutus, Jacobus (1)
  1296. Bruyéres, Monsieur (3)
  1297. Bry, Johann Israel de, -1 … (7)
  1298. Bry, Johann Theodor de, … (10)
  1299. Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1 … (6)
  1300. Bry, Johann Theodor, 1561 … (1)
  1301. Bry, Theodor de, 1528-159 … (5)
  1302. Bryans, William, active … (26)
  1303. Bryant, A., active 1822-1 … (6)
  1304. Bryant, Jacob, 1715-1804 (9)
  1305. Bryant, Robert J. (1)
  1306. Bryant, William Cullen, 1 … (5)
  1307. Bryson, H. P. (1)
  1308. Bubalus (2)
  1309. Buccus, S. (1)
  1310. Buchan, Alexander, 1829-1 … (6)
  1311. Buchan, Charles, 1891-196 … (1)
  1312. Buchanan, Francis (1)
  1313. Buck, George Watson (2)
  1314. Buck, Thomas (1)
  1315. Bucke, Richard (1)
  1316. Bucke, Richard Maurice, 1 … (1)
  1317. Buckingham, Edward Staffo … (2)
  1318. Buckingham, Humphrey Staf … (2)
  1319. Buckland, William, 1784-1 … (1)
  1320. Buckle, D. P (3)
  1321. Buckley, F. (1)
  1322. Buckley, Francis. (1)
  1323. Buckley, Henry, active184 … (1)
  1324. Buckley, James (1)
  1325. Buckley, Richard (1)
  1326. Buckley, Samuel (1)
  1327. Buckley, T. E. (Thomas Ed … (1)
  1328. Buddha (2)
  1329. Buffalo Bill, 1846-1917 (5)
  1330. Buffon, Georges Louis Lec … (1)
  1331. Bukhārī, Muḥammad (1)
  1332. Bulduji (1)
  1333. Bull, Geoffrey Taylor, 1 … (14)
  1334. Bullock, John (1)
  1335. Buloz, François, 1804-187 … (1)
  1336. Bunbury, Henry William, 1 … (1)
  1337. Bunbury, Thomas Charles, … (1)
  1338. Bunney, J. W. (John Wharl … (1)
  1339. Bunting, Jabez (1)
  1340. Bunting, Jabez, 1779-1858 (2)
  1341. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688 (20)
  1342. Buon, Nicolas, -1628 (7)
  1343. Burbidge, W. (1)
  1344. Burbidge, William (3)
  1345. Burd, Van. Akin (1)
  1346. Burdette, Peter Perez, 17 … (4)
  1347. Burges, Cornelius, 1589?- … (1)
  1348. Burgess, Jonah, -1722 (1)
  1349. Burgh, Benedict (55)
  1350. Burghers, Michael, 1647 o … (3)
  1351. Burgkmair ? (2)
  1352. Burgkmair, Hans (1)
  1353. Burgkmair, Hans, 1473 -15 … (3)
  1354. Burke, John M., -1917 (2)
  1355. Burkitt, Francis Crawford … (1)
  1356. Burland, C. A. (Cottie Ar … (1)
  1357. Burland, Cottie Arthur, 1 … (1)
  1358. Burn Murdoch, William Gor … (1)
  1359. Burnaby, Fred (1)
  1360. Burne-Jones, Edward Cole … (10)
  1361. Burnet, George (1)
  1362. Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-171 … (1)
  1363. Burnett, William (1)
  1364. Burney, Fanny, 1752-1840 (3)
  1365. Burney, Frances (1)
  1366. Burnim, Kalman. A (1)
  1367. Burns, Robert, 1759-1796 (11)
  1368. Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599 … (4)
  1369. Burrows, Herbert (1)
  1370. Burstall, Sara Annie, 185 … (1)
  1371. Burton, Frederic William … (66)
  1372. Burton, H. B. (2)
  1373. Burton, John, 1710-1771 (18)
  1374. Burton, Richard Francis, … (1)
  1375. Burton, W.F. (1)
  1376. Bury, T. T. (Thomas Talbo … (1)
  1377. Bury, T.T. (2)
  1378. Bury, Thomas Talbot (2)
  1379. Busby, Matt, 1909-1994 (1)
  1380. Bush, Michael L (1)
  1381. Bush, Michael. L (1)
  1382. Busquet, Alfred, 1819-188 … (1)
  1383. Buss, R. W. (2)
  1384. Bussby, F. (2)
  1385. Busse, W. G (1)
  1386. Bussi, Giovanni Andrea, … (63)
  1387. Butcher, Elizabeth (1)
  1388. Butcher, F. (1)
  1389. Butcher, John (1)
  1390. Butcher, Maria. (1)
  1391. Butcher, Peter (1)
  1392. Butler (1)
  1393. Butler, Austin (1)
  1394. Butler, Eleanor, approxi … (22)
  1395. Butler, Elizabeth (4)
  1396. Butler, James (8)
  1397. Butler, W. (1)
  1398. Butterworth, Joseph Edwar … (1)
  1399. Butterworth, Joseph, 1770 … (3)
  1400. Button, George, 1754-1822 (1)
  1401. Butts, Thomas (4)
  1402. Buturlin, S. A. (Sergeĭ … (2)
  1403. Butzbach, Paulus, active … (3)
  1404. Buxton, Charles Roden, 18 … (1)
  1405. Buxton, Richard, 1786-18 … (12)
  1406. Byng, John, Sir, 1772-186 … (1)
  1407. Bynneman, Henry, -1583 (14)
  1408. Byrom, John (1)
  1409. Byrom, Phebe (2)
  1410. Byron, George Gordon Byr … (13)
  1411. Bâkî (1526-1600) (1)
  1412. Bérardi, Jean Baptiste Au … (1)
  1413. Bünting, Heinrich, 1545-1 … (1)
  1414. Bāyazīd (5)
  1415. C. Wheeler and Son (1)
  1416. C.A. Duval & Co. (4)
  1417. Cabot, Sebastian, approxi … (1)
  1418. Cacchi, Giuseppe, active … (2)
  1419. Cadell, Thomas, 1773-183 … (30)
  1420. Cadman, Thomas, active 15 … (1)
  1421. Cadmus (Greek mythology) (4)
  1422. Cadoux, Cecil John, 1883- … (1)
  1423. Cadroy, Paul, 1751-1813 (1)
  1424. Cadwaladr, Vendigaid, -66 … (5)
  1425. Caesar, Gaius Julius (1)
  1426. Caesar, Julius (39)
  1427. Caffarelli, Charles Ambro … (1)
  1428. Cahuac, John (1)
  1429. Caiaphas, High priest, 1s … (7)
  1430. Cailleux, Achille-Alexand … (1)
  1431. Cain (Biblical figure) (1)
  1432. Caird, G. B (1)
  1433. Calah, James (1)
  1434. Calamaris, Nicolas, 1907- … (2)
  1435. Calamel, Camille (1)
  1436. Calcar, Jan (1)
  1437. Calcar, Jan Stephan van, … (5)
  1438. Caldecott, Randolph (1)
  1439. Caldecott, Thomas (1)
  1440. Calder, William Moir Cald … (1)
  1441. Calderino, Domizio, 1447- … (1)
  1442. Caldesi (2)
  1443. Caldesi, Blandford & Co. (1)
  1444. Caldesi, Signori (3)
  1445. Caldwell, Charles (1)
  1446. Caldwell, James, Sir, -1 … (17)
  1447. Caldwell, John (2)
  1448. Caley, Ada L. (1)
  1449. Calfurnio, Giovanni, -150 … (1)
  1450. Caligula, Emperor of Rome … (1)
  1451. Callaway, John, -1841 (1)
  1452. Callcott, Maria, Lady, 17 … (1)
  1453. Callender, Michael (1)
  1454. Calligan, William (1)
  1455. Callistus I, Pope, -appro … (1)
  1456. Callistus II, Pope, -1124 (2)
  1457. Calman, Mel, 1931-1994 (1)
  1458. Calvert, Charles, 1828-1 … (32)
  1459. Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564 (5)
  1460. Camden, William, 1551-162 … (2)
  1461. Camerini, Eugenio, 1811-1 … (3)
  1462. Cameron, Julia Margaret, … (2)
  1463. Cameron, William Bleasdel … (1)
  1464. Camillo, Giulio, approxi … (19)
  1465. Campano, Giannantonio, Bi … (4)
  1466. Campbell, Colen, 1676-172 … (1)
  1467. Campbell, D.M. (1)
  1468. Campbell, Elizabeth, Duch … (1)
  1469. Campbell, Fiona (1)
  1470. Camper, Petrus, 1722-1789 (2)
  1471. Camplo, Jacobus de, -1424 (1)
  1472. Camus, Armand-Gaston, 174 … (1)
  1473. Canappe, Jean, 1538-1552 (10)
  1474. Cancellar, James (1)
  1475. Candale, François de Foi … (1)
  1476. Canner, C. J (1)
  1477. Canozi, Lorenzo, 1425-147 … (1)
  1478. Canute I, King of Englan … (19)
  1479. Capcasa, Matteo (5)
  1480. Capito, son of Tasouchar … (1)
  1481. Capon, Lester (2)
  1482. Capper, M.A. (1)
  1483. Cara, Pietro, approximate … (2)
  1484. Caradoc, of Llancarvan, - … (1)
  1485. Caradonna, Laura (6)
  1486. Caraglio, Jacopo, 1505-15 … (6)
  1487. Carbone, Ludovico, 1430?- … (2)
  1488. Cardus, Neville, 1888-19 … (13)
  1489. Cardus, Neville, 1889-197 … (9)
  1490. Cardwell Hill, H. (1)
  1491. Carey, William, 1761-1834 (1)
  1492. Carlile, Richard, 1790-18 … (2)
  1493. Carlill, Thomas, -1801 (1)
  1494. Carlisle, Frederick Howar … (3)
  1495. Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-188 … (3)
  1496. Carmichael, Charlotte (1)
  1497. Carmichael, John (1)
  1498. Carnelley, William, 1823- … (2)
  1499. Carnerius, Augustinus, 14 … (1)
  1500. Carnerius, Augustinus, ac … (2)
  1501. Carney, Edward. (1)
  1502. Carpaccio, Vittore, 1455? … (1)
  1503. Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1 … (6)
  1504. Carpenter, James, 1840-18 … (6)
  1505. Carpenter, Lant, 1780-184 … (1)
  1506. Carpenter, Mary, 1807-187 … (1)
  1507. Carpenter, William Benjam … (4)
  1508. Carr, Alice Vansittart St … (1)
  1509. Carr, John, Sir, 1772-183 … (1)
  1510. Carr, Stanley (11)
  1511. Carracci, Annibale (1560- … (1)
  1512. Carracci, Annibale, 1560- … (1)
  1513. Carrette, Jeremy (1)
  1514. Carrick, Brockbank & Wils … (3)
  1515. Carrick, Somerset Arthur … (1)
  1516. Carroll, K. L (1)
  1517. Carroll, Kenneth. L (4)
  1518. Carruthers, Annette. (1)
  1519. Carruthers, John (1)
  1520. Cart, Eliza (1)
  1521. Carter, Elizabeth, 1717-1 … (1)
  1522. Carter, Joseph (1)
  1523. Carter, R. (1)
  1524. Carter, William, 1580?-15 … (2)
  1525. Cartier, Jacques, 1491-15 … (1)
  1526. Cartwright, James (1)
  1527. Cartwright, R. (Richard), … (1)
  1528. Carus, Emperor of Rome (1)
  1529. Carvajal, Bernardino de, … (2)
  1530. Cary, Henry Francis, 1772 … (1)
  1531. Cary, John, approximately … (1)
  1532. Casas, Bartolomé de las, … (1)
  1533. Case, Clara A. (1)
  1534. Case, H.W. (2)
  1535. Casement, Roger, 1864-191 … (2)
  1536. Casoni, Guido, 1561-1642 (1)
  1537. Cassandra (Legendary cha … (14)
  1538. Cassano, Luigi Cassano Se … (1)
  1539. Cassell, Petter & Galpin (1)
  1540. Cassian, John, approximat … (2)
  1541. Cassidy, John (1)
  1542. Cassidy, John, 1860-1939 (27)
  1543. Cassiodorus (4)
  1544. Castaldi, Pamfilo, active … (2)
  1545. Castellensis, Robertus (16)
  1546. Castelli, Bartolomeo, act … (2)
  1547. Castiglione, Baldassarre, … (6)
  1548. Catchpole, David. R (3)
  1549. Catesby, Robert, 1573-160 … (1)
  1550. Cathcart, Archibald Hamil … (1)
  1551. Cathcart, Archibald Hamil … (9)
  1552. Cathcart, Charles Schaw C … (3)
  1553. Cathcart, E. (1)
  1554. Cathcart, Jean, Lady, 172 … (7)
  1555. Cathcart, William Schaw C … (6)
  1556. Catherine de Médicis, Qu … (1)
  1557. Catherine, of Aragon, Que … (5)
  1558. Catherine, of Valois, Que … (2)
  1559. Catholic Church (95)
  1560. Catholic Church. Commissa … (2)
  1561. Catholic Church. Commissa … (6)
  1562. Catholic Church. Pope (14 … (2)
  1563. Catholic Church. Pope (14 … (4)
  1564. Catholic Church. Pope (15 … (2)
  1565. Catholic Church. Rota Rom … (1)
  1566. Cathrall and Beresford (1)
  1567. Catlin, George, 1796-1872 (4)
  1568. Cato, Marcus Porcius, 234 … (5)
  1569. Cattermole, George, 1800- … (8)
  1570. Cavalari, John, active 15 … (1)
  1571. Cavalca, Domenico, -1342 (1)
  1572. Cavalcatus, Bartholomeo (1)
  1573. Cave, William, 1637-1713 (4)
  1574. Cavendish, Henry, 1731-18 … (1)
  1575. Cavill, Paul. (1)
  1576. Cawley, James (1)
  1577. Caxton, Marshall, Reveren … (4)
  1578. Caxton, William, approxi … (61)
  1579. Cecco, d'Ascoli, 1269-132 … (1)
  1580. Cecilia Margareta Mostyn, … (1)
  1581. Celestine I, Pope, -432 (1)
  1582. Celestine II, Pope, -1144 (2)
  1583. Celestine IV, Pope, -1241 (1)
  1584. Celestine V, Pope, 1215-1 … (2)
  1585. Celsus, Aulus Cornelius (2)
  1586. Celtis, Konrad, 1459-1508 (4)
  1587. Cennick, John, 1718-1755 (3)
  1588. Censorinus (1)
  1589. Cervetto, Giacobbe, 1682- … (1)
  1590. Cesari, Giuseppe, 1568-16 … (1)
  1591. Chadwick, H. (1)
  1592. Chadwick, Henry. (1)
  1593. Chaeremon (2)
  1594. Chairemon (exegetes) (2)
  1595. Chairemon, son of Akousil … (2)
  1596. Chairemon, son of Moschas … (1)
  1597. Chalier, Joseph, 1747-179 … (1)
  1598. Challamel, Augustin, 1818 … (1)
  1599. Challinor, P. J (1)
  1600. Chalmers, T. W. (1)
  1601. Chaloner, William (2)
  1602. Chaloner, William Henry, … (4)
  1603. Chamberlain, Austen, Sir, … (1)
  1604. Chamberlain, Neville, 186 … (2)
  1605. Chambers, Catherine, 1732 … (1)
  1606. Champeneys, Antony (2)
  1607. Champlain, Samuel de, 157 … (1)
  1608. Champneys, Basil, 1842- … (142)
  1609. Chan Kaur, Guba (1)
  1610. Chandler, Margaret (1)
  1611. Chandrabhan Barahman, -16 … (5)
  1612. Chaney, Edward Frank (4)
  1613. Chantrey, Francis, Sir, 1 … (2)
  1614. Chapman, Ann (5)
  1615. Chapman, Christopher, -17 … (2)
  1616. Chapman, James G. (3)
  1617. Chapman, Josiah Thomas (1)
  1618. Chapman, Robert Cleaver, … (2)
  1619. Chapman, S. (1)
  1620. Chapone, Hester (2)
  1621. Chapone, Sarah (1)
  1622. Chapple, J. A V (1)
  1623. Charente (France). Admini … (2)
  1624. Charenton, France (Canton … (1)
  1625. Charge-Close-To-Lodge (1)
  1626. Charlemagne, Emperor, 742 … (2)
  1627. Charles I, King of Engla … (32)
  1628. Charles II, King of Engla … (1)
  1629. Charles II, King of Franc … (3)
  1630. Charles II, King of Great … (9)
  1631. Charles III, King of Fran … (1)
  1632. Charles IV, King of Franc … (1)
  1633. Charles Martel, approxima … (2)
  1634. Charles V, King of France … (1)
  1635. Charles VI, King of Franc … (2)
  1636. Charles Wesley (1)
  1637. Charles X, King of France … (1)
  1638. Charles, le Gros, Emperor … (1)
  1639. Charlesworth, James. H (1)
  1640. Charlotte Augusta, Prince … (1)
  1641. Charlotte, Queen, Consor … (12)
  1642. Charlotte, Queen, Consor … (27)
  1643. Charlotte, Queen, Consort … (1)
  1644. Charlotte, Queen, conso … (115)
  1645. Charlton, Henry Buckley, … (21)
  1646. Charlton, J. (2)
  1647. Charlton, John (1)
  1648. Charpentier, Gervais, 180 … (1)
  1649. Charrier, Baron de (1)
  1650. Charters, Arthur (2)
  1651. Charters, Tillie (2)
  1652. Chartier, Alain, active … (18)
  1653. Chaucer, Geoffrey, -14 … (1109)
  1654. Chaucer, Geoffrey, -1400. … (1)
  1655. Chaudron-Rousseau, Guilla … (2)
  1656. Chavasse, Ruth. (1)
  1657. Chaworth, Mary Ann, 1785- … (2)
  1658. Chaworth, Mary Ann, 1786- … (1)
  1659. Chaworth, Mary Ann, 1786- … (1)
  1660. Chaytor, Henry. John (1)
  1661. Chazal, Antoine, 1793-185 … (3)
  1662. Châteauneuf-Randon, Alex … (1)
  1663. Checkland, P. B (1)
  1664. Chelmsford, Frederick The … (1)
  1665. Cheney, Christopher Rober … (7)
  1666. Cheney, Christopher Rober … (1)
  1667. Cherrington, Ernest Hurst … (6)
  1668. Cheselden, William, 1688- … (9)
  1669. Chesson, Amelia Ann Evera … (1)
  1670. Chesson, F. W. (Frederic … (18)
  1671. Chester, J. D. (1)
  1672. Chesworth, David (1)
  1673. Chetham, James (2)
  1674. Cheveley, Louisa (20)
  1675. Chiabrera, Gabriello, 155 … (1)
  1676. Chiari, Petro (1)
  1677. Chicken, Edward, 1698-174 … (2)
  1678. Chief One Eye of the Apac … (1)
  1679. Childéric I, King of th … (1)
  1680. Chinnock, Goldsworthy & C … (1)
  1681. Chisholm, Catherine, 1878 … (4)
  1682. Chisholm, Louey (10)
  1683. Chopin, Isabelle (1)
  1684. Chorley & Pickersgill Ltd … (1)
  1685. Christaller, J. G. (Joha … (10)
  1686. Christian van den Queborn … (1)
  1687. Christianus Prolianus (166)
  1688. Christie, Richard Copley, … (2)
  1689. Christine, de Pisan, appr … (1)
  1690. Christine, of Lorraine, G … (3)
  1691. Christopher, McAdam, act … (10)
  1692. Christopher, Saint (1)
  1693. Christophorus, Beyamus, a … (1)
  1694. Church of England (21)
  1695. Churchey, Walter (3)
  1696. Churchill, Winston, 1871- … (2)
  1697. Churchill, Winston, 1874- … (4)
  1698. Cicero (4)
  1699. Cicero, Marcus Tullius (64)
  1700. Cicero, Quintus Tullius (7)
  1701. Circe (Greek mythology) (5)
  1702. Circourt, Count Adolphe d … (1)
  1703. City Life (2)
  1704. City of Manchester (2)
  1705. City of Manchester. (1)
  1706. Clagett, Mrs. (1)
  1707. Clapperton, Hugh, 1788-18 … (1)
  1708. Clapton, H. (1)
  1709. Clare, John, 1793-1864 (2)
  1710. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, … (18)
  1711. Claridge, Richard, 1649-1 … (1)
  1712. Clark, C. (22)
  1713. Clark, Joseph, 1834-1926 (1)
  1714. Clark, K. W (1)
  1715. Clark, Mary, active 1677- … (1)
  1716. Clark, W. (1)
  1717. Clark, William (4)
  1718. Clark, William Jared, 185 … (1)
  1719. Clarke, Adam, approximat … (12)
  1720. Clarke, Alf, -1958 (1)
  1721. Clarke, Anna Maria (21)
  1722. Clarke, Caterina (4)
  1723. Clarke, Edward H. (Edward … (1)
  1724. Clarke, Gillian, 1937- (2)
  1725. Clarke, M. V (2)
  1726. Clarke, Mr., of Deansgate (1)
  1727. Clarke, Robert George (1)
  1728. Clarke, Ronald A. (1)
  1729. Clarke, W.B. (11)
  1730. Clarke, Walter H. (1)
  1731. Claudet, Antoine, 1797 - … (1)
  1732. Claudius, Emperor of Rome … (5)
  1733. Claudius, II, Emperor of … (2)
  1734. Clavell, Robert, d. 1711 (3)
  1735. Claxton, Marshall, 1813-1 … (2)
  1736. Clay, Charles (1)
  1737. Clay, Charles, 1801-1893 (1)
  1738. Clay, Richard, 1789-1877 (1)
  1739. Clayton, Dorothy J (8)
  1740. Clayton, Dorothy. J (254)
  1741. Clayton, Louisa (2)
  1742. Cleaver, Reginald (3)
  1743. Clegg, Jeanne. (1)
  1744. Clegg, William (1)
  1745. Clemas, T. R. (1)
  1746. Clement I, Pope (1)
  1747. Clement III, Pope, -1191 (1)
  1748. Clement IV, Pope, -1268 (1)
  1749. Clement V, Pope, approxim … (9)
  1750. Clement VI, Pope, approxi … (2)
  1751. Clement X, Pope, 1590-167 … (1)
  1752. Clementi, Dione. R (1)
  1753. Clements, Jeff (1)
  1754. Clerk, T. (Thomas) (1)
  1755. Cleve, Hendrick van, III, … (1)
  1756. Cleve, Joos van, -approxi … (1)
  1757. Clifford, Hugh Charles, S … (4)
  1758. Clifford, James Lowry, 19 … (4)
  1759. Clifford, William Kingdon … (1)
  1760. Clifton Grannum, R. (1)
  1761. Clifton, A. N. (1)
  1762. Clint, George (3)
  1763. Clinton, Henry, Sir, 1738 … (2)
  1764. Clotaire I, King of the F … (1)
  1765. Clotaire II, King of the … (1)
  1766. Clouet, Albert, 1636-1679 (1)
  1767. Clough, C. H (1)
  1768. Clough, Cecil. H (2)
  1769. Clovio, Giulio, 1498-1578 (1)
  1770. Clovis, King of the Frank … (1)
  1771. Clowes, W. (8)
  1772. Club des Cordeliers (1)
  1773. Cluff, Samuel O'Malley, 1 … (6)
  1774. Clulow, John, -1830 (1)
  1775. Clyde, James, active 1815 … (2)
  1776. Clytemnestra (Greek mytho … (6)
  1777. Coakley, J. F (3)
  1778. Cobban, Alan B (1)
  1779. Cobban, Alan. B (5)
  1780. Cobbe, Benjamin (1)
  1781. Cobbe, Frances Power, 18 … (12)
  1782. Cobbold, T. Spencer (Thom … (1)
  1783. Cobden, Richard, 1804-18 … (11)
  1784. Cochran, J. (1)
  1785. Cochran, John, active 182 … (2)
  1786. Cock, Mathys, approximate … (1)
  1787. Cockerell, Charles Robert … (2)
  1788. Cockerell, Douglas (1)
  1789. Cockerell, Douglas & Son (5)
  1790. Cockerell, Douglas, 1870- … (4)
  1791. Codell, Julie. F (1)
  1792. Codman, John, 1814-1900 (4)
  1793. Codrington, K. de B (1)
  1794. Cody, Louisa Frederici, … (20)
  1795. Cody, William Frederick, … (99)
  1796. Coe, Jim (1)
  1797. Coecke van Aelst, Pieter, … (1)
  1798. Cogan, Thomas, 1545-1607 (2)
  1799. Cohen, Helen T. (1)
  1800. Cohen, John. (1)
  1801. Coke, Thomas, 1747-1814 (16)
  1802. Colbeck, Thomas, 1723-177 … (2)
  1803. Cole, B. (Benjamin) (1)
  1804. Cole, Henry, 1500?-1580 (1)
  1805. Cole, Melanie. A. (1)
  1806. Coleman, Charles, approxi … (9)
  1807. Coleman, Edward (3)
  1808. Coles, J. (1)
  1809. Coles, Roger (1)
  1810. Coles, W. A (1)
  1811. Colines, Simon de, -1546 (16)
  1812. Collegium Societatis Jesu … (1)
  1813. Collegium Societatis Jesu … (1)
  1814. Collet, Paul (1)
  1815. Collett, Robert, 1842-191 … (1)
  1816. Collier, John (1)
  1817. Collier, John Payne (1)
  1818. Collier, John, 1708-1786 (2)
  1819. Collier, Wendy. E J (1)
  1820. Collin, D. W (1)
  1821. Collin, Dorothy. W (1)
  1822. Collin, Margaret E. (4)
  1823. Collinge, N. E (1)
  1824. Collins, Greenvile, activ … (1)
  1825. Collins, Mary (1)
  1826. Collins, Samuel, 1802-187 … (6)
  1827. Collins, William Wilkie, … (1)
  1828. Collinson, Edward (1)
  1829. Collinson, Elizabeth, 174 … (1)
  1830. Collinson, Patrick. (1)
  1831. Colman, C.A. (1)
  1832. Colman, George, 1732-1794 (1)
  1833. Colman, John (1)
  1834. Colonna, Francesco, -1527 (4)
  1835. Colonne, Guido delle, 13t … (9)
  1836. Colthouse, William, -1722 (1)
  1837. Colton, J. H. (Joseph Hut … (1)
  1838. Colucia, Francesco (1)
  1839. Columba, Saint, 521-597 (89)
  1840. Columbinus, Veronensis, a … (2)
  1841. Columella, Lucius Junius … (1)
  1842. Comenius, Johann Amos, 15 … (2)
  1843. Comin da Trino, di Monfer … (2)
  1844. Comitibus, Fredericus de, … (2)
  1845. Commission for Racial E … (554)
  1846. Commission for Racial Equ … (1)
  1847. Commission for Racial Eq … (19)
  1848. Commune de Paris (France … (1)
  1849. Commune de Paris (France … (19)
  1850. Community Relations Commi … (3)
  1851. Compton, Edward (1)
  1852. Compton, Hall, J. (2)
  1853. Compton, Mr (1)
  1854. Compton, née Douglas-Mac … (41)
  1855. Conat, Abraham ben Solomo … (1)
  1856. Condell, Henry (1)
  1857. Conder, Thomas, 1747-1831 (1)
  1858. Condé, Louis, prince de, … (1)
  1859. Condy, Richard, -1800 (1)
  1860. Conforti, Gabriel (3)
  1861. Conforti, Moses (1)
  1862. Confucius (3)
  1863. Conner, Patrick. W (1)
  1864. Conninxloo, Gillis van, 1 … (1)
  1865. Connor, W. (1)
  1866. Conon, Pope, -687 (1)
  1867. Conrad II, Holy Roman Emp … (1)
  1868. Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924 (4)
  1869. Conroy, J. J. (1)
  1870. Consitt & Goodwill (1)
  1871. Constans I, Emperor of Ro … (1)
  1872. Constantine I, Emperor of … (2)
  1873. Constantine II, Emperor o … (1)
  1874. Constantine III, Emperor … (2)
  1875. Constantine IV, Emperor o … (2)
  1876. Constantine V Copronymus, … (1)
  1877. Constantine VI, Emperor o … (1)
  1878. Constantine, Pope, -715 (1)
  1879. Constantius I, Emperor of … (8)
  1880. Constantius II, Emperor o … (1)
  1881. Contarini, G. (51)
  1882. Contarini, Giovanni, 1549 … (1)
  1883. Contarini, Secondo, activ … (1)
  1884. Conway, Robert Seymour, 1 … (9)
  1885. Conway, Stephen (1)
  1886. Cook, Eliza (1)
  1887. Cook, Eliza, 1818-1889 (1)
  1888. Cook, James, 1728-1779 (1)
  1889. Cook, Sophia, 1759-1834 (1)
  1890. Cook, Thomas, approximate … (9)
  1891. Cooke, Ada A. (1)
  1892. Cooke, Alice Margaret, 18 … (1)
  1893. Cooke, Bernard (1)
  1894. Cooke, Joseph (1)
  1895. Cooke, Nicholas Francis, … (2)
  1896. Coombes, Howard S. (1)
  1897. Coon,  A. G. University o … (2)
  1898. Cooper, Barry. (1)
  1899. Cooper, Courtney Ryley (20)
  1900. Cooper, D. W. (1)
  1901. Cooper, Daniel, Sir, 1821 … (5)
  1902. Cooper, Diana, 1892-1986 (1)
  1903. Cooper, Duff, Viscount No … (1)
  1904. Cooper, Kate. (1)
  1905. Cooper, Thomas (1)
  1906. Cooper, Thompson (6)
  1907. Cooper, W. Mansfield (Wil … (1)
  1908. Cooper, William, -1689 (1)
  1909. Coote, Charles, 1st Earl … (8)
  1910. Copernicus, Nicolaus, 147 … (5)
  1911. Copinger, Walter Arthur, … (1)
  1912. Copisarow, Maurice, 1889- … (1)
  1913. Copland, William, -1568 o … (3)
  1914. Coppin, Richard (1)
  1915. Corbet, Mary (1)
  1916. Corbould, A. Chantrey (Al … (1)
  1917. Corcoran, John (1)
  1918. Cordelia, Queen (Legendar … (1)
  1919. Cordellier-Delanoue, Étie … (1)
  1920. Cordeux, Thomas (1)
  1921. Core, Thomas H., 1836-191 … (3)
  1922. Coriolano, Giovanni Batti … (1)
  1923. Coriolanus, Cnaeus Marciu … (1)
  1924. Cornazzano, Antonio, 1429 … (2)
  1925. Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1 … (1)
  1926. Cornelius (1)
  1927. Cornelius, Pope, -253 (1)
  1928. Cornish, J. & T. (1)
  1929. Cornish, J. E. (1)
  1930. Cornwallis, Charles Cornw … (1)
  1931. Corona, Leonardo, 1561-16 … (1)
  1932. Correggio, 1489?-1534 (2)
  1933. Corry, William, approxima … (5)
  1934. Corston House (1)
  1935. Cosimo I, Duke of Florenc … (2)
  1936. Cosimo I, Grand-Duke of T … (4)
  1937. Cosimo II, Grand Duke of … (2)
  1938. Cosimo III, Grand-Duke of … (4)
  1939. Cosmopolite, active 1837 (1)
  1940. Cosnett, A (1)
  1941. Cossham, S. L.C. (1)
  1942. Cosway, Richard (1)
  1943. Cotes, E. (Ellen) (13)
  1944. Cotes, Thomas, -1641 (15)
  1945. Cotson, William, active … (592)
  1946. Cotte, Louis, 1740-1815 (1)
  1947. Cotton, Andrew (2)
  1948. Couché, Louis François, 1 … (3)
  1949. Coughlan, Laurence (1)
  1950. Coulson, Leslie, -1916 (2)
  1951. Courtneidge, Robert, 1859 … (1)
  1952. Courtown, Lady (3)
  1953. Cousin, Mathieu-François (1)
  1954. Couthon, Georges Auguste, … (1)
  1955. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-15 … (6)
  1956. Cownley, Joseph, 1723-179 … (3)
  1957. Cowper, Edward (24)
  1958. Cowper, Fanny (3)
  1959. Cowper, Matthew (1)
  1960. Cowper, Thomas (1)
  1961. Cowper, William, 1731-180 … (2)
  1962. Cox, Brian, 1928-2008 (1)
  1963. Cox, C. B (3)
  1964. Cox, George, 1838-1909 (1)
  1965. Cox, Marjorie. (1)
  1966. Coxcie, Michel, 1499-1592 (1)
  1967. Coyne, J. Stirling (Josep … (1)
  1968. Côte-d'Or, France (Depar … (1)
  1969. Crabtree, Mr. (1)
  1970. Craesbeeck, Pedro, 1572-1 … (4)
  1971. Craig, John (1)
  1972. Craig, W. M. (William Mar … (1)
  1973. Cramer, Maria (1)
  1974. Cranach, Lucas, 1472-155 … (16)
  1975. Cranach, Lucas, 1515-1586 (4)
  1976. Crandon Gill, Rosa (1)
  1977. Crane, John (1)
  1978. Crane, Lancelot (1)
  1979. Crane, Mary Frances, née … (1)
  1980. Crane, Walter, 1845-1915 (38)
  1981. Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-155 … (4)
  1982. Craster, Sir Herbert Henr … (1)
  1983. Crastonus, Johannes, acti … (3)
  1984. Craven, Henry Hawes, 1837 … (1)
  1985. Crawford & Balcarres, Ear … (1)
  1986. Crawford, Alexander Crawf … (1)
  1987. Crawford, Daniel, 1870-19 … (8)
  1988. Crawford, James Ludovic L … (1)
  1989. Creangă, Ion (7)
  1990. Creighton, James, 1737-18 … (1)
  1991. Crespin, Jean, -1572 (1)
  1992. Cressida (Fictitious cha … (11)
  1993. Cressy, Serenus, 1605-167 … (1)
  1994. Creussner, Friedrich, act … (1)
  1995. Crewe, John, Sir, 1641–1 … (16)
  1996. Cripps, R. S (1)
  1997. Crisp, Nicholas, Sir, 159 … (1)
  1998. Criton (2)
  1999. Croll, Elizabeth. J (1)
  2000. Croly, George, 1780-1860 (3)
  2001. Crom, Matthias (9)
  2002. Crombleholme, Katherine (1)
  2003. Crombleholme, Richard (7)
  2004. Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1 … (25)
  2005. Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of … (2)
  2006. Cronin Edward 1801-1882 (9)
  2007. Cronin, Edward, 1801-188 … (23)
  2008. Crook, John, 1742-1805 (1)
  2009. Crook, Thomas Mewburn (18 … (1)
  2010. Crooke, Helkiah, 1576-16 … (13)
  2011. Cropsey, Jasper Francis, … (2)
  2012. Crosby, Sarah (1)
  2013. Cross, John, Sir, 1766-18 … (2)
  2014. Cross, Joseph (1)
  2015. Crossley, John, 1778-1830 (1)
  2016. Croston, James (5)
  2017. Croston, James, 1830-1893 (1)
  2018. Crowley, Theodore, 1910-1 … (2)
  2019. Crown, Alan. D (18)
  2020. Crownshaw, R. (1)
  2021. Crozier, W. P. (William … (116)
  2022. Cruickshank, G. (1)
  2023. Cruikshank, George, 1792 … (15)
  2024. Cruikshank, Robert, 1789- … (2)
  2025. Crum, Walter E. (1)
  2026. Crum, Walter Ewing 1865-1 … (1)
  2027. Crumble, Alexander (1)
  2028. Cruse, Louis (1)
  2029. Cuba, Johannes von, activ … (1)
  2030. Cubitt, Joseph, 1811-1872 (2)
  2031. Cubitt, William, Sir, 178 … (1)
  2032. Cuff, Alfred (1)
  2033. Cuffe, Paul, 1759-1817 (1)
  2034. Cugoano, Ottobah (1)
  2035. Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616- … (6)
  2036. Culpepper, Nathanael, act … (1)
  2037. Culross, Jack. L (1)
  2038. Cumberland, George, 1754- … (1)
  2039. Cunard, Nancy, 1896-196 … (114)
  2040. Cunliffe, Marcus (1)
  2041. Cunliffe, Marcus. (1)
  2042. Cunliffe, Marcus. F (1)
  2043. Cunningham, Joseph Davey (1)
  2044. Cunobelinus, King of the … (6)
  2045. Curtis, Matthew, 1807-188 … (1)
  2046. Curzon, Mrs (1)
  2047. Custine, Adam Philippe, c … (1)
  2048. Custine, Astolphe de (Ast … (2)
  2049. Cutts, I. K. (1)
  2050. Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1 … (1)
  2051. Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of … (1)
  2052. Cyrus, King of Persia, -5 … (2)
  2053. Cyrus, the Great, King of … (2)
  2054. Czibor, Zoltán, 1929-199 … (1)
  2055. D S H (Dom Sylvester Houe … (8)
  2056. D'Agincourt (8)
  2057. D'Agincourt, M. (1)
  2058. D'Angelo, Jacopo (1)
  2059. Da Porto, Luigi, 1485-15 … (14)
  2060. Dagobert I, King of the F … (2)
  2061. Dagobert II, King of the … (1)
  2062. Dai Shide etc. zhuan (1)
  2063. Dalbier, John, -1648 (1)
  2064. Daldy, A. F. (1)
  2065. Dale, Nicola (5)
  2066. Dall, Robert, 1745-1828 (12)
  2067. Dallaway, William (1)
  2068. Dallinger, William Henry, … (1)
  2069. Dalton, John, 1766-1844 (236)
  2070. Dalton, Johnathan (16)
  2071. Dalzel, Archibald (1)
  2072. Damasus I, Pope, 305-384 (1)
  2073. Damasus II, Pope, -1048 (1)
  2074. Dampier, Thomas, 1748-181 … (1)
  2075. Dan, Joseph. (1)
  2076. Dana, Charles A. (Charles … (1)
  2077. Danaus (Greek mythology) (1)
  2078. Danckertz, Cornelis (5)
  2079. Dane, Joseph. A (1)
  2080. Danican, Auguste, 1764-18 … (5)
  2081. Daniel (1)
  2082. Daniel (Biblical figure) (1)
  2083. Daniel b. Azariah? (1)
  2084. Daniel Galipi Del Mar (18 … (2)
  2085. Daniel, Henry, 1836-1919 (1)
  2086. Daniel, Roger, 1632-1657 (1)
  2087. Daniell, Peter (2)
  2088. Daniell, Thomas, 1749-184 … (4)
  2089. Daniell, William (2)
  2090. Danielsen, Daniel Jacob, … (2)
  2091. Danks, John, 1631 or 2-16 … (1)
  2092. Dannhauser, Peter, active … (2)
  2093. Danson, Julia (2)
  2094. Dante Alighieri, 1265- … (3309)
  2095. Dante Society (Manchester … (4)
  2096. Dante, Alighieri, 1265-13 … (2)
  2097. Daoguang, Emperor of Chin … (1)
  2098. Daqīqī, Muḥammad ibn A … (2)
  2099. Dar`i, al- (1)
  2100. Darbishire, O. V. (1)
  2101. Darby, H.C. (Henry Cliffo … (3)
  2102. Darby, J. N. (John Nels … (298)
  2103. Darby, J. N. (John Nelson … (1)
  2104. Darby, John (1)
  2105. Darbyshire, Alfred, 1839 … (7)
  2106. Dares, Phrygius (2)
  2107. Dares, son of Ptolemaios … (2)
  2108. Darleriis, Carolus de, ac … (1)
  2109. Darley, J. Felix, -1932 (2)
  2110. Darlington, W. (1)
  2111. Darney, William, -1774 (2)
  2112. Darnley, E. (1)
  2113. Dartigoeyte, Pierre-Arnau … (3)
  2114. Dartmouth, William Legge, … (1)
  2115. Darton and Harvey (Firm) (4)
  2116. Dartrey, Philadelphia H … (47)
  2117. Darwin, Charles, 1809-18 … (75)
  2118. Darwin, Elinor, 1879-1954 (1)
  2119. Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-180 … (7)
  2120. Darwin, Francis, Sir, 184 … (3)
  2121. Dati, Agostino, 1420-1478 (4)
  2122. Daube, David, 1909-1999. (2)
  2123. Davenant, John, approxima … (2)
  2124. Davenport, Richard (2)
  2125. Davey, William (1)
  2126. David (2)
  2127. David b. Na`im (1)
  2128. David ben Abraham Maimun … (16)
  2129. David d'Angers, Pierre-Je … (1)
  2130. David II, King of Scotlan … (1)
  2131. David Nasi (11th cent.) (2)
  2132. David, Abraham. (2)
  2133. David, Armand (1)
  2134. David, King of Israel (70)
  2135. David, von Augsburg, -127 … (2)
  2136. Davids, T.W. Rhys (Thomas … (2)
  2137. Davies, B. R. (1)
  2138. Davies, Harry Donald, 1 … (181)
  2139. Davies, J. G (1)
  2140. Davies, R. G (1)
  2141. Davies, Wallace. Evan (1)
  2142. Davies, William (5)
  2143. Davis, Angela Y. (Angela … (1)
  2144. Davis, Ann (1)
  2145. Davis, Catherine. (1)
  2146. Davis, J. E. (John Edward … (1)
  2147. Davis, James, Reverend (1)
  2148. Davis, John, active 1822 … (24)
  2149. Davis, Mark (8)
  2150. Davis, S. E. (1)
  2151. Davison, Dorothy, 1890-19 … (2)
  2152. Davison, John, Revd. (1)
  2153. Davnall, Sarah (1)
  2154. Davnall, Sarah. (1)
  2155. Davy, Humphry (2)
  2156. Davy, John, active 1817-1 … (2)
  2157. Dawe, Henry Edward, 1790- … (3)
  2158. Dawes, William, 1762-1836 (1)
  2159. Dawkins, William Boyd, 18 … (2)
  2160. Dawlatshāh Samarqandī, - … (15)
  2161. Dawson Brothers (1)
  2162. Dawson, A.B. (1)
  2163. Dawson, Iohn, -1634? (1)
  2164. Dawson, John, -1648? (1)
  2165. Dawson, Mary, active 1635 … (1)
  2166. Dawson, Thomas, -1620 (6)
  2167. Dawson, Thomas, Lord Dart … (3)
  2168. Day & Haghe (5)
  2169. Day, John, 1522-1584 (33)
  2170. De Belges, Jean Lemaire, … (1)
  2171. De Bernières, Louis (1)
  2172. de Bonstetten, Charles Vi … (2)
  2173. De Courcy Meade, Thomas, … (1)
  2174. de Cussy (1)
  2175. de Giglis, Johannes (4)
  2176. de Haffrengues, Jehan (2)
  2177. de Jonge, M. (1)
  2178. De Quincey, Thomas, 1785- … (1)
  2179. De Salis, Henry Jerome, 1 … (6)
  2180. De Salis, Julia Henriett … (82)
  2181. de Villäquiran, Juan (6)
  2182. de' Medici, Giovanni di P … (1)
  2183. de' Medici, Lorenzo, 1449 … (2)
  2184. de' Medici, Pier Francesc … (1)
  2185. Deacon, David (1)
  2186. Deacon, J., Reverend (1)
  2187. Dean & Co. (1)
  2188. Dean, A. (1)
  2189. Dean, Basil, 1888-1978 (2)
  2190. Dean, R. & W. (1)
  2191. Dean, T.A. (2)
  2192. Dean, W. (1)
  2193. Deane, John (1)
  2194. Dearden, Edward (1)
  2195. Dearden, J. S (1)
  2196. Dearden, James. S (2)
  2197. DeBruyn, J. R (2)
  2198. DeBruyn, John. R (5)
  2199. Debruyn, John. R (1)
  2200. Decius, Gaius Messius Qui … (1)
  2201. Deck, James George 1807-1 … (7)
  2202. Dee, John, 1527-1608 (6)
  2203. Deepsky (1)
  2204. Deffrene, E. (5)
  2205. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-173 … (28)
  2206. Degg, Mary (1)
  2207. Deguilleville, Guillame d … (1)
  2208. Deinon (1)
  2209. del Castillo, Fernando (6)
  2210. Delamer, George Booth, Ba … (3)
  2211. Deland, Margaret Wade Cam … (1)
  2212. Delany, Mary (6)
  2213. Delap, J. (John), 1725-1 … (15)
  2214. Delaporte, Sebastien-Fran … (1)
  2215. Delarochette, L. (Louis), … (1)
  2216. Delaune, Etienne, 1518?-1 … (1)
  2217. DeLaura, D. J (1)
  2218. Delegorgue, Adulphe (1)
  2219. Delevingne, Malcolm, Sir, … (1)
  2220. Dell, Robert Edward, 1865 … (1)
  2221. Dell, Robert, 1865-1940 (3)
  2222. Della Bella, Stefano, 161 … (1)
  2223. Delpech (1)
  2224. Delrue, Paul C. (4)
  2225. Demainbray (2)
  2226. Demarion (1)
  2227. Demas, son of Psaesis (sh … (2)
  2228. Demetrius (2)
  2229. Demos, Aurelia (1)
  2230. Demosthenes (14)
  2231. Denbigh, Elizabeth (1)
  2232. Deng Meizhong bian (1)
  2233. Denham, Henry, -1589? (4)
  2234. Denholm-Young, M (1)
  2235. Denis Piramus, active 1 … (155)
  2236. Denis, the Carthusian, 14 … (2)
  2237. Denison, Henry (2)
  2238. Dennett, James Edward, 18 … (2)
  2239. Denning-Bolle, Sara. (1)
  2240. Dennison, R. S. (1)
  2241. Denny, Arabella (3)
  2242. Denny, Edward, 1796-1879 (1)
  2243. Dent, Edward Joseph, 1876 … (1)
  2244. Dente, Marco, approximate … (4)
  2245. Denton, Jeffrey. H (4)
  2246. Derby, Edward Henry Stanl … (1)
  2247. Derby, Edward Smith Stanl … (7)
  2248. Derby, William Stanley, E … (8)
  2249. Derbyshire, Delia, 1937- … (31)
  2250. Derbyshire, Ethel (1)
  2251. Derham, Joseph (1)
  2252. Dermott, Laurence, 1720-1 … (2)
  2253. Des Gallars, Nicolas, app … (1)
  2254. Descartes, Rene?, 1596-16 … (1)
  2255. Descartes, René, 1596-16 … (3)
  2256. Desceliers, Pierre (31)
  2257. Designe, Susanna (1)
  2258. Despard, C. (Charlotte) (1)
  2259. Desquartier, M. (1)
  2260. Deuchar, David, 1743-1808 (1)
  2261. Deusdedit, Pope, -618 (1)
  2262. Deventer, Hendrik van, 16 … (6)
  2263. Deverell, W. (6)
  2264. Devereux, E. J (2)
  2265. Devon County Council (1)
  2266. Devonshire, Georgiana Spe … (6)
  2267. Dewes, Court, 1742-1793 (4)
  2268. Dhey, Bhalwaw (1)
  2269. Di Gara, Giovanni, active … (6)
  2270. Diaconus, Paulus (2)
  2271. Diana (Roman deity) (6)
  2272. Dibdin, Charles, 1768-183 … (8)
  2273. Dibdin, Thomas Frognall … (140)
  2274. Dicey, A. V. (Albert Ven … (21)
  2275. Dickens, Charles, 1812- … (164)
  2276. Dickenson, John (13)
  2277. Dickenson, John Sr (1)
  2278. Dickenson, John Sr. (1)
  2279. Dickenson, John, approxi … (69)
  2280. Dickenson, Louisa (1)
  2281. Dickenson, Sarah (13)
  2282. Dickes, William, 1815-189 … (1)
  2283. Dickie, James. (1)
  2284. Dickinson, F. C. (1)
  2285. Diderot, Denis, 1713-178 … (13)
  2286. Didius Julianus, Emperor … (1)
  2287. Dido (Legendary character … (5)
  2288. Didymos (1)
  2289. Didymos (scribe) (1)
  2290. Didymos, son of Hierax (p … (2)
  2291. Dieter, von Isenburg, Arc … (2)
  2292. Digby, Everard, M.A (1)
  2293. Digby, Everard, Sir, 1578 … (5)
  2294. Digby, George, second ear … (9)
  2295. Digpal Singh, Gurnam (1)
  2296. Dikaios, son of Chairemon (2)
  2297. Diktas (estate manager) (1)
  2298. Dilley, Roy. (1)
  2299. Dillon, Richard, 1759- (1)
  2300. Dillwyn, Mary, 1816–1906 (1)
  2301. Dimitrova, Kremena, 1974- (9)
  2302. Dingle, Habib (1)
  2303. Dinn, Robert. (1)
  2304. Dio, Chrysostom (2)
  2305. Diocletian, Emperor of Ro … (1)
  2306. Diodorus, Siculus (6)
  2307. Diogenes Laertius (2)
  2308. Diomedes (Greek mytholog … (37)
  2309. Dionysios (2)
  2310. Dionysius (3)
  2311. Dionysius bar Ṣalībī, … (61)
  2312. Dionysodoros (strategos) (2)
  2313. Dionysus (Greek deity) (3)
  2314. Dios, son of Ammonios (2)
  2315. Dioscorides Pedanius, of … (12)
  2316. Dioscorus, son of Dionysi … (1)
  2317. Dioscurides (2)
  2318. Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl … (1)
  2319. Disu, Abdul Karim, 1912-2 … (3)
  2320. Ditchfield, G. M (1)
  2321. Dixie, Florence, Lady, 18 … (1)
  2322. Dixon, Albert Herbert, 18 … (1)
  2323. Dixon, Archibald E. (1)
  2324. Dixon, G. (1)
  2325. Dixwell, Elizabeth (5)
  2326. Dixwell, Katherine (6)
  2327. Díaz, Manuel (1)
  2328. Dobson, Joseph (1)
  2329. Dodd, Charles Harold, 188 … (8)
  2330. Dodd, William, 1729-1777 (1)
  2331. Doddridge, Mercy (1)
  2332. Doddridge, Philip, 1702- … (47)
  2333. Doddridge, Phillip, 1702- … (1)
  2334. Dodoens, Rembert, 1517-15 … (2)
  2335. Dodwell, C. R (1)
  2336. Dodwell, Edward, 1767-18 … (15)
  2337. Doesborch, Jan van (1)
  2338. Doggett, Sue (1)
  2339. Doin, Ochikochi, approxi … (16)
  2340. Dolce, Lodovico, 1508-156 … (7)
  2341. Dolet, Etienne, 1509-154 … (17)
  2342. Dollman, Francis Thomas, … (11)
  2343. Dombay, Franz Lorenz von, … (1)
  2344. Domitian, Emperor of Rome … (2)
  2345. Donat, Robert, 1905-1958 (4)
  2346. Donatus, Aelius (3)
  2347. Doni, Anton Francesco, 15 … (2)
  2348. Donne, John, 1572-1631 (8)
  2349. Doré, Gustave, 1832-1883 (5)
  2350. Dorion (1)
  2351. Dorman, William Henry, 18 … (1)
  2352. Dornford, Josiah (1)
  2353. Doré, Gustave, 1832-1883 (1)
  2354. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821 … (3)
  2355. Dott, Patrick, Mrs (1)
  2356. Douglas, Frederick (1)
  2357. Douglas, Gawin, 1474?-152 … (1)
  2358. Douglas, James Douglas, … (23)
  2359. Douglas, Norman, 1868-195 … (3)
  2360. Douglass, Frederick, 1818 … (2)
  2361. Dover, Robert, 1582-1652 (1)
  2362. Dower, John (1)
  2363. Dowker, George (2)
  2364. Downame, J. (1)
  2365. Downes, D. (2)
  2366. Downes, Elizabeth (1)
  2367. Downes, John (1)
  2368. Downes, John, approximate … (3)
  2369. Downes, Thomas (7)
  2370. Downey, Daniel (1)
  2371. Downey, John (1)
  2372. Downey, William (1)
  2373. Downing, George, 1728-180 … (1)
  2374. Doyle, A. I (1)
  2375. Doyle, Richard, 1824-1883 (7)
  2376. Drake, Francis, approxima … (1)
  2377. Drake, W. (1)
  2378. Drayton, Michael, 1563-16 … (2)
  2379. Dresser, Arthur R. (5)
  2380. Dresser, Christopher (3)
  2381. Dresser, H. E. (Henry E … (124)
  2382. Dribble, Tom Foggy (1)
  2383. Droeshout, Martin, 1601- (1)
  2384. Droeshout, Martin, 1601-1 … (1)
  2385. Drouyn, Jean (1)
  2386. Drower, E. M. (2)
  2387. Drummond, William (5)
  2388. Drury, Henry, 1778-1841 (1)
  2389. Dryander, Johann, 1500-15 … (2)
  2390. Dryden, John, 1631-1700 (1)
  2391. Du Boccage, Madame (Marie … (1)
  2392. Du Halde, J.-B. (Jean-Bap … (1)
  2393. Du Limbé, Prince (1)
  2394. Du Pré, Denys, active 15 … (5)
  2395. Du Pré, Jean, -1504 (1)
  2396. Du Ry, Antoine, active 15 … (1)
  2397. Dubois, Jean (2)
  2398. Dubosc, Claude (1)
  2399. Dubourg, M. (2)
  2400. Duchenne, G.-B. (Guillaum … (1)
  2401. Duchesne, Elizabeth, -177 … (1)
  2402. Duckworth, Isaac (1)
  2403. Duckworth, Miss (1)
  2404. Ducos, Roger, 1747-1816 (1)
  2405. Dudgeon, W. (1)
  2406. Dufaut, François, 17th c … (9)
  2407. Dufresnoy, Charles-Alpho … (15)
  2408. Dugdale, Thomas (1)
  2409. Dugdale, William,Sir, 160 … (1)
  2410. Duggan, P. (1)
  2411. Dulac, Edmund, 1882-1953 (1)
  2412. Dumas, Alexandre, 1802 -1 … (1)
  2413. Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-18 … (1)
  2414. Dumouriez, Charles Franç … (3)
  2415. Duncan, Andrew, 1744-1828 (2)
  2416. Duncan, J. S. (1)
  2417. Duncan, P. Martin (Peter … (3)
  2418. Duncan, Robert. (1)
  2419. Dunkarton, R. (Robert), a … (9)
  2420. Dunmore, Charles Adolphus … (1)
  2421. Dunn, Ann (24)
  2422. Dunn, Antony, 1973- (1)
  2423. Dunn, D. W. (1)
  2424. Dunn, J. D G (1)
  2425. Dunraven, Edwin Richard … (18)
  2426. Dupont, Marius (1)
  2427. Duran, Profiat (ca. 1350- … (2)
  2428. Durand, Guillaume, approx … (1)
  2429. Durbin, Henry, -1799 (6)
  2430. Duthie, J. (1)
  2431. Dutt, Shoshee Chunder, 18 … (1)
  2432. Dutton, Anne, 1692-1765 (2)
  2433. Duval , Charles Allen, 18 … (1)
  2434. Duval, Charles Allan, 181 … (1)
  2435. Duval, Charles Allen, 181 … (1)
  2436. Dürer, Albrecht, 1471-1 … (41)
  2437. Dyer, Armine Ann (1)
  2438. Dyer, Henry, 1848-1918 (1)
  2439. Dyskolios (1)
  2440. Dyson, A. O (1)
  2441. Dyson, Anthony. (1)
  2442. Dürer, Albrecht, 1471-152 … (9)
  2443. Dārā Shikūh, Prince, son … (1)
  2444. E. B Havell (Ernest Binfi … (1)
  2445. Eadred King of England, - … (6)
  2446. Eagger, E. (1)
  2447. Eagger, Edward (1)
  2448. Eagle Elk (1)
  2449. Earlom, Richard, 1743-182 … (1)
  2450. Easling, J. C., active 18 … (6)
  2451. Easson, Angus. (1)
  2452. East India Company (1)
  2453. Ebden, William (1)
  2454. Ebor, William. (1)
  2455. Echoes of Service (Organi … (2)
  2456. Eckersley, H (6)
  2457. Eckersley, Hebert, 1895-1 … (1)
  2458. Eckersley, W. M. (1)
  2459. Eckstein, Ferdinand, 1790 … (1)
  2460. Eddington, Arthur Stanley … (1)
  2461. Edelmann, R (1)
  2462. Eden, Anthony, Earl of Av … (2)
  2463. Edgar, Campbell Cowan, 18 … (1)
  2464. Edgar, King of England, … (19)
  2465. Edge, Frederick Milnes (1)
  2466. Edie, Carolyn. A (2)
  2467. Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas … (1)
  2468. Edmond Ironside (1)
  2469. Edmonds, Bill. (1)
  2470. Edmonds, George, 1788-186 … (1)
  2471. Edmonds, John (1)
  2472. Edmonds, Jonathan (1)
  2473. Edmondson, John B. (1)
  2474. Edmondson, Thomas, 1792-1 … (1)
  2475. Edmund I, King of Englan … (34)
  2476. Edmund II, King of Engla … (17)
  2477. Edmund, King of East An … (145)
  2478. Edmundson, Jonathan, 1766 … (1)
  2479. Edward Augustus, Prince, … (2)
  2480. Edward I, King of Englan … (96)
  2481. Edward II, King of Engl … (109)
  2482. Edward III, King of Eng … (154)
  2483. Edward IV, King of Englan … (1)
  2484. Edward IV, King of Englan … (1)
  2485. Edward IV, King of Englan … (2)
  2486. Edward V, King of England … (2)
  2487. Edward VI, King of Englan … (1)
  2488. Edward VII, King of Great … (4)
  2489. Edward, King of England, … (11)
  2490. Edward, King of England, … (9)
  2491. Edward, King of England, … (1)
  2492. Edward, Prince of Wales, … (46)
  2493. Edwards, Bryan, 1743-1800 (1)
  2494. Edwards, Ernest, 1837-190 … (1)
  2495. Edwards, George, 1694-177 … (2)
  2496. Edwards, James, active 18 … (1)
  2497. Edwards, John (1)
  2498. Edwards, Richard, activ … (111)
  2499. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2500. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2501. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2502. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2503. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2504. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2505. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2506. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2507. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2508. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2509. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2510. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2511. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2512. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2513. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2514. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2515. Edwards, Richard, active … (1)
  2516. Edwy, King of England, -9 … (6)
  2517. Efraim (ben Shemarya (11t … (1)
  2518. Efraim ha-Dayyan from Tyr … (1)
  2519. Efraim, R. (1)
  2520. Efraim? (1)
  2521. Egan, Pierce, 1772-1849 (1)
  2522. Egbert, King of England, … (1)
  2523. Egenolff, Christian, 150 … (21)
  2524. Egerton, Ariana (23)
  2525. Egerton, Eliza (1)
  2526. Egerton, Mrs (2)
  2527. Egerton, Wilbraham , 1781 … (1)
  2528. Eggestein, Heinrich, appr … (7)
  2529. Ehrenpreis, Irvin. (1)
  2530. Ehrhardt, Arnold. (2)
  2531. Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dw … (2)
  2532. Elagabalus, Emperor of Ro … (1)
  2533. Eld, George (4)
  2534. Eleazar Meyuhas (1)
  2535. Eleutherius, Cremonensis, … (1)
  2536. Eleutherius, Pope, -189 (1)
  2537. Eli ha-bahur bar Halfon (1)
  2538. Eli ha-Kohen bi-rabbi Yah … (1)
  2539. Elia bar Abraham (2)
  2540. Elijah (Biblical prophet … (12)
  2541. Elijah ha-Dayyan, Rabbi (1)
  2542. Eliot, George, 1819-1880 (2)
  2543. Eliot, Harriot Pitt, 175 … (66)
  2544. Elisha Vestali (17th cent … (2)
  2545. Elizabeth Hamilton (1)
  2546. Elizabeth I, Queen of En … (30)
  2547. Elizabeth II, Queen of Gr … (4)
  2548. Elizabeth, Princess, dau … (39)
  2549. Elizabeth, Princess, daug … (8)
  2550. Elizabeth, Princess, daug … (1)
  2551. Elizabeth, Queen, consort … (2)
  2552. Elkington, Charles H. (1)
  2553. Ellenborough, Edward Law, … (1)
  2554. Elliot, E. (1)
  2555. Elliot, Elizabeth, d. 184 … (8)
  2556. Elliot, G. A. (1)
  2557. Elliot, Jim, 1927-1956 (1)
  2558. Elliott & Fry (5)
  2559. Elliott, L., Miss. (1)
  2560. Ellis, Edwin John (2)
  2561. Ellis, F. S. (3)
  2562. Ellis, J. (Joseph), -1793 (1)
  2563. Ellis, Roger. (1)
  2564. Ellis, Sarah Stickney, 18 … (2)
  2565. Ellis, William (1)
  2566. Ellison, John (1)
  2567. Ellison, Thomas, 1833-190 … (1)
  2568. Ellwood, Thomas, 1639-171 … (1)
  2569. Elpenor (Greek mythology) (1)
  2570. Elphinstone, Mountstuart, … (1)
  2571. Elsam, Mann and Cooper Ma … (1)
  2572. Elsam, Mann, and Cooper ( … (6)
  2573. Elsey, S.S. (1)
  2574. Elsheimer, Adam, 1578-161 … (1)
  2575. Elton, Oliver, 1861-1945 (2)
  2576. Elwes, Henry John, 1846-1 … (1)
  2577. Emanuel, Frank L. (Frank … (1)
  2578. Emett, Rowland, 1906-1990 (1)
  2579. Emmet, Dorothy Mary, 1904 … (1)
  2580. Emperor Huang Di, 2697-25 … (2)
  2581. Emslie, J. P. (4)
  2582. Emslie, W. R. (4)
  2583. Engebrechtsz., Cornelius, … (1)
  2584. Engel, Johann Jacob, 1741 … (1)
  2585. Engels, Friedrich, 1820-1 … (4)
  2586. England and Wales. Army. … (1)
  2587. England and Wales. Parlia … (2)
  2588. England and Wales. Parlia … (1)
  2589. England, Edward O. (1)
  2590. England: Greater Manchest … (1)
  2591. England: Greater Manchest … (1)
  2592. England: Lancashire: Pres … (1)
  2593. Engnell, Ivan. (1)
  2594. Enkot (1)
  2595. Enoch (Biblical figure) (6)
  2596. Entebbi?, Jacob ben Abrah … (1)
  2597. Entwisle, Joseph, 1767-18 … (2)
  2598. Entwistle, Thorpe & Co. L … (1)
  2599. Epictetus. Manual (1)
  2600. Episcopius, Nicolaus, 150 … (5)
  2601. Equal Opportunities Commi … (1)
  2602. Erasmus, Desiderius, -153 … (7)
  2603. Erhart, Victoria. L (1)
  2604. Erichsen, Hans Christian, … (2)
  2605. Ernest Augustus, King of … (7)
  2606. Ernst & Co. (1)
  2607. Ernst, Hermann (1)
  2608. Erpenius, S. (1)
  2609. Erskine, James, Lord Gran … (2)
  2610. Erysichthon (Greek mythol … (1)
  2611. Eryximachus (2)
  2612. Es, Jacob Fopsen van, app … (1)
  2613. Esoeris (olive-carrier) (1)
  2614. Espert, Jean, 1758-1832 (1)
  2615. esq., (3)
  2616. Essemteu (5)
  2617. Essex House Press (2)
  2618. Esslemont, David (1)
  2619. Estcourt, J. H. (5)
  2620. Esther ?Tama bat ?? (1)
  2621. Esther, Queen of Persia (1)
  2622. Estienne, Charles, 1504-a … (1)
  2623. Etearchus (1)
  2624. Ethan the Ezrahite (3)
  2625. Ethelred II, King of Engl … (9)
  2626. Ethelston, Charles Wickst … (1)
  2627. Etthytais, daughter of Pe … (2)
  2628. Euandros, son of Ptolemai … (2)
  2629. Euandros, son of Ptolemai … (1)
  2630. Eubios, son of Pnepheros … (1)
  2631. Euclid (7)
  2632. Eudaimonis, daughter of P … (2)
  2633. Eugene I, Pope, -657 (1)
  2634. Eugene III, Pope, -1153 (2)
  2635. Euhemeros (1)
  2636. Euporus (1)
  2637. Euripides (3)
  2638. Europa (Greek mythology) (1)
  2639. Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bi … (2)
  2640. Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bi … (1)
  2641. Eusebius, Pope, -309 or 3 … (1)
  2642. Eut- (1)
  2643. Eutychianus, Pope, -283 (2)
  2644. Evans, Anne (1)
  2645. Evans, Arthur, Sir, 1851- … (1)
  2646. Evans, Charles H. (1)
  2647. Evans, Edmund, 1826-1905 (1)
  2648. Evans, Edmund. 1826-1905 (1)
  2649. Evans, H. D. (1)
  2650. Evans, Kirsti. (1)
  2651. Evans, T. J. (1)
  2652. Evans, William David, 176 … (1)
  2653. Evans, William, 1787-1867 (1)
  2654. Evans-Wentz, W. Y. (Walte … (1)
  2655. Evaristus, Pope, -approxi … (1)
  2656. Eve (Biblical figure) (5)
  2657. Evelyn, John, 1620-1706 (3)
  2658. Everett, James (10)
  2659. Everett, James, 1784-187 … (13)
  2660. Exchange Theatre (1)
  2661. Exley, Thomas (1)
  2662. Exshaw, John (1)
  2663. Eyck, Hubert van, 1366-14 … (2)
  2664. Eyck, Jan van, 1390-1440 (2)
  2665. Eyre, Charles, active 177 … (1)
  2666. Ezekiel (Biblical prophet … (1)
  2667. Ezra (1)
  2668. Ezra ben Solomon of Geron … (2)
  2669. F. Frith & Co. (1)
  2670. F. Frith & Co. Ltd. (1)
  2671. F. W. G. (1)
  2672. Faber, J (2)
  2673. Faber, Jakob, active 1516 … (1)
  2674. Fabian, Pope, -250 (1)
  2675. Fabre, François-Xavier, a … (2)
  2676. Fabris, Peter (1)
  2677. Fabyan, Robert, -1513 (2)
  2678. Faelli, Benedetto, -1523 (2)
  2679. Faerber, Rubin, 1869-1955 (2)
  2680. Fagg, A. J. (1)
  2681. Fairbairn, William, Sir, … (3)
  2682. Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairf … (1)
  2683. Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, … (93)
  2684. Fairfax-Cholmeley, Alex (1)
  2685. Fairhill, John (13)
  2686. Fairley, Barker, 1887-198 … (3)
  2687. Fairman, H. W (1)
  2688. Fakhr al-Dīn ‘Irāqī (5)
  2689. Fakhr al-Umara (1)
  2690. Fakirol (?), Judah (1)
  2691. Falcidius (landowner) (2)
  2692. Falla, Jonathan (6)
  2693. Faraday, Michael, 1791-18 … (2)
  2694. Faraj (1)
  2695. Farcic, Antun (17)
  2696. Fardon, Richard (2)
  2697. Farinati, Paolo, 1524-160 … (1)
  2698. Farissol, Abraham ben Mor … (1)
  2699. Farley, Hester (1)
  2700. Farley, Samuel (3)
  2701. Farnie, D. A (3)
  2702. Farquhar, John Nicol, 186 … (1)
  2703. Farrar, F. W. (Frederic W … (1)
  2704. Faulder, Robert, 1747 or … (9)
  2705. Faulkner W. L. (1)
  2706. Faulkner, Henry, -1812 (1)
  2707. Fauntleroy, Henry, 1785-1 … (2)
  2708. Fawcett, J. E. S. (James … (1)
  2709. Fawcett, John, 1740-1817 (1)
  2710. Fawtier, E C (1)
  2711. Fawtier, Robert (2)
  2712. Fayz̤ī, Abū al-Fayz̤ ibn … (5)
  2713. Fazakerley, Liverpool (7)
  2714. Fedele, Cassandra, 1465?- … (1)
  2715. Fedreghini, Giovanni Faus … (1)
  2716. Feilden, H. W. (Henry Wem … (1)
  2717. Feldman, Louis. H (1)
  2718. Felicianus, O. P. (2)
  2719. Felix III, Pope, -492 (1)
  2720. Felix IV, Pope, -530 (1)
  2721. Fell-Smith, Charlotte, 18 … (1)
  2722. Fencker, Edgar Christian, … (1)
  2723. Fenna, Ted (1)
  2724. Fennelly, James. M. (1)
  2725. Fenner, William (2)
  2726. Fenton, Roger, 1819 - 18 … (33)
  2727. Fenton, Roger, 1819-1869 (11)
  2728. Fenwick, John (2)
  2729. Fenwick, Michael, -1797 (3)
  2730. Ferdinand I, King of the … (4)
  2731. Ferdinand V, King of Spai … (1)
  2732. Ferdinando I, Grand-Duke … (5)
  2733. Ferdinando II (2)
  2734. Fergusson, Barbara (6)
  2735. Fernández de Oviedo y Va … (5)
  2736. Fernández de Villegas, P … (5)
  2737. Ferno, Michele, -1513 (1)
  2738. Ferrando, Tommaso, active … (5)
  2739. Ferrel, Della (1)
  2740. Ferrers, Laurence Shirley … (1)
  2741. Ferrier, David, 1843-1928 (1)
  2742. Festus, Sextus Pompeius, … (4)
  2743. Feydeau, Ernest, 1821-187 … (1)
  2744. Feyerabend, Sigmund, 1528 … (2)
  2745. Ficino, Marsilio, 1433-14 … (3)
  2746. Fiddes, Edward, 1864- (1)
  2747. Fidler, J. (1)
  2748. Fieger, Benedikt, -1490 (1)
  2749. Field, Clive. D (90)
  2750. Field, Eugene, 1850-1895 (1)
  2751. Field, J.R. (1)
  2752. Field, James R. (1)
  2753. Field, James Richard (2)
  2754. Field, John, -1688 (1)
  2755. Field, John,1668 (2)
  2756. Field, P. J C (2)
  2757. Field, Richard, -1624 (2)
  2758. Fielding, E. (2)
  2759. Fielding, Sophia (2)
  2760. Fielding, Sophia, 1748-1 … (20)
  2761. Fiey, J-M. (1)
  2762. Fildes, Mary, 1789-1876 (1)
  2763. Filelfio, Francesco (1)
  2764. Filelfo, Francesco, 1398- … (2)
  2765. Fillieu, Charles (1)
  2766. Filmer, Henry (1)
  2767. Finch, Charlotte, 1725-1 … (19)
  2768. Finch, Charlotte, Lady, … (73)
  2769. Finch, Geoffrey. J. (1)
  2770. Finch, H.B. (2)
  2771. Finch, Harriet, 1751-181 … (24)
  2772. Finch, Heneage (2)
  2773. Finch, Howard B. (1)
  2774. Finden, Edward Francis, … (10)
  2775. Finden, W. (William), 17 … (10)
  2776. Finden, William, 1787-185 … (1)
  2777. Fine Cotton Spinners' and … (1)
  2778. Finlay, Mike (2)
  2779. Finlayson (1)
  2780. Finlayson, Graham (1)
  2781. Finn, R. Welldon (3)
  2782. Finney, Nissa (1)
  2783. Firdawsī (1509)
  2784. Firmicus Maternus, Julius (4)
  2785. Fisch, S (1)
  2786. Fischer, W. H. (2)
  2787. Fischer, W.H. (2)
  2788. Fish, T (1)
  2789. Fish, Thomas (1)
  2790. Fish, Thomas, 1893-. (23)
  2791. Fisher, George (6)
  2792. Fisher, John, 1748-1825 (21)
  2793. Fisher, P.J. Reverend (1)
  2794. Fisher, Singleton (1)
  2795. Fisher, Walter (2)
  2796. Fisk, E. F. (4)
  2797. Fittler, James, 1758-183 … (11)
  2798. Fitton, Edward, Sir, 1603 … (1)
  2799. Fitton, Hedley, 1857-1929 (3)
  2800. Fitton, Hedley, 1858-1929 (1)
  2801. Fitton, Hedley, 1859-1929 (1)
  2802. Fitton, William (1)
  2803. Fitzgerald, Maria. A (1)
  2804. Fitzgerald, Mary, 1725-18 … (4)
  2805. Fitzgerald, Robert, Capta … (1)
  2806. Fitzgerald, W. (1)
  2807. Fitzgerald, W. B. (Willia … (1)
  2808. Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, … (2)
  2809. Fitzroy, Robert, 1805-186 … (9)
  2810. Fitzsimon, Christ. (1)
  2811. Fitzwilliam, William Went … (1)
  2812. Fivizano, Alexander de, L … (2)
  2813. Fivizano, Baptista de, Lu … (2)
  2814. Fivizano, Jacobus de, Lun … (2)
  2815. Flammarion, Camille, 1842 … (6)
  2816. Flaxman, John 1755-1826 (1)
  2817. Flaxman, John, 1755-1826 (7)
  2818. Flaxman, Maria, 1768-1833 (1)
  2819. Fleming, Peter, 1928-1956 (1)
  2820. Flesher, E. (Elizabeth), … (8)
  2821. Fletcher, John, 1579-1625 (1)
  2822. Fletcher, John, 1729-178 … (10)
  2823. Fletcher, Mary (1)
  2824. Fletcher, Mary, 1739-1815 (5)
  2825. Fletcher, William Kew, Re … (2)
  2826. Fleure, Herbert John, 18 … (10)
  2827. Flewitt, James (1)
  2828. Flick, W. (1)
  2829. Flint, William (1)
  2830. Florianus, Emperor of Rom … (1)
  2831. Floris, Frans, 1519 or 15 … (1)
  2832. Flower, Christopher (1)
  2833. Flower, Margaret (1)
  2834. Flower, Philip (1)
  2835. Flower, William Henry, 18 … (1)
  2836. Fludd, Robert, 1574-1637 (1)
  2837. Fodge, Bob (1)
  2838. Fodor, Marcel William, 18 … (3)
  2839. Folkard, Henry Tennyson, … (2)
  2840. Follows, George, -1958 (1)
  2841. Fontaine, Nicolas, 1625-1 … (4)
  2842. Fontana, Gabriel (3)
  2843. Fonte, Bartolommeo, 1445- … (3)
  2844. Foot, M. R D (1)
  2845. Foote, Harriet (4)
  2846. Forbes, Edward, 1815-1854 (2)
  2847. Forbes, G. E. (7)
  2848. Forbin-Janson, Charles-Th … (1)
  2849. Ford, H. J. (Henry Justic … (6)
  2850. Fordyce, Henrietta (1)
  2851. Forester, Mrs (1)
  2852. Forestier, A. (1)
  2853. Forestier, Charles Aimé, … (3)
  2854. Formosus, Pope, approxima … (1)
  2855. Forrest, Charles Ramus (4)
  2856. Forrest, George, 1873 - 1 … (1)
  2857. Forster, John, 1812-1876 (2)
  2858. Forteguerri, Scipione, 1 … (15)
  2859. Fortuna (Roman deity) (23)
  2860. Fortunatus, Venantius Hon … (1)
  2861. Foster, Benjamin. R (1)
  2862. Foster, Myles Birket, 182 … (4)
  2863. Fothergill, J. (2)
  2864. Foucher, Paul-Henri, 1810 … (1)
  2865. Fouché, Joseph, duc d'Ot … (1)
  2866. Fowler, John, 1537-1579 (2)
  2867. Fox photos Ltd. (1)
  2868. Fox, Charles (1)
  2869. Fox, Charles, 1749-1809 (6)
  2870. Fox, George, 1624-1691 (1)
  2871. Fox, Joseph P. (1)
  2872. Foxe, John, 1516-1587 (20)
  2873. Fracastoro, Girolamo, 147 … (1)
  2874. Frampton, George, 1860-19 … (1)
  2875. France, L'Assemblé Nation … (1)
  2876. France. Armée. Garde imp … (1)
  2877. France. Assemblée nation … (5)
  2878. France. Assemblée nation … (4)
  2879. France. Convention natio … (11)
  2880. France. Convention nation … (1)
  2881. France. Convention nation … (1)
  2882. France. Convention nation … (1)
  2883. France. Corps législatif … (1)
  2884. France. Directoire exécu … (1)
  2885. France. Gouvernement prov … (1)
  2886. France. Ministère de la … (1)
  2887. France. Tribunal criminel … (1)
  2888. France. Tribunal révolut … (2)
  2889. Franceschi, Francesco de, … (2)
  2890. Francesco I, Grand Duke o … (2)
  2891. Francesco I, Grand-Duke o … (5)
  2892. Francesco, di Dino, activ … (1)
  2893. Francis Ellis Jnr. (1)
  2894. Francis Frith & Co. (31)
  2895. Francis II, King of Franc … (1)
  2896. Francis Jones & Son (1)
  2897. Francis Karo (18th-19th c … (2)
  2898. Francis, Marianne, 1790-1 … (2)
  2899. Francis, Mary (1)
  2900. Francis, of Assisi, Saint … (1)
  2901. Franciscans (1)
  2902. Franco, Francisco, 1892-1 … (1)
  2903. François-Athanase de Cha … (1)
  2904. Frank, Roberta. (1)
  2905. Frankland, Edward, Sir, 1 … (1)
  2906. Franklin, Benjamin, 1706- … (3)
  2907. Franks & Johnson (4)
  2908. Franks, Samuel (2)
  2909. Frappier, Jean. (1)
  2910. Fredeman, Jane. C (3)
  2911. Fredeman, William. E (9)
  2912. Frederick Augustus, Princ … (1)
  2913. Frederick I, Holy Roman E … (1)
  2914. Frederick II, Holy Roman … (1)
  2915. Frederick III, Holy Roman … (1)
  2916. Free Trade Hall (Manchest … (1)
  2917. Freeman, Edward A. (Edwa … (44)
  2918. Fregosi, Angelo, active 1 … (1)
  2919. Freidel, F. (1)
  2920. Frellon, François, -1546 … (6)
  2921. Frellon, Jean, -1546? (6)
  2922. Frend, W. H C (1)
  2923. Frenzeny, P. (1)
  2924. Fréron, Stanislas, 1754- … (2)
  2925. Fricke, Jan (1)
  2926. Frisius, Andreas, -1675 (1)
  2927. Fritag, Andreas, -1496 (1)
  2928. Frith, John, 1503-1533 (8)
  2929. Fritzsche, Carl Julius, 1 … (1)
  2930. Fritzsche, Gustav (1)
  2931. Froben, Hieronymus, 1501- … (5)
  2932. Froben, Johann, -1527 (2)
  2933. Frobisher, Martin, Sir, a … (1)
  2934. Frochot, Nicolas-Thérèse- … (1)
  2935. Froissart, Jean (1)
  2936. Froschauer, Christoph, -1 … (1)
  2937. Frost, H. (2)
  2938. Fry, Alfred Charles, 1869 … (1)
  2939. Fry, Charles Burgess, 187 … (1)
  2940. Fry, William H., 1879-196 … (2)
  2941. Fryckstedt, Monica Correa (3)
  2942. Frye, Thomas, 1710-1762 (1)
  2943. Fryer, W. R (2)
  2944. Fukuzumi Seishichi (2)
  2945. Fuller, Andrew, 1754-1815 (1)
  2946. Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661 (1)
  2947. Furies (Roman mythology) (1)
  2948. Furness, John, -1830 (1)
  2949. Furnish, Victor. Paul (2)
  2950. Furniss, Graham. (1)
  2951. Furter, Michael, -1517 (1)
  2952. Furukawa, Chūbē (1)
  2953. Fuseli, Henry, 1741-1825 (3)
  2954. Fust, Johannes, 1400-146 … (27)
  2955. Fyner, Konrad, active 147 … (2)
  2956. Férat, Jules-Descartes, b … (1)
  2957. Fānī, Muḥsin -1671 or 167 … (3)
  2958. Fānī, Muḥsin, -1671 or 16 … (1)
  2959. Fārisī, Kamāl al-Dīn Abū … (1)
  2960. G. Falkner & Sons (1)
  2961. G. Giolito de Ferrari e f … (2)
  2962. Gabai, Moses (6)
  2963. Gabriel Havush? (1)
  2964. Gabriel Levi (1)
  2965. Gabriel, Angelo, -1532 (3)
  2966. Gadoffre, G. F A (1)
  2967. Gadolo, Bernardino, 1463- … (1)
  2968. Gaebel, Robert. E (1)
  2969. Gaines, Barry. (1)
  2970. Gainsborough, Thomas, 172 … (1)
  2971. Gaius (= emperor Caligula … (2)
  2972. Gaius Errius Priscus (epi … (8)
  2973. Gaius Iulius Alexandros ( … (3)
  2974. Gaius Iulius Amarantos (a … (1)
  2975. Gaius Iulius Asklas (prie … (2)
  2976. Gaius Iulius Athenodoros … (1)
  2977. Gaius Iulius Pholos (epis … (6)
  2978. Gaius Petronius (landowne … (1)
  2979. Gaius Trebius Iustus (cen … (2)
  2980. Gaius, Pope, active 283-2 … (2)
  2981. Galbraith, V. H. (1)
  2982. Gale & Polden (11)
  2983. Gale's Studios Ltd. (1)
  2984. Gale, J. (1)
  2985. Galen (44)
  2986. Galfridus, Anglicus, acti … (1)
  2987. Galignani, Mr. (Giovanni … (4)
  2988. Galilei, Galileo, 1564-16 … (1)
  2989. Gall & Inglis (1)
  2990. Gallatin, Bartholomew, -1 … (1)
  2991. Gallatin, Elizabeth (2)
  2992. Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea, … (2)
  2993. Galloway, Joseph, 1730-18 … (1)
  2994. Galsworthy, John, 1867-19 … (1)
  2995. Gambara, Lattanzio, appro … (1)
  2996. Gambold, John (2)
  2997. Gambold, John, 1711-1771 (4)
  2998. Gamgee, Arthur, 1841-1909 (1)
  2999. Gammon, H. Leonard (3)
  3000. García, A. (2)
  3001. Gard, France (Department) … (1)
  3002. Gardiner, James, Colonel (1)
  3003. Gardner, Alfred (1)
  3004. Gardner, George (1)
  3005. Gardner, J. (1)
  3006. Gardner, John (3)
  3007. Gardner, Nancy (1)
  3008. Gardner, Richard (1)
  3009. Gardner, Thomas, 1689 or … (1)
  3010. Garnett, Edward, 1868-193 … (1)
  3011. Garnett, Jeremiah, 1793-1 … (3)
  3012. Garnett, Richard, 1835-19 … (3)
  3013. Garratt, Arthur (1)
  3014. Garrick, David, 1717-1779 (1)
  3015. Garrick, Emma (1)
  3016. Garrick, Eva Maria (8)
  3017. Garrick, Eva Maria, 1724 … (11)
  3018. Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleg … (128)
  3019. Gaskell, Margaret Emily, … (10)
  3020. Gaskell, William, 1805-18 … (3)
  3021. Gassel, Lucas, approximat … (1)
  3022. Gaster, Moses, 1856-1939 (22)
  3023. Gaston, Raimundus, active … (1)
  3024. Gates, Caroline, d. 1947 (1)
  3025. Gauci, Maxim (1)
  3026. Gauden, John, 1605-1662 (4)
  3027. Gauld, John Richardson, a … (3)
  3028. Gaulli, Giovanni Battista … (1)
  3029. Gaulter, Henry (2)
  3030. Gaunilo, active 11th cent … (1)
  3031. Gautier, of Metz, active … (5)
  3032. Gaveston, Piers, approxim … (6)
  3033. Gay, John, 1685-1732 (1)
  3034. Gaywood, Richard, active … (1)
  3035. Gazēs, Theodōros, appro … (5)
  3036. Gazley, John G (2)
  3037. Gätke, Heinrich, 1814-18 … (1)
  3038. Gedaliah Tsarfati (1)
  3039. Geddes, Will (1)
  3040. Geiger, Hans, 1882-1945 (1)
  3041. Geikie, James, 1839-1915 (1)
  3042. Gelasius I, Pope, -496 (1)
  3043. Gelasius II, Pope, -1119 (1)
  3044. Gelberg, Steven. J (1)
  3045. Gell, John, Sir, 1593-167 … (4)
  3046. Gellius, Aulus (1)
  3047. Gelston, A (1)
  3048. Gemma, Frisius, 1508-1555 (6)
  3049. Genevois-Duraisin, Louis- … (1)
  3050. Geoffrey, of Monmouth, Bi … (1)
  3051. Geoffrey, Plantagenet, Co … (1)
  3052. Geographia Ltd. (2)
  3053. George Falkner & Sons (1)
  3054. George Fletcher, 1885-196 … (1)
  3055. George II, King of Great … (1)
  3056. George II, King of the He … (2)
  3057. George III, King of Grea … (81)
  3058. George IV, King of Great … (34)
  3059. George V, King of Great B … (5)
  3060. George VI, King of Great … (4)
  3061. George Wilson, -1969 (1)
  3062. George, J-A. (1)
  3063. George, of Trebizond, 139 … (2)
  3064. Georgi, Giovanni, active … (2)
  3065. Georgius, de Augusta, act … (2)
  3066. Gerard, John, 1545-1612 (28)
  3067. Gerard, Thomas, 1500?-154 … (1)
  3068. Germanicus Caesar, 15 B.C … (2)
  3069. Germanus (1)
  3070. Gero, Stephen. (1)
  3071. Gerondi, Isaac ben Judah … (1)
  3072. Gershon, Isaac, active 15 … (6)
  3073. Gessner, Conrad, 1516-156 … (9)
  3074. Gethin, P. E. L. (1)
  3075. Ghazal al-Duwaik (6)
  3076. Ghazzālī, 1058-1111 (1)
  3077. Gheri, Goro (1)
  3078. Gheyn, Jacob de, 1565-162 … (1)
  3079. Ghisi, Giorgio, 1520-1582 (2)
  3080. Ghulām Ḥusayn Khān Ṭabāṭ … (55)
  3081. Giangrande, Guiseppe. (1)
  3082. Gibb, Sir Hamilton Alexan … (2)
  3083. Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794 (3)
  3084. Gibbon, John Henry, 1880 … (85)
  3085. Gibbs, Henry (2)
  3086. Gibbs, John (1)
  3087. Gibbs, W. H. (2)
  3088. Gibbs, W.H. (2)
  3089. Gieser, Marie E. (1)
  3090. Gilbert, Catherine (1)
  3091. Gilbert, de La Porrée, … (6)
  3092. Gilbert, de La Porrée, a … (5)
  3093. Gilbert, Francis, 1779 (1)
  3094. Gilbert, James (2)
  3095. Gilbert, John (1)
  3096. Gilbert, John, Sir, 1817- … (5)
  3097. Gilbert, Nicholas (3)
  3098. Gilbert, Richard, 1794-18 … (1)
  3099. Gilbert, William, 1540-16 … (1)
  3100. Gilby, Anthony, 1510-1585 (2)
  3101. Gilchrist, Alexander, 182 … (1)
  3102. Gilchrist, Hugh, 1822-190 … (5)
  3103. Gilchrist, Jeanie (1)
  3104. Gill, Eric (1)
  3105. Gillard, Bessie (1)
  3106. Gillet, R. (Robert), -179 … (1)
  3107. Gillie, Darsie R., 1903-1 … (1)
  3108. Gillmore, Parker (2)
  3109. Gillray, James, 1756-1815 (1)
  3110. Gilmour, James (2)
  3111. Giménez Siles, Rafael, 1 … (1)
  3112. Ginn, Flora (1)
  3113. Gioacchino, di Giovanni (53)
  3114. Giocondo, Giovanni, appr … (18)
  3115. Giolito de' Ferrari, Gab … (29)
  3116. Giorgione, 1477 or 1478-1 … (2)
  3117. Giovanni Battista Marzi (2)
  3118. Giovanni d'Andrea, approx … (7)
  3119. Giovanni, da Udine, 1487- … (1)
  3120. Gipps, Pemberton (2)
  3121. Girardenghi, Francesco, a … (2)
  3122. Girardinus, Bartholomaeus (2)
  3123. Gissing, George, 1857-190 … (1)
  3124. Giunta, Filippo, 1450-151 … (4)
  3125. Giunti, Luc'Antonio, 1457 … (2)
  3126. Gladstone, J. H. (John Ha … (1)
  3127. Gladstone, William Ewart, … (1)
  3128. Gladwell, B. (1)
  3129. Glascot, Thomas (1)
  3130. Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Lud … (2)
  3131. Glemham, Thomas, Sir, -16 … (2)
  3132. Glendower, Owen, approxim … (2)
  3133. Glenelg, Charles Grant, B … (2)
  3134. Glim, Hans, active 15th c … (1)
  3135. Glim, Johannes, 15th cent … (1)
  3136. Glover, Eleanor (15)
  3137. Glover, Mary (25)
  3138. Glover, Richard, 1712-17 … (40)
  3139. Glover, W.J. (1)
  3140. Gneuss, Helmut. (1)
  3141. Gobind Singh, Guru, 1666- … (3)
  3142. Godden, M. R (1)
  3143. Goded, Angel (1)
  3144. Godet, Giles (5)
  3145. Godfray, Thomas, active 1 … (1)
  3146. Godfrey, of Bouillon, app … (1)
  3147. Godman, Frederick Du Cane … (1)
  3148. Godwin, Francis, 1562-163 … (3)
  3149. Godwin, James, -1876 (1)
  3150. Godwin, William, 1756-183 … (1)
  3151. Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-19 … (1)
  3152. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang v … (4)
  3153. Goitein, S. D (1)
  3154. Goiten, S. D. (1)
  3155. Gola Singh, Jit (2)
  3156. Golding, Arthur, 1536-160 … (2)
  3157. Golding, Peter (1)
  3158. Goldschmidt, Phillip, app … (1)
  3159. Goldscmmidt, Lazarus, 187 … (1)
  3160. Goldsmith, John (1)
  3161. Goldsmith, Oliver, 1730?- … (6)
  3162. Goldsworthy, Martha Caro … (31)
  3163. Goldsworthy, Martha Caro … (78)
  3164. Gollancz, Israel, Sir, 18 … (3)
  3165. Gollet, Jean-Alexis de, 1 … (5)
  3166. Goltzius, Hendrik, 1558-1 … (2)
  3167. Goltzius, Hubert, 1526-15 … (1)
  3168. Gomez (737)
  3169. Gomi, Tohru. (1)
  3170. Gonesse, Nicolas de (3)
  3171. Gonnet, P. (1)
  3172. Gonzalés, Emmanuel 1815-1 … (2)
  3173. Goodall, George (3)
  3174. Gooder, Deidre (1)
  3175. Goodier, Peter (1)
  3176. Goodwin, A (3)
  3177. Goodwin, A. (1)
  3178. Goodwin, Albert (1)
  3179. Goodwin, John, 1594-1655 (5)
  3180. Goodwin, John, 1739-1808 (1)
  3181. Goos, Abraham (1)
  3182. Gordian III, Emperor of R … (1)
  3183. Gordon, Alexander (1)
  3184. Gordon, H. Laing (Henry L … (1)
  3185. Gordon-Cumming, Roualeyn, … (1)
  3186. Goring, George Goring, B … (18)
  3187. Goring, T. (1)
  3188. Gorsas, Antoine-Joseph, 1 … (1)
  3189. Gorst, E. (1)
  3190. Gossaert, Jan, approximat … (1)
  3191. Gosse, Philip Henry, 1810 … (1)
  3192. Gottleib, W (1)
  3193. Gottstein, M. H (1)
  3194. Gouges, Olympe de, 1748-1 … (1)
  3195. Gough, Henry (1)
  3196. Gould, Elizabeth (3)
  3197. Gould, F.C. (5)
  3198. Gould, John, 1804-1881 (13)
  3199. Gow, Niel, 1727-1807 (1)
  3200. Gozzadini family (1)
  3201. Grabu, Louis, -1694 (1)
  3202. Grace, W. G. (William Gil … (2)
  3203. Gradoffre, Gilbert (1)
  3204. Graf & Soret (1)
  3205. Grafton, George Henry Fit … (4)
  3206. Grafton, Richard, d. 1562 (1)
  3207. Graham, Elaine (1)
  3208. Graham, Elaine. L (1)
  3209. Graham, James, first mar … (10)
  3210. Graham, Matthew (1)
  3211. Graham, Rigby (1)
  3212. Grahame, Kenneth, 1859-19 … (1)
  3213. Grainger, W. (1)
  3214. Gran, Henri, -1527 (5)
  3215. Granier de Cassagnac, Ado … (1)
  3216. Grant Lumsden, James (1)
  3217. Grant, F. W. (Frederick W … (9)
  3218. Grant, T. M. (Thomas Muir … (6)
  3219. Granville, H. (2)
  3220. Grapheus, Johannes, appro … (1)
  3221. Grassi, Bartolomeo, acti … (15)
  3222. Gratian, Emperor of Rome, … (8)
  3223. Graves, Charles L. (Charl … (2)
  3224. Graves, Jane. (1)
  3225. Gray, Cecil, 1895-1951 (25)
  3226. Gray, F.H. (3)
  3227. Gray, J (1)
  3228. Gray, J. (1)
  3229. Gray, John Edward, 1800-1 … (1)
  3230. Grayston, K. (1)
  3231. Great Britain Census Offi … (1)
  3232. Great Britain. Crown Agen … (1)
  3233. Great Britain. Ordnance … (186)
  3234. Great Britain. Ordnance S … (1)
  3235. Great Britain. Parliament (1)
  3236. Great Britain. Parliament … (1)
  3237. Greatrakes, Valentine, 16 … (2)
  3238. Green, A. E. (1)
  3239. Green, A. H. (Alexander H … (1)
  3240. Green, B. H. (1)
  3241. Green, Charles 1840-1898 (1)
  3242. Green, Charles, 1840-1898 (1)
  3243. Green, David. Bonnell (1)
  3244. Green, Isabella (2)
  3245. Green, J. Arnold (7)
  3246. Green, J. J. (9)
  3247. Green, Philip, 1831-1883 (1)
  3248. Green, S.G. (4)
  3249. Green, William, 1760-182 … (11)
  3250. Greenaway, Kate (2)
  3251. Greenaway, Kate, 1846-190 … (3)
  3252. Greene, Ellen (1)
  3253. Greenhill, Elizabeth (1)
  3254. Greenleafe, John (1)
  3255. Greenwood (1)
  3256. Greenwood, C&J (2)
  3257. Greenwood, Charles, 1725- … (1)
  3258. Greenwood, J. G. (2)
  3259. Greenwood, James, 1832-19 … (1)
  3260. Greet, William (1)
  3261. Gregg, Ebenezer (2)
  3262. Gregg, J.H. (1)
  3263. Gregoire, G. (1)
  3264. Gregori, Giovanni de', ac … (6)
  3265. Gregori, Gregorio de', ac … (9)
  3266. Gregorius Nazianzenus (1)
  3267. Gregory I, Pope, approx … (743)
  3268. Gregory II, Pope, -731 (1)
  3269. Gregory III, Pope, -741 (1)
  3270. Gregory IV, Pope, -844 (1)
  3271. Gregory IX, Pope, approxi … (1)
  3272. Gregory VI, Pope, -1048 (1)
  3273. Gregory VII, Pope, approx … (1)
  3274. Gregory VIII, Pope, -1187 (2)
  3275. Gregory X, Pope, -1276 (1)
  3276. Gregory XI, Pope, 1329-13 … (1)
  3277. Gregory, Dorothea (7)
  3278. Gregory, John M. (7)
  3279. Grenfell, Bernard P. (Ber … (1)
  3280. Grensted, Laurence Willia … (2)
  3281. Grenville, Richard, Sir, … (8)
  3282. Gretton, R. H. (1)
  3283. Greville, Charles (1)
  3284. Greville, Charles Franci … (12)
  3285. Greville, Elizabeth (2)
  3286. Greville, Robert Fulke, H … (7)
  3287. Grey, George Henry, 1737- … (1)
  3288. Grey, Mary, 1704-1722 (8)
  3289. Grey, Mary, nee Booth (5)
  3290. Grey, Olive (1)
  3291. Grey, Zachary, 1688-1766 (1)
  3292. Greyff, Michael, -approxi … (1)
  3293. Grieves, Keith (1)
  3294. Griffin, Edward, -1652 (12)
  3295. Griffin, Nigel. (1)
  3296. Griffin, William (1)
  3297. Griffith, David, 1742-178 … (1)
  3298. Griffith, Francis Llewell … (3)
  3299. Griffith, S. H (1)
  3300. Griffith, T. Gwynfor (2)
  3301. Griffith, W. (1)
  3302. Griffith, Walter, 1762-18 … (2)
  3303. Griffith, William (1)
  3304. Griffiths, Jeremy. (1)
  3305. Griffiths, Ralph. A (1)
  3306. Griffiths, Samuel (1)
  3307. Griffiths, Sheila (1)
  3308. Griffiths, Walter (1)
  3309. Griffolini, Francesco, 14 … (4)
  3310. Grignien, C. (1)
  3311. Grignion, Charles, 1721-1 … (1)
  3312. Grimm, Jacob, 1785-1863 (49)
  3313. Grimm, Wilhelm, 1786-185 … (14)
  3314. Grimshaw, James (1)
  3315. Grimshaw, William, 1708-1 … (5)
  3316. Grindon, Leo H. (Leo Har … (15)
  3317. Grinfield, M. (3)
  3318. Grolier, Jean (1)
  3319. Groote, Gerard, 1340-1384 (2)
  3320. Grosart, Alexander Balloc … (1)
  3321. Gross, Alexander, 1879-19 … (3)
  3322. Grotius, Hugo, 1583-1645 (7)
  3323. Groulleau, Étienne, d. 1 … (1)
  3324. Ground Surveys Limited (1)
  3325. Groves, Anthony Norris (1)
  3326. Groves, Anthony Norris, 1 … (3)
  3327. Groves, Francis A., b.182 … (1)
  3328. Groves, Henry, 1818-1890 (2)
  3329. Groves, James, 1817-1818 (1)
  3330. Groves, Lydia, 1830-1831 (1)
  3331. Groves, Mary B., 1823-182 … (1)
  3332. Groves, Mary Bethan, 1793 … (1)
  3333. Gruber, Ira. D (1)
  3334. Gruenpeck, Josephus (3)
  3335. Grumach, Ernst. (4)
  3336. Grundy, Francis Henry, 18 … (6)
  3337. Grüninger, Johann, -1532 … (8)
  3338. Gryphius, Sebastianus, … (136)
  3339. Grüninger, Johann, -1532? (3)
  3340. Guariento, approximately … (1)
  3341. Guarino, Veronese, 1374-1 … (2)
  3342. Guasco, Ottaviano, 1712-1 … (1)
  3343. Gudlawe, Thomas, active … (22)
  3344. Guercino, 1591-1666 (1)
  3345. Guiccioli, Teresa, Counte … (2)
  3346. Guidi, Guido, approximat … (27)
  3347. Guido, da Pisa, active 14 … (1)
  3348. Guido, de Baysio, -1313 (2)
  3349. Guido, de Monte Rocherii, … (1)
  3350. Guillaume, de Deguilevill … (1)
  3351. Guillaume, de Lorris, act … (1)
  3352. Guillelmus Brito, active … (1)
  3353. Guilmain, Jacques. (1)
  3354. Guinevere, Queen (Legenda … (7)
  3355. Guiraud, Alexandre, 1788- … (2)
  3356. Guizot, François, 1787-18 … (1)
  3357. Gunner, Liz. (1)
  3358. Gunning, Bell (1)
  3359. Gunning, Charlotte Marga … (51)
  3360. Gunning, Isabella Barbara … (1)
  3361. Gunston, John, approximat … (2)
  3362. Gunston, W. (1)
  3363. Guo li bei ping tu shu gu … (1)
  3364. Guppy, Henry, 1861-1948 (487)
  3365. Guradāsa, Bhai, approxim … (8)
  3366. Gurney, J. H. (John Henry … (1)
  3367. Gush, William (1)
  3368. Gusman, Adolphe (2)
  3369. Gutch, John Mathew, 1776- … (1)
  3370. Gutenberg, Johann, 1397? … (40)
  3371. Gutknecht, Jobst (12)
  3372. Gutteridge, Joyce Ada Coo … (1)
  3373. Guttinguer, Ulric, 1787-1 … (1)
  3374. Guy of Lusignan, -1194 (1)
  3375. Guy, Alan. J (2)
  3376. Guy, Mary (2)
  3377. Gwosdek, Hedwig. (1)
  3378. Gwynne, Marmaduke, 1691–1 … (4)
  3379. Gwynne, Rebecca, 1724-179 … (4)
  3380. Gwynne, Sarah, née Evans, … (1)
  3381. Gyokuransai, Hashimoto, … (11)
  3382. Gyssling, Walter (1)
  3383. H & C Graham Ltd, London (1)
  3384. H. W. & V. Ltd. (1)
  3385. ha-Hazzan ben ?Abraham ha … (1)
  3386. Ha-Levi b. Joseph b. Abra … (1)
  3387. Haarlem, Cornelis Corneli … (1)
  3388. Habbi, J. (1)
  3389. Haddad, Moses (19th cent. … (1)
  3390. Haden, G.N. & Sons (3)
  3391. Hades (Greek deity) (1)
  3392. Hadrian, Emperor of Rome, … (1)
  3393. Haeredes Bernardi Iuntae (2)
  3394. Haezrahi, J (1)
  3395. Hafets, Ezekiel (18-19th … (2)
  3396. Hagedorn, K. (2)
  3397. Hagenbeck, Carl, 1844-191 … (1)
  3398. Haghe, Louis, 1806-1885 (6)
  3399. Hai ben Sherira Gaon (939 … (2)
  3400. Haigh, Donald (1)
  3401. Haigh, Simon (1)
  3402. Haime, John (1)
  3403. Hake, A. Egmont (Alfred E … (1)
  3404. Hale, J. R (1)
  3405. Halevi, (Mo?)she or (Mana … (1)
  3406. Haley, William John, 1901 … (1)
  3407. Halfon (4)
  3408. Halfon bar ?Aaron (1)
  3409. Halfon ben Manasse (fl. … (26)
  3410. Halfon ha-Levi (1)
  3411. Halfon ha-Levi b. R. Benj … (1)
  3412. Halfon ha-Levi bar Menass … (1)
  3413. Halfpenny, Elizabeth (1)
  3414. Halfpenny, John (1)
  3415. Halfpenny, William, -1755 (1)
  3416. Halifax, George Savile, M … (1)
  3417. Halkyard, Stella. K (1)
  3418. Hall, Anna Maria (1)
  3419. Hall, Basil. (1)
  3420. Hall, Elias (1)
  3421. Hall, G. D G (1)
  3422. Hall, H. B. (1)
  3423. Hall, H. G. (1)
  3424. Hall, H.G (2)
  3425. Hall, J. T D (1)
  3426. Hall, John, 1529 or 1530- … (1)
  3427. Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656 (5)
  3428. Hall, Martha (1)
  3429. Hall, Martha, née Wesley, … (1)
  3430. Hall, Ronald, 1900-1975 (163)
  3431. Hall, Rowland, -1563 (2)
  3432. Hall, S. C., Mrs., 1800-1 … (5)
  3433. Hall, Westley, 1711–1776 (3)
  3434. Hallawell, G. (1)
  3435. Hallett, E.W., 1850-1938 (1)
  3436. Halliday, Elizabeth (1)
  3437. Halliday, Michael Frederi … (4)
  3438. Hallier, Gladys (2)
  3439. Hallmandel, C. (4)
  3440. Hallé, Charles, 1819-1895 (2)
  3441. Halsband, Robert. (1)
  3442. Halstead, Thomas C. (2)
  3443. Hamdu'llah Celebi (Hamdi) (3)
  3444. Hamel, Ernest, 1826-1898 (2)
  3445. Hamer, P. H. (1)
  3446. Hamilton, Adam (1)
  3447. Hamilton, Catherine, Lad … (32)
  3448. Hamilton, Charles, 1721-1 … (1)
  3449. Hamilton, E. (2)
  3450. Hamilton, Elizabeth, 1756 … (1)
  3451. Hamilton, Emma, Lady, 17 … (12)
  3452. Hamilton, Frederick, 172 … (79)
  3453. Hamilton, Henry, -1796 (5)
  3454. Hamilton, James, 1740-182 … (2)
  3455. Hamilton, Maria Louisa (1)
  3456. Hamilton, Mary (2)
  3457. Hamilton, Mary Catherine, … (1)
  3458. Hamilton, Mary, 1756-18 … (851)
  3459. Hamilton, R. (1)
  3460. Hamilton, Rachel (3)
  3461. Hamilton, S. (3)
  3462. Hamilton, William, Sir, … (77)
  3463. Hamlin, E. L. (1)
  3464. Hammad 'Ajrad (d. 8th cen … (6)
  3465. Hamman, Johannes, active … (7)
  3466. Hammer, Jacob. (1)
  3467. Hammond, Gerald. (1)
  3468. Hammond, J. L. (John Lawr … (1)
  3469. Hammond, M. O. (1)
  3470. Hampson, John (5)
  3471. Hampson, Norman. (1)
  3472. Hampton, John Somerset Pa … (1)
  3473. Han Shanggui (1)
  3474. Han, Ulrich, -1480 (12)
  3475. Han, Wolf, active 1475?-1 … (3)
  3476. Hananel ben Hushi'el (d. … (17)
  3477. Hananel ben Hushi'el (d. … (9)
  3478. Hananel ben Samuel (12th- … (5)
  3479. Hananel ben Samuel (13th … (1)
  3480. Hanbury, Charlotte (2)
  3481. Hanby, Thomas (1)
  3482. Hancock, Albany, 1806-187 … (1)
  3483. Hancock, Hannah (1)
  3484. Hancock, J. (1)
  3485. Hancox, John (1)
  3486. Handy, Han (1)
  3487. Handy, Jonathan, -1759 (1)
  3488. Hannay, James, 1827-1873 (1)
  3489. Hannibal, 247 B.C.-182 B. … (2)
  3490. Hans Burgkmair the Elder, … (1)
  3491. Hanson, A. T (1)
  3492. Hanson, R. P C (2)
  3493. Hardaker, Alan (1)
  3494. Harden, Arthur, 1865-1940 (1)
  3495. Hardie, James Keir, 1856- … (1)
  3496. Harding, James Duffield, … (1)
  3497. Hardouyn, Germain, active … (1)
  3498. Hardy, Charles (1)
  3499. Hardy, Julius, 1763-1816 (15)
  3500. Hardy, Michael James Lang … (1)
  3501. Hardy, Richard (2)
  3502. Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928 (3)
  3503. Harford, John S. (3)
  3504. Hargreaves, H. (1)
  3505. Hargreaves, Richard W. (1)
  3506. Hariharan, A. (1)
  3507. Harington, John (2)
  3508. Harkness, John, 1814-1851 (1)
  3509. Harland, Mary (1)
  3510. Harmer, Florence Elizabet … (1)
  3511. Harmer, James, 1777-1853 (2)
  3512. Harmiysis, son of Heras ( … (1)
  3513. Harmiysis, son of Psenpno … (1)
  3514. Harmiysis, son of Psenpno … (1)
  3515. Harnesis (farmer) (1)
  3516. Harnesis, son of Semtheus … (1)
  3517. Harold I, King of England … (6)
  3518. Harold, King of England, … (18)
  3519. Harpaesis, son of Heras (2)
  3520. Harpagathes, son of Orsen … (1)
  3521. Harper, Emily (3)
  3522. Harper, Richard, 1902-197 … (1)
  3523. Harper, Thomas, -1656 (148)
  3524. Harpochras, son of Harpoc … (1)
  3525. Harpochras, son of Harpoc … (1)
  3526. Harpochration (1)
  3527. Harpur, Frances, Lady, … (102)
  3528. Harrald, Cedric (1)
  3529. Harris Smith, M (1)
  3530. Harris, E. (2)
  3531. Harris, Howell (1)
  3532. Harris, Howell, 1714-1773 (4)
  3533. Harris, J. Rendel (James … (21)
  3534. Harris, Jennifer. (1)
  3535. Harris, John (4)
  3536. Harris, Margaret E. (1)
  3537. Harris, Martin. B (1)
  3538. Harris, Randal (1)
  3539. Harrison, F.A. (2)
  3540. Harrison, Frederick, 1884 … (1)
  3541. Harrison, John George (1)
  3542. Harrison, Joseph, 1779-18 … (1)
  3543. Harrison, Montague (2)
  3544. Harrison, Robert, 1796-1 … (10)
  3545. Harrop, Joseph, 1727-1804 (5)
  3546. Harsytmis (1)
  3547. Hart, Andro, -1621 (1)
  3548. Hart, H. (1)
  3549. Hart, Henry (1)
  3550. Hart, Joseph, 1712-1768 (1)
  3551. Hart, Robert (1)
  3552. Hart-Davis, Rupert, 1907- … (1)
  3553. Hartert, Claudia Bernadin … (1)
  3554. Hartert, Ernst, 1859-1933 (1)
  3555. Harthacanute II, King of … (1)
  3556. Harting, James Edmund, 18 … (2)
  3557. Hartley, H. G. (1)
  3558. Hartley, James, active 17 … (2)
  3559. Hartley, M. (1)
  3560. Hartley, Mr. (2)
  3561. Hartlieb, Johann, active … (1)
  3562. Hartog, P. J. (4)
  3563. Hartshorne, Albert, 1839- (1)
  3564. Hartysis (1)
  3565. Harun (2)
  3566. Harvey, J. D. M. (1)
  3567. Harvey, Stephen (1)
  3568. Harvey, William (1)
  3569. Harvey, William, 1796-187 … (4)
  3570. Harvie-Brown, J. A. (John … (1)
  3571. Harwood, Edith (1)
  3572. Harwood, Edward, 1729-179 … (1)
  3573. Hasan Abu Sahl, Al- (1)
  3574. Hasan Abu'l-Fadl (18th-19 … (1)
  3575. Hasday, R. (1)
  3576. Hassall, Arthur Hill, 181 … (1)
  3577. Hassall, Robert (1)
  3578. Hatchett, J. (John) (1)
  3579. Hatfield, Arnold, -1612 (1)
  3580. Hatherall, William, 1855- … (1)
  3581. Hatres (oil-maker) (1)
  3582. Hatton, Elizabeth (1)
  3583. Hatton, Helen H. (1)
  3584. Hatton, John (11)
  3585. Hatton, John -1871 (5)
  3586. Hatton, Joseph, 1841-1907 (1)
  3587. Hattori, Yasunori, active … (1)
  3588. Haughton, John (1)
  3589. Haultain, Arnold, 1857-19 … (1)
  3590. Haute-Garonne, France (De … (5)
  3591. Haute-Garonne, France (De … (5)
  3592. Havard, Alan (2)
  3593. Havard, Margaret (1)
  3594. Havell, Robert, 1793-1878 (2)
  3595. Havelok the Dane (Legenda … (1)
  3596. Hawarth, F.A. (1)
  3597. Hawkins, B. Waterhouse ( … (12)
  3598. Haworth, Jesse, 1835-1920 (1)
  3599. Hawstead, Jane (1)
  3600. Hawthorn, Rachel (1)
  3601. Hay, William Robert, 17 … (102)
  3602. Hayashi, Yoshinaga (5)
  3603. Haydock-Cadle Co., London (3)
  3604. Hayes, G. (1)
  3605. Hayes, J. (1)
  3606. Hayes, James. (1)
  3607. Haygarth, William, 1790-1 … (3)
  3608. Hayiv, Eliezer (1)
  3609. Hayiv, Isaac (1)
  3610. Hayiv, Solomon (1)
  3611. Hayley, William, 1745-182 … (3)
  3612. Hayman, Francis, 1708-177 … (2)
  3613. Haynes, Mr. (1)
  3614. Haywood, James (1)
  3615. Haywood, John (3)
  3616. Haywood, William (1)
  3617. Hayyim (1)
  3618. Hayyim Abraham (1)
  3619. Hayyim ibn Azizah (1)
  3620. Hayyim ibn Esther (1)
  3621. Hayyim, Rabbi (1)
  3622. Hazlitt, William, 1778-18 … (3)
  3623. Hātifī, -1520 or 1521 (5)
  3624. Heald, James, 1796-1873 (1)
  3625. Healy, J. F (1)
  3626. Hearne, Thomas (2)
  3627. Heath, James, 1757-1834 (7)
  3628. Heath, William, 1795-1840 (1)
  3629. Heaton, James (1)
  3630. Heaton, John (1)
  3631. Heber, Reginald, 1783-182 … (5)
  3632. Hebraeus, Bar, 1226-1286 (18)
  3633. Hector (Legendary charac … (76)
  3634. Hecuba (Legendary charac … (15)
  3635. Hedberg, Gustav (1)
  3636. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Frie … (1)
  3637. Heger, Constantin-Georges … (1)
  3638. Heginbotham, Henry (1)
  3639. Helen of Troy (Greek myt … (37)
  3640. Helene (1)
  3641. Helenius Acro, active 2nd … (2)
  3642. Heliodoros (2)
  3643. Heliodorus (2)
  3644. Heller, J. (1)
  3645. Heller, J. E. (1)
  3646. Helps, Alice Plucknett, 1 … (2)
  3647. Helps, Arthur, Sir, 1813 … (31)
  3648. Helt Stockade, Nicolaes v … (1)
  3649. Hemer, C. J (1)
  3650. Heminge, John (1)
  3651. Hemmerlin, Felix, approxi … (2)
  3652. Hempton, David. (1)
  3653. Henckel, Charles, 1862-19 … (3)
  3654. Henderson, John (6)
  3655. Henderson, John, 1757-178 … (3)
  3656. Henderson, Richard, 1736- … (3)
  3657. Hengel, Martin. (1)
  3658. Henle, J. E (1)
  3659. Henley, F. A. H. (3)
  3660. Hennequin, Victor, 1816-1 … (1)
  3661. Hennessey, J. (2)
  3662. Hennet, G. (3)
  3663. Henri, Bishop of Bayeux (8)
  3664. Henrietta Maria, Queen, c … (4)
  3665. Henriette Nahmias (1868-1 … (1)
  3666. Henry Blacklock & Co Limi … (3)
  3667. Henry Blacklock and Co. L … (9)
  3668. Henry Frederick, Prince o … (1)
  3669. Henry I, King of England … (29)
  3670. Henry I, King of France, … (1)
  3671. Henry II, Holy Roman Empe … (1)
  3672. Henry II, King of Englan … (31)
  3673. Henry III, Holy Roman Emp … (1)
  3674. Henry III, King of Engla … (47)
  3675. Henry IV, Holy Roman Empe … (2)
  3676. Henry IV, King of Englan … (45)
  3677. Henry Jenkinson Ltd, Leed … (2)
  3678. Henry Simon Limited (5)
  3679. Henry Simon, 1835-1899 (1)
  3680. Henry Stone & Son Ltd. (1)
  3681. Henry V, Holy Roman Emper … (2)
  3682. Henry V, King of England … (24)
  3683. Henry VI, Holy Roman Empe … (1)
  3684. Henry VI, King of England … (2)
  3685. Henry VII, King of Englan … (3)
  3686. Henry VIII, King of Engl … (27)
  3687. Henry VIII., King of Engl … (1)
  3688. Henry, (William) Charles, … (5)
  3689. Henshaw's Society for the … (4)
  3690. Hepburn, James Edward, 18 … (1)
  3691. Hephaistion (3)
  3692. Hepper, H. (1)
  3693. Heraclius, Emperor of the … (1)
  3694. Heraklas, son of Diodoros … (2)
  3695. Herakleides (1)
  3696. Herakles, son of Apolloni … (1)
  3697. Herakles, son of Petesouc … (1)
  3698. Herakles, son of Pnephero … (1)
  3699. Herakles, son of Ptollis … (2)
  3700. Heraklous (2)
  3701. Heras (1)
  3702. Heras, son of Ephonychos … (2)
  3703. Heras, son of Orsenouphis … (1)
  3704. Herbert, G. (1)
  3705. Herbert, George (2)
  3706. Herbert, George, 1593-163 … (9)
  3707. Herbert, L. (1)
  3708. Herbertson, Andrew John (6)
  3709. Hercules (Roman mytholog … (23)
  3710. Herford, C H (2)
  3711. Herford, Charles Harold, … (4)
  3712. Hering family (2)
  3713. Hering, Charles, -1815 (2)
  3714. Hering, Charles, 1762 or … (10)
  3715. Hermammon (1)
  3716. Hermes, Trismegistus (2)
  3717. Herminos (1)
  3718. Hermione (1)
  3719. Hermione (Greek mythology … (6)
  3720. Hermodorus (2)
  3721. Hernández, Miguel, 1910- … (1)
  3722. Hero, of Alexandria (36)
  3723. Herod I, King of Judea, 7 … (2)
  3724. Herod I, King of Judea, 7 … (6)
  3725. Herodianus, Aelius, activ … (3)
  3726. Herodotus (7)
  3727. Heron (1)
  3728. Heroninus (2)
  3729. Herp, Hendrik, approximat … (2)
  3730. Herrey, Robert F. (2)
  3731. Herries, Catherine (293)
  3732. Herries, Lady (2)
  3733. Herries, Nina (2)
  3734. Herries, Robert, 1730-18 … (12)
  3735. Herring, Thomas, 1693-175 … (1)
  3736. Herrmann, Klaus. (1)
  3737. Hertocks, A. (1)
  3738. Hervey, James (2)
  3739. Hervey, James, 1714-1758 (1)
  3740. Herwagen, Johann, 1497-15 … (5)
  3741. Herwald, G. (1)
  3742. Hesdin, Simon de (8)
  3743. Hesiod (5)
  3744. Hesione (Greek mythology … (15)
  3745. Hetherington, Alistair, 1 … (7)
  3746. Hevelius, Johannes, 1611- … (2)
  3747. Hewitt, Graily, 1864- (1)
  3748. Heywood, John (1)
  3749. Hibbert-Ware, Mrs Mary Cl … (1)
  3750. Hickman, Trevor (1)
  3751. Hides, Michael (1)
  3752. Hieatt, Constance. B (1)
  3753. Hieron, Samuel (1)
  3754. Hieronymus Froben, 1501- … (22)
  3755. Hieronymus Gemusaeus, 15 … (22)
  3756. Higden, Ranulf, -1364 (1)
  3757. Higden, Ranulf, -1394 (372)
  3758. Higgins, A. J B (1)
  3759. Higgins, Alfred (1)
  3760. Higginson, Ellen (13)
  3761. Highfield, John. (1)
  3762. Hilai ha-Levi of Naresh ( … (2)
  3763. Hilal (1)
  3764. Hilali (3)
  3765. Hilarius, Pope, -468 (1)
  3766. Hill, David (1)
  3767. Hill, G. (1)
  3768. Hill, Joyce. (1)
  3769. Hill, Nicolas, active 154 … (1)
  3770. Hill, Richard (1)
  3771. Hill, Richard, 1655-1727 (11)
  3772. Hill, Rowland, 1744-1833 (2)
  3773. Hill, Thomas (1)
  3774. Hill, Thomas. H. (1)
  3775. Hill, William (9)
  3776. Hillel b. Eli (11th-12th … (2)
  3777. Hillel ha-Hazzan bi-rabbi … (1)
  3778. Hills, Henry, -1689? (3)
  3779. Hills, Henry, fl. 1641-16 … (2)
  3780. Hilton, Walter, -1396 (20)
  3781. Hilton, William, 1786-183 … (1)
  3782. Hind, A. (1)
  3783. Hind, Arthur M. (Arthur M … (1)
  3784. Hinson, Elizabeth (1)
  3785. Hinton, Daniel (2)
  3786. Hinton, David. A (1)
  3787. Hipkins, Alfred James, 18 … (3)
  3788. Hipkins, Edith, 1854–1945 (1)
  3789. Hipkins, Jane Souter (1)
  3790. Hipkins, John A. (1)
  3791. Hipkins, John A., -1933 (1)
  3792. Hippalos, son of Archis ( … (2)
  3793. Hippocrates (9)
  3794. Hird, Samuel, 1878-1956 (1)
  3795. Hirst, Jacqueline. Suthre … (1)
  3796. Hirst, John (1)
  3797. Hirtius, Aulus (2)
  3798. Hist, Konrad, -1531 (2)
  3799. Hitch, Frederick Brook, 1 … (1)
  3800. Hitchens, William (1)
  3801. Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945 (2)
  3802. Hiyya ben Isaac (12th cen … (1)
  3803. Hoare, Henry, -1828 (1)
  3804. Hobart, Mark. (1)
  3805. Hobhouse, Emily, 1860-192 … (7)
  3806. Hobhouse, L. T. (Leonard … (2)
  3807. Hobson, H., active 1814-1 … (1)
  3808. Hobson, John A., 1858-194 … (2)
  3809. Hodges, Charlie (1)
  3810. Hodges, John, active 1740 … (1)
  3811. Hodgets, Iohn (1)
  3812. Hodgetts, Thomas, approxi … (3)
  3813. Hodgson, B. H. (Brian Hou … (1)
  3814. Hodgson, John. R (2)
  3815. Hodgson, Susan, 1843/4–19 … (1)
  3816. Hodgson, T. V. (Thomas Ve … (1)
  3817. Hodkinson, Stephen. (1)
  3818. Hoefnagel, Joris, 1542-16 … (1)
  3819. Hoet, Gerard, 1648-1733 (1)
  3820. Hog, William, approximate … (1)
  3821. Hogarth, James (1)
  3822. Hogarth, William, 1697-1 … (14)
  3823. Hogenberg, Frans, approx … (17)
  3824. Hogg, R. M (1)
  3825. Holbein, Hans, 1460-1524 (3)
  3826. Holbein, Hans, 1497-1543 (2)
  3827. Holder, P. A (1)
  3828. Hole, William, -1624 (2)
  3829. Holinshed, Raphael, -1580 … (2)
  3830. Hollaender, Albert Edwin … (2)
  3831. Holland, Meridel. (1)
  3832. Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607 … (50)
  3833. Hollyer, Frederick, 1838- … (2)
  3834. Holman (née Hamilton), J … (29)
  3835. Holman, J. G. (Joseph Ge … (15)
  3836. Holme, Edmond (1)
  3837. Holmes, Frank (1)
  3838. Holmes, George (1)
  3839. Holmes, J. (1)
  3840. Holmes, James (1)
  3841. Holmes, Phillip (1)
  3842. Holt, Ernest J. (1)
  3843. Holtei, R (1)
  3844. Holtorp, Hiero Erasme Aug … (7)
  3845. Homer (47)
  3846. Hondius, Hendrik, 1573-1 … (68)
  3847. Hone, Nathaniel, 1718-178 … (1)
  3848. Hone, William, 1780-1842 (3)
  3849. Honeyman, A. M (1)
  3850. Honorius I, Pope, -638 (1)
  3851. Honorius II, Pope, -1130 (1)
  3852. Honorius III, Pope, -1227 (1)
  3853. Honorius IV, Pope, approx … (1)
  3854. Honorius, Flavius, Empero … (1)
  3855. Honorius, of Autun, appro … (1)
  3856. Honywill, W. G. (1)
  3857. Hoochstraten, Johannes (15)
  3858. Hooghe, Romeyn de, 1645-1 … (1)
  3859. Hooke, Fred W. (1)
  3860. Hooke, Robert (16)
  3861. Hooker, Joseph Dalton, Si … (1)
  3862. Hooker, Morna. D (4)
  3863. Hooker, Richard, 1553 or … (1)
  3864. Hooks, Henry (5)
  3865. Hoole, Charles, 1610-1667 (1)
  3866. Hooper, Edward William, 1 … (2)
  3867. Hooper, W. H. (1)
  3868. Hooper, William Harcourt (1)
  3869. Hoover, Herbert, 1874-196 … (2)
  3870. Hope, Charles (2)
  3871. Hope, John (33)
  3872. Hopfer, Daniel, approxima … (1)
  3873. Hopkey, Sophia (2)
  3874. Hopkins, F. J. (1)
  3875. Hopkins, John -1570 (2)
  3876. Hopkins, John, -1570 (5)
  3877. Hopkins, Simon. (1)
  3878. Hopkins, William (1)
  3879. Hopkinson, Alfred, 1851-1 … (1)
  3880. Hopper, Christopher, 1722 … (4)
  3881. Hopton, Ralph Hopton, Ba … (18)
  3882. Hopwood, H. S. (1)
  3883. Hopwood, Henry, 1784-1831 (1)
  3884. Horace (41)
  3885. Horborch, Guillelmus, act … (1)
  3886. Horigenes (2)
  3887. Horion (2)
  3888. Horion, son of Kollanthos (1)
  3889. Horion, son of Souchion (2)
  3890. Hormisdas, Pope, -523 (1)
  3891. Horn, Alexander, 1762-182 … (1)
  3892. Hornby, A.R. (2)
  3893. Hornby, Catherine G. (1)
  3894. Hornby, Charles Harry St. … (4)
  3895. Hornby, Cicely (1)
  3896. Hornby, Joseph, 1794-1853 (2)
  3897. Hornby, William M. (1)
  3898. Horne, Charles Silvester, … (1)
  3899. Horner, William Blackwell … (1)
  3900. Horniman, Annie Elizabet … (11)
  3901. Horos (1)
  3902. Horsburgh, James (1)
  3903. Horsfield, Thomas (1)
  3904. Horsley, G. H R (1)
  3905. Horsman, Thomas (10)
  3906. Horton & Bridgeford (1)
  3907. Horton, John, -1802 (8)
  3908. Horton, William (1)
  3909. Hosier, Harry, -1806 (1)
  3910. Hotham, Charles, Sir, 172 … (1)
  3911. Houghton, Ellen Elizabeth … (1)
  3912. Houldsworth, W. H. (2)
  3913. Houldsworth, William (1)
  3914. Houldsworth, William Henr … (1)
  3915. Hounsfield, Godfrey Newbo … (1)
  3916. House of Commons (1)
  3917. Housman, A. E. (Alfred Ed … (1)
  3918. Housman, Laurence, 1865-1 … (1)
  3919. Howard, G. (1)
  3920. Howden, P. (1)
  3921. Howe, Joseph, 1804-1873 (1)
  3922. Howel, Laurence, 1664?-17 … (1)
  3923. Howell, David. (1)
  3924. Howes, Florence E. (1)
  3925. Howgrave, Thomas, approxi … (1)
  3926. Howitt, J. (11)
  3927. Howitt, Samuel, 1765?-182 … (2)
  3928. Howitt, William, 1792-187 … (2)
  3929. Howlett, R (1)
  3930. Hoxton, John (1)
  3931. Hoyle, William Evans, 185 … (1)
  3932. Hu, Zhengyan, approximate … (5)
  3933. Hu, Zongxian, -1565 (14)
  3934. Hufton, O. H (1)
  3935. Huggins, William, Sir, 18 … (2)
  3936. Hugh Capet, King of Franc … (1)
  3937. Hugh Oge Mac Mahon (2)
  3938. Hugh Wilson & Lewis Womer … (2)
  3939. Hugh Wilson and Lewis Wom … (5)
  3940. Hugh, of Saint-Cher, Card … (1)
  3941. Hughes Clarke, A. W. (Ar … (30)
  3942. Hughes, Celia. (2)
  3943. Hughes, David Edward, 182 … (1)
  3944. Hughes, Edward. (2)
  3945. Hughes, Harriet (2)
  3946. Hughes, J. D. (1)
  3947. Hughes, J.C. (1)
  3948. Hughes, John M., (John M … (16)
  3949. Hugo, Adèle 1803-1868 (2)
  3950. Hugo, Alice (1)
  3951. Hugo, François-Victor, 18 … (1)
  3952. Hugo, Léopoldine 1824 184 … (1)
  3953. Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885 (175)
  3954. Hukin, George E. (2)
  3955. Hull, Caroline. S (1)
  3956. Hull, John (8)
  3957. Hulme, Frederick William, … (1)
  3958. Hulme, J. C. (2)
  3959. Hulsius, Levinus, -1606 (6)
  3960. Hulton, Henry (92)
  3961. Hulton, William Ford, 181 … (2)
  3962. Hulton, William, 1787-186 … (4)
  3963. Humber, William, 1821-18 … (10)
  3964. Humboldt, Alexander von, … (2)
  3965. Hume, Hamilton, 1797-1873 (1)
  3966. Hume, John, 1703-1782 (1)
  3967. Humphrey, Duke of Glouces … (3)
  3968. Humphreys, Henry Noel, 18 … (1)
  3969. Humphreys, Joseph (1)
  3970. Hunain b. Ishak al-'Ibadi (5)
  3971. Hunayn ibn Ishaq al-ʻIbad … (2)
  3972. Hunt, Arthur S. (Arthur S … (6)
  3973. Hunt, Derek (6)
  3974. Hunt, George (2)
  3975. Hunt, Henry, 1773-1835 (36)
  3976. Hunt, James (1)
  3977. Hunt, James. E. (15)
  3978. Hunt, Leigh, 1784-1859 (2)
  3979. Hunt, Robert (22)
  3980. Hunt, Robert, 1830-1892 (10)
  3981. Hunt, T.W. (1)
  3982. Hunt, William Holman (14)
  3983. Hunt, William Holman, 18 … (16)
  3984. Hunte, Thomas, active 147 … (2)
  3985. Hunter, Ann (2)
  3986. Hunter, E. C D (1)
  3987. Hunter, R.F. (1)
  3988. Hunter, Robert (2)
  3989. Hunter, Robert, active 17 … (1)
  3990. Hunter, Thomas (4)
  3991. Hunter, William Henry, 18 … (1)
  3992. Huntingdon, Selina Hasti … (15)
  3993. Hurst Brothers (2)
  3994. Hurst, Arthur Frederick, … (25)
  3995. Hurst, Mr. (1)
  3996. Hurst, Nathaniel (1)
  3997. Hurtado de Mendoza y de l … (2)
  3998. Hurus, Paul (1)
  3999. Hus, Jan, 1369?-1415 (1)
  4000. Husband, Henry Charles, 1 … (1)
  4001. Husner, Georg, -1505 (2)
  4002. Huss, Mathias, active 148 … (3)
  4003. Hutchings, W. F. (2)
  4004. Hutchinson, Bell (1)
  4005. Hutchinson, Bill (1)
  4006. Hutchinson, John (5)
  4007. Hutchinson, William, 1732 … (1)
  4008. Hutchison, Robert (2)
  4009. Hutchison, Robert & Co (17)
  4010. Hutten, Ulrich von, 1488- … (1)
  4011. Hutton, James, 1715-1795 (2)
  4012. Huxley, J. (1)
  4013. Huxley, Thomas Henry, 18 … (10)
  4014. Hyde, J. K (4)
  4015. Hyde, Thomas K. (1)
  4016. Hyginus, Pope, -approxima … (1)
  4017. Hylton, Elys (5)
  4018. Hémon, Félix, 1848-1916 (4)
  4019. Hôr, son of Pemû (3)
  4020. Ḥasan Dihlavī, 1253 or 1 … (5)
  4021. Ḥāfiẓ, active 14th cen … (1)
  4022. I. L. P. Information Comm … (1)
  4023. I. O. N. (6)
  4024. Ibbett, W. H. (5)
  4025. Ibison, S. (1)
  4026. Ibn 'Ashir (d. 1040 AH/ 1 … (2)
  4027. Ibn ?Ma`rad (1)
  4028. Ibn al-Akfani, Muḥammad … (6)
  4029. Ibn al-Diyan Manasse (1)
  4030. Ibn al-Faraj (1)
  4031. Ibn al-Muqaffa (5)
  4032. Ibn al-Muqaffaʻ, -approxi … (5)
  4033. Ibn Avitor, Joseph ben Is … (5)
  4034. Ibn Avitor, Joseph ben Is … (1)
  4035. Ibn Dawud al-Fa`ali (1)
  4036. Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Mei … (1)
  4037. Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Me … (32)
  4038. Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meï … (2)
  4039. Ibn Ezra, Moses (ca. 1060 … (3)
  4040. Ibn Ezra, Moses (ca. 1060 … (1)
  4041. Ibn Gabirol (11th cent.) (19)
  4042. Ibn Gaon, Shem Tov ben A … (12)
  4043. Ibn Ghiyyat, Isaac (1038- … (5)
  4044. Ibn Ghiyyat, Isaac (1038- … (2)
  4045. Ibn Ibrahim (1)
  4046. ibn Isrā'īl al-Rūmī al-Am … (5)
  4047. Ibn Janah, Abu al-Walid M … (2)
  4048. Ibn Migash, Joseph ben Me … (2)
  4049. Ibn Qattus (1)
  4050. Ibn Shekanya (11th cent.) (1)
  4051. Ibn Shuaib, Joshua (14th … (4)
  4052. Ibn Yahya (1)
  4053. Ibn ʻArabshāh, Aḥmad ib … (5)
  4054. Ibrahim al-Maghrebi (2)
  4055. İbrāhīm bin Velī (5)
  4056. Ibrāhīm Shāhī (5)
  4057. İdrîs Bitlîsî -1520 (5)
  4058. İdrîs Bitlîsî, -1520 (10)
  4059. Idsforth, John (1)
  4060. Ignotus, Paul (1)
  4061. Ikeda, Tōritei, 1788-1857 (3)
  4062. Ikhlāṣ, Kishan Chand, app … (5)
  4063. Ilantai, active approxim … (21)
  4064. Ille-et-Vilaine (France). … (1)
  4065. Ille-et-Vilaine, France ( … (1)
  4066. Ille-et-Vilaine, France ( … (2)
  4067. Imām al-Dīn Ḥusaynī (5)
  4068. Independent Labour Party … (1)
  4069. Ingham, Benjamin, 1712-17 … (2)
  4070. Ingham, John & Sons (1)
  4071. Ingilby, William Henry, S … (2)
  4072. Injū Shīrāzī, Ḥusayn ibn … (5)
  4073. Inland Revenue (2)
  4074. Innocent I, Pope, -417 (2)
  4075. Innocent II, Pope, -1143 (2)
  4076. Innocent III, Pope, 1160 … (1)
  4077. Innocent III, Pope, 1160 … (2)
  4078. Innocent IV, Pope, approx … (1)
  4079. Innocent V, Pope, approxi … (1)
  4080. Innocent VI, Pope, -1362 (1)
  4081. Innocent VIII, Pope, 1432 … (4)
  4082. Ino (Greek mythology) (1)
  4083. Institoris, Heinrich, 143 … (1)
  4084. Institut national de géo … (1)
  4085. Institution for the Deaf … (1)
  4086. Ioseph (1)
  4087. Iphigenia (Greek mytholog … (1)
  4088. Ireland, William Henry, 1 … (1)
  4089. Ireland. Army (1)
  4090. Iremonger, E. (7)
  4091. Iremonger, Joshua (1)
  4092. Iremonger, Mrs (3)
  4093. Iremonger, Penelope (2)
  4094. Irene (1)
  4095. Irene, Empress of the Eas … (1)
  4096. Ireton, Henry, 1611-1651 (2)
  4097. Irish Loyal and Patriotic … (4)
  4098. Irving, Henry, Sir, 1838- … (3)
  4099. Irving, Washington, 1783- … (1)
  4100. Isaac (2)
  4101. Isaac (ben Makhluf (12th … (2)
  4102. Isaac ben Abraham of Narb … (6)
  4103. Isaac ben Joseph of Corbe … (4)
  4104. Isaac ben Samuel,‏ ‎of Ac … (1)
  4105. Isaac ha-Dayyan ha-Levi (1)
  4106. Isaac ha-Katan (2)
  4107. Isaac Hozeh (1)
  4108. Isaac ibn al-Ashqar (16th … (2)
  4109. Isaac Melammed (1)
  4110. Isaac Nafusi (1)
  4111. Isaac Tulidani (1)
  4112. Isaac, Daniel, -1834 (1)
  4113. Isabella I, Queen of Spai … (1)
  4114. Isabella, Consort of Rich … (7)
  4115. Isabella, Queen, consort … (65)
  4116. Isaiah ben Joseph ben Jac … (2)
  4117. Isazelmis (1)
  4118. Ischyrion (2)
  4119. Isère (France). Conseil … (1)
  4120. Isherwood, Ian, Professor (5)
  4121. Ishikawa, Tomonobu (7)
  4122. Ishmael ben Hakhmon (2)
  4123. Isidore, of Seville, Sain … (2)
  4124. Ision (slave) (2)
  4125. Isis (1)
  4126. Isis (Egyptian deity) (3)
  4127. Isitt, Kate Evelyn, appro … (6)
  4128. Isitt, Leonard (1)
  4129. Islip, Adam, -1639 (26)
  4130. Islip, John, 1464-1532 (9)
  4131. Israel Kohen (1)
  4132. Isserles, Moses ben Israe … (2)
  4133. Isted, B. (3)
  4134. Isère, France (Department … (1)
  4135. Itlīdī, Muḥammad Diyā … (5)
  4136. Iulia Augusta (landowner) (2)
  4137. Iulius (1)
  4138. Iustus (1)
  4139. Ivens, F. B. (1)
  4140. Ives, E. W (1)
  4141. İbrahim Müteferrika, 16 … (5)
  4142. J. & C. Walker (Firm) (4)
  4143. J. D (1)
  4144. J. Harrisons & Sons, Blac … (1)
  4145. J. Hatchard and Son (1)
  4146. J. M. W Turner (Joseph Ma … (3)
  4147. J. Mudd & Son (3)
  4148. J. Roberts & Sons (1)
  4149. J. T. (1)
  4150. J. T. Chapman Ltd (1)
  4151. J.G. (1)
  4152. J.W. (1)
  4153. J.W. Singer & Sons Ltd (3)
  4154. Jackson, A. (1)
  4155. Jackson, Anthony. R (1)
  4156. Jackson, Fanny (3)
  4157. Jackson, Henry, 1666-1766 (1)
  4158. Jackson, J., 17th cent (1)
  4159. Jackson, John (8)
  4160. Jackson, Katherine (1)
  4161. Jackson, M. J. (1)
  4162. Jackson, Mary (1)
  4163. Jackson, Mary J. (6)
  4164. Jackson, Mary, 18th centu … (1)
  4165. Jaco, Peter, -1781 (6)
  4166. Jacob (4)
  4167. Jacob (Biblical patriarch … (6)
  4168. Jacob Abu Moses (1)
  4169. Jacob b. .. (1)
  4170. Jacob b. Barukh (1)
  4171. Jacob ben Asher (ca. 126 … (26)
  4172. Jacob ben Reuben, Karaite … (5)
  4173. Jacob Corcos (15th cent.) (2)
  4174. Jacob ha-Kohen (18-19th c … (4)
  4175. Jacob ha-Levi ?Akhubas (1 … (1)
  4176. Jacob ibn Habib (1)
  4177. Jacob, Ernest Fraser, 18 … (18)
  4178. Jacobs, L (1)
  4179. Jacobus, de Cessolis, act … (4)
  4180. Jacobus, de Gruytrode, ac … (5)
  4181. Jacobus, de Theramo, 1350 … (3)
  4182. Jacobus, de Voragine, ap … (28)
  4183. Jacobus, Mediolanensis, a … (2)
  4184. Jacomo di Maestro Salvi d … (2)
  4185. Jacqueline Nicholls (3)
  4186. Jacques, George, fl. 1840 … (1)
  4187. Jaffe, M. J. (Mordechai J … (5)
  4188. Jaggar, Jonas (1)
  4189. Jaggard, Isaac (1)
  4190. Jaggard, William, 1569-16 … (1)
  4191. Jaggard, William, 1569-16 … (1)
  4192. Jaggard, William, 1569-16 … (1)
  4193. Jaggard, William, 1569-16 … (1)
  4194. Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 1 … (1)
  4195. Jaillot, Hubert (1)
  4196. Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī (1)
  4197. Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, Maula … (77)
  4198. Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, Mevlâ … (3)
  4199. James Boler, active 1640- … (8)
  4200. James I, King of England … (2)
  4201. James I, King of England, … (2)
  4202. James I, King of Scotland … (1)
  4203. James II, King of England … (2)
  4204. James II, King of Scotlan … (1)
  4205. James III, King of Scotla … (1)
  4206. James IV, King of Scotlan … (1)
  4207. James Mudd, 1821-1906 (18)
  4208. James V, King of Scotland … (3)
  4209. James, Angela (8)
  4210. James, Henry, 1843-1916 (1)
  4211. James, J. (1)
  4212. James, M. R. (Montague Rh … (1)
  4213. James, Montague Rhodes, 1 … (2)
  4214. James, T. (1)
  4215. James, the Greater, Saint (1)
  4216. Jami (1)
  4217. Jane, Willian (1)
  4218. Janssen van Ceulen, Corne … (1)
  4219. Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664 (2)
  4220. Jantzen, Grace. M (2)
  4221. Japheth (1)
  4222. Japheth ben Ali ha-Levi ( … (8)
  4223. Japheth ben Solomon ha-Le … (6)
  4224. Japheth? (1)
  4225. Jarnial Singh Potiwal, Ba … (1)
  4226. Jarratt, J. Earnest (1)
  4227. Jarvis, Rupert. C (1)
  4228. Jas. Truscott & Son Ltd, … (1)
  4229. Jason (Greek mythology) (43)
  4230. Jasper, F. (1)
  4231. Javogues, Claude, 1759-17 … (3)
  4232. Jayawickrama, N. A (1)
  4233. Jaykishan Dās (5)
  4234. Jean I, King of France. 1 … (1)
  4235. Jean II, King of France, … (2)
  4236. Jean, de Meun, approximat … (1)
  4237. Jean-Baptiste-Suzanne Alb … (1)
  4238. Jeckell, George, active … (12)
  4239. Jefferys, Thomas, -1771 (1)
  4240. Jehannot, Etienne (2)
  4241. Jelleyman, Will (1)
  4242. Jellicoe, John Rushworth, … (2)
  4243. Jellinek, Frank (1)
  4244. Jenkins, Daniel (1)
  4245. Jenkins, William (1)
  4246. Jenkinson, William (3)
  4247. Jenkyn,Thomas W. (Thomas … (1)
  4248. Jenner, Edward (1)
  4249. Jenner, Thomas, -1673 (1)
  4250. Jennings, Robert Yewdall … (1)
  4251. Jenson, Nicolas, approxi … (51)
  4252. Jephson, Henry (2)
  4253. Jerdon, T. C. (Thomas Cla … (2)
  4254. Jeroham (1)
  4255. Jeroham ben Meshullam (c … (20)
  4256. Jerome, Saint, -419 or 4 … (14)
  4257. Jerome, William, -1540 (1)
  4258. Jerrold, Douglas, 1803-18 … (1)
  4259. Jesus Christ (1074)
  4260. Jevons, William Stanley … (337)
  4261. Jewsbury, Frank (2)
  4262. Jewsbury, Geraldine Ends … (64)
  4263. Jewsbury, Maria Jane, 18 … (65)
  4264. Jewsbury, Maria, -1819 (2)
  4265. Jewsbury, Thomas, -1840 (5)
  4266. Jeyns, Leonard (4)
  4267. Joachinus de Gigantibus … (113)
  4268. Joan, Princess of Wales, … (4)
  4269. Joan, Queen, consort of H … (1)
  4270. Joannes Jacobi, -1384 (5)
  4271. Joannes, Tacuinus, de Tri … (4)
  4272. Jobbins, John Richard, - … (11)
  4273. Jocelyn, H. D (2)
  4274. Jode, Pieter de, 1606-app … (1)
  4275. Joel (Biblical prophet) (2)
  4276. Johann, of Speier, -1470 (7)
  4277. Johann, of Speier, -1470, … (2)
  4278. Johann, von Köln, activ … (11)
  4279. Johannes Andreas, Bishop … (2)
  4280. Johannes, de Caulibus, … (388)
  4281. Johannes, von Tepl, appro … (4)
  4282. John and Arthur Arch (1)
  4283. John Chrysostom, Saint, - … (4)
  4284. John I, Pope, -526 (1)
  4285. John II, King of Portugal … (1)
  4286. John II, King of Scotlan … (24)
  4287. John II, Pope, -535 (1)
  4288. John III, Pope, -574 (2)
  4289. John IV, Pope, -642 (1)
  4290. John IX, Pope, -900 (1)
  4291. John of Amewell (1)
  4292. John Rylands Library (85)
  4293. John Strangeways, Castle … (13)
  4294. John V, Pope, -686 (1)
  4295. John VI, Pope, -705 (1)
  4296. John VII, Pope, -707 (1)
  4297. John VIII, Pope, -882 (1)
  4298. John X, Pope, -928 (1)
  4299. John XI, Pope, -936 (1)
  4300. John XII, Pope, -964 (1)
  4301. John XIII, Pope, -972 (1)
  4302. John XIV, Pope, -984 (1)
  4303. John XIX, Pope, -1032 (1)
  4304. John XV, Pope, -996 (1)
  4305. John XVI, Antipope, -998 (1)
  4306. John XVII, Pope, -1003 (1)
  4307. John XXI, Pope, -1277 (1)
  4308. John XXII, Pope, -1334 (2)
  4309. John, Angela. V (1)
  4310. John, de Taysteke, active … (4)
  4311. John, Eric. (7)
  4312. John, King of England, 1 … (86)
  4313. John, of Brienne, approxi … (1)
  4314. John, of Garland, approxi … (1)
  4315. John, of Gaunt, Duke of … (18)
  4316. John, the Apostle, Sain … (468)
  4317. John, the Baptist, Saint (31)
  4318. Johnes, Thomas (1)
  4319. Johns, Catherine, 1800-18 … (1)
  4320. Johns, William, 1771-184 … (32)
  4321. Johnson Riddle & Co., Ltd … (1)
  4322. Johnson, Adam, 1965-1993 (5)
  4323. Johnson, Arthur (3)
  4324. Johnson, Cicely, active 1 … (1)
  4325. Johnson, David H. N. (1)
  4326. Johnson, E. (1)
  4327. Johnson, Gordon B. (1)
  4328. Johnson, J. de M. (2)
  4329. Johnson, John (3)
  4330. Johnson, John, 1725-1803 (1)
  4331. Johnson, Joseph, 1791-187 … (3)
  4332. Johnson, Lionel Pigot, 18 … (1)
  4333. Johnson, Nichola. (1)
  4334. Johnson, Riddle & Co. (1)
  4335. Johnson, Robert (1)
  4336. Johnson, Samuel, 1709-178 … (9)
  4337. Johnson, Thomas, -1644 (26)
  4338. Johnson, Thomas, -1797 (1)
  4339. Johnson, W.S. (1)
  4340. Johnston, A. (1)
  4341. Johnston, Alexander Keith … (4)
  4342. Johnston, Cecilia, 1727-1 … (1)
  4343. Johnston, Cecilia, Lady, … (1)
  4344. Johnston, Edward (1)
  4345. Johnston, Edward, 1872-19 … (6)
  4346. Johnston, J. R. V. (1)
  4347. Jollie, F. (6)
  4348. Jolliffe, William George … (1)
  4349. Joly, Anténor (5)
  4350. Joly, Marie (1)
  4351. Jonathan ben David ha-Koh … (2)
  4352. Jonathan ben David ha-Koh … (2)
  4353. Jones & Smith (2)
  4354. Jones, Clyve (1)
  4355. Jones, Diana. K (1)
  4356. Jones, G. D B (1)
  4357. Jones, J. R (1)
  4358. Jones, James (1)
  4359. Jones, James, -1783 (1)
  4360. Jones, John, 1721-1785 (11)
  4361. Jones, Joseph (1)
  4362. Jones, Leslie Webber, 190 … (1)
  4363. Jones, Martha (3)
  4364. Jones, Mary Emma, 1845-19 … (1)
  4365. Jones, Noah (2)
  4366. Jones, Percy A., 1882-195 … (1)
  4367. Jones, Peter (1)
  4368. Jones, Richard, active 15 … (1)
  4369. Jones, Sally (1)
  4370. Jones, Thomas, -1762 (2)
  4371. Jones, Trevor (1)
  4372. Jones, William, active 16 … (1)
  4373. Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637 (1)
  4374. Jordan, Christine (20)
  4375. Jordan, Frederick William … (2)
  4376. Jordan, J. W. (3)
  4377. Jordan, Joseph, 1787-1813 (2)
  4378. Jordan, Joseph, 1787-1873 (1)
  4379. Joseph (6)
  4380. Joseph (Lebdi) (11th-12th … (1)
  4381. Joseph (Son of Jacob) (11)
  4382. Joseph b. ... (1)
  4383. Joseph ben Bishr (10th-11 … (1)
  4384. Joseph ben Gorion, ha-Koh … (1)
  4385. Joseph ben Shemarya (12th … (1)
  4386. Joseph ha-Kohen bar Halfo … (1)
  4387. Joseph ha-Levi (17th cent … (2)
  4388. Joseph ha-Parnas (1)
  4389. Joseph ha-Parnas bar Yesh … (1)
  4390. Joseph ibn ?Halt(...) (2)
  4391. Joseph Jabez (1)
  4392. Joseph Lebdi (11th-12th c … (2)
  4393. Joseph Moses ben Sarah (1)
  4394. Joseph Piha (1)
  4395. Joseph Rosh ha-Seder (12 … (23)
  4396. Joseph Rosh ha-Seder (12t … (3)
  4397. Joseph, of Arimathea, Sa … (39)
  4398. Joseph, Saint (41)
  4399. Josephus, Flavius (1)
  4400. Joshua b. Elazar (1)
  4401. Joshua ben Samuel Melamme … (1)
  4402. Josiah ben Aaron (11th ce … (2)
  4403. Joule, James Prescott, 18 … (1)
  4404. Jover, Marcel (5)
  4405. Jovian, Emperor of Rome, … (2)
  4406. Joy, Morny. (1)
  4407. Judah (3)
  4408. Judah ha-Kohen (1)
  4409. Judah ha-Levi (12th cent. … (9)
  4410. Judah ha-Levi (12th cent. … (2)
  4411. Judah ha-Levi ha-Ma`aravi (2)
  4412. Judah? (4)
  4413. Judas Iscariot (19)
  4414. Judith (Biblical figure) (1)
  4415. Judson, Thomas (6)
  4416. Jugge, Richard, -1577 (1)
  4417. Julian, of Norwich, 1343- (1)
  4418. Julius II, Pope, 1443-151 … (1)
  4419. Jull, Harrison J. (1)
  4420. Jull, Harrisson J. activ … (20)
  4421. Jump, J. D (3)
  4422. Juno (Roman deity) (7)
  4423. Junta, Juan de, active 15 … (3)
  4424. Jupiter (Roman deity) (16)
  4425. Jurjānī, Ismāʻīl ibn Ḥasa … (1)
  4426. Justice, Richard (5)
  4427. Justin I, Emperor of the … (1)
  4428. Justinian II, Emperor of … (2)
  4429. Justinus, Marcus Junianus (1)
  4430. Juvaynī, ʻAlāʼ al-Dīn ʻAṭ … (1)
  4431. Juvenal (5)
  4432. Jónsson, Guðmundur (5)
  4433. Jāmī, 1414 1492 (1)
  4434. Jāmī, 1414-1492 (42)
  4435. Kachelofen, Konrad, -1528 … (1)
  4436. Kageyama Muneyasu (20)
  4437. Kahhal, ʻAli ibn ʻIsa (d. … (2)
  4438. Kahle, P (1)
  4439. Kahsnitz, Rainer. (2)
  4440. Kalai, Rahamim (17th cent … (2)
  4441. Kallir, Eleazar (24)
  4442. Kallir, Eleazar? (8)
  4443. Kalthoeber, Christian Sam … (8)
  4444. Kandel, I.L. (Isaac Leon) … (1)
  4445. Karo (1)
  4446. Karo, Joseph ben Ephraim … (6)
  4447. Kastor (1)
  4448. Kastor, son of Asklepiade … (4)
  4449. Kaur Bhakar, Satpal (2)
  4450. Kaur Digwa, Gurbachan (1)
  4451. Kaur Digwa, Gurbaihan (1)
  4452. Kaur Digwa, Kimet (2)
  4453. Kaur Sharma, Satveer (1)
  4454. Kaur Singh, Rashpal (1)
  4455. Kaur, Amrit (2)
  4456. Kaur, Balwant (2)
  4457. Kaur, Dalip (1)
  4458. Kaur, Dhia (3)
  4459. Kaur, Gursharon (1)
  4460. Kaur, Inder (1)
  4461. Kaur, Jagdish (1)
  4462. Kaur, Jagir (4)
  4463. Kaur, Jai (3)
  4464. Kaur, Jasbir (1)
  4465. Kaur, Jasir (1)
  4466. Kaur, Jaswinder (2)
  4467. Kaur, Kalwant (1)
  4468. Kaur, Parkash (1)
  4469. Kaur, Prabjot (1)
  4470. Kaur, Pritam (1)
  4471. Kaur, Raj (1)
  4472. Kaur, Raja (1)
  4473. Kaur, Rajwant (1)
  4474. Kaur, Ratan (1)
  4475. Kaur, Rupal (2)
  4476. Kaur, Sant (1)
  4477. Kaur, Sargit (1)
  4478. Kaur, Sarinder (1)
  4479. Kaur, Satnam (1)
  4480. Kaur, Satpal (2)
  4481. Kaur, Shakuntala (6)
  4482. Kaur, Shanti (1)
  4483. Kaur, Sheila (2)
  4484. Kaur, Sita (1)
  4485. Kaur, Suhaagrani (2)
  4486. Kaur, Suhaajrani (1)
  4487. Kaur, Suhagwanti (2)
  4488. Kaur, Sukhdar (1)
  4489. Kawachiya, Kihē (114)
  4490. Kawachiya, Wasuke (114)
  4491. Kay, Hannah (1)
  4492. Kay-Shuttleworth, James, … (1)
  4493. Kayyara, Simeon (9th cen … (24)
  4494. Kākaṛ, Mulā Jān Muḥa … (1)
  4495. Keast, William (2)
  4496. Keating, Geoffrey, 1570?- … (2)
  4497. Keen, Alan (2)
  4498. Keen, Duncan (1)
  4499. Keep, John, 1781-1870 (1)
  4500. Keith, Robert (1)
  4501. Kelbaule (1)
  4502. Kelcourse, J. L. (1)
  4503. Kellaway, William. (1)
  4504. Keller, R. E (4)
  4505. Kellermann, François-Chr … (1)
  4506. Kelley, Florence, 1859-19 … (3)
  4507. Kellogg, A. L (1)
  4508. Kelly's Directories Ltd. (1)
  4509. Kelly, Charles H. (1)
  4510. Kelly, Denis Henry (1)
  4511. Kelly, Fitzroy, Baron, 17 … (1)
  4512. Kelly, Joseph. F T (1)
  4513. Kelly, Percy, 1918-1993 (9)
  4514. Kelly, William, 1821-1906 (9)
  4515. Kelly, William, 1821-190 … (15)
  4516. Kelly, William, 1821�1906 (1)
  4517. Kelmscott Press (10)
  4518. Kemalpaşazade, 1468 or … (10)
  4519. Kemble, John Philip, 1757 … (1)
  4520. Kemp, Betty. (1)
  4521. Kemp, Richard (3)
  4522. Kempe, Charles Eamer, 18 … (15)
  4523. Kempling, Samuel (1)
  4524. Kendrew, James (9)
  4525. Kendrick, W. (1)
  4526. Kennedy, J. Douglas (Jame … (8)
  4527. Kennedy, John, 1769-1855 (23)
  4528. Kennedy, Robert (32)
  4529. Kenney, Alison. (1)
  4530. Kenney, Arthur Henry, 177 … (1)
  4531. Kenning, Elizabeth (6)
  4532. Kennington, Thomas Benjam … (1)
  4533. Kenton, James (6)
  4534. Kenyon, Frederic. G (1)
  4535. Kepler, Johannes, 1571-16 … (1)
  4536. Kerferd, G. B (5)
  4537. Kermode, J. F (3)
  4538. Kerney, Michael P. (1)
  4539. Kerr, Mary (6)
  4540. Kerr, Mary Ann (2)
  4541. Kerr, William (4)
  4542. Kerver, Thielmann, d. 152 … (1)
  4543. Kesteven, W. Henry (Willi … (2)
  4544. Kestner, Joseph. (1)
  4545. Ketel, Cornelis, 1548-161 … (1)
  4546. Keulemans, J. G. (John G … (44)
  4547. Keutsch, Wilfried. (1)
  4548. Key, Francis Scott, 1779- … (1)
  4549. Key, Willem, approximatel … (1)
  4550. Keysall, K. (2)
  4551. Khafājī, Aḥmad ibn Muḥamm … (5)
  4552. Khalifa (?) ben ... (1)
  4553. Khama III, Chief of the B … (1)
  4554. Khan, Geoffrey. (1)
  4555. Khariki (6)
  4556. Khunrath, Heinrich (6)
  4557. Khvānd Mīr, Ghiyās̲ al … (1)
  4558. Kicklighter, Joseph. (1)
  4559. Kidd & Barker (1)
  4560. Kidd, J. (2)
  4561. Kierherus, J. (4)
  4562. Kiernan, Bernard Henry (1)
  4563. Kikuchi, Toramatsu, 1717- … (3)
  4564. Kilham, Alexander (1)
  4565. Kilham, Alexander, 1762-1 … (2)
  4566. Kilian, Lucas, 1579-1637 (2)
  4567. Killigrew (1)
  4568. Kimhi, David (ca. 1160-c … (27)
  4569. Kinderley, John (1)
  4570. King, Christine. (1)
  4571. King, Edward (1)
  4572. King, John, 1819-1905 (1)
  4573. King, K. C (2)
  4574. King, Wilhelmina (5)
  4575. King, William Lyon Macken … (2)
  4576. Kingham, Harvey (1)
  4577. Kingham, Tess (1)
  4578. Kingsford, F. (Florence) (1)
  4579. Kingsley, Charles, 1819-1 … (2)
  4580. Kinniburgh, Robert (1)
  4581. Kinsella, Thomas, 1928-20 … (1)
  4582. Kirby, D. P (1)
  4583. Kirby, W. F. (William For … (1)
  4584. Kircher, Athanasius, 1602 … (1)
  4585. Kirk, T. (2)
  4586. Kirkgate, Thomas, active … (6)
  4587. Kirpā Rām,‏ 1832-1876 (5)
  4588. Kishun Chand (1)
  4589. Kitagawa, Utamaro, 1753?- … (2)
  4590. Kitchen, T. (Thomas), -17 … (1)
  4591. Kitchin, Hilary (1)
  4592. Kitchin, Thomas, -1784 (1)
  4593. Kitchin, Thomas, 1718-178 … (1)
  4594. Kitching, R. L. (1)
  4595. Klados/Cladus (freedman) (1)
  4596. Klausner, J (2)
  4597. Kleinschmidt, Otto, 1870- … (1)
  4598. Kléber, Jean-Baptiste, 1 … (1)
  4599. Klingel, Joan. E. (1)
  4600. Kloss, Georg Franz Burkha … (1)
  4601. Kneller, Godfrey, Sir, 16 … (1)
  4602. Knight, Charles (1)
  4603. Knight, G. Wilson (1)
  4604. Knight, Richard Payne, 17 … (3)
  4605. Knipe, Elliott Arthur, -1 … (9)
  4606. Knott, Thomas, -1839 (2)
  4607. Knowles, M. D (1)
  4608. Knowles, Reverend, Willia … (1)
  4609. Knutsson, Bengt, -1462 (5)
  4610. Ko-Yu-Kai (1)
  4611. Koberger, Anton, approxi … (61)
  4612. Kocsis, Sándor, 1929-197 … (1)
  4613. Kogman-Appel, Katrin. (1)
  4614. Kolb, Gwin. J (1)
  4615. Kolb, Jack. (1)
  4616. Koli, R. Judah (1)
  4617. Kollanthos (1)
  4618. Kong, Lingyi, 1872-1919 (1)
  4619. Konody, Paul G. (Paul Geo … (4)
  4620. Konody, Paul George, 187 … (18)
  4621. Konrad III, King of the R … (2)
  4622. Kopal, Zdeněk, 1914-1993 (1)
  4623. Kornicki, P. F (1)
  4624. Kraft, Robert. A (2)
  4625. Krauss, S (2)
  4626. Krauss, Samuel (1)
  4627. Krauss, Samuel, 1866-1948 … (1)
  4628. Krüper, Theobald Johannes … (1)
  4629. Kumārajīva, -412? (29)
  4630. Kunth, Karl Sigismund, 17 … (1)
  4631. Kup, A. P (2)
  4632. Kursīnāmah-i mahāvatgarī (5)
  4633. Kurz, Leonhard, -1495 (1)
  4634. Kutsuki, Masatsuna, 1750- … (5)
  4635. Kuwagata, Shoshin, 1764-1 … (1)
  4636. Kynge, John, active 1554- … (6)
  4637. Kāshānī, Mīr Taqī al-Dīn, … (5)
  4638. Kāshī Nath (1)
  4639. L'Estrange, Guy (2)
  4640. L. B. Seeley and Sons (1)
  4641. La Fontaine, Jean de, 162 … (2)
  4642. La Grande Armée (France) (1)
  4643. La Grande Armée (France), … (1)
  4644. La Pérouse, Jean-Franço … (1)
  4645. La Rochefoucauld, Alexand … (1)
  4646. Lactantius, approximately … (3)
  4647. Lacy, Alexander, active 1 … (1)
  4648. Ladam, Nicaise (2)
  4649. Laelius, Theodorus, 1427- … (1)
  4650. Laet, Gaspar (1)
  4651. Lafaurie, L. (1)
  4652. Lafayette Ltd (5)
  4653. Lafayette Ltd. (5)
  4654. Laferrière, Adolphe 179.? … (1)
  4655. Lai Sin (1)
  4656. Laidlar, John. F (1)
  4657. Laing, David, 1793-1878 (1)
  4658. Lake, Edward, 1641-1704 (2)
  4659. Lakshman Rao (1)
  4660. Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pi … (1)
  4661. Lamb, A.L. (2)
  4662. Lamb, A.S. (2)
  4663. Lamb, Henry (1)
  4664. Lambert, A. (1)
  4665. Lambert, George (1)
  4666. Lambier, James Henry, b. … (2)
  4667. Lameth, Alexandre, comte … (1)
  4668. Lammond, W. (1)
  4669. Lampe, G. W H (1)
  4670. Lamplough, E. S. (Edmund … (1)
  4671. Lan Zi Xi (5)
  4672. Lana, Jacopo della, act … (761)
  4673. Lancaster, Edmund, Earl o … (1)
  4674. Lancaster, Elizabeth Lili … (4)
  4675. Lancaster, Nathaniel, 160 … (3)
  4676. Lanciani, Rodolfo Amedeo, … (1)
  4677. Landa Singh, Bhil (1)
  4678. Lander, J. R (1)
  4679. Landi, Ortensio, approxim … (8)
  4680. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (2)
  4681. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (2)
  4682. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (2)
  4683. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (3)
  4684. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (2)
  4685. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (2)
  4686. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (2)
  4687. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4688. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4689. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4690. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4691. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4692. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4693. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4694. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4695. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4696. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4697. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4698. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4699. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4700. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424 … (1)
  4701. Landino, Cristoforo, 1 … (1392)
  4702. Landorf, Joyce (1)
  4703. Landow, George. P (5)
  4704. Landremont, Charles-Hyaci … (1)
  4705. Landsberg, Martin, -1523 (4)
  4706. Landseer, Edwin Henry, Si … (2)
  4707. Landseer, Edwin, Sir, 180 … (3)
  4708. Landseer, John, 1769-185 … (15)
  4709. Landsofer, Jona ben Elija … (2)
  4710. Landy, Jane (1)
  4711. Lane, F. T. (1)
  4712. Lane, Fred (2)
  4713. Lane, Theodore (1)
  4714. Lanesborough, Brinsley B … (17)
  4715. Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912 (7)
  4716. Lang, Robert (22)
  4717. Langan, William (1)
  4718. Langdale, Marmaduke Lang … (10)
  4719. Langdon-Davies, B. (Berna … (1)
  4720. Langley, Batty, 1696-175 … (11)
  4721. Langlois, Vincent (1)
  4722. Langsham, E. (1)
  4723. Langshaw, John, 1718-1798 (1)
  4724. Langshaw, John, 1763-1832 (1)
  4725. Langstone, Joseph (1)
  4726. Langton, Stephen, -1228 (4)
  4727. Lanier, Nicholas, 1588-16 … (6)
  4728. Laomedon (Greek mytholog … (14)
  4729. Lapidge, Michael. (1)
  4730. Laporte, François-Sébasti … (1)
  4731. Larner, John. (1)
  4732. Laroon, Marcellus, 1653-1 … (1)
  4733. Las Casas, Bartolomé de, … (6)
  4734. Lascaris, Constantine, 14 … (4)
  4735. Lascaris, Janus, 1445?-15 … (3)
  4736. Lasinio, Carlo, 1759-1838 (3)
  4737. Lassels, John, -1546 (1)
  4738. Last Horse (1)
  4739. Last, P.B. (1)
  4740. Last, Percy B. (1)
  4741. Latch, Campbell (1)
  4742. Latham, James (1)
  4743. Latimer, Hugh, 1485?-1555 (1)
  4744. Latrobe, Christian Ignati … (1)
  4745. Laud, William, 1573-1645 (6)
  4746. Lauer, Georg, active 1470 … (3)
  4747. Laugharne, Rowland, -167 … (13)
  4748. Laura Standing Bear (1)
  4749. Lauraguais, Louis-Léon-F … (1)
  4750. Laurence, Samuel, 1812-18 … (1)
  4751. Laurent, C. (3)
  4752. Laurent, de Premierfait, … (2)
  4753. Laurent, Dominican, activ … (2)
  4754. Laurent-Pichat, 1823-1886 (1)
  4755. Laurentii, Nicolaus act … (746)
  4756. Laurentii, Nicolaus, acti … (4)
  4757. Laurie, R. H. (1)
  4758. Laurie, Richard Holmes (3)
  4759. Laurie, Robert, 1755-1836 (1)
  4760. Lavagna, Filippo da (1)
  4761. Lavagnia, Philippus, de (2)
  4762. Lavater, Ludwig, 1527-158 … (1)
  4763. Lavinius, Petrus (1)
  4764. Lavynham, Richard (13)
  4765. Law, Elizabeth (2)
  4766. Lawes, Henry, 1596-1662 (111)
  4767. Lawes, William, 1602-164 … (10)
  4768. Layard, A. H. (2)
  4769. Layard, Austen Henry, Sir … (1)
  4770. Layard, G.S. (2)
  4771. Layard, George Somes, 185 … (2)
  4772. Laythes, Thomas, -1701 (1)
  4773. Le Bas, Charles Webb, 17 … (11)
  4774. Le Dru, Pierre, active 14 … (2)
  4775. Le Duchat, Jacob, 1658-17 … (1)
  4776. Le Fèvre, Nicaise, 1610-1 … (1)
  4777. Le Maistre de Sacy, Isaa … (80)
  4778. Le Mangnier, Robert, acti … (1)
  4779. Le More, Mary (1)
  4780. Le Rouge, Jacques, active … (3)
  4781. Le Rouge, Pierre, -1493 (2)
  4782. Le Sage, Alain René, 166 … (1)
  4783. Leach, William Elford, 17 … (1)
  4784. Leahy, D. M (2)
  4785. Leakey, Louis Seymour Baz … (1)
  4786. Leaney, A. R C (1)
  4787. Lear, Edward, 1812-1888 (55)
  4788. Lear, John G. (1)
  4789. Lear, King (Legendary ch … (18)
  4790. Lear, King of England (Le … (2)
  4791. Leath & Ross (1)
  4792. Ledbrooke, Archie, -1958 (1)
  4793. Lee, Herbert W. (1)
  4794. Lee, J. (1)
  4795. Lee, Joseph (1)
  4796. Lee, Mary (1)
  4797. Lee, Sophia, 1750-1824 (1)
  4798. Lee, Stuart. (1)
  4799. Lee. C. (1)
  4800. Leech, Bosdin Thomas, Sir … (3)
  4801. Leech, John (3)
  4802. Leechman, William (8)
  4803. Lees, C. Robertson (1)
  4804. Lees, Colin. (2)
  4805. Lees, F. N (1)
  4806. Lees, John, -1819 (2)
  4807. Lees, Joseph (213)
  4808. Leeu, Gerard, approximat … (12)
  4809. Lefevre, Mrs., -1756 (4)
  4810. Leff, Gordon. (3)
  4811. Leff, R. Welldon (1)
  4812. Lefèvre, Raoul (3)
  4813. Legatt, John, -1658 (1)
  4814. Legge, Cantrell, -1625? (1)
  4815. Legge, William Vincent, 1 … (1)
  4816. Legh, Peter (1)
  4817. Lehmann, Rudolf, 1819-190 … (1)
  4818. Leigh, Charles William Ed … (1)
  4819. Leigh, Charles,1660-1717 (3)
  4820. Leigh, R. A (1)
  4821. Leighton of Stretton, Fr … (18)
  4822. Leighton, Frederick, Sir (13)
  4823. Leighton, R. A. (1)
  4824. Leith, James, Sir, 1763-1 … (2)
  4825. Lejewski, C (1)
  4826. Leland, Anne (8)
  4827. Lemaire de Belges, Jean, … (3)
  4828. Lemere, Bedford Henry (H … (54)
  4829. Lemico, Eugene. E (1)
  4830. Lemierre-d'Argy, Auguste- … (1)
  4831. Lemon, M. (1)
  4832. Lenthall, William, 1591- … (42)
  4833. Leo I, Emperor of the Eas … (1)
  4834. Leo I, Pope, -461 (3)
  4835. Leo II, Emperor of the Ea … (1)
  4836. Leo III, Pope, 795-816 (1)
  4837. Leo IV, Emperor of the Ea … (1)
  4838. Leo X, Pope, 1475-1521 (4)
  4839. Leo, II, Pope, -683 (1)
  4840. Leonardo y Argensola, Lu … (31)
  4841. Leonardo, da Vinci, 1452- … (1)
  4842. Leoni, Giacomo, approxima … (8)
  4843. Leoni, Ludovico, 1542-161 … (1)
  4844. Leoni, Ottavio, approxim … (12)
  4845. Leoniceno, Niccolò, 1428- … (4)
  4846. Leontius, Emperor of the … (2)
  4847. Leroy, Jules. (1)
  4848. Lesclabart, Jacques Fucie … (1)
  4849. Leslie, Alexander, first … (3)
  4850. Leslie, David, first Lord … (1)
  4851. Lester, G. A (1)
  4852. Lester, W. H. (1)
  4853. Leto, Giulio Pomponio, 14 … (2)
  4854. Lettou, John, active 1480 … (2)
  4855. Leuchis (1)
  4856. Leverett, A. (1)
  4857. Leverett, E. (1)
  4858. Leversen, George B.C. (1)
  4859. Levi ben Gershom (1288-1 … (24)
  4860. Levi ben Ḥabib, approxim … (5)
  4861. Levi, Joshua ha- (1)
  4862. Levin, Bernard (2)
  4863. Lewes, George Henry, 1817 … (2)
  4864. Lewis, B (2)
  4865. Lewis, C. (1)
  4866. Lewis, Charles, 1786-183 … (20)
  4867. Lewis, Edwin (5)
  4868. Lewis, F. C. (3)
  4869. Lewis, Harriet (3)
  4870. Lewis, Norman. B (2)
  4871. Lewis, Samuel, -1865 (1)
  4872. Lewis, Samuel, Sir, 1843- … (1)
  4873. Lewis, Thomas (1)
  4874. Lewis, W. B. (2)
  4875. Leybourn, William, 1626-1 … (1)
  4876. Leyser, Conrad. (1)
  4877. Li Deng (5)
  4878. Li, Yuan-Chia, 1929-1994 (17)
  4879. Liberius, Pope, -366 (1)
  4880. Libri, Bartolommeo di, ac … (3)
  4881. Liceti, Fortunio, 1577-16 … (1)
  4882. Lichtenberger, Johannes, … (1)
  4883. Liebpert, Ulrich, -1714 (48)
  4884. Liesvelt, Adriaen van (1)
  4885. Lieu, Judith. M (1)
  4886. Lieu, Samuel. N C (4)
  4887. Life, A. R (1)
  4888. Lignamine, Johannes Phili … (6)
  4889. Lilburne, John, 1614?-165 … (1)
  4890. Lilburne, John, 1615?-165 … (1)
  4891. Lilford, Thomas Littleton … (1)
  4892. Lillie, Arthur, 1831- (12)
  4893. Lily, William (1)
  4894. Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-18 … (5)
  4895. Lindars, Barnabas. (3)
  4896. Lindars, Barnabus. (6)
  4897. Lindberg, Conrad. (1)
  4898. Linden, Jean Jules, et al … (1)
  4899. Lindgard, Edward (1)
  4900. Lindop, Grevel. (1)
  4901. Lindsay, James Ludovic (1 … (1)
  4902. Lindsay, James Ludovic, 2 … (1)
  4903. Lindsay, Jen (1)
  4904. Lindsay, Ludovic, sixteen … (3)
  4905. Lindsey, Theophilus, 1723 … (1)
  4906. Lineham, Peter. J (1)
  4907. Linford, Madeline (2)
  4908. Ling, T. O (2)
  4909. Linnean Society of London (1)
  4910. Linnell, W. (1)
  4911. Linnell, William (1)
  4912. Linnell, William, 1837-19 … (7)
  4913. Linqing, 1791-1846 (30)
  4914. Linton, H. (2)
  4915. Linton, W. J. (William Ja … (3)
  4916. Linus, Pope (1)
  4917. Lipman, Julian (1)
  4918. Lipschutz, E. M. (1)
  4919. Lisa, Gerardus de, active … (2)
  4920. Lister, Anthony. (1)
  4921. Lister, James, active 173 … (2)
  4922. Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886 (1)
  4923. Litchfield, Ann (3)
  4924. Litchfield, Henrietta Emm … (6)
  4925. Lithgow, William, 1582-16 … (3)
  4926. Little Bear (1)
  4927. Littledale, Joseph, Sir, … (1)
  4928. Littleton, Thomas, Sir, - … (1)
  4929. Littlewood, Joseph (2)
  4930. Livia Drusi (landowner) (2)
  4931. Livingstone, David (3)
  4932. Livingstone, David, 1813- … (9)
  4933. Livy (6)
  4934. Lloyd George, David, 1863 … (3)
  4935. Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper (1)
  4936. Lloyd, Andrew. (1)
  4937. Lloyd, C. (1)
  4938. Lloyd, Gareth. (1)
  4939. Lloyd, James (1)
  4940. Lloyd, Samuel (1)
  4941. Lloyd, Samuel, active 174 … (3)
  4942. Lloyd, William J. 1848-19 … (1)
  4943. Llwyd, Humphrey, 1527-156 … (1)
  4944. Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, -1 … (20)
  4945. Locatelli, Boneto, active … (3)
  4946. Locher, Jacob, 1471-1528 (3)
  4947. Lock, George (2)
  4948. Locke, Joseph, 1805-1860 (1)
  4949. Locke, Matthew, 1621 or 2 … (5)
  4950. Lockwood, John Francis, S … (1)
  4951. Lockwood, W. B (1)
  4952. Lockyer, Norman, Sir, 183 … (4)
  4953. Lofthouse, Marion. (1)
  4954. Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo, … (5)
  4955. Lombard, Lambert, 1506-15 … (1)
  4956. Lombard, Peter (2)
  4957. London & County Photograp … (2)
  4958. London (England). Interna … (4)
  4959. London and County Photogr … (1)
  4960. London and North West Ra … (35)
  4961. London Corresponding Soci … (2)
  4962. London Society (1)
  4963. London Stereoscopic Co. (2)
  4964. London, Midland and Sco … (513)
  4965. Lone Bear (1)
  4966. Long Wolf, 1833?-1892 (1)
  4967. Long, Minnie (1)
  4968. Longden, Henry, 1754-1812 (1)
  4969. Longfellow, Henry Wadswor … (6)
  4970. Longis, Jean, -1562? (1)
  4971. Lonicer, Johann, 1499-15 … (12)
  4972. Looney & Pilling (6)
  4973. Lopes, Duarte (15)
  4974. Lopez, E. (1)
  4975. Lord Delamere (1)
  4976. Lord, Evelyn. (1)
  4977. Lorrain, P. (Paul), -1719 (2)
  4978. Lort, Michael, 1725-1790 (1)
  4979. Lot, France (Department) … (2)
  4980. Lothair I, Emperor, 795-8 … (2)
  4981. Lothair II, Holy Roman Em … (2)
  4982. Lothair, King of France, … (1)
  4983. Lotter, Melchior (1)
  4984. Lotter, Melchior, approx … (23)
  4985. Lotto, Lorenzo, 1480?-155 … (1)
  4986. Lotze, Johannes S. (1)
  4987. Loudon, Harald Georg Gide … (1)
  4988. Louis I, Emperor, 778-840 (2)
  4989. Louis II, King of France, … (2)
  4990. Louis IV, King of France, … (1)
  4991. Louis IX, King of France, … (1)
  4992. Louis V, King of France, … (1)
  4993. Louis VIII, King of Fran … (22)
  4994. Louis X, King of France, … (1)
  4995. Louis XII, King of France … (1)
  4996. Louis XVI, King of Franc … (14)
  4997. Louis XVII, of France, 17 … (1)
  4998. Louis XVIII, King of Fran … (2)
  4999. Louis, Pierre Charles Ale … (1)
  5000. Loutherbourg, Philippe-J … (23)
  5001. Loutherbourg, Phillippe J … (1)
  5002. Love, Nicholas, active … (1010)
  5003. Lovell, Bernard, 1913-20 … (19)
  5004. Lovell, Bernard, Sir (1)
  5005. Lovell, Bryan (1)
  5006. Lovell, Gilbert (1)
  5007. Lovett, J. (2)
  5008. Lowe, George, 1750-1839 (1)
  5009. Lowe, J. (1)
  5010. Lowe, James (1)
  5011. Lowe, William Joseph, 183 … (3)
  5012. Lowndes, Thomas, 1719-178 … (1)
  5013. Lownes, Humphrey, -1629 (2)
  5014. Lownes, Humphrey, -1630 (21)
  5015. Lowry, Laurence Stephen, … (1)
  5016. Lowry, M. J C (3)
  5017. López de Ayala, Pedro, 1 … (2)
  5018. Löslein, Peter, active 1 … (5)
  5019. Lu Guangguo (1)
  5020. Lubbock, John, Sir, 1834- … (3)
  5021. Lubett, Denise (1)
  5022. Lucan, 39-65 (5)
  5023. Lucarus, Nicolaus, -1515 (1)
  5024. Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613 … (3)
  5025. Lucas, van Leyden, 1494-1 … (6)
  5026. Lucena, Vasco Fernandes d … (1)
  5027. Lucian of Samosata (4)
  5028. Lucian, of Samosata (1)
  5029. Lucillus, of Tarrha (2)
  5030. Lucius I, Pope (1)
  5031. Lucius II, Pope, -1145 (1)
  5032. Lucius III, Pope, 1097?-1 … (1)
  5033. Lucretius Carus, Titus (11)
  5034. Luder, Peter, active 15th … (3)
  5035. Ludwig IV, Emperor of Ger … (1)
  5036. Ludwig, King of the East … (1)
  5037. Luffman, J. (John), 1756- … (1)
  5038. Lufft, Hans, 1495-1584 (6)
  5039. Lufft, Hans, 1495-1584? (11)
  5040. Lugard, F. D. (Frederick … (1)
  5041. Luke, Saint (528)
  5042. Lukis, William Collings, … (1)
  5043. Lumsden, David (1)
  5044. Lunardi, Vincent, 1759-18 … (1)
  5045. Lunell, William (2)
  5046. Luria, (Pseudo-?) Isaac b … (4)
  5047. Luria, Isaac ben Solomon … (2)
  5048. Lusby, Arthur (1)
  5049. Luther Standing Bear, 186 … (3)
  5050. Luther, Martin, 1483-15 … (107)
  5051. Luttrell, Narcissus, 1657 … (1)
  5052. Luvinianus (1)
  5053. lyama Yoshitomo (2)
  5054. Lycurgus (2)
  5055. Lydgate, John, 1370?-1 … (1334)
  5056. Lyell, Charles, Sir, 1797 … (2)
  5057. Lyell, Katherine M. (1)
  5058. Lyford, William (1)
  5059. Lyly, John, 1554?-1606 (1)
  5060. Lyndwood, William, 1375?- … (3)
  5061. Lyne, Andrew (20)
  5062. Lynn, Rachel (1)
  5063. Lyon (France : Commune) (10)
  5064. Lyon (France : Commune) C … (1)
  5065. Lyon (France : Commune) C … (1)
  5066. Lyon (France) Commission … (1)
  5067. Lyon (France) Sections (1)
  5068. Lysanias (strategos) (1)
  5069. Lysias, approximately 459 … (2)
  5070. Lysons, Sam, 1763-1819 (2)
  5071. Lysons, Samuel, 1763-1819 (1)
  5072. Lévitan, Félix, 1911-2007 (1)
  5073. Lūdī, Shīr ʻAlī Khān, act … (5)
  5074. M'Calmont, Robert (5)
  5075. M'Creery, John, -1825 (1)
  5076. M. R. L. (M. R. Lahee) (1)
  5077. M.C.W.W. [Manchester Corp … (1)
  5078. Mac Mathghamhna, Donnchad … (5)
  5079. MacAlister, John Young Wa … (9)
  5080. Macauliffe, M. (Max), 184 … (6)
  5081. Macdonald, James Ramsay, … (2)
  5082. MacDonald, James Ramsay, … (1)
  5083. MacDonald, Margaret, 1870 … (1)
  5084. MacDonald, Ramsay, 1866-1 … (3)
  5085. MacGillivray, William, 17 … (6)
  5086. MacGregor, Mary Esther M … (10)
  5087. Macgregor, R.F.H., 1834-1 … (1)
  5088. Machlinia, William de, ac … (5)
  5089. Macintosh, Charle Henry, … (4)
  5090. Macintosh, Charle Henry, … (3)
  5091. Macintosh, W. (1)
  5092. Mack & Co. (1)
  5093. Mack of Manchester (1)
  5094. Mackay, Angus. (1)
  5095. Mackenney, Richard. (1)
  5096. Mackenzie, Kenneth R. H. … (1)
  5097. Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H. (3)
  5098. Mackinlay, John, 1737-182 … (5)
  5099. Mackintosh, C.H. (1)
  5100. Macklin, Thomas (35)
  5101. Mackmurdo, A. H. (Arthur … (2)
  5102. Mackray, Archibald N. (1)
  5103. Macnie, William (5)
  5104. MacPherson, James (1)
  5105. MacPherson, John, Sir (4)
  5106. Macquoid, Percy (1)
  5107. Macrinus, Emperor of Rome … (1)
  5108. Macrobius, Ambrosius Aure … (2)
  5109. Madan, Martin, 1726-1790 (2)
  5110. Madden, John (1)
  5111. Maddern, Mary (1)
  5112. Maddison, R. E W (1)
  5113. Madeley, George Edward, … (13)
  5114. Madmun (ibn Hasan (d. 115 … (2)
  5115. Madot, Adolphus, M., -186 … (2)
  5116. Maffei, Celso, approximat … (1)
  5117. Maganza, Alessandro, 1556 … (1)
  5118. Maganza, Giovanni Battist … (1)
  5119. Magarshack, David, 1899-1 … (4)
  5120. Magee, T.P. (1)
  5121. Magniagus, Simon, active … (1)
  5122. Magnus (1)
  5123. Maguire, Connor, Baron of … (4)
  5124. Mahmud, Sultan of Ghazni (1)
  5125. Mahmud, Sultan of Ghazni, … (2)
  5126. Mahony, Edward (1)
  5127. Mahony, R.J., 1828-1892 (1)
  5128. Mahruz ben Jacob (12th ce … (1)
  5129. Maidstone, Richard, -139 … (30)
  5130. Maignet, Etienne-Christop … (1)
  5131. Maignet, Étienne Christo … (3)
  5132. Mailhe, Jean-Baptiste, 17 … (1)
  5133. Maimon (1)
  5134. Maimon ben David (11th ce … (1)
  5135. Maimonides (1)
  5136. Maimonides, Moses (1135 … (295)
  5137. Maimonides, Moses (1135-1 … (2)
  5138. Maimonides, Moses, 1125-1 … (5)
  5139. Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1 … (1)
  5140. Maine, Henry Sumner, 182 … (23)
  5141. Maino, Gentilinus de. (2)
  5142. Mainwaring, Jane (1)
  5143. Mair, G. H. (George Herbe … (2)
  5144. Maire, Joannes, active 16 … (1)
  5145. Maitland, Frederick Lewis … (1)
  5146. Maitland, William, 1693?- … (1)
  5147. Makarios (2)
  5148. Makin Abu Sahl, al- (1)
  5149. Malamos (1)
  5150. Malan, F. S. (François S … (1)
  5151. Malatesta Novello, Domeni … (1)
  5152. Malcolm III, King of Scot … (1)
  5153. Maler, Bernhard, active 1 … (5)
  5154. Malermi, Niccolò (14)
  5155. Malermi, Niccolò, 1422 (4)
  5156. Malipiero, Girolamo, -app … (1)
  5157. Malkin, Arthur Thomas (2)
  5158. Malmesbury, James Howard … (1)
  5159. Malombra, Pietro, 1556-16 … (1)
  5160. Malone, Edmond, 1741-1812 (2)
  5161. Malory, Thomas, Sir (2)
  5162. Malory, Thomas, Sir, acti … (2)
  5163. Malthus, T. R. (Thomas Ro … (1)
  5164. Malthus, Thomas Robert , … (1)
  5165. Manasse (1)
  5166. Manasse b. (A.?) Jacob, M … (1)
  5167. Manasse ha-Levi b. Abraha … (1)
  5168. Manasse the Judge (1)
  5169. Manasse, ?Bar (1)
  5170. Manchester (England) Cit … (46)
  5171. Manchester and Salford Sa … (1)
  5172. Manchester City Architect … (1)
  5173. Manchester City Council (1)
  5174. Manchester City Council … (49)
  5175. Manchester City Police Tr … (6)
  5176. Manchester Dock Company (1)
  5177. Manchester Evening News L … (1)
  5178. Manchester Guardian (3)
  5179. Manchester man (1)
  5180. Manchester Municipal Info … (1)
  5181. Manchester Royal Infirmar … (4)
  5182. Manchester Ship Canal Co … (20)
  5183. Manchester Statistical So … (3)
  5184. Manchester University (21)
  5185. Manchester University Ge … (45)
  5186. Manchester University: Vi … (1)
  5187. Manchester Whitworth Inst … (2)
  5188. Manchez, J. (1)
  5189. Mancinelli, Antonio, 1452 … (1)
  5190. Mancinelli, Antonio, 1452 … (2)
  5191. Mander, G. R. (1)
  5192. Mandeville, John, Sir (177)
  5193. Manford, Alan. (1)
  5194. Manget, Jean-Jacques, 165 … (2)
  5195. Mangin, Rev. Edward (1)
  5196. Mangin, Rev. Edward, 1772 … (1)
  5197. Manilius, Marcus (2)
  5198. Manjū, Iskandar ibn Muḥ … (7)
  5199. Mann, Elizabeth (1)
  5200. Manners, Mary, approximat … (2)
  5201. Manners, Robert, approxim … (1)
  5202. Manners, Thomas, approxim … (1)
  5203. Mansfield Cooper (1)
  5204. Mansfield, David Murray, … (19)
  5205. Mansfield, Edgar (2)
  5206. Mansfield, William Murray … (1)
  5207. Mansion, Colard (1)
  5208. Manson, Thomas Walter, 1 … (20)
  5209. Mansur al-?Zayyat (1)
  5210. Mantegna, Andrea, 1431-15 … (1)
  5211. Manthen, Johann, active … (11)
  5212. Manuel I, King of Portuga … (1)
  5213. Manuel II Palaeologus, Em … (2)
  5214. Manuzio, Aldo, 1449 or 1 … (16)
  5215. Manuzio, Aldo, 1449 or … (671)
  5216. Manuzio, Aldo, 1547-1597 (29)
  5217. Manuzio, Antonio, -approx … (1)
  5218. Manuzio, Paolo, 1512-157 … (27)
  5219. Maratti, Carlo, 1625-1713 (1)
  5220. Marcaldi, Francesco (1)
  5221. Marcellinus, Pope, -304 (1)
  5222. Marcellus I, Pope, -309 (1)
  5223. March, Jane C. (1)
  5224. Marchant, Guy (3)
  5225. Marchese, Francesco Elio, … (2)
  5226. Marchesinus, Johannes (3)
  5227. Marcian, Emperor of the E … (1)
  5228. Marcolini, Francesco, app … (9)
  5229. Marcotte, Elaine. (1)
  5230. Marcus Aponius Saturninus … (4)
  5231. Marcus Aurelius, Emperor … (3)
  5232. Marcus Tullius. Cicero (1)
  5233. Marcus, Pope, -336 (1)
  5234. Marescot, Armand Samuel, … (1)
  5235. Margetson, W.H. (1)
  5236. Margolioth, Judah Loeb, 1 … (1)
  5237. Margoliouth, David Samuel … (5)
  5238. Maria (1)
  5239. Maria Carolina, Queen, co … (5)
  5240. Marian, Simion Florea, 18 … (1)
  5241. Marie Antoinette, Queen, … (3)
  5242. Marini, Giovanni Battista (1)
  5243. Marino, Giambattista, 156 … (1)
  5244. Mark, Saint (310)
  5245. Marke, Charles (1)
  5246. Markon, I (1)
  5247. Markon, I. D. (2)
  5248. Marlborough, James Ley, E … (1)
  5249. Marlow, A. N (1)
  5250. Marmorstein, A (2)
  5251. Marmorstein, Arthur, 1882 … (2)
  5252. Marnef, Geoffroy de, acti … (3)
  5253. Maron (2)
  5254. Maron (scribe) (2)
  5255. Marres (1)
  5256. Marriott, Elizabeth (1)
  5257. Marriott, John, 1780-182 … (10)
  5258. Marriott, John, active 16 … (1)
  5259. Mars (Roman deity) (4)
  5260. Marsden, George, 1772-18 … (14)
  5261. Marsden, Richard. (1)
  5262. Marseille (France : Commu … (2)
  5263. Marsh, Thomas, active 155 … (1)
  5264. Marshall, Charles (1)
  5265. Marshall, John (Printer o … (1)
  5266. Marshall, John, 1755-183 … (16)
  5267. Marshall, John, 1756-182 … (23)
  5268. Marshall, P. D (1)
  5269. Marshall, Peter. (1)
  5270. Marshall, William, active … (2)
  5271. Marsland, William (3)
  5272. Marson, G. F. (1)
  5273. Marson, J. (1)
  5274. Marston, Westland, 1819-1 … (1)
  5275. Marsuppini, Carlo, 1398-1 … (3)
  5276. Marteau, George (5)
  5277. Martial (20)
  5278. Martin I, Pope, -655 (1)
  5279. Martin, Ann (1)
  5280. Martin, Anthony. (1)
  5281. Martin, Cath (1)
  5282. Martin, F.J. (2)
  5283. Martin, G. H (1)
  5284. Martin, Jean, -1636 (1)
  5285. Martin, John (1)
  5286. Martin, John, 1741-1820 (3)
  5287. Martin, Raymond Marie (1)
  5288. Martin, Robert, ?1757-179 … (1)
  5289. Martin, Victor (2)
  5290. Martin, W. J. (1)
  5291. Martineau, Harriet (7)
  5292. Martineau, Jane S. (1)
  5293. Martineau, R. F. (1)
  5294. Martino, da Amsterdam, ac … (1)
  5295. Marullo Tarcaniota, Miche … (3)
  5296. Mary I, Queen of England, … (6)
  5297. Mary Magdalene, Saint (73)
  5298. Mary, Blessed Virgin, S … (202)
  5299. Mary, Duchess of Glouces … (10)
  5300. Mary, Princess Royal, Cou … (1)
  5301. Mary, Queen of Scots, 154 … (5)
  5302. Mary, Queen, consort of G … (1)
  5303. Marzi, Giovanni Battista (21)
  5304. Maréchal Comte Radetzky (1)
  5305. Mas`ud (2)
  5306. Mas`ud Kohen (1)
  5307. Mascall, Leonard, -1589 (1)
  5308. Mashlamah (1)
  5309. Mason, John, 1722-1810 (1)
  5310. Mason, Keith (1)
  5311. Mason, Samuel (1)
  5312. Massey, Edward, Sir, 1619 … (8)
  5313. Massimo, Francesco, -1470 (1)
  5314. Massimo, Pietro, 1420-148 … (9)
  5315. Master Chef of King Ric … (191)
  5316. Master of the Barbo Missa … (2)
  5317. Master of the Die (31)
  5318. Master of the Haintz-Narr (1)
  5319. Master of the Putti (6)
  5320. Master of the Registrum … (405)
  5321. Masuccio, Salernitano, ac … (1)
  5322. Mata Somawanti Pritam Kau … (5)
  5323. Mateusz, z Krakowa, Cardi … (2)
  5324. Mather, Alexander, 1733-1 … (5)
  5325. Mather, Richard, 1596-166 … (1)
  5326. Mathers, S. L. MacGregor … (1)
  5327. Matheson, Annie, 1853-192 … (1)
  5328. Matheson, Glenis. A (2)
  5329. Matilda, Empress, consor … (17)
  5330. Matsas, Alexander. A, 191 … (1)
  5331. Matsliah ha-Kohen (1)
  5332. Matsuo, Bashō, 1644-1694 (1)
  5333. Mattai bar Paulus of Mosu … (5)
  5334. Mattai ibn Behnam (6)
  5335. Mattathias ha-Levi (2)
  5336. Matthew, the Apostle, S … (467)
  5337. Matthew, Thomas (2)
  5338. Matthews, William (2)
  5339. Maud, Queen, consort of H … (2)
  5340. Maude, Aylmer, 1858-1938 (1)
  5341. Maufer, Petrus, active 14 … (2)
  5342. Maulana Daud of Dalmau (7)
  5343. Maull and Fox Ltd, Piccad … (1)
  5344. Maunsell, Thomas (2)
  5345. Maurand, Jean, active 149 … (1)
  5346. Maurice, Emperor of the E … (1)
  5347. Maurice, Prince, 1620-16 … (13)
  5348. Mauriceau, François, 163 … (9)
  5349. Maurin, A. (1)
  5350. Mawe, John, 1764-1829 (2)
  5351. Maxfield, Thomas, 1724-17 … (2)
  5352. Maximian, Emperor of Rome … (8)
  5353. Maximianus (1)
  5354. Maximilian I, Holy Roman … (4)
  5355. Maximinus, C. Julius Veru … (1)
  5356. Maximus, Marcus Clodius P … (1)
  5357. Maxwell, Charleton (1)
  5358. Maxwell, Darcy, Lady, app … (2)
  5359. Maxwell, James, 1838-1893 (2)
  5360. Maxwell, William Hamilton (1)
  5361. Mayall (2)
  5362. Mayer, Charles-Joseph, 17 … (2)
  5363. Mayerne, Théodore Turquet … (7)
  5364. Maygrier, J. P. (Jacques … (3)
  5365. Mayhew, George. P (5)
  5366. Maynard, T. H. (2)
  5367. Maynard, Thomas. H. (1)
  5368. Mazier du Heaume, Hippoly … (1)
  5369. Mazzocchi, Giovanni, acti … (4)
  5370. Mazzoni, Jacopo, 1548-159 … (2)
  5371. Mädler, Johann Heinrich, … (1)
  5372. Maḥmud Mīrzā Qājār, 1799- (1)
  5373. McAlpine, R.M. (1)
  5374. McCarthy, Anthony (2)
  5375. McCarthy, Henry (1)
  5376. McClean, John (1)
  5377. McColl, Dugald Sutherland … (1)
  5378. McColl, Elizabeth Mathies … (1)
  5379. McConnel, James, 1762-18 … (22)
  5380. McCorquodale & Co (2)
  5381. McCully, C. B (1)
  5382. McCully, Theodore Edward, … (1)
  5383. McCutcheon, John Warner, … (6)
  5384. McDermott, Anne. (1)
  5385. McDowell, Robert Brendan, … (1)
  5386. McEvoy, Charles, 1879- (1)
  5387. McEwan, Dorothea. (1)
  5388. McFarland, G. F (4)
  5389. McGahey, J. (3)
  5390. McGlashon, Alexander (1)
  5391. McGuckin, J. A (1)
  5392. McKendree,William, 1757-1 … (1)
  5393. McKerrow, James, 1834-191 … (8)
  5394. McKinlay, Sam, -1998 (1)
  5395. McKinnon, A. (2)
  5396. McLeod, J. (4)
  5397. McLoughlin, Sean. (1)
  5398. McNab, Alexander, 1745-17 … (1)
  5399. McNaught, William (1)
  5400. McNiven, Peter. (8)
  5401. Mead, Clement (47)
  5402. Mead, Eliza (1)
  5403. Mealand, David. L (1)
  5404. Meaney, Audrey. L (1)
  5405. Mears, William (1)
  5406. Measom, George (2)
  5407. Measom, George S. (1)
  5408. Medburn, Mr. (1)
  5409. Medea (Greek mythology) (28)
  5410. Meder, Johannes, -1518 (1)
  5411. Medici, Raffaello de', 15 … (4)
  5412. Medley, Samuel (2)
  5413. Mee, Barbara (10)
  5414. Meeson, R. (1)
  5415. Mehmed II, Sultan of the … (2)
  5416. Meir ben Baruch of Rothen … (2)
  5417. Meir ben Isaac Sheliʼaḥ … (2)
  5418. Meir ben Na`im (18th/19th … (4)
  5419. Meir ibn Na`im (1)
  5420. Meir Meyuhas G(abi?)shon (1)
  5421. Meiri, Menahem ben Solomo … (5)
  5422. Meister des Heiligen Geor … (3)
  5423. Melanas, son of Areios (1)
  5424. Melanchthon, Philip, 1497 … (3)
  5425. Melanchthon, Philipp, 149 … (1)
  5426. Melas, son of Herieus (we … (1)
  5427. Melchett, Henry Ludwig Mo … (1)
  5428. Melchoir Sachse, -1551 (1)
  5429. Melisende, Queen of Jerus … (1)
  5430. Mellan, Claude, 1598-1688 (1)
  5431. Menahem b. al-Waris (18th … (1)
  5432. Menasse (1)
  5433. Mendès, Catulle, 1841-19 … (2)
  5434. Menelaus (Greek mytholog … (35)
  5435. Mengoni, Giuseppe, 1829-1 … (1)
  5436. Mennie, J. (2)
  5437. Menodoros (1)
  5438. Menou, Jacques, 1750-1810 (1)
  5439. Mentelin, Johann, approxi … (9)
  5440. Merbecke, John, approxima … (1)
  5441. Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1 … (1)
  5442. Mercer, J. T. (1)
  5443. Mercure, John, active 164 … (8)
  5444. Mercury (Roman deity) (3)
  5445. Meredith, Peter. (1)
  5446. Meredith, William, 1725?- … (1)
  5447. Meredith-Owens, G. M (1)
  5448. Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1 … (3)
  5449. Merica, Petrus a, active … (2)
  5450. Meriton, John, 1698-1753 (1)
  5451. Merlen, Theodor van, 1600 … (1)
  5452. Merlin (Legendary charac … (96)
  5453. Merrill, George, 1867-192 … (4)
  5454. Merula, Giorgio, -1494 (7)
  5455. Meteyard, Eliza, 1816-187 … (1)
  5456. Methodist Church Record (4)
  5457. Methodist Publishing Hous … (1)
  5458. Methold, William, 1590-16 … (1)
  5459. Methuen, J.A. (2)
  5460. Metropolitan and Central … (1)
  5461. Metsys, Quentin, 1465 or … (2)
  5462. Metz, Theodore A., 1848-1 … (1)
  5463. Metzger, Mendel (3)
  5464. Metzger, Thérése (2)
  5465. Meunier, Charles, 1865-19 … (2)
  5466. Meurice, Paul, 1818-1905 (1)
  5467. Meves, Friedrich Wilhelm, … (1)
  5468. Mevorakh ha-Zaken (1)
  5469. Meydenbach, Jakob, active … (3)
  5470. Meyssens, Johannes, 1612- … (5)
  5471. Meyvaert, Dom. Paul (1)
  5472. Michael (1)
  5473. Michael, Ian. (1)
  5474. Michalopoulos, Andre, 189 … (1)
  5475. Michaud (21)
  5476. Michault, Pierre, active … (1)
  5477. Michelangelo Buonarroti, … (3)
  5478. Michil, woodblock cutter … (1)
  5479. Micklem, J. H. & Co. (1)
  5480. Middleton, Bernard (1)
  5481. Middleton, J. H. (John H … (14)
  5482. Middleton, Sarah (1)
  5483. Middleton, Thomas (1)
  5484. Midgely, Mary (1)
  5485. Midgely, William (1)
  5486. Miege, Guy, 1644-1718? (1)
  5487. Miens, John (1)
  5488. Miereveld, Michiel van, 1 … (1)
  5489. Miers, Sir Henry Alexande … (1)
  5490. Milbank, Alison. (1)
  5491. Miles (1)
  5492. Milet-Mureau, Louis Antoi … (1)
  5493. Milhaud, Jean-Baptiste, 1 … (2)
  5494. Military Topographic Dire … (6)
  5495. Millais, Euphemia Chalmer … (2)
  5496. Millais, John Everett, 18 … (2)
  5497. Miller, Alicia, 1828-1906 (4)
  5498. Miller, Andrew (8)
  5499. Miller, Francis Bowyer, … (14)
  5500. Miller, George, -1646 (2)
  5501. Miller, J. (1)
  5502. Miller, J. S. (1)
  5503. Miller, Robert (1)
  5504. Miller, Simon, active 165 … (2)
  5505. Miller, Thomas B. (1)
  5506. Miller, W. R. S. (5)
  5507. Miller, William Edward, 1 … (1)
  5508. Miller, William, 1864-194 … (1)
  5509. Millerd, James (1)
  5510. Milligan, Elsie (1)
  5511. Mills, Arthur Wallis, 187 … (1)
  5512. Mills, Dudley L., Colonel (1)
  5513. Millward, George Charles (1)
  5514. Milne, Thomas (1)
  5515. Miltiades, Pope, -314 (1)
  5516. Milton, John, 1608-1674 (35)
  5517. Milton, John,1608-1674 (1)
  5518. Minerva (Roman deity) (12)
  5519. Minerva Book Shop (1)
  5520. Mingana, Alphonse, 1881- … (23)
  5521. Mintern Brothers (2)
  5522. Mirecourt, Eugéne de, 181 … (1)
  5523. Mirk, John, active 1403 … (294)
  5524. Miscomini, Antonio, activ … (3)
  5525. Misintis, Bernardinus de, … (2)
  5526. Mitchell, G. R. (1)
  5527. Mitchell, John (5)
  5528. Mitchell, Thomas, 1726-17 … (2)
  5529. Mitford, Mary Russell, 17 … (8)
  5530. Mitsukuri, Shōgo, 1821-18 … (5)
  5531. Mitton, Thomas, 1597?-16 … (16)
  5532. Mīr Ḥusaynī Haravī, H … (5)
  5533. Mochaver-ol-Memalek. (1)
  5534. Modius, François, 1556-1 … (2)
  5535. Moffat, Douglas (1)
  5536. Moffett, Jonathan. (1)
  5537. Moggallāna (2)
  5538. Mohamed, Isahque (1)
  5539. Molinet, Jean, 1435-1507 (3)
  5540. Molini, G. (1)
  5541. Molini, Peter (1)
  5542. Molitor, Johannes, active … (3)
  5543. Molitoris, Johannes, -148 … (1)
  5544. Molyneux, Richard, first … (1)
  5545. Mombrizio, Bonino, 1424?- … (5)
  5546. Momper, Josse de,1564-163 … (1)
  5547. Monaci, Ernesto, 1844-191 … (3)
  5548. Monastero di San Leonardo … (1)
  5549. Monconys, Balthasar de, 1 … (1)
  5550. Moncrieffe, Richard (1)
  5551. Monestier, Jean-Baptiste- … (1)
  5552. Moneta, Antonellus a, act … (1)
  5553. Monkhouse, Patrick (3)
  5554. Monstrelet, Enguerrand de … (4)
  5555. Montagu, Edward, second e … (1)
  5556. Montagu, Elizabeth, 1718 … (38)
  5557. Montague, Charles, Edward … (3)
  5558. Montague, Francis Charles … (1)
  5559. Montauban, France (Distri … (1)
  5560. Montault-Desilles, Pierre … (1)
  5561. Montecchi (5)
  5562. Montesquieu, Charles de S … (1)
  5563. Montgeron, Louis Basile C … (1)
  5564. Montgomery of Alamein, Be … (2)
  5565. Montgomery, Fiona A (1)
  5566. Montgomery, Fiona. A (1)
  5567. Montgomery, J. (1)
  5568. Montgomery, Roger de, -10 … (1)
  5569. Montrosier, Eugène, 1839 … (1)
  5570. Moodie, Roy L. (4)
  5571. Moon, Penderel, 1905-1987 (1)
  5572. Moore, Anne, 1757-1813 (2)
  5573. Moore, Edward, 1835-1916 (5)
  5574. Moore, Henry, 1751-1844 (10)
  5575. Moore, J. W. (1)
  5576. Moore, John, 1646-1714 (1)
  5577. Moore, John, active 17th … (1)
  5578. Moore, Jonas, Sir, 1617-1 … (1)
  5579. Moore, Matthew (1)
  5580. Moore, Samuel, active 168 … (4)
  5581. Moore, Sophie (1)
  5582. Moore, Verna. L (1)
  5583. Moorhouse, I. (14)
  5584. Moorman, John John Richar … (1)
  5585. Moorman, John Richard Hum … (2)
  5586. Mor, Anthonis, approximat … (1)
  5587. Moravo, Mattia (3)
  5588. Moravo, Mattia, active 14 … (5)
  5589. Mordekhai ben Mikhlol (1)
  5590. Mordekhai Hafets (1)
  5591. Morden, Robert (1)
  5592. Mordred (Legendary chara … (17)
  5593. More, Cresacre, 1572-1649 (1)
  5594. More, Hannah (24)
  5595. More, Hannah, 1745-1833 (10)
  5596. More, Martha (1)
  5597. More, S. (1)
  5598. More, Thomas, Saint, 1478 … (5)
  5599. More, Thomas, Sir, Saint, … (1)
  5600. Moretti, Niccolò, activ … (51)
  5601. Moretto, da Brescia, 1498 … (2)
  5602. Morgan, David. (1)
  5603. Morgan, J. Pierpont (1)
  5604. Morgan, J. Pierpont (John … (6)
  5605. Morgan, John Edward, M.D. … (4)
  5606. Morgan, Nicholas. J (1)
  5607. Morgan, Philip. (1)
  5608. Morgan, Richard (2)
  5609. Morgan, Thomas, Sir, -167 … (9)
  5610. Morgan, William (1)
  5611. Morgan, William, 1545-160 … (1)
  5612. Mori, Fūsai, active 1827 (7)
  5613. Morin, Martin, active 148 … (1)
  5614. Morison, Richard, Sir (1)
  5615. Morley, Henry Parker, Lor … (1)
  5616. Morley, John (1)
  5617. Morley, John, 1838-1923 (11)
  5618. Morley, William (2)
  5619. Mornington, Garrett Colle … (1)
  5620. Moro, Mauritio (51)
  5621. Moronobu, Hishikawa, 161 … (16)
  5622. Morosini, Paolo, 1406-148 … (1)
  5623. Morren, John (8)
  5624. Morris, Caroline (2)
  5625. Morris, G. (1)
  5626. Morris, May (1)
  5627. Morris, Nathan (1)
  5628. Morris, R. J. (1)
  5629. Morris, Richard (3)
  5630. Morris, Richard, F.L.S. (1)
  5631. Morris, T. H. (2)
  5632. Morris, William, 1834-18 … (34)
  5633. Morrish, G. (1)
  5634. Morrison, Robert (2)
  5635. Morse, Hosea Ballou, 1855 … (2)
  5636. Morson, John. (2)
  5637. Mortimer, Elizabeth, 1754 … (3)
  5638. Mortimer, Roger de, Earl … (39)
  5639. Mortimer, Thomas, 1730-18 … (1)
  5640. Morton, Cavendish, 1874-1 … (4)
  5641. Moschopoulos, Manuel, app … (3)
  5642. Moseley, H. G. J. (Henry … (1)
  5643. Moses (2)
  5644. Moses (Biblical leader) (16)
  5645. Moses b. Judah (12th cent … (1)
  5646. Moses b. Na`im (1)
  5647. Moses ben Abraham Berab ( … (1)
  5648. Moses ben Jacob of Coucy … (3)
  5649. Moses ben Jacob, of Coucy … (5)
  5650. Moses Bibas (1)
  5651. Moses ha-Kohen the Younge … (1)
  5652. Moses ha-Levi (2)
  5653. Moses Kohen (1)
  5654. Moses Tayyib (1)
  5655. Moses the Younger (5)
  5656. Moses, William Stainton, … (16)
  5657. Moss, Abraham, 1898-1964 (1)
  5658. Moss, C. E. (3)
  5659. Moss, Richard (1)
  5660. Motley, John Lothrop, 181 … (2)
  5661. Mott, Adrian (2)
  5662. Mott, Basil (1)
  5663. Mottershead, Terry (2)
  5664. Moule, C. F D (1)
  5665. Moulton, William Fiddian, … (1)
  5666. Mountford, James. (1)
  5667. Mousouros, Markos, approx … (6)
  5668. Mousouros, Markus, approx … (5)
  5669. Mousseri, Moïse (1855-193 … (1)
  5670. Moyes, James, -1838 (10)
  5671. Mrs E Gregory (1)
  5672. Mssrs. Tarring, Son, & Wi … (1)
  5673. Mucha, Alphonse, 1860-193 … (2)
  5674. Mudd, James (2)
  5675. Mudd, James, 1821-1906 (1)
  5676. Mudditt, Benjamin (1)
  5677. Mudie's Select Library (1)
  5678. Muela, Joaquin. Gonzalez (1)
  5679. Muhammad Shāh, Emperor of … (5)
  5680. Muir, Ernest, 1880-1974 (1)
  5681. Muir, Kenneth. (1)
  5682. Muir, William (33)
  5683. Mulder, Joseph (1)
  5684. Muller, George, 1805-1898 (1)
  5685. Mullā Muḥammad Amīn (1)
  5686. Mullā Ḥusayn (1)
  5687. Mumford, Alfred A. (Alfre … (3)
  5688. Mumford, Alfred A. (Alfre … (2)
  5689. Munatius (2)
  5690. Munday, Anthony, 1553-163 … (2)
  5691. Munnoch, A. (2)
  5692. Munro, Douglas. (1)
  5693. Munshi Singh, Bhil (2)
  5694. Munshī Ghulām Muḥammad bi … (1)
  5695. Munster, George Augustus … (1)
  5696. Murgatroyd, T. (1)
  5697. Murgatroyd, Thomas. (3)
  5698. Murlin, John, 1722-1799 (2)
  5699. Murphy, Arthur, 1727-1805 (1)
  5700. Murphy, Jimmy, 1910-1989 (1)
  5701. Murray, Anne (3)
  5702. Murray, Charles Fairfax … (100)
  5703. Murray, Christopher. D (2)
  5704. Murray, Elizabeth (7)
  5705. Murray, George, 1780-1848 (2)
  5706. Murray, John, 1711-1787 (2)
  5707. Murray, John, 1809-1898 (1)
  5708. Murray, John, Sir, 1841-1 … (2)
  5709. Murray, Les A., 1938-2019 (1)
  5710. Murray, Louisa, 1758-18 … (215)
  5711. Murray, Wilhelmina (née … (11)
  5712. Murray, Wilhemina (1)
  5713. Murrow, Thomas (1)
  5714. Murton, C. (1)
  5715. Musaeus, Grammaticus (2)
  5716. Musée des arts décorati … (5)
  5717. Musgrave, J.J. (1)
  5718. Musgrave, Philip, Sir, 16 … (1)
  5719. Musper, H. Theodor (Heinr … (3)
  5720. Mussolini, Benito, 1883-1 … (2)
  5721. Mustafa Çelebi Celâlzad … (2)
  5722. Müller, F. Max (Friedri … (17)
  5723. Müller, George, 1805-189 … (6)
  5724. Müller, Johannes von, 17 … (2)
  5725. Münster, Sebastian, 1489 … (1)
  5726. Muḥammad al-Qivāmī, activ … (5)
  5727. Muḥammad Amīn bin ‘Abd Al … (5)
  5728. Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī al-Raff … (5)
  5729. Muḥammad Ibn ʻImād Sanjān … (5)
  5730. Muḥammad Ibn Ḥasan Muḥamm … (5)
  5731. Muḥammad Samarqandī (1)
  5732. Muḥammad Sayyid Mīr Maulā (5)
  5733. Muḥammad Saʻīd (5)
  5734. Muḥammad Taqī Qazvīn (5)
  5735. Muḥammad ʻAlī Ḥazīn, 1692 … (5)
  5736. Muḥammad ʻAlī Ḥazīn,‏ ‎1 … (10)
  5737. Muḥammad Ḥusayn (1)
  5738. Muḥammad ‘Alī (5)
  5739. Muṣṭafà Şem‘ī, d. ca. 160 … (4)
  5740. Muṣṭafà Şem‘ī, d. ca. 160 … (1)
  5741. Mychell, John, -1556 (1)
  5742. Myddelton, Wyllyam, -1547 (1)
  5743. Myers, Alexander Reginald … (9)
  5744. Mysthas, son of Pelops (f … (1)
  5745. Mytens, Aert, 1541-1602 (1)
  5746. Möschler, Heinrich Benno, … (2)
  5747. Müller, Hans Christopher, … (1)
  5748. Mālik Nīshāpūrī (5)
  5749. Mīr ʻAbd al-ʻĀl ibn Mīr M … (5)
  5750. Mīr Ẕū al-Fiqār ‘Alī al-Ḥ … (3)
  5751. Mīr ‘I‘jāz Ḥusayn Kintūrī … (5)
  5752. Mīrzā Zayn al-Dīn Khān (5)
  5753. Mūbad Shāh (2)
  5754. Nabi, 1641 or 2-1712 (1)
  5755. Nadal, Gerónimo, 1507-15 … (1)
  5756. Naftali ha-Kohen? (1)
  5757. Nagakubo, Sekisui, 1717-1 … (9)
  5758. Nagayama, Choen, active 1 … (3)
  5759. Nahman (1)
  5760. Nahmanides (ca. 1195-ca. … (46)
  5761. Nahmanides (ca. 1195-ca. … (4)
  5762. Naim, Sitt (1)
  5763. Najara, Israel ben Moses … (20)
  5764. Najara, Israel ben Moses … (2)
  5765. Nakamura, Kanjisai (1)
  5766. Nalson, John, 1638?-1686 (1)
  5767. Namier, L. B. (Lewis Bern … (1)
  5768. Namur, Belgium (District) … (1)
  5769. Nankivell, K. (1)
  5770. Nansen, Fridtjof, 1861-19 … (1)
  5771. Nanteuil, Célestin, 1813- … (1)
  5772. Napier, Francis Napier, … (256)
  5773. Napier, M.F. Miss (1)
  5774. Napier, Mary (1)
  5775. Napier, William John, Bar … (2)
  5776. Napier, William, 7th Lord (5)
  5777. Napier, William, 7th Lor … (45)
  5778. Napier,Mary, Lady (21)
  5779. Napoleon I, Emperor of t … (16)
  5780. Napoleon III, Emperor of … (1)
  5781. Nardo, di Monte Bello (1)
  5782. Narramore, Clyde M. (2)
  5783. Narramore, Ruth E. (1)
  5784. Nash, Joseph (2)
  5785. Nasmyth, James, 1808-1890 (5)
  5786. Nasmyth, James, 1808-1890 … (1)
  5787. Nasmyth, Wilson & Co. (2)
  5788. National Parks Committee … (1)
  5789. National Union of Women's … (2)
  5790. Navagero, Andrea, 1483-15 … (4)
  5791. Naylor, James, 1618-1660 (1)
  5792. Naysmyth, Wilson and Co. … (1)
  5793. Naṣrābādī, Muḥammad Ṭāhir (5)
  5794. Neale, T.C. (11)
  5795. Neatby, Thomas, 1835-1911 (8)
  5796. Nebuchadnezzar II, King o … (1)
  5797. Neele, S. (1)
  5798. Neele, Samuel John, 1758- … (1)
  5799. Negri, Francesco, 1452-ap … (1)
  5800. Nehemiah ben Yahya (1)
  5801. Nehunya ben ha-Kanah (1st … (1)
  5802. Nehunya ben ha-Kanah, Pse … (6)
  5803. Nelson, Horatio Nelson, … (28)
  5804. Nelson, John (1)
  5805. Nelson, John Young, 1826- … (5)
  5806. Nelson, John, 1707-1774 (1)
  5807. Nemesion (1)
  5808. Nenadic, Stana. (1)
  5809. Nenille, James (1)
  5810. Neoptolemus (Greek mytho … (22)
  5811. Nepheros, son of Pichoipi … (1)
  5812. Nepos, Cornelius (2)
  5813. Neptune (Roman deity) (1)
  5814. Nero, Emperor of Rome, 37 … (1)
  5815. Nerva, Emperor of Rome, a … (1)
  5816. Nestor (Greek mythology) (13)
  5817. Nettleship, John T. (John … (2)
  5818. Neugebauer, O (1)
  5819. Neumeister, Johann (3)
  5820. Neumeister, Johann, activ … (2)
  5821. Nevill, Charles (1)
  5822. New Zealand Methodist Chu … (1)
  5823. Newberry, Sydney W. (7)
  5824. Newbery, Ralph, -1604 (8)
  5825. Newbery, Thomas (1)
  5826. Newbold, R. F (1)
  5827. Newcastle Chronicle (1)
  5828. Newcomb, Thomas, -1691 (1)
  5829. Newcome, John, 1683 or 16 … (1)
  5830. Newell, Thomas (1)
  5831. Newland, Abraham, 1730-18 … (3)
  5832. Newland-Smith, J. N. (1)
  5833. Newman, C. (1)
  5834. Newman, J. T. (1)
  5835. Newman, John Henry (3)
  5836. Newport, Kenneth. G C (4)
  5837. Newton, Alfred, 1829-1907 (1)
  5838. Newton, Benjamin Wills 18 … (4)
  5839. Newton, Benjamin Wills, … (17)
  5840. Newton, Catherine Dinah, … (3)
  5841. Newton, Emma, née Gadsby, … (3)
  5842. Newton, George (2)
  5843. Newton, Humphrey (1)
  5844. Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727 (8)
  5845. Newton, John, 1725-1807 (1)
  5846. Newton, Joseph, 1820-1888 (9)
  5847. Newton, Mrs (2)
  5848. Newton, Robert, 1780-1854 (1)
  5849. Newton, S. (2)
  5850. Newton, Sarah (1)
  5851. Newton, Thomas, Dr. (1)
  5852. Ngowa, P. O. (1)
  5853. Niavis, Paulus, 1460-1514 (1)
  5854. Nicephorus Callistus Xant … (6)
  5855. Nicholas III, Pope, -1280 (1)
  5856. Nicholas IV, Pope, 1227-1 … (1)
  5857. Nicholas V, antipope, act … (1)
  5858. Nicholas, George, (1)
  5859. Nicholas, of Lyra, app … (1488)
  5860. Nicholas, of Osimo, -1453 (1)
  5861. Nicholas, R. (Rowland) (1)
  5862. Nicholes, Martin (1)
  5863. Nicholls, David. (1)
  5864. Nicholls, H. L. (1)
  5865. Nicholls, Jacqueline (25)
  5866. Nicholls, S. (1)
  5867. Nicholls, W. W. (1)
  5868. Nichols, J. B. (John Bowy … (6)
  5869. Nichols, John Gough, 1806 … (1)
  5870. Nicholson (2)
  5871. Nicholson, D (1)
  5872. Nicholson, J (1)
  5873. Nicholson, John, 1792-182 … (1)
  5874. Nicholson, Margaret, appr … (1)
  5875. Nicholson, Norman, 1914- … (10)
  5876. Nicholson, William, 1753- … (4)
  5877. Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1 … (6)
  5878. Nicodemus (Biblical figu … (21)
  5879. Nicolas, Pierre François … (1)
  5880. Nicolaus Episcopius, 150 … (22)
  5881. Nicolaus Germanus, active … (1)
  5882. Nicolaus, (Pseudo-?) (10)
  5883. Nicolaus, Salernitanus, a … (1)
  5884. Nicolini, Domenico, da Sa … (1)
  5885. Nicoll, Allardyce. (1)
  5886. Nider, Johannes, approxim … (2)
  5887. Nidobeato, Martino Paol … (510)
  5888. Nienson, Jan (1)
  5889. Nievo, Alessandro, -1484 (3)
  5890. Nightingale, A. (1)
  5891. Nightingale, Florence, 18 … (7)
  5892. Nightingale, Joseph (1)
  5893. Nikes (1)
  5894. Niklaus, Robert. (1)
  5895. Nimrod (Biblical figure) (6)
  5896. Nineham, D. E (2)
  5897. Nippel, Peter (1)
  5898. Nisbet, J.L. (1)
  5899. Nisbet, James, 1785-1854 (24)
  5900. Nisbet, M.W. (2)
  5901. Nissi ben Berechiah al-Na … (1)
  5902. Nissim b. al-`Ankari (1)
  5903. Nissim bar Abraham (1)
  5904. Nissim ben ?Bunya (1)
  5905. Nissim ben Reuben Gerondi … (2)
  5906. Nissim Solomon Al-Ghazi ( … (1)
  5907. Nissim, Rabbi (2)
  5908. Nitschmann, David, 1696-1 … (1)
  5909. Niven, James (1)
  5910. Nizami (53)
  5911. Nizami Ganjavi (1)
  5912. Niẓāmī Ganjavī, 1140 … (1)
  5913. Nièvre, France (Departmen … (1)
  5914. Niʻmat Allāh, active 1613 … (5)
  5915. Nîmes (France). Conseil … (1)
  5916. Niẓām al-Dīn Yamanī (1)
  5917. Niẓāmī Ganjavī, 1140 or 1 … (6)
  5918. Ni‘mat Khān (1)
  5919. NME (1)
  5920. No Neck (Tahu Wanica) (1)
  5921. Noah (Biblical figure) (5)
  5922. Noble, John, -1827 (1)
  5923. Nock, W. J. (1)
  5924. Nodier, Charles, 1780-184 … (2)
  5925. Noel, Edward William Char … (1)
  5926. Nolan, Steve. (1)
  5927. Nonce, Marian (1)
  5928. Nonius Marcellus, active … (1)
  5929. Nonius Marcellus, active … (2)
  5930. Norbury, W.H. (1)
  5931. Nord, France (Department) … (2)
  5932. Norden, John, 1548-1625? (3)
  5933. Norman, Mr Carl Frederick … (1)
  5934. Norris, James, approximat … (1)
  5935. North Central London Stra … (1)
  5936. North of England Co-opera … (1)
  5937. North, Frederick, Earl of … (2)
  5938. North, Frederick, Lord, 1 … (1)
  5939. North, J. L (1)
  5940. Northern and Central Bank … (1)
  5941. Norton, Charles Eliot, 18 … (1)
  5942. Norton, Joyce (26)
  5943. Notary, Julian, active 14 … (1)
  5944. Noth, Martin, 1902-1968. (1)
  5945. Nourse, G. B (1)
  5946. Nowell, A. (2)
  5947. Numenius (2)
  5948. Nunn, Philip (1)
  5949. Nuttall Jeff (1)
  5950. Nuttall, Jeff (29)
  5951. Nuttall, Jeff, 1933-2004 (5)
  5952. Nuttall, Thomas, 1786-185 … (1)
  5953. Nuvoloni, Filippo, 1441-1 … (2)
  5954. Nyland, P. (Petrus) (5)
  5955. Nīsābūrī, Niẓām al-Dīn al … (5)
  5956. O'Cinneide, Colm (1)
  5957. O'Connell, Daniel Patrick … (1)
  5958. O'Connell, Daniel, 1775-1 … (1)
  5959. O'Keefe, Katherine. O'Bri … (1)
  5960. O'Neill, Owen Roe, 1590?- … (1)
  5961. O'Shaughnessy, Arthur Wil … (2)
  5962. Oakeshott, Walter. (1)
  5963. Oakley, Annie, 1860-1926 (2)
  5964. Obadiah (2)
  5965. Oberlin Collegiate Instit … (1)
  5966. Octavius, Prince, son of … (4)
  5967. Odassi, Lodovico, active … (1)
  5968. Odling, William, 1829-192 … (1)
  5969. Odysseus (Greek mytholog … (45)
  5970. Offa, King of the Mercian … (6)
  5971. Offley, William (1)
  5972. Ogborne, John, 1755-1837 (1)
  5973. Ogilby, John, 1600-1676 (2)
  5974. Oglethorpe, James Edward (1)
  5975. Okada, Shōyū, 1737-1812 (7)
  5976. Okadaya, Kahichi (114)
  5977. Okeley, Francis (1)
  5978. Okely, T. (1)
  5979. Okey, John, d. 1662 (1)
  5980. Okley, Thomas (1)
  5981. Olaus Magnus Archbishop o … (3)
  5982. Olaus, Magnus, Archbishop … (1)
  5983. Olby, Alfred (1)
  5984. Oldham, Alf (1)
  5985. Oldham, Roger (3)
  5986. Oliver, Isaac, 1556?-1617 (1)
  5987. Oliver, T. (4)
  5988. Olivers, Thomas, 1725-179 … (2)
  5989. Oman, Charles (1)
  5990. Omar Khayyám (1)
  5991. Omar Khayyám (1)
  5992. Onkelos (2nd cent.) (106)
  5993. Onnophris (farmer) (3)
  5994. Onnophris, son of Harnesi … (1)
  5995. Onnophris, son of Onnophr … (1)
  5996. Onnophris, son of Silbon (2)
  5997. Openshaw, Robert (1)
  5998. Ophelion(shepherd) (2)
  5999. Ophelion, son of Apolloni … (4)
  6000. Opie, John, 1761-1807 (1)
  6001. Opizo, Joannes Baptista (2)
  6002. Oporinus, Joannes, 1507-1 … (6)
  6003. Oppian, active 2nd centu … (18)
  6004. Orchard, Bernard, 1910-20 … (1)
  6005. Ord, George, 1781-1866 (1)
  6006. Orde, Mary (1)
  6007. Ordnance Survey (4)
  6008. Ordoyno (1)
  6009. Orestes (Greek mythology) (8)
  6010. Orfini, Emiliano, approxi … (1)
  6011. Orley, Bernard van, -1542 (1)
  6012. Orléans (France : Commune … (2)
  6013. Orme, Eliza (1)
  6014. Ormonde, James Butler, Du … (5)
  6015. Orr, William Gladstone, 1 … (1)
  6016. Orrery, John Boyle, Earl … (1)
  6017. Orsenouphis (1)
  6018. Orsenouphis, son of Harpa … (1)
  6019. Orsenouphis, son of Herak … (2)
  6020. Orsenouphis, son of Onnop … (2)
  6021. Orseus, son of Heras (she … (2)
  6022. Orseus/Phelkis son of Her … (2)
  6023. Ortelius, Abraham (2)
  6024. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1 … (4)
  6025. Orton (1)
  6026. Osborne Keen, John, 1846- … (1)
  6027. Osborne, W. G. (William G … (1)
  6028. Oselli, Gaspare (5)
  6029. Osiander, Andreas, 1498-1 … (5)
  6030. Osiris (1)
  6031. Oslam, J. (1)
  6032. Osornus Spagnuolus, Euseb … (1)
  6033. Oswald, R. A. (1)
  6034. Otescu, Ion Nonna, 1888-1 … (2)
  6035. Otto I, Holy Roman Empero … (1)
  6036. Otto II, Holy Roman Emper … (1)
  6037. Otto III, Holy Roman Empe … (1)
  6038. Otto IV, Holy Roman Emper … (1)
  6039. Ouless (1)
  6040. Ouroussof, Leon (1)
  6041. Outius, R. (1)
  6042. Overmeer Fisscher, J. F. … (1)
  6043. Overton, Frederick (1)
  6044. Overton, H (1)
  6045. Overton, John, 1640-1708? (1)
  6046. Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or … (14)
  6047. Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A. … (1)
  6048. Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A. … (7)
  6049. Owen, G (1)
  6050. Owen, George (1)
  6051. Owen, John, 1745-1815 (1)
  6052. Owen, R (1)
  6053. Owen, Richard, 1804-1892 (3)
  6054. Owen, Wilfred, 1893-1918 (2)
  6055. Owen-Crocker, Gale. R (2)
  6056. Owens College (6)
  6057. Owens College (Manchester … (1)
  6058. Owens, John, 1790-1846 (3)
  6059. Oxenstierna, Johan Gabrie … (1)
  6060. Oxford, A. W. (Arnold Whi … (4)
  6061. Oxlee, William (1)
  6062. Ōta, Nanpo, 1749-1823 (1)
  6063. P.J. Foster & Co. (Manche … (1)
  6064. Pacheco, Diogo, active 16 … (1)
  6065. Packard, Alpheus Spring (1)
  6066. Paden, W. D (2)
  6067. Paffraet, Richard (1)
  6068. Paganel, Pierre, 1745-182 … (2)
  6069. Paganini, Geronimo, activ … (2)
  6070. Paganini, Paganino (1)
  6071. Page, Arthur (1)
  6072. Page, Horace (1)
  6073. Paillet, A. (1)
  6074. Palamedes (Greek mytholo … (14)
  6075. Palfrey, Elizabeth (2)
  6076. Palin, Ann (2)
  6077. Palin, Margaret (2)
  6078. Palladius, Domicus, Soran … (2)
  6079. Palladius, Rutilius Tauru … (1)
  6080. Palloy, Pierre François, … (5)
  6081. Palma, il Giovane, 1544-1 … (1)
  6082. Palma, il Vecchio, 1480?- … (1)
  6083. Palmer & Howe (1)
  6084. Palmer, A. (1)
  6085. Palmer, Alfred Herbert (1)
  6086. Palmer, Barbara. D (1)
  6087. Palmer, D. J (1)
  6088. Palmer, David. J (1)
  6089. Palmer, J. A B (2)
  6090. Palmer, J. J N (2)
  6091. Palmer, Mary (1)
  6092. Palmer, Miss (1)
  6093. Palmer, Richard (1)
  6094. Palmer, Samuel, 1805-1881 (2)
  6095. Palmer, William, 1824-185 … (1)
  6096. Palmerston, Henry Temple, … (1)
  6097. Palmieri, Matteo, 1406-14 … (1)
  6098. Palombi, Elizabeth (3)
  6099. Pamfile, Tudor, 1883-1921 (1)
  6100. Panaibis (1)
  6101. Paninoutis (wool-worker) (1)
  6102. Pankhurst, Christabel, Da … (1)
  6103. Pankhurst, Emmeline (1858 … (2)
  6104. Pankhurst, Emmeline, 185 … (10)
  6105. Pann, Anton, 1796 or 1797 … (1)
  6106. Pannartz, Arnold, -appro … (62)
  6107. Panter (1)
  6108. Pantin, William Abel, 190 … (2)
  6109. Paolo, Veneto, approximat … (3)
  6110. Paos (1)
  6111. Papageorgiou, Athanasius (1)
  6112. Papias (Grammarian), acti … (3)
  6113. Papillon, Jean Baptiste M … (1)
  6114. Papillon, Thomas (1)
  6115. Papontos (brewer) (1)
  6116. Papontos, son of Ophelion … (2)
  6117. Papontos, son of Orsenoup … (2)
  6118. Papos, son of Papos (1)
  6119. Paquf, Oliver (2)
  6120. Paramor, Joy (1)
  6121. Pardalas (1)
  6122. Pardoe, Julia (1806-1862) (1)
  6123. Parent-Duchâtelet, A.-J. … (1)
  6124. Paré, Ambroise, 1510?-1 … (13)
  6125. Paré, Jules-François -1 … (1)
  6126. Parfait, Noël, 1813-189 … (42)
  6127. Paris (France) Section de … (1)
  6128. Paris (France). Section d … (1)
  6129. Paris (Legendary charact … (59)
  6130. Paris, France (Department … (2)
  6131. Paris, France (Department … (1)
  6132. Paris, Lucien (1)
  6133. Paris, Matthew (1)
  6134. Paris, Matthew, 1200-1259 (1)
  6135. Parisetti, Lodovico, 1503 … (1)
  6136. Park, Mungo, 1771-1806 (1)
  6137. Parker, Douglas. H (1)
  6138. Parker, Joseph, 1830-1902 (1)
  6139. Parker, Louis Napoleon, 1 … (1)
  6140. Parker, Mary (1)
  6141. Parker, Matthew, 1504-157 … (1)
  6142. Parker, Stephen. (2)
  6143. Parker, Stephen. R (1)
  6144. Parker, Thomas, Chancello … (5)
  6145. Parkes, William (1)
  6146. Parkinson, John (1)
  6147. Parkinson, John, 1567-16 … (24)
  6148. Parmenion (2)
  6149. Parnell, John, 1805-1883 (1)
  6150. Parr, Martin, 1952- (1)
  6151. Parr, Ralph (14)
  6152. Parrish, Maxfield Frederi … (8)
  6153. Parry, Clive (1)
  6154. Parry, Idris. (2)
  6155. Parry, John (1)
  6156. Parry, K (1)
  6157. Parry, K. (1)
  6158. Parsons, Richard Godfrey, … (1)
  6159. Partington, James Riddick … (2)
  6160. Partridge, Ann (1)
  6161. Partridge, Bernard, 1861- … (2)
  6162. Partridge, J. Bernard (1)
  6163. Pasquato, Lorenzo (1)
  6164. Pass, Simon van de (1595? … (1)
  6165. Passe, Crispijn van de, a … (1)
  6166. Passe, Magdalena van de, … (1)
  6167. Passe, Willem van de, 159 … (1)
  6168. Pataecion (2)
  6169. Patching, Thomas (2)
  6170. Patient, Walter (1)
  6171. Patinir, Joachim, approxi … (1)
  6172. Paton, J. Noël (Joseph N … (1)
  6173. Paton, John. Lewis (1)
  6174. Patroclus (Greek mytholog … (7)
  6175. Patterson, David. (2)
  6176. Patterson, George N.,1920 … (8)
  6177. Patterson, J.R. (1)
  6178. Pattinson, Alice (1)
  6179. Patton, Pier (1)
  6180. Patumis (1)
  6181. Paul I, Pope, -767 (1)
  6182. Paul II, Pope, 1417-1471 (2)
  6183. Paul III, Pope, 1468-1549 (1)
  6184. Paul, Howard, Mrs., 1833- … (1)
  6185. Paul, the Apostle, Sain … (966)
  6186. Paulin, Roger. (3)
  6187. Pawson, Frances, 1736-180 … (1)
  6188. Pawson, John, 1737-1806 (4)
  6189. Paxton, Joseph, Sir, 1803 … (1)
  6190. Payne, Ben Iden, 1881-197 … (2)
  6191. Payne, George, 1890-1930 (1)
  6192. Payne, Roger (2)
  6193. Payne, Roger, 1739-1797 (2)
  6194. Paynter, David William, 1 … (1)
  6195. Peach, Esme (1)
  6196. Peacock, Alison. (1)
  6197. Peacock, Edward (1)
  6198. Peacock, Ronald, 1907-199 … (1)
  6199. Peacock, Ronald. (2)
  6200. Peak, S.O (1)
  6201. Peak, S.O. (4)
  6202. Peake, Arthur Samuel, 186 … (4)
  6203. Peake, Arthur Samuel, 186 … (2)
  6204. Peake, Arthur. S, 1865-19 … (2)
  6205. Peake, S. (1)
  6206. Pear, Tom Hatherley, 188 … (12)
  6207. Pearce, E. (1)
  6208. Pearce, Tom (1)
  6209. Pears, S. H. (1)
  6210. Pearse, William, 1625-169 … (5)
  6211. Pearson, Charles, 1793-18 … (4)
  6212. Pearson, E. H. (1)
  6213. Pearson, John Christian (5)
  6214. Pease, Elizabeth (22)
  6215. Pechey, John, 1655-1716 (2)
  6216. Peck, William George, 188 … (1)
  6217. Pedemontanus, Albertus (510)
  6218. Pedemontanus, Ludovicus (510)
  6219. Pedicord, H. W (1)
  6220. Pedicord, Harry. William (1)
  6221. Pedro I, King of Castile … (23)
  6222. Pees (gardener) (2)
  6223. Peet, Thomas. Eric, 1882- … (1)
  6224. Peeters, Bonaventura, 161 … (1)
  6225. Peeters, Jan, 1624-1677? (1)
  6226. Peftu'ukhons (1)
  6227. Pegg, Michael (2)
  6228. Pegg, Michael. A (1)
  6229. Pelagius I, Pope, -561 (2)
  6230. Pelagius II, Pope, 520-59 … (2)
  6231. Peleus (Greek mythology) (15)
  6232. Pelias (Greek mythology) (2)
  6233. Pelopion, son of Pelops ( … (1)
  6234. Pender, W.B (1)
  6235. Penelope (Greek mythology … (3)
  6236. Pengelly, William, 1812-1 … (3)
  6237. Penman, D (1)
  6238. Penn, Juliana (2)
  6239. Penn, Sophia (2)
  6240. Penn, William, 1644-1718 (2)
  6241. Pennant, John, -1529 (1)
  6242. Pennant, Thomas (1726-179 … (2)
  6243. Pennant, Thomas, 1726-17 … (12)
  6244. Pennefather, Edward 1773- … (1)
  6245. Penneis, son of Inaroys (1)
  6246. Pennington, Montagu (3)
  6247. Pennington, W. (4)
  6248. Pensis, Christophorus de, … (1)
  6249. Penstone, J. J. (John Jew … (1)
  6250. Penthesilea (Greek mytho … (10)
  6251. Pentheus (Greek mythology … (1)
  6252. Pepin, King of the Franks … (2)
  6253. Perahya bar ?Katir al-?Ha … (1)
  6254. Perahya ha-Kohen b. Tar(f … (1)
  6255. Peranda, Sante, 1566-1638 (1)
  6256. Percy, Henry, Lord, 1364 … (23)
  6257. Perez ben Elijah of Corbe … (2)
  6258. Perino, del Vaga, 1500 or … (1)
  6259. Perkin, H. J (1)
  6260. Perkins, Erasmus (1)
  6261. Perkins, William, 1558-16 … (1)
  6262. Perotti, Niccolò, 1430-1 … (6)
  6263. Perrault, Charles (et al) (2)
  6264. Perrier, Franc?ois, 1590? … (1)
  6265. Perrin, Jean-Baptiste, 17 … (1)
  6266. Perrin, Joseph (2)
  6267. Perring, William (10)
  6268. Perronet, Elizabeth, 1728 … (1)
  6269. Perronet, Vincent, 1693-1 … (2)
  6270. Perry, D. (1)
  6271. Perry, George C. (1)
  6272. Perry, P.E. (2)
  6273. Perry, William James, 188 … (1)
  6274. Persius (4)
  6275. Pesas (1)
  6276. Pescarol, Moshe ben Avra … (12)
  6277. Peshotan Jiv Hirji Homji (5)
  6278. Peteesis (1)
  6279. Peter Lombard, Bishop of … (53)
  6280. Peter Lombard, Bishop o … (348)
  6281. Peter, of Blois, approxim … (1)
  6282. Peter, the Apostle, Sai … (138)
  6283. Peter, von Friedberg, act … (2)
  6284. Peterloo Relief Fund (3)
  6285. Petermouthion, son of Ask … (2)
  6286. Petermouthis, son of Hera … (2)
  6287. Petermouthis, son of Mars … (1)
  6288. Peters, Edmund H. (6)
  6289. Peters, Hugh, 1598-1660 (21)
  6290. Peters, J.B. (3)
  6291. Peters, S. (6)
  6292. Peterson, Imm. (1)
  6293. Petesouchos, son of Petes … (1)
  6294. Petheus, son of Penaus (f … (2)
  6295. Pethick-Lawrence, Emmelin … (1)
  6296. Pethick-Lawrence, Frederi … (1)
  6297. Petit, Thomas (1)
  6298. Petosiris (1)
  6299. Petrarca, Francesco 1304- … (1)
  6300. Petrarca, Francesco, 130 … (15)
  6301. Petras, Remón de (2)
  6302. Petrejus, Johannes, 1497- … (5)
  6303. Petrepsois (1)
  6304. Petri, Adam, 1454-1527 (4)
  6305. Petri, Heinrich, 1508-157 … (2)
  6306. Petri, Philipo di, active … (1)
  6307. Petronius, Bartholomaeus, … (1)
  6308. Petronius Arbiter (1)
  6309. Petrucci, Antonello, -148 … (1)
  6310. Petrus Angelus, de Monte … (2)
  6311. Petrus Niger, approximate … (2)
  6312. Petrus, de Abano, approxi … (4)
  6313. Petrus, de Ilperinis, -13 … (2)
  6314. Pettegree, Andrew. (1)
  6315. Petter, Nicolaes (1)
  6316. Pettman, Thomas E. (1)
  6317. Peu, Philippe, 1707- (1)
  6318. Peuhôr, son of Esmîn (2)
  6319. Pétion, J. (Jérôme), 1 … (1)
  6320. Pétis de La Croix, Franc … (2)
  6321. Pfeiffer, Emily, 1827-189 … (1)
  6322. Pfister, Albrecht, approx … (9)
  6323. Phalaris, Tyrant of Agrig … (1)
  6324. Phalaris, Tyrant of Agrig … (2)
  6325. Phelikion (1)
  6326. Philinus (2)
  6327. Philip III, King of Franc … (1)
  6328. Philip IV, King of France … (1)
  6329. Philip V of Macedonia, 36 … (2)
  6330. Philip V, King of France, … (1)
  6331. Philip VI, King of France … (1)
  6332. Philip, Prince, consort o … (1)
  6333. Philip, Robert, 1791-1858 (1)
  6334. Philip, the Apostle, Sain … (8)
  6335. Philip, the Arabian, Empe … (1)
  6336. Philippa, Queen, consort … (7)
  6337. Philippe de Prétot, Éti … (7)
  6338. Philippi, Jean, active 14 … (1)
  6339. Philippicus Bardanes, Emp … (2)
  6340. Philippos (1)
  6341. Philips, Ambrose, 1674-17 … (2)
  6342. Philips, Francis (1)
  6343. Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1 … (1)
  6344. Phillips, David. (1)
  6345. Phillips, H. (1)
  6346. Phillips, James (2)
  6347. Phillips, John (2)
  6348. Phillips, John, 1800-1874 (6)
  6349. Phillips, R. (Richard), S … (1)
  6350. Philo, of Byzantium (15)
  6351. Philoctetes (Greek mythol … (1)
  6352. Philomela (Greek mytholog … (1)
  6353. Philomusus, Johannes Fran … (5)
  6354. Philoxenos (1)
  6355. Phinehas ben Jacob ha-Koh … (1)
  6356. Phipps, T.A. (1)
  6357. Phocas, Emperor of the Ea … (1)
  6358. Physick, T., active 1843 (1)
  6359. Phythian, Wilfrid (2)
  6360. Phythian-Adams, Charles. … (1)
  6361. Piasi, Piero de, active 1 … (1)
  6362. Pibichis, son of Hartysis (1)
  6363. Picart, Bernard, 1673-173 … (2)
  6364. Piccini, Giacomo, approxi … (2)
  6365. Piccini, Giacomo, approx … (14)
  6366. Pichoipis (1)
  6367. Pickering, Frederick. P, … (2)
  6368. Pickersgill, Frederick Ri … (2)
  6369. Pickersgill, Henry Willia … (1)
  6370. Pickett, William (1)
  6371. Pickford, Cedric Edward, … (3)
  6372. Pickles, R. (1)
  6373. Pickstone, John. V (1)
  6374. Pico della Mirandola, Gio … (1)
  6375. Pico della Mirandola, Gio … (3)
  6376. Pico Master, active 1460- … (3)
  6377. Pierre de la Mère de Die … (1)
  6378. Piers, Henry (1)
  6379. Piers, Henry, 1694-1770 (1)
  6380. Pietersz., Gerrit, 1566- (1)
  6381. Pietro, Aretino (1)
  6382. Pietro, da Bergamo, -1482 (3)
  6383. Pietro, da Figino, activ … (10)
  6384. Pietro, da Montagnana, -1 … (1)
  6385. Pigafetta, Antonio (1)
  6386. Pigafetta, Filippo, 1533- … (2)
  6387. Pigot & Son (2)
  6388. Pigot, James (11)
  6389. Pigott, J.P. (1)
  6390. Pigouchet, Philippe, acti … (5)
  6391. Pihathres, son of Panter (1)
  6392. Pike, Eliza (1)
  6393. Pilate, Pontius, 1st cen … (32)
  6394. Pilate, Pontius, active 1 … (1)
  6395. Piles, Roger de, 1635-170 … (8)
  6396. Pilkington, Dorothy Lawre … (1)
  6397. Pilkington, Margaret 1891 … (4)
  6398. Pilkington, Robert (2)
  6399. Pilmore, Joseph, 1739-182 … (4)
  6400. Pilson, L. (1)
  6401. Pinckney, Paul. J (1)
  6402. Pindar (34)
  6403. Pine, William (4)
  6404. Pinneous, son of Achillas (1)
  6405. Pinney, Christopher. (1)
  6406. Pinnington, John. (1)
  6407. Pinso, Shalom Judah (19th … (1)
  6408. Pinzi, Filippo, active 14 … (9)
  6409. Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 17 … (63)
  6410. Piper, Frederick, 1818-18 … (3)
  6411. Piranesi, Giovanni Battis … (1)
  6412. Pirenne, Henri, 1862-1935 (2)
  6413. Pirithous (Greek mytholog … (2)
  6414. Piroli, Tommaso, approxim … (3)
  6415. Pissarro, Lucien, 1863-19 … (1)
  6416. Pitati, Bonifacio de', 14 … (1)
  6417. Pitisci, S. (1)
  6418. Pitman, Isaac, 1813-1897 (1)
  6419. Pitt, William, 1759-1806 (24)
  6420. Pitts, John, 1765-1844 (5)
  6421. Pius I, Pope, -approximat … (1)
  6422. Pius II, Pope, 1405-1464 (9)
  6423. Pius III, Pope, approxima … (2)
  6424. Pius XII, Pope, 1876-1958 (2)
  6425. Planta, Margaret (8)
  6426. Plantin, Christophe, appr … (7)
  6427. Planudes, Maximus, approx … (4)
  6428. Plat, Mrs. (1)
  6429. Platea, Franciscus de, -1 … (1)
  6430. Plato (4)
  6431. Plautus, Titus Maccius (1)
  6432. Playford, John, 1623-16 … (148)
  6433. Pleske, Ḟ. D. (Ḟedor Dm … (1)
  6434. Pleydenwurff, Wilhelm, - … (28)
  6435. Plimpton, John (2)
  6436. Pliny, the Elder (29)
  6437. Pliny, the Younger (1)
  6438. Plot, Robert (2)
  6439. Pluet, Mary (1)
  6440. Plumley, Bruce (1)
  6441. Plutarch (9)
  6442. Pnepheros, son of Arieos (1)
  6443. Pochiolle, Pierre-Pomponn … (1)
  6444. Podocatharus, Ludovicus, … (2)
  6445. Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-18 … (5)
  6446. Poe, Edgar Allen, 1809-18 … (2)
  6447. Poel, William (1)
  6448. Poel, William, 1852-1934. (2)
  6449. Polacco, Giorgio, active … (1)
  6450. Polidori, John William, 1 … (4)
  6451. Polidoro, da Caravaggio, … (1)
  6452. Poliziano, Angelo, 1454-1 … (5)
  6453. Pollard, Arthur. (2)
  6454. Pollard, Michael (22)
  6455. Pollard, T. E (2)
  6456. Pollicarius, Johannes, 15 … (1)
  6457. Polybius (5)
  6458. Polydamas (Greek mytholog … (9)
  6459. Polyphemus (Greek mytholo … (1)
  6460. Polyxena (Greek mytholog … (20)
  6461. Pomarancio, approximately … (1)
  6462. Pomponius Porphyrio, acti … (3)
  6463. Ponce, Guadalupe. Reyes (1)
  6464. Ponge, F. (1)
  6465. Pongerville, Jean-Baptist … (1)
  6466. Ponsonby, Sarah, 1755-18 … (22)
  6467. Pontain, Pope (1)
  6468. Pontano, Giovanni Giovian … (1)
  6469. Ponte, Paolo Gottardo da, … (5)
  6470. Pontius Pilate (2)
  6471. Poole Brothers (2)
  6472. Pope, Alexander, 1688-174 … (1)
  6473. Poplius/Publius Petronius … (1)
  6474. Porcacchi, Thomaso, appr … (15)
  6475. Pordenone, Giovanni Anton … (2)
  6476. Porphyra (1)
  6477. Porphyry, approximately 2 … (5)
  6478. Porta, Giuseppe, approxim … (1)
  6479. Porte, Jean-Gilles-Denis, … (1)
  6480. Porter, Anna Maria, 1780- … (1)
  6481. Portilia, Andrea (1)
  6482. Portland, Margaret Caven … (21)
  6483. Poseidonios (1)
  6484. Postles, David. (1)
  6485. Postlewaite, T. (1)
  6486. Poston, Lawrence. (1)
  6487. Potiwal Singh, Kundan (1)
  6488. Potiwal Singh, Mangal (3)
  6489. Potiwal Singh, Nirmal (1)
  6490. Potiwal Singh, Prakash (1)
  6491. Potiwal Singh, Prakash or … (1)
  6492. Potiwal, Bawa (1)
  6493. Potken, Johann, 1470-1524 (1)
  6494. Potter, Edmund, 1802-1883 (6)
  6495. Potter, G. R (1)
  6496. Pouncey, B.T. (2)
  6497. Pound, D.J. (2)
  6498. Pourbus, Frans, 1569-1622 (1)
  6499. Poussin, Nicolas, 1594?-1 … (1)
  6500. Powell, John (1)
  6501. Powell, L.F. (5)
  6502. Powell, Roger (1)
  6503. Powell, Vavasor, 1617-167 … (4)
  6504. Powell, William, active 1 … (1)
  6505. Powicke (Sir), Maurice. (1)
  6506. Powicke, Frederick J (1)
  6507. Powicke, Frederick James, … (5)
  6508. Powicke, Frederick Mauric … (1)
  6509. Powley, Isaac (1)
  6510. Pownall, Herbert E., -190 … (2)
  6511. Poyntz, Sydenham (17)
  6512. Prados, Emilio, 1899-1962 (2)
  6513. Prasher, A. La Vonne (1)
  6514. Pratt, John Tidd 1797-187 … (1)
  6515. Pratt, Joseph, -1859 (2)
  6516. Preller, Christian, activ … (1)
  6517. Prescod, Samuel J. (8)
  6518. Prestage, Edgar, 1869-195 … (3)
  6519. Preston, Joseph, 1803-18 … (34)
  6520. Preston, M. (3)
  6521. Preston, R. H (3)
  6522. Preston, Ronald. H (1)
  6523. Preti, Numa, 1841-1908 (1)
  6524. Priam (Greek mythology) (80)
  6525. Price, Geoffrey. L (1)
  6526. Price, Harry (2)
  6527. Price, John Henry, 1867-1 … (1)
  6528. Price, John, Sir, 1502?-1 … (1)
  6529. Price, M. Philips (Morga … (35)
  6530. Price, Maria (1)
  6531. Price, Owen (2)
  6532. Price, Thomas (1)
  6533. Price, William Slater (1)
  6534. Prichett, R.T (3)
  6535. Prideaux, Edmond, Sir, -1 … (3)
  6536. Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1 … (1)
  6537. Prieur, J.-L. (Jean-Louis … (1)
  6538. Primaticcio, Francesco, 1 … (1)
  6539. Prince William dated July … (1)
  6540. Prince, W.G. (1)
  6541. Pringle, John Martin Doug … (3)
  6542. Printer for Boninus Mombr … (2)
  6543. Printer of Dominicis, 'Ru … (2)
  6544. Printer of Mesue (1)
  6545. Printer of Silius Italicu … (1)
  6546. Printer of the 36-line Bi … (2)
  6547. Pritkin, Thomas (9)
  6548. Probus, Emperor of Rome, … (1)
  6549. Procne (Greek mythology) (1)
  6550. Procter, Adelaide Anne, 1 … (1)
  6551. Procter, Richard Wright, … (2)
  6552. Procter, Timothy (1)
  6553. Proctor, Mary, 1862-1957 (2)
  6554. Proctor, Richard A. (Rich … (2)
  6555. Prolianus, Christianus (2)
  6556. Prolianus, Christianus, o … (1)
  6557. Prometheus (Greek deity) (1)
  6558. Propertius, Sextus (2)
  6559. Protarchos (1)
  6560. Protarchos, son of Dionys … (1)
  6561. Protarchos, son of Ptolem … (1)
  6562. Protesilaus (Greek mythol … (4)
  6563. Proth, Mario, 1832-1891 (1)
  6564. Proud, Joana. (1)
  6565. Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922 (1)
  6566. Provençal, Moses ben Ab … (10)
  6567. Provenzale, Marcello, 157 … (1)
  6568. Provost, Samuel, 1742-181 … (1)
  6569. Prudhomme, Louis Marie, 1 … (1)
  6570. Prüss, Johann, 1447-1510 (7)
  6571. Prynne, William, 1600-166 … (3)
  6572. Psais, son of Horos (1)
  6573. Psansnos, son of Kesthoro … (1)
  6574. Psenemieus (1)
  6575. Pseudo-Acro (3)
  6576. Pseudo-Bonaventure (2)
  6577. Pseudo-Dionysius, the Are … (5)
  6578. Pseudo-Herodianus (3)
  6579. Pseudo-Mesuë (1)
  6580. Pseudo-Phalaris (3)
  6581. Pseudo-Phocylides (7)
  6582. PSM Cameras (2)
  6583. Psois (2)
  6584. Ptolema (1)
  6585. Ptolemaios (2)
  6586. Ptolemaios, son of Didymo … (2)
  6587. Ptolemaios, son of Leonid … (1)
  6588. Ptolemy (1)
  6589. Ptolemy, active 2nd centu … (5)
  6590. Ptollas (1)
  6591. Public Works Ministry (5)
  6592. Publicio, Giacomo, active … (2)
  6593. Published by Published by … (1)
  6594. Publisher Mather Bros Ltd (2)
  6595. Pugin, Augustus Welby Nor … (3)
  6596. Pulci, Luca, 1431-1470 (2)
  6597. Pulci, Luigi, 1432-1484 (1)
  6598. Pullan, B. S (1)
  6599. Pullan, Brian. (3)
  6600. Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695 (1)
  6601. Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-16 … (1)
  6602. Purney, Thomas, 1695-appr … (1)
  6603. Purver, Judith. (1)
  6604. Puskás, Ferenc, 1927-200 … (1)
  6605. Puteolanus, Franciscus, - … (2)
  6606. Putnam, Tim. (1)
  6607. Puy-de-Dôme (France). Tr … (1)
  6608. Pyall, Henry, 1795-1833 (1)
  6609. Pye, Charles (1)
  6610. Pye, John (2)
  6611. Pye, Sybil (1)
  6612. Pyne, W. H. (William Henr … (1)
  6613. Pynson, Richard, -1530 (67)
  6614. Pyot, Edward, -1670 (1)
  6615. Pythagoras (4)
  6616. Qamar bat Rahma (1)
  6617. Qazvīnī, Muḥammad Shafīʻ (5)
  6618. Qazwīnī, Zakarīyā ib … (18)
  6619. Qiao Qiangao (1)
  6620. Qishiyi, jin shi 1754 (6)
  6621. Quagliati, Paolo, approxi … (1)
  6622. Quarengi, Pietro, active … (3)
  6623. Quaritch, Bernard, 1819-1 … (3)
  6624. Quhandizī, ʻAlī ibn Muḥam … (4)
  6625. Quichon (1)
  6626. Quignon, Cardinal F. (2)
  6627. Quiller-Couch, Arthur Th … (45)
  6628. Quintilian (2)
  6629. Qusim 'Ali Ibn Muhammad Q … (1)
  6630. Qūshjī, ʻAlī ibn Muḥa … (1)
  6631. Quṭb Shāh (1)
  6632. Qāsim Ibn Dūst ‘Alī al-Bu … (6)
  6633. Qāʼim, Muḥammad Qiyāmuddī … (5)
  6634. Qāẓīzādah-’i Rūmī (1)
  6635. R. & W. Dean (1)
  6636. R. Clay, Son, and Taylor (1)
  6637. Rabaut, Jean-Paul, 1743-1 … (1)
  6638. Rabelais, François, appr … (1)
  6639. Rabin, Ch (3)
  6640. Race and Housing Inquiry (1)
  6641. Rack, Henry. (1)
  6642. Rack, Henry. D (1)
  6643. Rackham, Arthur (1867-193 … (3)
  6644. Rackham, Arthur, 1867-19 … (95)
  6645. Radcliffe, Ann Ward, 1764 … (2)
  6646. Raddal, J. (2)
  6647. Radford, Thomas, 1793-188 … (6)
  6648. Raffald, Elizabeth, 1733 … (10)
  6649. Rahamim (1)
  6650. Rahtz, Sebastian (1)
  6651. Railton, Alexander Balde … (22)
  6652. Raimondi, Marcantonio, a … (73)
  6653. Rainey, Leslie Samuel, 19 … (1)
  6654. Rainger, Chris (1)
  6655. Rainolds, John, 1549-1607 (6)
  6656. Rains, E. (1)
  6657. Raisanen, H. (1)
  6658. Rampegolo, Antonio (2)
  6659. Rampegolo, Antonio. (1)
  6660. Ramsay (1)
  6661. Ramsay, Alexander (14)
  6662. Ramsay, Allan, 1684-1758 (2)
  6663. Ramsay, Mary Jane (1)
  6664. Ramsay, William Mitchell … (41)
  6665. Ramsden, H. (2)
  6666. Rand, Edward Kennard, 187 … (1)
  6667. Randall, C. (8)
  6668. Randall, Charles, 1749-18 … (1)
  6669. Randle, Samuel (1)
  6670. Ranjit Singh, Maharaja of … (1)
  6671. Rankin, Thomas, 1738-1810 (2)
  6672. Rankin, W. M (1)
  6673. Ransan, Takai (3)
  6674. Ransome, Arthur, 1884-196 … (1)
  6675. Ransome, John Atkinson, 1 … (1)
  6676. Raphael, 1483-1520 (1)
  6677. Rapkin, J. (2)
  6678. Rapkin, John, 1815-1876 (1)
  6679. Rapport, Nigel. (1)
  6680. Rashi (1040-1105) (54)
  6681. Rashi (1040-1105)? (3)
  6682. Rashi, 1040-1105 (5)
  6683. Rashīdī Bīdvāzī Rashīd al … (5)
  6684. Rastell, John, 1475-1536 (1)
  6685. Rastell, William, 1508?-1 … (5)
  6686. Rastetter, Susan. J (1)
  6687. Rasūlī al-Ghassānī, Ismā … (25)
  6688. Ratcliffe, F. W (1)
  6689. Ratcliffe, Savill, J.P. (1)
  6690. Ratdolt, Erhard, 1447?-15 … (5)
  6691. Rathall, Mr. (1)
  6692. Ratsey, Gamaliel, -1605 (1)
  6693. Raven-Hill, L. (Leonard), … (2)
  6694. Ravenstein, Ernst Georg, … (1)
  6695. Raw, Barbara. C (1)
  6696. Rawdon, John, 1720-1793 (1)
  6697. Rawstorne & Wilson (1)
  6698. Raymond Vicary, F. (2)
  6699. Read, John (1)
  6700. Read, Thomas (1)
  6701. Reade, Arthur E. E., 190 … (12)
  6702. Reade, William Henry Vinc … (1)
  6703. Real, Hermann. J (1)
  6704. Reavil, Arthur (1)
  6705. Reavil, Mr Arthur (168)
  6706. Recanati, Menahem ben Be … (12)
  6707. Red Shirt, 1845?-1925 (1)
  6708. Redi, Francesco, 1626-169 … (2)
  6709. Redman, John (1)
  6710. Redouté, Pierre Joseph, 1 … (4)
  6711. Reece, Richard, 1765-1850 (1)
  6712. Reed, Isaac, 1742-1807 (1)
  6713. Reed, William Bryan, 1836 … (2)
  6714. Reed, William, 1800-1858 (1)
  6715. Rees, Abraham, 1743-1825 (4)
  6716. Rees, Arthur Augustus (1)
  6717. Rees, B. R (2)
  6718. Rees, D. H. (1)
  6719. Rees, Eiluned. (1)
  6720. Rees, Jean A. (Jean Angli … (2)
  6721. Reeve, Lovell (1814-1865) (1)
  6722. Reeve, Lovell, 1814-1865 (2)
  6723. Reeves, Jonathan, -1787 (2)
  6724. Reger, John (1)
  6725. Reghettini, Aurelio (1)
  6726. Regiomontanus, Joannes, 1 … (5)
  6727. Regnault, François, -app … (3)
  6728. Reichert, Joshua, 1937- (2)
  6729. Reid, Andrew (1)
  6730. Reid, William, 1822-1881 (1)
  6731. Reif, Stefan. C (1)
  6732. Rein, Johannes Justus, 18 … (1)
  6733. Reinmuth, P. W. (1)
  6734. Reisch, Gregor, -1525 (1)
  6735. Rejlander, Oscar (1)
  6736. Religious Tract Society … (32)
  6737. Remiet, Pierre (1)
  6738. Remus (Twin of Romulus, K … (1)
  6739. Rendel Harris, James, 185 … (1)
  6740. Renear, Allen. (1)
  6741. Reni, Guido, 1575-1642 (1)
  6742. Renner, Franz, active 147 … (2)
  6743. Renouard, Antoine-Augusti … (1)
  6744. Renucci, Paul. (1)
  6745. Repton, Humphry (1)
  6746. Repton, Humphry, 1752-181 … (1)
  6747. Reschij, C. (1)
  6748. Rességuier, Jules de 1788 … (1)
  6749. Reston, Arthur (2)
  6750. Reuwich, Erhard (3)
  6751. Rev. Isaac Ben Samuel of … (7)
  6752. Revell, e. J (1)
  6753. Reverchon, Jacques, 1750- … (1)
  6754. Revett, Nicholas, 1720-18 … (6)
  6755. Reviczky von Revisnye, Ka … (3)
  6756. Reymond, A. A E (1)
  6757. Reymond, E. A E (4)
  6758. Reynell, Edward, 1612-166 … (1)
  6759. Reynes, John, -1544 (3)
  6760. Reynolds, Constance M. (1)
  6761. Reynolds, John, 1759-1851 (1)
  6762. Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 17 … (4)
  6763. Reynolds, Osborne, 1842-1 … (1)
  6764. Reynolds, Richard, 1674–1 … (1)
  6765. Reynolds, Richard. R (1)
  6766. Reynolds, Samuel William, … (3)
  6767. Reynolds, Samuel William, … (1)
  6768. Rhau-Grunenberg, Johann, … (1)
  6769. Rhaw, Georg, 1488-1548 (2)
  6770. Rheubottom, David. B (1)
  6771. Rhind, William Graeme, 17 … (2)
  6772. Rhodes, Benjamin, 1743-18 … (2)
  6773. Rhodes, Dennis. E (1)
  6774. Rhodes, William Barnes (1)
  6775. Rhône, France (Department … (1)
  6776. Rice, D. Talbot (1)
  6777. Rich, John, 1692–1761 (1)
  6778. Rich, L. (1)
  6779. Richard Bates Limited (1)
  6780. Richard Hill, Sir, 1732-1 … (2)
  6781. Richard I, King of Engla … (19)
  6782. Richard II, King of Eng … (234)
  6783. Richard III, King of Engl … (1)
  6784. Richard III, King of Engl … (1)
  6785. Richards, Brother (2)
  6786. Richards, Thomas (1)
  6787. Richardson, Dorothy (3)
  6788. Richardson, Dorothy, 174 … (14)
  6789. Richardson, Dorothy, 1748 … (1)
  6790. Richardson, Helen, 1914-1 … (1)
  6791. Richardson, Henry Gerald, … (5)
  6792. Richardson, J. (1)
  6793. Richardson, John (3)
  6794. Richardson, John, 1734-17 … (1)
  6795. Richardson, Samuel, 1689- … (1)
  6796. Richelet, Pierre, 1626-16 … (2)
  6797. Richer, Paul Marie Louis … (1)
  6798. Richmond, G. (1)
  6799. Richmond, George (1)
  6800. Richmond, I. A (1)
  6801. Richmond, Legh, 1772-182 … (24)
  6802. Ricketts, Charles (2)
  6803. Ridgway, Fred (1)
  6804. Ridings, Elijah (1)
  6805. Ridley, William, 1764-183 … (2)
  6806. Riely, John. C (1)
  6807. Riessinger, Sixtus (11)
  6808. Rigbie, Alex, Sir, J.P. (1)
  6809. Rigby, Alexander, 1594-16 … (1)
  6810. Rigby, Alexander, Sir (1)
  6811. Rigby, Samuel, approximat … (3)
  6812. Rigby, Stephen. (1)
  6813. Riky, George, 1811-1884 (1)
  6814. Riley, David. W (2)
  6815. Rinehart, F. A. (Frank A. … (1)
  6816. Rinuccio, d'Arezzo, appro … (3)
  6817. Rinuccio, d'Arezzo, appro … (2)
  6818. Rios, Romanus, 1891-. (2)
  6819. Ripa, Cesare, 1560-1645 (2)
  6820. Ritchie, John (1)
  6821. Rittau, Johannes, 1852-[ … (1)
  6822. Rivers, Anthony Woodville … (3)
  6823. Rivers, W H R (1)
  6824. Rivers, William Halse Riv … (1)
  6825. Riviere, Briton (1)
  6826. Rivington, J.G. & F. (1)
  6827. Rivière, Briton, 1840-19 … (18)
  6828. Riza'-i 'Abbasi (although … (1)
  6829. Roach, John. (1)
  6830. Robe, James, 1688-1759 (2)
  6831. Roberston, Edward, 1879-1 … (1)
  6832. Robert Bridgeman & Son of … (1)
  6833. Robert Bridgeman & Sons … (88)
  6834. Robert de Vaugondy, Gille … (1)
  6835. Robert I, King of Scotlan … (2)
  6836. Robert I, King of Scots, … (34)
  6837. Robert II, Duke of Norman … (3)
  6838. Robert II, King of France … (1)
  6839. Robert II, King of Scotla … (2)
  6840. Robert III, King of Scotl … (1)
  6841. Roberts & Leete Ltd., Lon … (2)
  6842. Roberts, Bleddyn Jones, 1 … (1)
  6843. Roberts, Bleddyn. J (2)
  6844. Roberts, Bleddyn. J. (1)
  6845. Roberts, C. H. (2)
  6846. Roberts, Colin Henderson, … (3)
  6847. Roberts, David, 1796-1864 (5)
  6848. Roberts, Robert, -1800 (1)
  6849. Roberts, Thomas (2)
  6850. Roberts, W. H. (William H … (1)
  6851. Roberts, William (1)
  6852. Roberts, William Wright (4)
  6853. Roberts-Marshall, W. (2)
  6854. Robertson, A. B (2)
  6855. Robertson, Alex (2)
  6856. Robertson, Alex. B (1)
  6857. Robertson, Arthur Henry 1 … (1)
  6858. Robertson, Donald. (1)
  6859. Robertson, Edward (11)
  6860. Robertson, Edward 1879-19 … (2)
  6861. Robertson, Edward, 1879 … (286)
  6862. Robertson, Edward, 1879- … (19)
  6863. Robertson, G. Croom (Geor … (1)
  6864. Robertson, J. (1)
  6865. Robertson, Jessie D. (1)
  6866. Robertson, S. (1)
  6867. Robin John, Ancona Robin, … (5)
  6868. Robin John, Little Ephrai … (6)
  6869. Robinson & Co. Harlesden … (1)
  6870. Robinson, Arthur (1)
  6871. Robinson, Basil William, … (2)
  6872. Robinson, Charles, 1870-1 … (1)
  6873. Robinson, Ivor (2)
  6874. Robinson, J. W. (1)
  6875. Robinson, John (2)
  6876. Robinson, Robert (3)
  6877. Robson, J. R (1)
  6878. Robson, James. (2)
  6879. Roce, Denys, active 1490- … (3)
  6880. Rockingham, Charles Watso … (1)
  6881. Rococciolo, Domenico, act … (1)
  6882. Rodgers, John H. (1)
  6883. Rodríguez Orgaz, Mariano, … (1)
  6884. Roffet, E. (3)
  6885. Rogers, Ann (4)
  6886. Rogers, Charles, 1711-178 … (4)
  6887. Rogers, Hester Ann, 1756 … (10)
  6888. Rogers, J. (1)
  6889. Rogers, John, 1500?-1555 (7)
  6890. Rogers, Ralph V (1)
  6891. Rogers, Samuel, 1763-1855 (1)
  6892. Rogers, Thomas, -1616 (1)
  6893. Rogers, William, approxim … (2)
  6894. Rogerson, Ian (2)
  6895. Rogerson, Ian. (1)
  6896. Rogerson, Thomas, activ … (234)
  6897. Roland de La Platière, J … (2)
  6898. Rolandello, Francesco, 14 … (3)
  6899. Rolevinck, Werner, 1425-1 … (3)
  6900. Rolle, Richard, of Ham … (1052)
  6901. Rollit, Albert Kaye, Sir, … (1)
  6902. Romaine, William, 1714-17 … (1)
  6903. Romanes, George John, 184 … (1)
  6904. Romano, Giulio, 1499-1546 (1)
  6905. Romarheim, Arild. (1)
  6906. Romulus (Fabulist) (1)
  6907. Romulus, King of Rome (1)
  6908. Ronalds, Alfred, 1802-186 … (2)
  6909. Rood, Theodoric, active 1 … (3)
  6910. Roosevelt, Franklin D. (F … (2)
  6911. Roper, J. (1)
  6912. Rosanes, Judah ben Samuel … (1)
  6913. Roscoe, Henry E. (Henry … (14)
  6914. Roscoe, Thomas, 1791-1871 (1)
  6915. Roscommon, Wentworth Dill … (2)
  6916. Rose, George (1)
  6917. Rose, Henry, -1958 (1)
  6918. Rose, J. (2)
  6919. Rose, R. T. (Robert Trai … (10)
  6920. Rose, Robert Barrie, 1929 … (6)
  6921. Rosebery, Archibald Phili … (1)
  6922. Rosenau, H. (1)
  6923. Rosenau, Helen. (1)
  6924. Rosenthal, Erwin Isak Jak … (5)
  6925. Rosenthal, Jacques, 1854- … (1)
  6926. Rosenthal, Joel. T (1)
  6927. Roskell, J. S (5)
  6928. Ross, Alan, 1922-2001 (1)
  6929. Ross, Catherine. (1)
  6930. Ross, Dorothy (1)
  6931. Ross, John (12)
  6932. Rosser, Susan. (1)
  6933. Rossetti, Christina Georg … (2)
  6934. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, … (7)
  6935. Rossetti, Teodorico Pietr … (2)
  6936. Rotary Photographers (1)
  6937. Roth, Cecil (4)
  6938. Roth, Cecil. (2)
  6939. Roth, Leon (1)
  6940. Rothschild, Jean-Pierre. (1)
  6941. Rothschild, Lionel Walter … (1)
  6942. Rothwell, W. (1)
  6943. Rothwell, William. (6)
  6944. Rottenhammer, Hans, 1564- … (2)
  6945. Rousset, François, 1535? … (5)
  6946. Rovero, V. (1)
  6947. Rovetta, Giovanni, approx … (2)
  6948. Rowan, Frederic John (3)
  6949. Rowat, F. (1)
  6950. Rowbottom, Richard (1)
  6951. Rowdon, R. R. (1)
  6952. Rowe, Alan (2)
  6953. Rowe, Alan. (4)
  6954. Rowe, J. G (1)
  6955. Rowe, John. Gordon (1)
  6956. Rowe, William (1)
  6957. Rowland, Johannes (1)
  6958. Rowland, John (1)
  6959. Rowlandson, Thomas 1756-1 … (1)
  6960. Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756- … (1)
  6961. Rowley, Charles (1)
  6962. Rowley, George Dawson, 18 … (3)
  6963. Rowley, H. H. (2)
  6964. Rowley, Harold Henry, 18 … (19)
  6965. Roxburgh, Alfred (1)
  6966. Roxby, T.W. (5)
  6967. Royal Asiatic Society of … (1)
  6968. Royal College of Physicia … (1)
  6969. Roye, Gui de, approximate … (1)
  6970. Rösslin, Eucharius, -15 … (15)
  6971. Rötel, Caspar (1)
  6972. Ruamps, Pierre-Charles, 1 … (1)
  6973. Rubens, Peter Paul, 1577- … (1)
  6974. Rubinstein, A (3)
  6975. Rubio, Pedro (1)
  6976. Rudolph, King of France, … (1)
  6977. Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537 (12)
  6978. Ruffer, Marc Armand, 1859 … (4)
  6979. Rufinus, of Aquileia, 345 … (1)
  6980. Rufus, Sextus (2)
  6981. Rugeriis, Ugo de, active … (2)
  6982. Rumble, Alexander. R (1)
  6983. Rumney, Albert E. (1)
  6984. Rundell, Maria (4)
  6985. Rundell, Maria Eliza Kete … (9)
  6986. Ruoff, A. La Vonne (2)
  6987. Ruoff, A. LaVonne (1)
  6988. Ruoff, A. Lavonne (1)
  6989. Rupert, Prince, Count Pal … (9)
  6990. Rupp, E. Gordon (2)
  6991. Rupp, Gordon. (1)
  6992. Rusch, Adolph (1)
  6993. Rushbrook-Williams, Laure … (1)
  6994. Rusher, John Golby, 1784- … (9)
  6995. Ruskin, John (2)
  6996. Ruskin, John James (60)
  6997. Ruskin, John, 1819-1900 (197)
  6998. Russell, D. (1)
  6999. Russell, D. W (1)
  7000. Russell, D. W. (1)
  7001. Russell, John, -1494 (40)
  7002. Russell, John, 1745-1806 (1)
  7003. Russell, Jonathan (1)
  7004. Russell, P (2)
  7005. Russell, Rosalind, 1907-1 … (1)
  7006. Rutherford, Ernest, 1871- … (6)
  7007. Rutherford, Ernest, First … (2)
  7008. Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris, … (3)
  7009. Rutland, Edmund, Earl of, … (1)
  7010. Ruysschaert, Jose. (1)
  7011. Rüff, Jakob, 1500-1558 (12)
  7012. Ryan, Donald H (1)
  7013. Ryan, Henry, 1775-1833 (1)
  7014. Ryan, Sarah (5)
  7015. Rycaut, Paul, Sir, 1628-1 … (6)
  7016. Rychard, Dan Thomas (1)
  7017. Rydbeck, Erik (1)
  7018. Ryder, Joseph, 1733-1768 (10)
  7019. Ryff, Walther Hermann, - … (12)
  7020. Ryland, John, 1723-1792 (8)
  7021. Rylands & Sons (1)
  7022. Rylands, Dinah, 1801-1843 (1)
  7023. Rylands, Emily, 1834-1834 (1)
  7024. Rylands, Enriqueta (21)
  7025. Rylands, Enriqueta Augus … (40)
  7026. Rylands, Enriqueta, 1843- … (3)
  7027. Rylands, John (6)
  7028. Rylands, John, 1801-1888 (68)
  7029. Rylands, Maria Castiglion … (3)
  7030. Rylands, Martha, 1806-187 … (1)
  7031. Rylands, William, 1828-18 … (1)
  7032. Ryle, Martin (1)
  7033. Rymer, G. (1)
  7034. Rymer, George (1)
  7035. Rymer, John (1)
  7036. Rymsdyk, Andrew van (2)
  7037. Rymsdyk, Jan van, active … (2)
  7038. Rücker, A. W. (Arthur Wil … (1)
  7039. S-, son of Pa- (farmer) (1)
  7040. S. R. (3)
  7041. S.S. McClure Co. (1)
  7042. Sa'adia ben Yeshu'ah (1)
  7043. Sa`adia (1)
  7044. Sa`adia ben Joseph Gaon … (200)
  7045. Sa`adia ben Joseph Gaon … (16)
  7046. Sa`adia ben Nathan (12th … (1)
  7047. Sa`adiah (1)
  7048. Sabinianus (1)
  7049. Sabouris, son of Papus of … (1)
  7050. Saburo, Takebei Taki (1)
  7051. Sacchi, Andrea, 1599?-166 … (1)
  7052. Sachs, Bill (1)
  7053. Sachse, Carl Adolf, 1818- … (1)
  7054. Sackville, George Germain … (1)
  7055. Sadahide, Gountei, 1807-1 … (4)
  7056. Sahlan (10th cent.) (2)
  7057. Sahula, Isaac ben Solomon … (5)
  7058. Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Fr … (1)
  7059. Saint-Pierre, Bernardin … (15)
  7060. Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Aug … (1)
  7061. Sainton (de Troyes) (1)
  7062. Saintsbury, George, 1845- … (1)
  7063. Sakan (10th cent.) (2)
  7064. Sala, George Augustus (1)
  7065. Sale, Antoine de la, 1385 … (1)
  7066. Saliba (1)
  7067. Salisbury, Frank O. (Fran … (2)
  7068. Salisbury, James Cecil, M … (4)
  7069. Sallust, 86 B.C.-34 B.C. (1)
  7070. Salmān Sāvajī -1376 (5)
  7071. Salome (Biblical figure) (2)
  7072. Salomonto (1)
  7073. Salsbury, Nathan, 1846-19 … (1)
  7074. Salvatore Errico, 1848-19 … (3)
  7075. Salvatore Errico, 1848–19 … (1)
  7076. Salviati, Lionardo, 1540- … (1)
  7077. Salvin, Osbert, 1835-1898 (1)
  7078. Samarqandī, Dawlatshāh, 1 … (5)
  7079. Sambourne, Linley (1)
  7080. Samely, Alexander. (2)
  7081. Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-15 … (2)
  7082. Samuel (2)
  7083. Samuel and John Loudon ( … (16)
  7084. Samuel b. Na`im (1)
  7085. Samuel ben Hananiah (fl. … (1)
  7086. Samuel ben Hananiah (fl. … (1)
  7087. Samuel ben Hophni (d. 101 … (3)
  7088. Samuel ben Hophni (d. 101 … (2)
  7089. Samuel ben Meir (11th/12 … (20)
  7090. Samuel ha-Levi, Rabbi (1)
  7091. Samuel ha-Nagid (993-1056 … (9)
  7092. Samuel ha-Shelishi (10th … (12)
  7093. Samuel ha-Shelishi ben Ho … (2)
  7094. Samuel Sid(...) (1)
  7095. Samuel, Rabbi (1)
  7096. Samuel? (1)
  7097. San Jacopo di Ripoli (Con … (5)
  7098. Sanai (5)
  7099. Sanāʼī al-Ghaznavī, Ab … (6)
  7100. Sanāʼī al-Ghaznavī, Ab … (5)
  7101. Sanctis, Philippus de (4)
  7102. Sandby, Paul, 1731-1809 (1)
  7103. Sandeau, Jules, 1811-1883 (1)
  7104. Sanders, C. R (6)
  7105. Sanders, Charles. Richard (2)
  7106. Sanderson, Charles. R (1)
  7107. Sandford, Samuel (3)
  7108. Sandhurst, William Mansfi … (1)
  7109. Sandy, Henry M. (1)
  7110. Sandys, Frederick, 1829-1 … (2)
  7111. Sangorski & Sutcliffe (5)
  7112. Sanitary Committee (8)
  7113. Sannazaro, Jacopo, 1458-1 … (4)
  7114. Sansom, Arthur Ernest (3)
  7115. Sanson, Charles Henri, 17 … (1)
  7116. Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-166 … (2)
  7117. Sansovino, Francesco, 152 … (1)
  7118. Santas? (4)
  7119. Santerre, Antoine-Joseph, … (1)
  7120. Sanāʾī, Abu-'l-Maǧd Maǧdū … (5)
  7121. Sarah bat Aaron Hidif (17 … (1)
  7122. Sarah bint Seniora (1)
  7123. Sarah, Sister (1)
  7124. Sarapammon (1)
  7125. Sarapion (2)
  7126. Sarapion (epistates phyla … (3)
  7127. Saraval, Jacob Raphael be … (1)
  7128. Sark̲h̲ūsh, Muḥammad Afża … (5)
  7129. Sarto, Andrea del, 1486-1 … (1)
  7130. Sassetti, Francesco, 1421 … (3)
  7131. Satabous, son of Panaibis … (1)
  7132. Saturn (Roman deity) (1)
  7133. Saunders & Cullingham, Lo … (1)
  7134. Saunders, D. E. (1)
  7135. Saunders, F. W (1)
  7136. Saunders, Howard, 1835-19 … (3)
  7137. Saunders, James Vallance (2)
  7138. Saunders, Joseph (1)
  7139. Saunders, Richard, Improv … (1)
  7140. Saunderson, Barbara. (1)
  7141. Saunderson, Joseph, -1803 (1)
  7142. Savatier-Laroche, Pierre … (1)
  7143. Savile, Jeremy [Jeremiah] … (3)
  7144. Saville, Peter, 1955- (1)
  7145. Savonarola, Girolamo (3)
  7146. Savonarola, Girolamo, 145 … (2)
  7147. Savonarola, Michele, 1385 … (1)
  7148. Sawyer, K. C. (1)
  7149. Sawyer, P. H (1)
  7150. Saxton, Christopher (4)
  7151. Saxton, Christopher, 1542 … (2)
  7152. Saxton, Christopher, b. 1 … (1)
  7153. Saxton, John Thacker (1)
  7154. Saxton, William (2)
  7155. Say, William, 1768-1834 (12)
  7156. Sayce, Elizabeth (1)
  7157. Sayles, George Osborne, 1 … (1)
  7158. Sayyid Sulṭān valad-i Say … (1)
  7159. Saône-et-Loire, France (D … (2)
  7160. Saʻdī (6)
  7161. Saʽd Pinto (18th-19th cen … (1)
  7162. Saʽūr ha-Levi (18th-19th … (1)
  7163. Sām Mīrzā, 1517-1576 o … (1)
  7164. Sāriputta (2)
  7165. Scarbourough, P. L. (1)
  7166. Schaffner, Wilhelm, activ … (2)
  7167. Schapf, Jörg, active 1469 … (1)
  7168. Scharf, George (3)
  7169. Scharten, Elise, 1876–196 … (1)
  7170. Schaumburg, J. (1)
  7171. Schedel, Hartmann, 1440- … (38)
  7172. Scheel, Christian Fredrik … (1)
  7173. Schiavone, Andrea, approx … (1)
  7174. Schiavonetti, Luigi, 1765 … (2)
  7175. Schindler, F. (1)
  7176. Schirlentz, Nickel (1)
  7177. Schlegel, John Frederic, … (1)
  7178. Schlesinger, Philip, 1948 … (1)
  7179. Schmidel, Ulrich, approxi … (6)
  7180. Schmidt, F.W. (1)
  7181. Schmidt, Frederick W. (1)
  7182. Schmidt, J. F. Julius (Jo … (1)
  7183. Schmidt, Michael, 1947- (2)
  7184. Schneider, Ambrosius, 191 … (2)
  7185. Scho?nwetter, Johann Mart … (1)
  7186. Schofield, B. B (1)
  7187. Schofield, J. W. (1)
  7188. Schofield, R. B (1)
  7189. Scholefield, James, 1789- … (1)
  7190. Scholes, John (1)
  7191. Schonberger, Guilelmus (1)
  7192. Schoolmaster Printer, act … (1)
  7193. Schoppe, Kaspar, 1576-164 … (1)
  7194. Schott, Gaspar, 1608-1666 (1)
  7195. Schott, Johann, 1477-1548 (3)
  7196. Schöffer, Peter, approx … (59)
  7197. Schön, James Frederick, … (5)
  7198. Schönleben, Johann Ludw … (16)
  7199. Schönsperger, Johann, -1 … (1)
  7200. Schreyer, Sebald, 1446-15 … (4)
  7201. Schrijver, Emile. G L (1)
  7202. Schullerus, Pauline, 1858 … (1)
  7203. Schulte, Anton, 1922- (1)
  7204. Schunck, Edward, 1820-190 … (2)
  7205. Schuster, Arthur, Sir, 1 … (17)
  7206. Schwabe, Carlos, 1866-192 … (2)
  7207. Schwarzenberger, Georg 19 … (1)
  7208. Schwellenberg, Elizabeth (2)
  7209. Schwellenberg, Juliana El … (2)
  7210. Schwertfeger, Johann (1)
  7211. Sclater, Philip Lutley, 1 … (2)
  7212. Scledeus, Ludovicus, acti … (1)
  7213. Scobell, Henry, -1660 (2)
  7214. Scoble, John, 1799-1877 (4)
  7215. Scoloker, Anthony, active … (2)
  7216. Scorel, Jan van, 1495-156 … (1)
  7217. Scot, Michael (23)
  7218. Scot, Reginald, 1538?-159 … (5)
  7219. Scot, Robert, -1689 (1)
  7220. Scotland, N. A D (1)
  7221. Scoto, Gualtiero (5)
  7222. Scott, Alexander John, 18 … (1)
  7223. Scott, Bell William, 1811 … (6)
  7224. Scott, Bell William, 1811 … (1)
  7225. Scott, Charles Prestwic … (200)
  7226. Scott, Edward Taylor, 18 … (23)
  7227. Scott, J.C. (1)
  7228. Scott, John Russell, 1879 … (3)
  7229. Scott, S. W. (1)
  7230. Scott, Walter, 1771-1832 (1)
  7231. Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771- … (2)
  7232. Scott, William Bell, 181 … (13)
  7233. Scowcroft, Walter (1)
  7234. Scragg, Brenda. (1)
  7235. Scragg, D. G (1)
  7236. Scragg, Leah. (1)
  7237. Scriven, Edward, 1775-184 … (1)
  7238. Scrivener, Frederick Henr … (1)
  7239. Scrope, William, 1772-185 … (1)
  7240. Scudamore, Barnabas, Sir, … (1)
  7241. Seabury, Samuel (2)
  7242. Seacole, Mary, 1805-1881 (1)
  7243. Seaman, Owen, 1861-1936 (1)
  7244. Sebastiano, del Piombo, 1 … (1)
  7245. Sed-Rajna, Gabrielle. (1)
  7246. Seddon, Elizabeth (21)
  7247. Seddon, George F. (3)
  7248. Seebohm, Henry, 1832-1895 (1)
  7249. Seed, Richard (1)
  7250. Seidensacher, Eduard, 182 … (1)
  7251. Seine-Inférieure, France … (1)
  7252. Selden, John, 1584-1654 (1)
  7253. Selim I, Sultan of the Tu … (2)
  7254. Sellars, David (3)
  7255. Seller, John, active 1658 … (4)
  7256. Sellon, Walter (1)
  7257. Selous, Frederick Courten … (1)
  7258. Semele (Greek mythology) (2)
  7259. Seminario vescovile (Felt … (1)
  7260. Semple, William Hugh (11)
  7261. Semtheus, son of Anoubion (1)
  7262. Semtheus, son of Harnesis … (1)
  7263. Senephonychis (1)
  7264. Sepia Production (2)
  7265. Septem Arboribus, Martinu … (4)
  7266. Serapis (Egyptian deity) (1)
  7267. Seras, son of Paes (herds … (2)
  7268. Seras, son of Paes (sheph … (2)
  7269. Seras, son of Sarapion (4)
  7270. Serassi, Pierantonio, 172 … (2)
  7271. Seres, William, -approxim … (5)
  7272. Sergison, Mary Ann (1)
  7273. Sergius I, Pope, -701 (1)
  7274. Sermon, William, 1629?-16 … (1)
  7275. Sertillanges. A. G. (Ant … (80)
  7276. Servius, active 4th centu … (2)
  7277. Servonat, J. S. (1)
  7278. Sesongosis (1)
  7279. Sessa, Giovanni Battista, … (1)
  7280. Severn, Frances, née Alla … (6)
  7281. Severn, Henry Augustus, 1 … (8)
  7282. Seversz, Jan, active appr … (2)
  7283. Severtzov, Nikolai, 1827- … (1)
  7284. Severus Alexander, Empero … (1)
  7285. Severus, Lucius Septimius … (2)
  7286. Seward William 1703-1740 (2)
  7287. Seward, Anna, 1742-1809 (5)
  7288. Seward, Benjamin (2)
  7289. Seward, Benjamin, 1705- (1)
  7290. Seward, William, 1702-174 … (2)
  7291. Seymour, Robert, 1798-183 … (3)
  7292. Sébastiani, Horace Franc … (1)
  7293. Shabbetai ben Meir, ha-Ko … (1)
  7294. Shabtai (1)
  7295. Shackleton, Ernest Henry, … (1)
  7296. Shackleton, Robert. (1)
  7297. Shadford, George, 1739-18 … (1)
  7298. Shahab-i Katib (21)
  7299. Shahrazūrī, Shams al-Dīn … (5)
  7300. Shailor, Barbara. A (1)
  7301. Shakespeare, William, 15 … (41)
  7302. Shalom ben Judah (1)
  7303. Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn … (5)
  7304. Shamsa (1)
  7305. Shanahan, Matthias (1)
  7306. Shannon, Faith (1)
  7307. Shapland, A.E (1)
  7308. Shapland, R.A. (1)
  7309. Sharp, E.J. (1)
  7310. Sharp, Jane (2)
  7311. Sharp, Sheila. M (1)
  7312. Sharp, William, 1855-1905 (1)
  7313. Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatr … (11)
  7314. Sharpe, Eric. J (1)
  7315. Sharpe, Mary (54)
  7316. Sharpe, Richard Bowdler … (347)
  7317. Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950 (1)
  7318. Shaw, James, -1722 (1)
  7319. Shaw, Jane. (1)
  7320. Shaw, Samuel, 1635-1696 (2)
  7321. Shawano (1)
  7322. She'altiel (ben?) Joseph … (1)
  7323. Sheldrake, Leonard, 1885- … (1)
  7324. Shelley, G. E. (George Er … (1)
  7325. Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 17 … (4)
  7326. Shelston, A. J (1)
  7327. Shem Tov ... (1)
  7328. Shepard, Ernest H. (Ernes … (1)
  7329. Shepherd, Lyn. (1)
  7330. Shepherd, Mary Freeman, 1 … (1)
  7331. Sheppard, F. H. W. (1)
  7332. Sherbo, Arthur, 1918-2010 … (1)
  7333. Sherborn, Charles William … (6)
  7334. Sherira ben Hanina Gaon ( … (4)
  7335. Shiel, James. (1)
  7336. Shilton, Howard. (1)
  7337. Shipman, John, 1788-1853 (1)
  7338. Shipster, Robert (2)
  7339. Shirley, Walter, 1726-178 … (3)
  7340. Shirt, John (2)
  7341. Shoberl, Frederic (11)
  7342. Shohonya, Kichibe (1)
  7343. Short Bull, -1923 (1)
  7344. Short, Peter, -1603 (13)
  7345. Shortgrave, Charles (1)
  7346. Shrewsbury, William J. (W … (1)
  7347. Shury, Daniel Nathan (16)
  7348. Shṿartsfeld, Eliyahu, 18 … (1)
  7349. Shāshī, Aḥmad ibn Muḥamma … (5)
  7350. Shīr Muḥammad Dihlavī (5)
  7351. Shōtoku, Empress of Japan … (2)
  7352. Si yi yuan bian (1)
  7353. Sibyl, Queen of Jerusalem … (1)
  7354. Siddons, Henry, 1774-1815 (1)
  7355. Siddons, Sarah, 1755-183 … (13)
  7356. Sidmouth, Henry Addington … (9)
  7357. Sidonius Apollinaris, Sai … (1)
  7358. Siegemund, Justina, 1636 … (48)
  7359. Sieurac, François Joseph … (1)
  7360. Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph, … (1)
  7361. Sikili, Jacob ben Hananel … (6)
  7362. Silas (Biblical figure) (14)
  7363. Silber, Eucharius, active … (3)
  7364. Silberschlag, Eisig. (1)
  7365. Silius Italicus, Tiberiu … (26)
  7366. Silvatico, Matteo, -appro … (1)
  7367. Silverius, Pope, -537 (1)
  7368. Simeon (Biblical figure) (8)
  7369. Simeon bar Yohai (2nd cen … (1)
  7370. Simeon bar Yohai, active … (5)
  7371. Simeon, Charles, 1759-183 … (6)
  7372. Simhah bat Jacob (1)
  7373. Simier, Alphonse, 1796-18 … (6)
  7374. Simon, Emily, 1858-1920 (12)
  7375. Simon, Eric C., 1887-1915 (1)
  7376. Simon, F. P. (1)
  7377. Simon, Harry, 1880-1917 (1)
  7378. Simon, Henry (1)
  7379. Simon, Henry, 1835-1899 (12)
  7380. Simon, M (1)
  7381. Simon, Marcel. (1)
  7382. Simon, of Genoa, active 1 … (1)
  7383. Simon, Victor H., 1886-19 … (1)
  7384. Simone da Trento (1)
  7385. Simons, Matthew, -1654 (1)
  7386. Simonton (1)
  7387. Simplicius, Pope, -483 (1)
  7388. Simpson, Christian (3)
  7389. Sims, George R., 1847-192 … (2)
  7390. Sims, V. (1)
  7391. Sinclair, Ian McTaggart 1 … (2)
  7392. Singapore. Government Pri … (2)
  7393. Singh Bhakar, Europe (1)
  7394. Singh Bhaker, Dayal (1)
  7395. Singh Bhaker, Khazan (1)
  7396. Singh Bhaker, Kunan (1)
  7397. Singh Bhaker, Nimral (1)
  7398. Singh Digwa, Arjan (3)
  7399. Singh Digwa, Chaju (1)
  7400. Singh Digwa, Dalbir (4)
  7401. Singh Digwa, Dalmon (2)
  7402. Singh Digwa, Gurbash (1)
  7403. Singh Digwa, Gurbashk (2)
  7404. Singh Digwa, Harpinder (1)
  7405. Singh Digwa, Kalman (1)
  7406. Singh Digwa, Kewel (1)
  7407. Singh Digwa, Kimat (1)
  7408. Singh Digwa, Kirpal (1)
  7409. Singh Digwa, Manmeet (2)
  7410. Singh Digwa, Mareek (4)
  7411. Singh Digwa, Parshortam (2)
  7412. Singh Digwa, Santokh (1)
  7413. Singh Digwa, Suraj (1)
  7414. Singh Digwal, Arjan (1)
  7415. Singh Gola, Bahadar (1)
  7416. Singh Gola, Baldev (1)
  7417. Singh Gola, Ekbal (2)
  7418. Singh Gola, Ghena (2)
  7419. Singh Gola, Jit (4)
  7420. Singh Gola, Rashpal (1)
  7421. Singh Gola, Sandeep (1)
  7422. Singh Gola, Suksimran (1)
  7423. Singh Landa Soffe, Jaswan … (2)
  7424. Singh Landa Soffe, Munshi (2)
  7425. Singh Landa Sofi, Jaswant (8)
  7426. Singh Landa Sofi, Muchi (1)
  7427. Singh Landa, Bhil (2)
  7428. Singh Landa, Gurmeet (1)
  7429. Singh Landa, Jai (1)
  7430. Singh Landa, Kuldeep (1)
  7431. Singh Landa, Munshi (4)
  7432. Singh Pardesi, Sant (1)
  7433. Singh Patiwal, Dholath (1)
  7434. Singh Potiwal, Daulat (1)
  7435. Singh Potiwal, Jakendar (1)
  7436. Singh Potiwal, Mangal (1)
  7437. Singh Rasila, Pritam (1)
  7438. Singh Sathi Digpal, Mewa (1)
  7439. Singh Soffe, Jaswant (1)
  7440. Singh Swalley Kanganwala, … (4)
  7441. Singh, Balwant (1)
  7442. Singh, Bhil Landa (2)
  7443. Singh, Bhil Munshi (1)
  7444. Singh, Bickram (1)
  7445. Singh, Bindh (1)
  7446. Singh, Eursal (1)
  7447. Singh, Genrell (2)
  7448. Singh, Jagender (1)
  7449. Singh, Jagit (1)
  7450. Singh, Jaswinder (1)
  7451. Singh, Kapal (1)
  7452. Singh, Kewel (1)
  7453. Singh, Kuldeep (1)
  7454. Singh, Kunan (1)
  7455. Singh, Kzan (1)
  7456. Singh, Makhan (10)
  7457. Singh, Mangal or Potiwal … (1)
  7458. Singh, Mehar (2)
  7459. Singh, Mukhtiar (2)
  7460. Singh, Narayan (1)
  7461. Singh, Nihal (1)
  7462. Singh, Pardesi (1)
  7463. Singh, Parkash (1)
  7464. Singh, Rashpal (1)
  7465. Singh, Sarup (5)
  7466. Singh, Shir (1)
  7467. Singh, Shirdager (2)
  7468. Singh, Sucha (2)
  7469. Singh, Taveer (1)
  7470. Sington, Theodore (7)
  7471. Siricius, Pope, -399 (1)
  7472. Sirāj al-Dīn ibn Sayyid B … (5)
  7473. Sisinnius, Pope, -708 (1)
  7474. Sitt al-Nasab (1)
  7475. Sitting Bull, 1831-1890 (1)
  7476. Sixtus I, Pope, -approxim … (2)
  7477. Sixtus II, Pope, -258 (1)
  7478. Sixtus IV, Pope, 1414-148 … (2)
  7479. Sixtus V, Pope, 1520-1590 (1)
  7480. Sixtus, III, Pope, -440 (1)
  7481. Skeat, W. W. (9)
  7482. Skelton, Charles (1)
  7483. Skelton, Clare (2)
  7484. Skelton, John (1)
  7485. Skelton, Percival (2)
  7486. Skelton, Robin. (1)
  7487. Skory, Edmund (156)
  7488. Skrine, Peter. (2)
  7489. Slack, John (1)
  7490. Slater, Isaac (6)
  7491. Slatter, Henry (1)
  7492. Slay, Evelyn (1)
  7493. Sledd, James. H. (1)
  7494. Sloan, William Gibson, 18 … (1)
  7495. Slugg, Josiah Thomas, 181 … (1)
  7496. Smalley, Beryl. (1)
  7497. Smalley, Stephen. S (1)
  7498. Smaragdus, Abbot of St. … (52)
  7499. Smaragdus, Abbot of St. … (302)
  7500. Smeal, Jane (1)
  7501. Smegergill, William, acti … (8)
  7502. Smellie, William, 1697-17 … (1)
  7503. Smelt, Leonard, 1719?-180 … (1)
  7504. Smetham, James, 1821-1889 (1)
  7505. Smit, Joseph, 1836-1929 (1)
  7506. Smith ,W. (1)
  7507. Smith, A. J (1)
  7508. Smith, Benjamin, 1754–183 … (1)
  7509. Smith, C. Philip (3)
  7510. Smith, Calling, Mrs (6)
  7511. Smith, Cecil G. (1)
  7512. Smith, Charles. Saumarez (1)
  7513. Smith, D. Howard (1)
  7514. Smith, Edward (1)
  7515. Smith, Edward J., 1833-18 … (1)
  7516. Smith, Francis Simon, 182 … (1)
  7517. Smith, G. Rex (5)
  7518. Smith, Goldwin, 1823-1910 (8)
  7519. Smith, Grace R. (1)
  7520. Smith, Grafton Elliot, 18 … (3)
  7521. Smith, Harmer J. (1)
  7522. Smith, Harriet (1)
  7523. Smith, Henry Bompas, 1867 … (2)
  7524. Smith, J. B. (John Benjam … (1)
  7525. Smith, J. Denham, 1817-18 … (3)
  7526. Smith, J.S. (1)
  7527. Smith, John, -1722 (1)
  7528. Smith, John, 1580-1631 (2)
  7529. Smith, John, 1792?-1824 (1)
  7530. Smith, Morton. (1)
  7531. Smith, Percy (1)
  7532. Smith, R. (1)
  7533. Smith, Robert Angus, 1817 … (1)
  7534. Smith, Romilly Saumarez (1)
  7535. Smith, Sally Lou (1)
  7536. Smith, Sir Lionel, 1st Ba … (1)
  7537. Smith, Southwood, 1788-18 … (2)
  7538. Smith, T.E. (1)
  7539. Smith, Thomas (3)
  7540. Smith, Timothy (1)
  7541. Smith, Vincent Arthur, 18 … (2)
  7542. Smith, W. (1)
  7543. Smith, William (3)
  7544. Smith, William G. (2)
  7545. Smith, William, 1550?-161 … (2)
  7546. Smith, William, 1736-1824 (1)
  7547. Smith, William, active 17 … (3)
  7548. Smithson, John, 1793-1868 (1)
  7549. Smuts, Jan Christiaan, 18 … (3)
  7550. Smyth, Edward (4)
  7551. Smyth, James (1)
  7552. Smythe, F. J. (2)
  7553. Snape, A. C (1)
  7554. Snow, John, 1813-1858 (3)
  7555. Snowden, Edward J., 1983- (6)
  7556. Snowdon, Ethel (1)
  7557. Sobajima, Shōshin (1)
  7558. Sochotes, son of Sesnosis (2)
  7559. Society for Promoting Chr … (3)
  7560. Society for the Suppressi … (3)
  7561. Soissons (France : Commun … (1)
  7562. Soloman (1)
  7563. Solomon (1)
  7564. Solomon .. Nathan (1)
  7565. Solomon ben Joseph (d. 14 … (1)
  7566. Solomon ben Judah ha-Bavl … (1)
  7567. Solomon ben Nathan of Si … (10)
  7568. Solomon ben Nathan of Sij … (4)
  7569. Solomon ha-Levi (13th ce … (18)
  7570. Solomon ha-Levi (13th cen … (8)
  7571. Solomon ha-Parnas bar Net … (1)
  7572. Solomon Hamits (17th cent … (1)
  7573. Solomon Suleiman al-Sanja … (5)
  7574. Solomon, King of Israel (4)
  7575. Someritt, Howard (1)
  7576. Somogyi, J. de (1)
  7577. Soncino, Gershom, -1534 (5)
  7578. Sons of Korah (9)
  7579. Sophia, Princess, daughte … (5)
  7580. Sophocles (2)
  7581. Sophos (estate manager) (2)
  7582. Sorrell, E. (2)
  7583. Sosibios (2)
  7584. Soskice, David Vladimirov … (2)
  7585. Sosè Akwirranoron (2)
  7586. Sotas (exegetes) (1)
  7587. Sotas, son of Maron (esta … (2)
  7588. Soter, Pope, -174 or 175 (1)
  7589. Soterichus, son of Dionys … (1)
  7590. Sotheby & Co. (London, En … (9)
  7591. Sotheby, Samuel, 1771-184 … (2)
  7592. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodg … (3)
  7593. Sotheran, Henry (5)
  7594. Sothernan, Henry (2)
  7595. Soubrany de Verrières, P … (1)
  7596. Soulby, Anthony (40)
  7597. Soulié, Jean-Baptiste-Au … (2)
  7598. Souter, Alexander (2)
  7599. Souter, Alexander, 1873-1 … (1)
  7600. Southall, Thomas, 1684 or … (1)
  7601. Southampton, Thomas Wriot … (1)
  7602. Southcott, J. (1)
  7603. Southcott, Joanna, 1750-1 … (6)
  7604. Southern Independence Ass … (1)
  7605. Southern Independence Ass … (1)
  7606. Southey, Robert, 1774-184 … (1)
  7607. Sowerby, George Brettingh … (4)
  7608. Sowerby, James, 1757-1822 (1)
  7609. Sowler, Thomas, 1789-1857 (4)
  7610. Spangenberg, August Gottl … (4)
  7611. Sparke, Penny. (1)
  7612. Sparling, Halliday (1)
  7613. Sparrow, John (2)
  7614. Speakman, John (1)
  7615. Speed, John (1)
  7616. Speed, John, 1552?-1629 (15)
  7617. Speight, Kathleen. (1)
  7618. Speke, John Hanning, 1827 … (1)
  7619. Spence, James (1)
  7620. Spence, Margaret. E (4)
  7621. Spencer, George John, Ear … (2)
  7622. Spencer, John Spencer, Ea … (1)
  7623. Spencer, Margaret Georgia … (2)
  7624. Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-15 … (2)
  7625. Sperber, S (1)
  7626. Spieghel, Adriaan van den … (1)
  7627. Spielmann, M. H. (Marion … (4)
  7628. Spielmann, Marion Harry, … (18)
  7629. Spiero, B. (1)
  7630. Spiers, Fiona. E (1)
  7631. Spinola, Ambrogio, Marque … (1)
  7632. Spinoza, Benedictus de 16 … (1)
  7633. Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859 (2)
  7634. Spottiswoode, William, 18 … (1)
  7635. Spranger, Bartholomeus, 1 … (1)
  7636. Spratt, George, 1784-184 … (13)
  7637. Sprenger, Jakob, 1436 or … (1)
  7638. Spring, D (1)
  7639. Sprye, Brigadier-General (1)
  7640. Squarciafico, Girolamo (7)
  7641. Squarzaficus, Hieronymus (14)
  7642. St John Climacus (6)
  7643. St. Manvieu (10)
  7644. Stacy, Charles E. (3)
  7645. Stafford, Henry Stafford, … (1)
  7646. Stafford, Jubal (108)
  7647. Stafford, Richard, 1663-1 … (2)
  7648. Stafford, William Howard, … (1)
  7649. Stainer, H. (1)
  7650. Stamford, George Harry Gr … (1)
  7651. Stamford, George Harry Gr … (2)
  7652. Stanair Long & Co. (1)
  7653. Stanbridge, John, 1463-15 … (5)
  7654. Stanford's Geographical E … (1)
  7655. Stanford, Edward, 1827-19 … (5)
  7656. Stanger, W. H. (1)
  7657. Stanhope, L. (1)
  7658. Stanhope, Philip, 1st Ear … (1)
  7659. Stanislaw II August, King … (1)
  7660. Stanley, C. (1)
  7661. Stanley, Charles, 1821-18 … (1)
  7662. Stanley, Edward, 1779-184 … (1)
  7663. Stanley, Henry Morton, 18 … (1)
  7664. Stanley, J. T. (John Tho … (10)
  7665. Stanley, Thomas, 1625-167 … (1)
  7666. Stansfield, James (1)
  7667. Stanton, Graham. N (1)
  7668. Stapfer, P. A. (1)
  7669. Stapleton, William (21)
  7670. Starkey, John, active 17t … (1)
  7671. Starkey, Thomas, -1538 (1)
  7672. Stationers' Company (Lond … (2)
  7673. Statius, P. Papinius (Pub … (3)
  7674. Staton, J. T. (1)
  7675. Staunton, George, Sir, 17 … (1)
  7676. Stayner, Heinrich, -1548 (12)
  7677. Stead, W. T. (William Tho … (1)
  7678. Steele, Anthony, 1824-187 … (1)
  7679. Steevens, George, 1736-18 … (1)
  7680. Steiger, Johannes, 1518 o … (1)
  7681. Steinhöwel, Heinrich, 14 … (1)
  7682. Stennett, Joseph, 1663-17 … (1)
  7683. Steno, Nicolaus, 1638-168 … (1)
  7684. Stephen I, Pope, -257 (1)
  7685. Stephen III, Pope, -757 (1)
  7686. Stephen IV, Pope, -772 (1)
  7687. Stephen V, Pope, -817 (1)
  7688. Stephen, H. (1)
  7689. Stephen, King of England … (22)
  7690. Stephen, Margaret (12)
  7691. Stephen, Robert (1)
  7692. Stephen, Saint, -approxi … (12)
  7693. Stephens, Edward, 1804-18 … (1)
  7694. Stephens, Frederic George … (6)
  7695. Stephens, John, 1772-1841 (1)
  7696. Stephenson, George, 1781 … (15)
  7697. Stephenson, James, 1808-1 … (1)
  7698. Stern, Mikael (1)
  7699. Stern, S. M. (1)
  7700. Sterne, Laurence, 1713-17 … (5)
  7701. Sternhold, Thomas, -1549 (7)
  7702. Stevens, Francis, 1781-18 … (1)
  7703. Stevenson, George J. (1)
  7704. Stevenson, John, 1798-182 … (1)
  7705. Stevenson, Raymond C., 18 … (1)
  7706. Stevenson, Robert, 1772-1 … (1)
  7707. Stewart Bale Ltd., Liverp … (1)
  7708. Stewart, Alistair. C (1)
  7709. Stewart, Balfour, 1828-18 … (1)
  7710. Stewart, J. (1)
  7711. Stigliani, Tommaso, 1573- … (1)
  7712. Stileman, John (1)
  7713. Stillinger, Jack. (1)
  7714. Stillman, Marie Spartali, … (5)
  7715. Stillman, Norman. A (1)
  7716. Stillman, William James, … (3)
  7717. Stirling, William, 1851-1 … (6)
  7718. Stock, Andries Jacobsz., … (2)
  7719. Stocker, Thomas (6)
  7720. Stocks, Mary D. (Mary Dan … (1)
  7721. Stodhart (1)
  7722. Stodnick, Jacqueline. A (1)
  7723. Stoeckel, Wolfgang, activ … (3)
  7724. Stoker, Bram, 1847-1912 (1)
  7725. Stokes, Bob (1)
  7726. Stokesley, John, 1475?-15 … (1)
  7727. Stonehouse, George, 1714- … (2)
  7728. Stoney, James Butler 1814 … (6)
  7729. Stoney, James Butler, 181 … (1)
  7730. Stopes, Marie Carmichael, … (2)
  7731. Stopford, John S B (1)
  7732. Stopford, John Sebastian … (1)
  7733. Stopford, John Sebastian … (7)
  7734. Stopp, Elisabeth. (1)
  7735. Storey, Joseph (1)
  7736. Storr, R. (Roger), active … (2)
  7737. Stothard, Thomas, 1755-18 … (1)
  7738. Stotoetis (1)
  7739. Stott, Kenneth (1)
  7740. Stow, John, 1525?-1605 (6)
  7741. Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1 … (1)
  7742. Strabo (1)
  7743. Strachan, Andrew, -1831 (1)
  7744. Straker Brothers Ltd., Lo … (1)
  7745. Strangers' Friend Society (1)
  7746. Strategos (1)
  7747. Straton, son of Heron (1)
  7748. Straw, Jack, -1381? (3)
  7749. Stray, Chris. (1)
  7750. Street, Harry. (1)
  7751. Strelcyn, Stefan (1)
  7752. Stretton, Hesba, 1832-191 … (1)
  7753. Stringer, Martin. (1)
  7754. Strong, Leonard, 1797-187 … (2)
  7755. Strowger and Son (2)
  7756. Struve, Gleb Petrovich, 1 … (1)
  7757. Strype, John, 1643-1737 (1)
  7758. Stuart, Charles, 1783?-18 … (1)
  7759. Stuart, James, 1713-1788 (6)
  7760. Stubbe, Henry, 1632-1676 (4)
  7761. Stupples, John (1)
  7762. Sturge, Joseph, 1793-1859 (3)
  7763. Sturgess, Daniel, 1839-18 … (1)
  7764. Sturrock, June. (1)
  7765. Sturt, John, 1658-1730 (1)
  7766. Sudermann, Hermann, 1857- … (1)
  7767. Sudlow, E., active 1785-1 … (3)
  7768. Suetonius (1)
  7769. Suetonius, approximately … (2)
  7770. Suetonius, approximately … (1)
  7771. Suggett, Helen, 1914-1982 (1)
  7772. Suharaya, Ihachi (114)
  7773. Suharaya, Mohē (114)
  7774. Suleiman (2)
  7775. Suleiman Ahmad (1)
  7776. Sulpicius Apollinaris, G … (10)
  7777. Sulpitius Verulanus, Joan … (1)
  7778. Sulpitius Verulanus, Joan … (1)
  7779. Sultan Suleiman (1)
  7780. Sulṭān Valad, 1226-1312 (5)
  7781. Summerson, Henry. (1)
  7782. Summerson, John. (1)
  7783. Sumner, Heywood, 1853-194 … (1)
  7784. Supreme Grand Council (1)
  7785. Surrey, Henry Howard, Ear … (2)
  7786. Surroneus, Lucidus Aristo … (2)
  7787. Survey of India (1)
  7788. Susan, Issachar ben Morde … (6)
  7789. Sutcliffe, E. (1)
  7790. Sutcliffe, F. E (4)
  7791. Sutcliffe, John, 1752- (8)
  7792. Sutcliffe, Joseph, 1762-1 … (1)
  7793. Sutherland, Kathryn. (1)
  7794. Sutherland, Thomas (2)
  7795. Sutton, Edward, -1570 (1)
  7796. Sutton, Martin. (1)
  7797. Suyūṭī (2)
  7798. Süleyman I, Sultan of th … (1)
  7799. Swain, Joseph, 1820-1909 (1)
  7800. Swalle, Abel (1)
  7801. Swalley Singh, Chiman (4)
  7802. Swalley Singh, Pratap (2)
  7803. Swalley Singh, Waisakhi (1)
  7804. Swan, C, A. (1)
  7805. Swan, Charles, 1861-1934 (1)
  7806. Swan, Henry, 1825-1889 (1)
  7807. Swanson, Keith (1)
  7808. Sweynheim, Konrad, -1477 (62)
  7809. Swift, Jonathan, 1667-174 … (9)
  7810. Swinburne, Algernon Charl … (2)
  7811. Swindells, Robert, -1783 (3)
  7812. Swinhoe, Robert, 1836-187 … (1)
  7813. Swire, W. (1)
  7814. Swire, William (6)
  7815. Sydenham of Combe, George … (1)
  7816. Sylva, Carmen (1)
  7817. Sylvester I, Pope, -335 (1)
  7818. Sylvester, Josuah, 1563-1 … (1)
  7819. Symmachus, Pope, -514 (1)
  7820. Symon, J.D. (1)
  7821. Syrus (2)
  7822. Sédille, J (1)
  7823. Süleyman (12)
  7824. Sīrāj al-Dīn ibn Sayyid B … (9)
  7825. Šabānkāraʾī, Muḥamma … (5)
  7826. Şemʻî, Mustafa, active … (1)
  7827. S̲anaʼī Mashhadī, Ḥusayn … (5)
  7828. T. and A. Constable (10)
  7829. T. Walker & Company (16)
  7830. Ta-Shma, Israel. M (1)
  7831. Tabor, Alan (1)
  7832. Tabor, Alan Lansdown, 188 … (7)
  7833. Tachenius, Otto (2)
  7834. Tachibana, Minkō, active … (1)
  7835. Tacitus, Cornelius (1)
  7836. Tacitus, Emperor of Rome (1)
  7837. Tagliacozzi, Gaspare, 15 … (23)
  7838. Takada, Shinshō (1)
  7839. Takagi, Kōsuke (1)
  7840. Takai, Ranzan, 1762-1838 (5)
  7841. Talbert, Ernest. W. (1)
  7842. Talbot Fanny 1824-1917 (1)
  7843. Talbot, Fanny, 1824-1917 (2)
  7844. Talbot, Hugh (1)
  7845. Talbot, William Henry Fox … (8)
  7846. Talfourd, Thomas Noon, 17 … (3)
  7847. Talleyrand-Périgord, Cha … (1)
  7848. Tallis, John, 1817-1876 (1)
  7849. Talmon, S (1)
  7850. Tancredus, Angelus, 15th … (1)
  7851. Tanganyika Concessions, L … (1)
  7852. Tanḥum ben Joseph of Jer … (2)
  7853. Tanner, Henry Schenck, 17 … (1)
  7854. Tanquerey, Frédéric Josep … (1)
  7855. Tantalus (Greek mythology … (1)
  7856. Tapeteus, daughter of Phi … (4)
  7857. Tapnoubis (1)
  7858. Tappe, E. D (1)
  7859. Taqī al-Dīn Muḥammad i … (4)
  7860. Tarmouthis (1)
  7861. Tarn-et-Garonne, France ( … (1)
  7862. Tasoucharion (1)
  7863. Tasso, Torquato, 1544-159 … (1)
  7864. Tate, Nahum, 1652-1715 (1)
  7865. Tate, Robert Brian, 1921- … (1)
  7866. Tatham, Edward, 1749-1834 (1)
  7867. Tattersall, Richard, 1803 … (1)
  7868. Taurinos (1)
  7869. Tavistock, Lord (1)
  7870. Taylor, A. (2)
  7871. Taylor, A.V.G. (1)
  7872. Taylor, Alan John Perciva … (1)
  7873. Taylor, Alfred Edward, 1 … (1)
  7874. Taylor, Arthur (3)
  7875. Taylor, Beryl (1)
  7876. Taylor, Frank, 1910-200 … (354)
  7877. Taylor, Frank, 1910-2000. (4)
  7878. Taylor, Gary. (1)
  7879. Taylor, Henry, -1796 (4)
  7880. Taylor, Isaac, 1759-1829 (1)
  7881. Taylor, Isidore-Justin-Sé … (2)
  7882. Taylor, J. E. (6)
  7883. Taylor, John (8)
  7884. Taylor, John Edward, 1791 … (3)
  7885. Taylor, John, 1580-1653 (3)
  7886. Taylor, Kenneth (1)
  7887. Taylor, M. (1)
  7888. Taylor, Nancy (1)
  7889. Taylor, Thomas (4)
  7890. Taylor, Thomas, 1738-1816 (2)
  7891. Teape, Henry (1)
  7892. Tear, Mercy (1)
  7893. Tebaldini, Nicolò, d. 164 … (1)
  7894. Tegetmeier, W. B. (Willia … (1)
  7895. Tegh Bahadur, Guru, 1621- … (1)
  7896. Teiant (2)
  7897. Teicher, J. L. (1)
  7898. Teihor (3)
  7899. Telbin, W. (1)
  7900. Telegonus (Greek mytholog … (3)
  7901. Telemachus (Greek mytholo … (6)
  7902. Telephus (1)
  7903. Telephus (Greek mythology … (5)
  7904. Telesphorus, Pope, -appro … (1)
  7905. Tempesta, Antonio, 1555-1 … (1)
  7906. Templo, Jacob Judah Aryeh … (2)
  7907. Tenison, Thomas, 1636-171 … (1)
  7908. Tennant, Mr (1)
  7909. Tenniel, John, Sir, 1820- … (2)
  7910. Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson … (3)
  7911. Teo, Bartolomeo da Pontec … (1)
  7912. Terence (14)
  7913. Teresi, Loredana. (1)
  7914. Tereus (1)
  7915. Terskey, J. (1)
  7916. Tertullian, approximately … (1)
  7917. Terzago, Guidone (510)
  7918. Tesenouphis, son of Demas (1)
  7919. Tesenouphis, son of Peter … (2)
  7920. Testwood, Robert (1)
  7921. Thackeray, William Makepe … (8)
  7922. Thales, approximately 634 … (3)
  7923. Thammadinna (6)
  7924. Tharp, Edwin J. (2)
  7925. Thases (1)
  7926. The Brooks Press (1)
  7927. The Cloister Press Ltd (1)
  7928. The Daily News (1)
  7929. The Echo (1)
  7930. The Guardian (2)
  7931. The John Rylands Library (6)
  7932. The Local Government Info … (1)
  7933. The University of Manc … (2985)
  7934. Theanous (1)
  7935. Theatre Royal (Manchester … (2)
  7936. Theobald, Mr. (Lewis), 16 … (1)
  7937. Theobald, Philipp Wilhelm … (1)
  7938. Theocritus (5)
  7939. Theodor de Bry (Firm) (1)
  7940. Theodore I, Pope, -649 (1)
  7941. Theodosius I, Emperor of … (1)
  7942. Theodosius II, Emperor of … (1)
  7943. Theodosius III, Emperor o … (1)
  7944. Theognis (4)
  7945. Theon, Aelius, active 1st … (2)
  7946. Theon, son of Theon (esta … (1)
  7947. Theon, son of Theon (land … (1)
  7948. Theophanes (48)
  7949. Theopompus (2)
  7950. Thermion, daughter of Sat … (1)
  7951. Thermis (2)
  7952. Thermoutharion, daughter … (4)
  7953. Theseus (Greek mythology) (9)
  7954. Thevet, André, 1502-1590 (1)
  7955. Thibaudeau, Antoine-Clair … (2)
  7956. Thirsk, Joan. (1)
  7957. Thistlewood, Arthur, 1774 … (1)
  7958. Thoburn, A. R. (1)
  7959. Thomas de Tettebur (1)
  7960. Thomas East, 1540?-1608? (1)
  7961. Thomas, Apostle, Saint, 1 … (5)
  7962. Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1 … (4)
  7963. Thomas, à Becket, Saint … (12)
  7964. Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1 … (1)
  7965. Thomas, Becket, Saint, 11 … (1)
  7966. Thomas, Dylan (1)
  7967. Thomas, Edward, active 18 … (1)
  7968. Thomas, J. D. (1)
  7969. Thomas, Julian J.W. (5)
  7970. Thomas, Mary (1)
  7971. Thomas, Naomi (1)
  7972. Thomas, Noel. (1)
  7973. Thomas, T.L. (1)
  7974. Thomas, Vicentinus, activ … (1)
  7975. Thomas-Stanford, Charles, … (1)
  7976. Thompson, Ethel Margaret, … (1)
  7977. Thompson, George, 1804-1 … (24)
  7978. Thompson, J. (1)
  7979. Thompson, Jack. (1)
  7980. Thompson, Jacob, 1806-187 … (1)
  7981. Thompson, James (1)
  7982. Thompson, John, 1785-1866 (1)
  7983. Thompson, Joseph (1)
  7984. Thompson, Joseph, 1808-18 … (1)
  7985. Thompson, Mary (1)
  7986. Thompson, Raymond. H (1)
  7987. Thompson, William (1)
  7988. Thomson, George, 1698-178 … (1)
  7989. Thomson, J (1)
  7990. Thomson, John (1)
  7991. Thomson, John, 1837-1921 (2)
  7992. Thomson, Richard (2)
  7993. Thomson, William John (1)
  7994. Thomson, William John, 17 … (2)
  7995. Thorlaksson, G. (10)
  7996. Thorndike, Sybil, Dame, 1 … (1)
  7997. Thorne, Mary, née O'Bryan … (1)
  7998. Thornton, Ann (1)
  7999. Thornton, Clifford (1)
  8000. Thornton, Henry, 1760-181 … (3)
  8001. Thornton, J. (1)
  8002. Thornton, Jane, 1760-1800 (1)
  8003. Thornton, John, -1808 (10)
  8004. Thornton, John, 1720-1790 (1)
  8005. Thornton, Richard (29)
  8006. Thornton, Robert John (8)
  8007. Thornton, Robert John, 17 … (2)
  8008. Thorold, John Hayford, Si … (1)
  8009. Thorp, Malcolm. R (1)
  8010. Thorpe, James Henry (1)
  8011. Thorpe, T. E. (Thomas Edw … (4)
  8012. Thory, Claude-Antoine (3)
  8013. Thotoperius (1)
  8014. Thrale, Henry, 1728-1781 (2)
  8015. Thring, Henry Thring, Bar … (1)
  8016. Thucydides (4)
  8017. Thumb, Albert, 1865-1915. (1)
  8018. Thynne, John, Baron Carte … (1)
  8019. Ti ji cheng tang zhu (1)
  8020. Ti jiang hu ji ao bian (1)
  8021. Tibbon, Judah ben Saul i … (40)
  8022. Tiberius (= emperor Claud … (4)
  8023. Tiberius Calpurnius Tryph … (1)
  8024. Tiberius Claudius Philoxe … (2)
  8025. Tiberius II, Emperor of t … (1)
  8026. Tiberius III, Emperor of … (2)
  8027. Tiberius, Emperor of Rome … (2)
  8028. Tidmarsh, H. E., -1929 (1)
  8029. Tidmarsh, H.E. (6)
  8030. Tiene, Gaetano, 1387-appr … (2)
  8031. Tifernate, Gregorio, 1414 … (3)
  8032. Tiffany, Louis Comfort, 1 … (6)
  8033. Till, W. (1)
  8034. Till, Walter. C (2)
  8035. Tilt, Charles (2)
  8036. Tindale, William, -1536 (1)
  8037. Tindall, Edwin H. (1)
  8038. Tinelli, Tiberio, 1586-16 … (1)
  8039. Tinker, T. (1)
  8040. Tinkler-Villani, Valeria. (1)
  8041. Tintoretto, 1518-1594 (1)
  8042. Tintoretto, Marietta, app … (1)
  8043. Tipper, John, -1713 (20)
  8044. Tipson, Ernest (1)
  8045. Tissot, James Jacques Jo … (81)
  8046. Titchburne, Henry, Sir (1)
  8047. Titian, approximately 148 … (2)
  8048. Titsingh, Isaäc 1745-181 … (5)
  8049. Titus, Emperor of Rome, 4 … (1)
  8050. Tobias, Thomas (1)
  8051. Tobit (2)
  8052. Todd, Eric D. (1)
  8053. Todd, James, 1829-1902 (1)
  8054. Todd, JP (1)
  8055. Todhunter, John, 1839-191 … (2)
  8056. Toland, John, 1670-1722 (5)
  8057. Tomatsu, Masanori, activ … (30)
  8058. Tomlin, Helena (10)
  8059. Tomline, William Edward (1)
  8060. Tomlinson, Audrey (3)
  8061. Tomlinson, Francis (1)
  8062. Tomlinson, George (1)
  8063. Tomlinson, Harold Ellis, … (2)
  8064. Tomlinson, Katherine (4)
  8065. Tomlinson, Richard, activ … (1)
  8066. Tomlinson, Walter (1)
  8067. Tonson, Jacob, 1682-1735 (1)
  8068. Toplady, Augustus, 1740-1 … (1)
  8069. Torquemada, Juan de, 1388 … (6)
  8070. Torre, W.C.K. (1)
  8071. Torre, William-Charles K. … (1)
  8072. Torrentius, Johannes Symo … (1)
  8073. Torresanus, Andreas, de … (43)
  8074. Torti, Battista, active 1 … (4)
  8075. Tortis, Alvise de, active … (1)
  8076. Tory, Geoffroy, approxima … (1)
  8077. Tottel, Richard (2)
  8078. Toulouse, France (Distric … (1)
  8079. Toulouse, France (Distric … (1)
  8080. Tours (France) Commission … (1)
  8081. Tout (1)
  8082. Tout, Mary (2)
  8083. Tout, T. F. (1)
  8084. Tout, T. F. (Thomas Frede … (8)
  8085. Toviyahu ben Eli`ezer (11 … (9)
  8086. Town Hall, Manchester, En … (4)
  8087. Townsend, Joseph (2)
  8088. Townshend, Barbara Anne (2)
  8089. Toynbee, Arnold. (1)
  8090. Tōjō, Kindai, 1795-1878 (1)
  8091. Tracy, William, -1530 (5)
  8092. Tradescant, Hester, -1678 (1)
  8093. Tradescant, John, -1637? (1)
  8094. Tradescant, John, 1608-16 … (1)
  8095. Trafford, Thomas Joseph d … (4)
  8096. Trajan, Emperor of Rome, … (1)
  8097. Trani, Joseph ben Moses ( … (3)
  8098. Tranquille (1)
  8099. Trautz, Fritz, 1917-2001. (1)
  8100. Traversagni, Lorenzo Gugl … (1)
  8101. Traversari, Ambrogio, 138 … (2)
  8102. Trechsel, Johannes, activ … (1)
  8103. Treitz-Saurwein, Marx, -1 … (3)
  8104. Trembath, Edwin, 1837- (2)
  8105. Trembath, William (4)
  8106. Trench, J.A. (1)
  8107. Trenchard, Hugh Montague, … (2)
  8108. Treswell, Ralph, 1540?-16 … (1)
  8109. Trevelyan, Raleigh. (1)
  8110. Treveris, Peter, active 1 … (2)
  8111. Trevisa, John, -1402 (370)
  8112. Tribunal de Police (1)
  8113. Trickett, Elizabeth, née … (2)
  8114. Trickett, Joseph, 1817-18 … (8)
  8115. Trickett, Sarah Jane, 184 … (8)
  8116. Trickett, William Joseph, … (3)
  8117. Trimble, John (1)
  8118. Tristram, H. B. (Henry Ba … (2)
  8119. Trithemius, Johannes, 146 … (2)
  8120. Triverio, Bernardino (1)
  8121. Trocme, E. (1)
  8122. Troilus (Legendary chara … (36)
  8123. Trotte, Isabelle de (1)
  8124. Trotter, Joseph (3)
  8125. Trowell, Stephen (1)
  8126. Trowell, Stephen. (1)
  8127. Troyes (France). Tribunal … (1)
  8128. Truman, Harry S., 1884-19 … (2)
  8129. Trusler, John, 1735-1820 (2)
  8130. Ts-I-Do-We-Tsh (1)
  8131. Tsahalon, Yom Tov ben Mos … (8)
  8132. Tsedakah bar ?Murur (1)
  8133. Tsedakah ha-Levi ben Solo … (2)
  8134. Tsedakah ibn Nufay` (11-1 … (2)
  8135. Tsunetoshi, Nakamura (3)
  8136. Tsurumine, Shigenobu, 178 … (1)
  8137. Tuberinus, Johannes Mathi … (1)
  8138. Tuck, John. P (2)
  8139. Tufnell, Miss (1)
  8140. Tuite, Harry (1)
  8141. Tuke, William Charles, 18 … (2)
  8142. Tur-Sinai, N. H. (1)
  8143. Turati, Ercole, 1829-1881 (1)
  8144. Turbet, Richard. (1)
  8145. Turner, Charles, 1774-18 … (34)
  8146. Turner, E. G (1)
  8147. Turner, E. G. (1)
  8148. Turner, Eric Gardner, 191 … (2)
  8149. Turner, Henry (1)
  8150. Turner, J. (1)
  8151. Turner, J. D (2)
  8152. Turner, J. M. W. (Joseph … (1)
  8153. Turner, J.M.W. (Joseph … (101)
  8154. Turner, John (1)
  8155. Turner, William (1)
  8156. Turpin, Edmund Hart, 1835 … (1)
  8157. Turpin, P. J. F. (Pierre … (1)
  8158. Turrall, T. C. (1)
  8159. Turreau de Garambouville, … (1)
  8160. Tusser, Thomas, 1524?-158 … (4)
  8161. Tweedale, Geoffrey. (1)
  8162. Tweeddale, Arthur Hay, Ma … (1)
  8163. Two-Men (1)
  8164. Tyerman, Luke 1820-1889 (44)
  8165. Tyldesley, H. L. (1)
  8166. Tylecote, Mabel (1)
  8167. Tylecote, Mabel, 1896-19 … (17)
  8168. Tyler, Wat, -1381 (6)
  8169. Tyler, William (1)
  8170. Tynan, J. (1)
  8171. Tyndale, William, -1536 (62)
  8172. Tyndall, John, 1820-1893 (3)
  8173. Tyrannos (1)
  8174. Tyrrell, Alex. (1)
  8175. Tyson, Moses, 1897-1969. (12)
  8176. Ṭabarī, ʻAlī ibn Sahl … (73)
  8177. Ṭūsī, Naṣīr al-Dīn … (5)
  8178. U.S.A Studios. London (fi … (2)
  8179. Uceda, Samuel ben Isaac ( … (4)
  8180. Ucko, Peter (1)
  8181. Ugolino Marini Gibertu … (1485)
  8182. Ullendorf, Edward. (1)
  8183. Ullendorff, Edward. (2)
  8184. Ulpian (2)
  8185. Ulstadt, Philipp (1)
  8186. Ulugh Beg, 1394-1449 (1)
  8187. Umar Serāda (18th-19th ce … (1)
  8188. UMIST (3)
  8189. Underdown, Thomas (1)
  8190. Underwood & Underwood (2)
  8191. Underwood, M. J. (1)
  8192. Underwood, T (1)
  8193. Undrell, John (5)
  8194. Ungardus, Archangelus, ac … (1)
  8195. Union and Emancipation So … (1)
  8196. Union and Emancipation S … (11)
  8197. United Methodist Free Ch … (14)
  8198. United States: San Franci … (1)
  8199. Universal Co-Masonry, Sup … (2)
  8200. University of Manchester (24)
  8201. University of Manchester … (6)
  8202. University of Manchester … (11)
  8203. University of Manchester … (3)
  8204. University of Manchester … (2)
  8205. University of Manchester … (4)
  8206. University of Manchester. … (2)
  8207. Unknown (299)
  8208. Unwin, Matthew (1)
  8209. Unwin, Raymond, Sir, 1863 … (2)
  8210. Unwin, Raymond, Sir, 1863 … (2)
  8211. Upper Ossery, Anna (1)
  8212. Urban I, Pope, -230 (2)
  8213. Urban III, Pope, -1187 (1)
  8214. Urban IV, Pope, approxima … (1)
  8215. Urban V, Pope, 1310-1370 (1)
  8216. Urban VI, Pope, 1318-1389 (1)
  8217. Urfī Shīrāzī, Muḥammad, 1 … (2)
  8218. Ursatus, Antonius, active … (2)
  8219. Ursula, Saint (4)
  8220. Ussher, James, 1581-1656 (1)
  8221. Utagawa, Sadahide, 1807-1 … (3)
  8222. Utagawa, Yoshiharu, 1828- … (1)
  8223. Utamaro, Kitagawa (1)
  8224. Uther Pendragon (Legenda … (29)
  8225. Uttley, Alison, 1884-1976 (1)
  8226. Vaḥshī Bāfqī, -1583 (5)
  8227. Vajda, Georges (1)
  8228. Valdarfer, Christoph, act … (7)
  8229. Valens, Emperor of the Ea … (2)
  8230. Valentine, J., & Sons Ltd … (1)
  8231. Valentinian I, Emperor of … (2)
  8232. Valentinian II, Emperor o … (1)
  8233. Valentinian III, Emperor … (1)
  8234. Valerian, Emperor of Rome (2)
  8235. Valerius Maximus (8)
  8236. Valerius, Maximus (2)
  8237. Valesco, de Tarenta, acti … (1)
  8238. Valgrisi, Vincenzo, activ … (6)
  8239. Valla, Giorgio, 1447-1500 (7)
  8240. Valla, Lorenzo, 1406-1457 (2)
  8241. Valla, Lorenzo, 1407-1457 (3)
  8242. Vallaresso, Maffeo, 1415- … (1)
  8243. Vallet, G. (1)
  8244. Vallet, Guillaume, 1632-1 … (1)
  8245. Vallet, Jean-Emmanuel Jer … (1)
  8246. Vallet, Sir Francis 1912- (1)
  8247. Valton, John, 1740-1794 (5)
  8248. Valturio, Roberto, 1405-1 … (3)
  8249. Valverde de Amusco, Juan, … (5)
  8250. Van der Essen, Leon, 1883 … (1)
  8251. Van Dyck, Anthony, Sir, 1 … (1)
  8252. van Spanje, T. E (1)
  8253. Van Unnik, W. C (1)
  8254. Vandenhoeck, Johan Karl, … (1)
  8255. Vandenhoeck, Richard, act … (1)
  8256. Vandom, Elizabeth (1)
  8257. Vandyk, Carl, 1850-1931 (3)
  8258. Varanini, Gian. Maria (1)
  8259. Varchi, Benedetto, 1503-1 … (1)
  8260. Varotari, Dario, 1539-159 … (1)
  8261. Varro, Marcus Terentius (3)
  8262. Vasari, Giorgio, 1511-157 … (1)
  8263. Vaslet, L. (1)
  8264. Vassilacchi, Antonio, 155 … (1)
  8265. Vaṭvāṭ, Rashīd al-Dī … (5)
  8266. Vaughan, Robert, 1597-166 … (1)
  8267. Vaughan, Sir William, -16 … (4)
  8268. Vazeille, John Anthony, 1 … (1)
  8269. Vazeille, Mary (1)
  8270. Vazeille, Mary, née Goldh … (2)
  8271. Vecellio, Cesare, approxi … (6)
  8272. Veen, Otto van, 1556-1629 (1)
  8273. Vega, Garcilaso de la, 1 … (14)
  8274. Vegetius Renatus, Flavius (1)
  8275. Vegio, Maffeo, 1406 or 14 … (2)
  8276. Velde, Jan van de, 1593-1 … (1)
  8277. Veldener, Johann, active … (3)
  8278. Vellutello, Alessandro (7)
  8279. Venables, Robert, 1612?-1 … (1)
  8280. Venn, John (4)
  8281. Venturella, Gennaro (1)
  8282. Venus (Roman deity) (17)
  8283. Verard, Antoine, -approx … (15)
  8284. Verardi, Carlo, 1440-1500 (1)
  8285. Verardi, Cipriano (1)
  8286. Vercellensis, Bernardinus (1)
  8287. Vermeyen, Jan Cornelisz, … (1)
  8288. Verne, Jules, 1828-1905 (4)
  8289. Vernon, James (1)
  8290. Verreaux, Jules, 1807-187 … (1)
  8291. Verrius Flaccus, Marcus (2)
  8292. Vertue, George, 1684-1756 (2)
  8293. Verus, Lucius Aurelius, E … (1)
  8294. Vesalius, Andreas, 1514- … (14)
  8295. Vesey, Elizabeth (11)
  8296. Vesey, Henry (1)
  8297. Vespasian, Emperor of Rom … (1)
  8298. Vespola, Domenico, active … (3)
  8299. Vespucci, Amerigo, 1451-1 … (2)
  8300. Vetus (2)
  8301. Vever, Henri 1854-1942 (5)
  8302. Veysî, 1561-1628 (1)
  8303. Viani, Bernardino de (1)
  8304. Viardel, Cosme (6)
  8305. Vickers, Vincent C. (Vinc … (1)
  8306. Vico, Enea, 1523-1567 (3)
  8307. Victor (1)
  8308. Victor I, Pope, -198 or 1 … (1)
  8309. Victor, Publius (1)
  8310. Victoria, Queen of Great … (4)
  8311. Vidal Yom Tov of Tolosa … (42)
  8312. Vidal, Josef (5)
  8313. Vienken, Heinz. J. (1)
  8314. Vigilius, Pope, -555 (1)
  8315. Vignon, Eustache, active … (1)
  8316. Vigor, Anne (2)
  8317. Vilialon of Briviesca (fl … (4)
  8318. Villalobos, David (1)
  8319. Villefranche-sur-Saône, … (1)
  8320. Villemain, Abel-François, … (1)
  8321. Villeneuve, Ren (4)
  8322. Villoresi, Luigi (1)
  8323. Vilmorin-Andrieux et cie (6)
  8324. Vinaver, Eugène, 1899-197 … (5)
  8325. Vincent Brooks, Day & Son (5)
  8326. Vincent, of Beauvais, -12 … (5)
  8327. Vincentius, de Sabbio, ap … (1)
  8328. Vine, G (1)
  8329. Vine, Guthrie. (2)
  8330. Vine, W. E. (2)
  8331. Viney, Richard (4)
  8332. Vingle, Jean de, active 1 … (4)
  8333. Vinzalius, Joannes, edito … (4)
  8334. Viotti, Giovanni Maria, a … (1)
  8335. Vipont, Elfrida, 1902-199 … (2)
  8336. Virgil (61)
  8337. Virgil (Publius Vergilius … (3)
  8338. Virgoe, Roger. (2)
  8339. Visconti, Gaspare, 1461- … (12)
  8340. Visscher, Cornelis de, 16 … (1)
  8341. Vital, Hayyim ben Joseph … (2)
  8342. Vital, Hayyim ben Joseph … (4)
  8343. Vitalian, Pope, -672 (1)
  8344. Vitalis (1)
  8345. Vitruvius Pollio (1)
  8346. Vittoria della Rovere (1)
  8347. Vives, Juan Luis, 1492-15 … (5)
  8348. Vivian, Thomas, 1722-1793 (1)
  8349. Vogter, Bartholomäus, ac … (1)
  8350. Voigt, F. A. (Frederick … (15)
  8351. Von Poseck Julius Anton E … (1)
  8352. Von Rohr, Bernhard, 1421- … (1)
  8353. Voorhoeve, Petrus, 1899-1 … (1)
  8354. Vortigern, active 450 (47)
  8355. Vos, Maarten de, 1532-160 … (3)
  8356. Vouet, Simon, 1590-1649 (1)
  8357. Vramec, Antun, 1538-1587 (2)
  8358. Vredeman de Vries, Hans, … (1)
  8359. Vries, Adriaen de, approx … (1)
  8360. Vroom, Hendrick Cornelisz … (1)
  8361. Vulcan (Roman deity) (2)
  8362. Vurster, Johannes, active … (1)
  8363. W. & A.K. Johnston (1)
  8364. W. & A.K. Johnston Limite … (1)
  8365. W. E. Wright & Sons (1)
  8366. W. Henry Hunter (1)
  8367. W. Shelmerdine and Co (1)
  8368. W. Southern & Sons (2)
  8369. Wadström, Carl Bernhard, … (4)
  8370. Wadsworth, A. P. (Alfred … (17)
  8371. Wadsworth, A.P. (1)
  8372. Wadsworth, Alfred P (1)
  8373. Wagemakers, Johannes, act … (2)
  8374. Waghorn, Tom (1)
  8375. Wagner, Peter, active 148 … (2)
  8376. Wagstaffe, Thomas, 1645-1 … (3)
  8377. Wahish (1)
  8378. Wainwright, Gerald Averay … (1)
  8379. Wainwright, Joel (7)
  8380. Waite, Arthur Edward, 185 … (1)
  8381. Waite, Thomas, active 163 … (2)
  8382. Waithman, Robert, 1764-18 … (1)
  8383. Wake, H.T. (1)
  8384. Wake, Mary, Lady (3)
  8385. Wake, William, Sir, 1768 … (26)
  8386. Wakefield, Thomas, 1836-1 … (1)
  8387. Wakefield, W. K. (1)
  8388. Walahfrid Strabo, 807?-84 … (1)
  8389. Walcot, William, 1874-194 … (2)
  8390. Waldkirch, Conrad von, ac … (5)
  8391. Waldseemüller, Martin, 1 … (2)
  8392. Wale, Samuel, -1786 (1)
  8393. Wales, James (1)
  8394. Wales, T. (1)
  8395. Waley, Daniel. (1)
  8396. Waley, John (1)
  8397. Walk-Under-The-Ground (1)
  8398. Walker, A. (5)
  8399. Walker, C[harles] (1)
  8400. Walker, Clement, 1595-165 … (1)
  8401. Walker, Colin. (1)
  8402. Walker, George, 1781-1856 (1)
  8403. Walker, Henry (1)
  8404. Walker, J. (5)
  8405. Walker, P. (1)
  8406. Walker, R. S. (1)
  8407. Walker, Samuel, 1714-1761 (1)
  8408. Walker, William Charles (1)
  8409. Walkinshaw, Catherine (2)
  8410. Walkinshaw, Mrs (16)
  8411. Walks-Under-The-Ground (1)
  8412. Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1 … (9)
  8413. Wallace, William, Sir, - … (19)
  8414. Wallace-Hadrill, J. M (3)
  8415. Wallenstein, Meir (11)
  8416. Wallenstein, Meir, 1903-1 … (8)
  8417. Waller, Edmund, 1606-1687 (1)
  8418. Waller, Elizabeth (3)
  8419. Waller, Elizabeth, née Gw … (2)
  8420. Waller, James (1)
  8421. Waller, Rebecca (2)
  8422. Waller, Ross. D (1)
  8423. Waller, Thomas (1)
  8424. Waller, William, Sir, 159 … (2)
  8425. Wallerstein, Ferdinand (1)
  8426. Wallingford, A. C. (1)
  8427. Wallington, Nehemiah (585)
  8428. Wallis, Ethel Emily (1)
  8429. Wallis, Tavernor (1)
  8430. Walls, G.H. (1)
  8431. Walmisley, Arthur T. (Art … (3)
  8432. Walpole, Edward, Sir, 170 … (3)
  8433. Walpole, Horace, 1717-17 … (16)
  8434. Walsh, John (1)
  8435. Walsh, M. G. (1)
  8436. Walsh, Peter, 1618?-1688 (1)
  8437. Walsh, Thomas, 1730-1759 (3)
  8438. Walter Curt Theodor Karl … (1)
  8439. Walter Harry Green, 1915- … (1)
  8440. Walter, Edward (1)
  8441. Walter, of England, Archb … (1)
  8442. Walters, John Cuming (1)
  8443. Walther, Henry (10)
  8444. Walton, Charles William, … (1)
  8445. Walton, Izaak, 1593-1683 (3)
  8446. Walton, J., Canon of Osne … (1)
  8447. Walzer, Richard Rudolf, 1 … (1)
  8448. Wang Shimao (5)
  8449. Wang Yuanqi, 1642-1715 (137)
  8450. Wangberg, Andrew, 1867- (1)
  8451. Wansaofferdert, E. J. F., … (1)
  8452. Warburton, William, 1698- … (2)
  8453. Ward, Adolphus William, S … (1)
  8454. Ward, Aldolphus William, … (1)
  8455. Ward, E (4)
  8456. Ward, E. (1)
  8457. Ward, Edward Robertson (2)
  8458. Ward, F. E. (1)
  8459. Ward, Graham. (1)
  8460. Ward, Tim (1)
  8461. Ward, W. R (3)
  8462. Waring, J. B. (John Burle … (2)
  8463. Warner, Levinius Warne, 1 … (1)
  8464. Warren, Samuel, 1781-1862 (1)
  8465. Warrington Academy (Warr … (19)
  8466. Warrington, Bernard. (3)
  8467. Warrington, T. C. (1)
  8468. Warton, Rev. Dr. (1)
  8469. Wartski, I (3)
  8470. Warwick, George Greville, … (8)
  8471. Warwick, Henrietta Grevil … (5)
  8472. Washington, George, 1732- … (1)
  8473. Washington, Henry, 1717- (1)
  8474. Wassell, H. A. (1)
  8475. Waterhouse, Alfred, 1830- … (5)
  8476. Waterhouse, George Robert … (6)
  8477. Waterhouse, Jabez Bunting (2)
  8478. Waterhouse, John (13)
  8479. Waterlow & Sons (1)
  8480. Waterlow & Sons Limited (1)
  8481. Waterton, Charles, 1782-1 … (1)
  8482. Wathen, Anne (1)
  8483. Watkins, Ruth, 1802-? (1)
  8484. Watkins, W. (1)
  8485. Watkins, W., active 1823- … (1)
  8486. Watson, Fred (1)
  8487. Watson, James, 1775-1820 (2)
  8488. Watson, James, 1799-1874 (1)
  8489. Watson, James, approximat … (1)
  8490. Watson, Joseph, LL.D. (1)
  8491. Watson, Richard, 1781-183 … (3)
  8492. Watson, Robert, 1711- (1)
  8493. Watson, T. J. (2)
  8494. Watt, H. W. (1)
  8495. Watt, Richard, 1726-1796 (2)
  8496. Watts, George F, 1817-190 … (3)
  8497. Watts, George Frederic, 1 … (1)
  8498. Watts, George Frederick, … (1)
  8499. Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748 (2)
  8500. Watts, John (1)
  8501. Watts, John, -1763 (1)
  8502. Watts, John, 1818-1887 (3)
  8503. Watts, Lowe and Co (1)
  8504. Waugh, Edwin, 1817-1890 (4)
  8505. Wawn, Andrew. N (1)
  8506. Way, Albert, 1805-1874 (17)
  8507. Wayland, John, -1572? (1)
  8508. Weare, A. J. (1)
  8509. Weaver, S. E. (1)
  8510. Webb, Joan (1)
  8511. Webb, John, 1776-1869 (1)
  8512. Webb, Lady (20)
  8513. Webb, Samuel (1)
  8514. Webb, T. W. (Thomas Willi … (1)
  8515. Webb, William, active 17 … (11)
  8516. Webster, Alexander, 1707- … (1)
  8517. Webster, John (5)
  8518. Webster, Thomas Bertram … (10)
  8519. Wechel, Chrestien, 1495-1 … (3)
  8520. Wedderburn, R. (Robert) (1)
  8521. Wedgwood, Fanny, 1800-188 … (1)
  8522. Wedgwood, John Taylor, 17 … (1)
  8523. Wedgwood, Josiah, 1730-17 … (3)
  8524. Weeks, George (1)
  8525. Wei, Ian. P (1)
  8526. Weiditz, Hans, 1495-1537 (1)
  8527. Weill, Alexandre, 1811-18 … (4)
  8528. Weingreen, Jacob, 1907-19 … (1)
  8529. Weinthal, Leo (1)
  8530. Weir, Harrison, 1824-1906 (1)
  8531. Weis, P. R (1)
  8532. Weis, P. R. (3)
  8533. Weizmann, Chaim, 1874-195 … (6)
  8534. Welcome Society of Japan … (2)
  8535. Welland, Dennis. (3)
  8536. Weller, Edward (1)
  8537. Wellington, Arthur Welles … (3)
  8538. Wells, Christopher, 1706- (3)
  8539. Wells, Nathaniel (2)
  8540. Wells, Stanley. (1)
  8541. Welsh, John (1)
  8542. Wen Jisheng ding (1)
  8543. Wen Yifeng bian ji (1)
  8544. Wendelin, of Speier, -1 … (774)
  8545. Wentworth, Charlotte (1)
  8546. Wentworth, Thomas, Earl o … (1)
  8547. Werner, Abraham Gottlob, … (1)
  8548. Werner, Alex. (1)
  8549. Wes (1)
  8550. Wesley, Anne (1)
  8551. Wesley, Charles, 1707-1 … (428)
  8552. Wesley, Charles, 1757-18 … (14)
  8553. Wesley, Emily, 1691-1770 (12)
  8554. Wesley, John, 1703-1791 (345)
  8555. Wesley, Kezziah, 1710-17 … (10)
  8556. Wesley, Mahtabel (1)
  8557. Wesley, Mahtabel, 1697-17 … (4)
  8558. Wesley, Martha, 1706-1791 (4)
  8559. Wesley, Mary (1)
  8560. Wesley, Mary, 1710-1781 (1)
  8561. Wesley, Samuel, 1662-173 … (23)
  8562. Wesley, Samuel, 1691-173 … (20)
  8563. Wesley, Samuel, 1766-0837 (1)
  8564. Wesley, Samuel, 1766-1837 (8)
  8565. Wesley, Sarah, 1726-1822 (2)
  8566. Wesley, Sarah, 1759-1828 (5)
  8567. Wesley, Sarah, née Gwynn … (56)
  8568. Wesley, Susanna, 1669-17 … (32)
  8569. Wesley, Ursula (1)
  8570. Wesleyan Methodist Army a … (1)
  8571. Wesleyan Methodist Church … (5)
  8572. West, Marie. (1)
  8573. West, Rebecca, -1645 (4)
  8574. Westall, Richard, 1765-18 … (6)
  8575. Westerhout, Arnold van, 1 … (1)
  8576. Westlake, H. D (5)
  8577. Weston, A. (1)
  8578. Westwood, J. O. (John Oba … (4)
  8579. Weyden, Rogier van der, 1 … (1)
  8580. Wharmby, Ann (2)
  8581. Wharmby, Sarah (2)
  8582. Whatcoat, Richard, 1736-1 … (1)
  8583. Whately, Richard, 1787-18 … (1)
  8584. Whately, William, 1583-16 … (1)
  8585. Wheeler, James (3)
  8586. Wheelwright, Horace Willi … (1)
  8587. Whetman, S. A. H (1)
  8588. Whetman, S. A. H. (1)
  8589. Whifield, George C. (6)
  8590. Whiston, William (1)
  8591. Whitaker, Richard, -1648 (26)
  8592. Whitaker, Thomas Dunham, … (2)
  8593. Whitchurch, Edward (2)
  8594. Whitchurch, Edward, d. 15 … (2)
  8595. White Cloud (2)
  8596. White, Charles, 1728-1813 (1)
  8597. White, Gilbert, 1720-1793 (4)
  8598. White, Hugh (1)
  8599. White, John, 1839- (1)
  8600. White, L. Michael (1)
  8601. White, N. D. 1961- (1)
  8602. White, R. (1)
  8603. White, Robert, active 163 … (1)
  8604. White, T. Holt (Thomas Ho … (1)
  8605. White, William (2)
  8606. White, William, 1748-1836 (1)
  8607. Whitefield, George, 1714 … (14)
  8608. Whitehead, Frederick, 19 … (14)
  8609. Whitehead, George, 1636?- … (2)
  8610. Whitehead, John, 1740-18 … (17)
  8611. Whitehead, Thomas L., (1)
  8612. Whitelamb, John (4)
  8613. Whitfield, George (3)
  8614. Whitford, Richard, active … (2)
  8615. Whiting, Charles, 1661-1 … (32)
  8616. Whitley, N. (2)
  8617. Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892 (7)
  8618. Whittaker, John (1)
  8619. Whittingham, Charles (2)
  8620. Whittington, Richard, -14 … (1)
  8621. Whittington, Robert (3)
  8622. Whittle, James, -1818 (1)
  8623. Whitworth, Frank (1)
  8624. Wickham, John (1)
  8625. Wicksteed, Philip Henry, … (1)
  8626. Wieder, N (1)
  8627. Wierix, Jan, 1549-approxi … (1)
  8628. Wierix, Jeronimus, 1553-1 … (1)
  8629. Wigmore, Edward (1)
  8630. Wigram, George Vicesimus … (6)
  8631. Wigram, George Vicesimus, … (5)
  8632. Wigton School (1)
  8633. Wilberforce, Samuel, 1805 … (1)
  8634. Wilberforce, William, 175 … (3)
  8635. Wild, Robert Briggs (4)
  8636. Wildblood, William (1)
  8637. Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900 (3)
  8638. Wilding, Bob (2)
  8639. Wildish, Harold F. (1)
  8640. Wiles, M. F (1)
  8641. Wiliams, Penry. (1)
  8642. Wilimot, Ioan (1)
  8643. Wilkes, John (1)
  8644. Wilkins, Augustus S. (Aug … (1)
  8645. Wilkinson, Bertie, 1898-1 … (4)
  8646. Wilkinson, Cyril Hackett, … (1)
  8647. Wilks, Michael. (1)
  8648. Willard, Rudolph (1)
  8649. Willcocks, William, Sir, … (5)
  8650. Willett, Richard (2)
  8651. William Cate, 1829-1902 (1)
  8652. William Clowes and Sons (2)
  8653. William Gillan (1)
  8654. William Henry, Prince, Du … (1)
  8655. William I, King of Englan … (1)
  8656. William I, King of Engla … (24)
  8657. William II, King of Engl … (16)
  8658. William IV, King of Great … (8)
  8659. William, Helen Maria 1762 … (1)
  8660. William, of Conches, 1080 … (5)
  8661. William, of Wykeham, Bish … (1)
  8662. Williams, A. V (1)
  8663. Williams, C. (1)
  8664. Williams, Charles, 1886- … (13)
  8665. Williams, Enoch (1)
  8666. Williams, Helen Maria, 1 … (11)
  8667. Williams, J. (1)
  8668. Williams, James Leon, 185 … (1)
  8669. Williams, John Michael (2)
  8670. Williams, Joseph, 1692-17 … (2)
  8671. Williams, Peter (1)
  8672. Williams, Richard, -1856 (1)
  8673. Williams, S. (1)
  8674. Williams, Sir Trevor, bar … (2)
  8675. Williams, Thomas (2)
  8676. Williams, Thomas, 1720-17 … (1)
  8677. Williams, Tomas (1)
  8678. Williamson, William Crawf … (6)
  8679. Willis, R. C (1)
  8680. Willmott, Robert Aris, 18 … (1)
  8681. Willmott, Robert Aris,180 … (1)
  8682. Wills, W. G. (William Gor … (1)
  8683. Wilmerding, Lucius, 1880- … (1)
  8684. Wilson, A. J N (1)
  8685. Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1 … (1)
  8686. Wilson, Alexander. (1)
  8687. Wilson, Bryan. R (1)
  8688. Wilson, Charles (2)
  8689. Wilson, Charles William, … (1)
  8690. Wilson, Elizabeth, 1909- (4)
  8691. Wilson, Frank William (1)
  8692. Wilson, George Washington … (2)
  8693. Wilson, George Washington … (1)
  8694. Wilson, J. Ward (2)
  8695. Wilson, John, 1595-1674 (14)
  8696. Wilson, May (2)
  8697. Wilson, Robert, Sir, 1777 … (1)
  8698. Wilson, Thomas, 1663-1755 (1)
  8699. Wilson, Tony, 1950-2007 (1)
  8700. Wimbledon, Thomas (18)
  8701. Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1 … (2)
  8702. Wimpina, Konrad, 1460-153 … (1)
  8703. Winchester, Hugh Le Desp … (35)
  8704. Winchilsea, George Willia … (2)
  8705. Winchurch, W. (1)
  8706. Windet, John, active 1584 … (1)
  8707. Windsor, Edward, Duke of, … (2)
  8708. Windsor, Robert (1)
  8709. Windsor, Thomas (1)
  8710. Wing, Caleb W. (2)
  8711. Wing, Vincent, 1619-1668 (1)
  8712. Winghe, Joos van, 1544-16 … (1)
  8713. Winkles, Benjamin (1)
  8714. Winkles, Henry, 1800-appr … (1)
  8715. Winkles, Richard (1)
  8716. Winston, James, 1779-1843 (1)
  8717. Winter, Elizabeth (1)
  8718. Winter, John, Sir, 1600?- … (2)
  8719. Winter, Paul. (1)
  8720. Winterburger, Johannes, a … (1)
  8721. Winters, Conrad, active 1 … (2)
  8722. Winton Thomas, D (1)
  8723. Winwood, Thomas (1)
  8724. Wit, Frederik de (4)
  8725. Witherby, H. F. (Harry Fo … (1)
  8726. Witherby, Harry Forbes (2)
  8727. Withington, J. (1)
  8728. Wocke, Captain (1)
  8729. Woiewodka, Bernard (12)
  8730. Wolf, Georges, active 148 … (1)
  8731. Wolf, John, -1601 (1)
  8732. Wolf, Joseph (1)
  8733. Wolf, Joseph, 1820-1899 (2)
  8734. Wolfe, James, 1727-1759 (1)
  8735. Wolfenden, Ian. (2)
  8736. Wolfson, Isaac, Sir, 1897 … (1)
  8737. Wolfson, P. (1)
  8738. Wolgemut, Michael, 1434- … (28)
  8739. Wolley, John, 1823-1859 (1)
  8740. Wollstonecraft, Mary, 175 … (5)
  8741. Wolseley, Charles, Sir, 1 … (5)
  8742. Wolstenholme, John, activ … (2)
  8743. Wolston, C. (1)
  8744. Women's Movement for Refo … (2)
  8745. Women's Peace Crusade (1)
  8746. Womersley, Edward P. (1)
  8747. Wong, J. Y (3)
  8748. Wood Street Mission (4)
  8749. Wood, Alan (8)
  8750. Wood, E.S. (7)
  8751. Wood, James, 1751-1840 (1)
  8752. Wood, James, 1773-1840 (3)
  8753. Wood, John Bland, 1813-18 … (7)
  8754. Wood, John J. (1)
  8755. Wood, Nicholas, 1795-186 … (15)
  8756. Wood, Roger (1)
  8757. Wood, Samuel, 1767-1842 (1)
  8758. Woodall, John, 1570-1643 (1)
  8759. Woodford, Judith (1)
  8760. Woods, W.H. (4)
  8761. Woodthorpe, Vincent (1)
  8762. Woodville, William (1)
  8763. Woodward, F. W. (1)
  8764. Woodward, W.H. (1)
  8765. Woolf, Leonard, 1880-1969 (1)
  8766. Woolley, James, 1811-1858 (3)
  8767. Woolner, Thomas, 1825-189 … (1)
  8768. Woolnoth, Thomas, 1785-18 … (1)
  8769. Wooton, Edward (11)
  8770. Wooton, Edwin (1)
  8771. Worde, Wynkyn de, -1534? (47)
  8772. Wordsworth, Mary, 1770-18 … (1)
  8773. Wordsworth, William, 1770 … (3)
  8774. Worgan, John (1)
  8775. Wormald, Francis, 1904-19 … (1)
  8776. Worshipful Company of Mus … (1)
  8777. Worthington, Hugo (2)
  8778. Worthington, Margaret. (1)
  8779. Worthington, Thomas (1)
  8780. Wortley, B. A (1)
  8781. Wortley, Ben Atkinson 190 … (1)
  8782. Wotton, Henry, Sir, 1568- … (1)
  8783. Wren, Christopher, Sir, 1 … (1)
  8784. Wrench, Cath (1)
  8785. Wrench, Rebecca (1)
  8786. Wride, Thomas (8)
  8787. Wright, C. T. (1)
  8788. Wright, Elizabeth (1)
  8789. Wright, George (1)
  8790. Wright, Herbert Gladstone (1)
  8791. Wright, J. D (1)
  8792. Wright, James (1)
  8793. Wright, L. (1)
  8794. Wright, Margaret. M (1)
  8795. Wright, Michael (1)
  8796. Wright, Quincy 1890-1970 (1)
  8797. Wright, Thomas, 1810-1877 (2)
  8798. Wrigley, Francis (1)
  8799. Wrigley, S. (1)
  8800. Wroe, James, 1788-1844 (241)
  8801. Wu, Cheng’en, approximate … (8)
  8802. Wyatt, A. (1)
  8803. Wyatt, Frederick William, … (5)
  8804. Wyatt, M. Digby (Matthew … (2)
  8805. Wyatt, Thomas, Sir, 1503? … (2)
  8806. Wycliffe, John, -1384 (7168)
  8807. Wyer, Robert (1)
  8808. Wyer, Robert, active 1529 … (1)
  8809. Wyke, Terry. (1)
  8810. Wyld, James, 1812-1887 (1)
  8811. Wyle, Niklas von, 1410?-1 … (4)
  8812. Wynn, Elizabeth (1)
  8813. Wynne, Eugenia (3)
  8814. Xenophon (1)
  8815. Xenophon (Comic poet), ac … (2)
  8816. Xenophon (Comic poet), ac … (2)
  8817. Xerez, Francisco de, 1500 … (3)
  8818. Xerxes I, King of Persia, … (2)
  8819. Xiao Jing Cheng, Empress … (1)
  8820. Xu Weiren, 1788-1855 (1)
  8821. Xu Xinlu bian (1)
  8822. Ya`ish ... Abraham (1)
  8823. Yahya Efendi, 1553?-1644 (1)
  8824. Yakob (4)
  8825. Yakob of New Julfa (4)
  8826. Yalon, Hanoch (2)
  8827. Yamashiroya, Sahē (114)
  8828. Yamazaki, Yoshimoto, 175 … (87)
  8829. Yameu, Tientain (1)
  8830. Yannai (2)
  8831. Yapp, William (1)
  8832. Yarrell, William, 1784-18 … (2)
  8833. Yates, Margaret (2)
  8834. Yates, William, 1738-1802 (8)
  8835. Yaying , Zheng (1)
  8836. Yaʻqūbī, Aḥmad ibn Abi … (1)
  8837. Yearsley, Ann, 1753-1806 (1)
  8838. Yeats, Jack B. (Jack Butl … (5)
  8839. Yeats, W. B. (William But … (3)
  8840. Yehonatan ben Yosef (5)
  8841. Yehudai ben Naḥman Gaon … (1)
  8842. Yekaterina Romanovna Voro … (1)
  8843. Yeshu`ah (ha-Melammed b. … (1)
  8844. Yeshu`ah, R. (1)
  8845. Yewdall, Zachariah, 1751 … (15)
  8846. Yi Ming Bian (1)
  8847. Yohanan ha-Kohen (1)
  8848. Yose ben Yose (4th or 5t … (14)
  8849. Youlden, Harry (1)
  8850. Young, A. (1)
  8851. Young, Arthur, 1741-1820 (1)
  8852. Young, Edward, 1683-176 … (111)
  8853. Young, Edward, 1683-1766 (1)
  8854. Young, Edward, 1683-1767 (1)
  8855. Young, Edward, 1683-1768 (1)
  8856. Young, Edward, 1683-1769 (1)
  8857. Young, Edward, 1683-1770 (1)
  8858. Young, Edward, 1683-1771 (1)
  8859. Young, Edward, 1683-1772 (1)
  8860. Young, Edward, 1683-1773 (1)
  8861. Young, Edward, 1683-1774 (1)
  8862. Young, Edward, 1683-1775 (1)
  8863. Young, Edward, 1683-1776 (1)
  8864. Young, Edward, 1683-1777 (1)
  8865. Young, Edward, 1683-1778 (1)
  8866. Young, Edward, 1683-1779 (1)
  8867. Young, Edward, 1683-1780 (1)
  8868. Young, Edward, 1683-1781 (1)
  8869. Young, Edward, 1683-1782 (1)
  8870. Young, Robert, -1643 (24)
  8871. Young, Thomas (1)
  8872. Yovhannes (4)
  8873. Yusuf Mansur (1)
  8874. Yūrakusai, Nakamura, 1805 … (1)
  8875. Yūsufī, Yūsuf ibn Muḥamma … (1)
  8876. Zacchaeus (Biblical figur … (1)
  8877. Zacchia, Laudivio, approx … (2)
  8878. Zacharias, Pope, -752 (1)
  8879. Zacuto, Abraham (d. 1515) … (2)
  8880. Zaehnsdorf, Joseph Willia … (3)
  8881. Zahra bint Ahmad (1)
  8882. Zainer, Johannes, -1541? (6)
  8883. Zair, Rav (1)
  8884. Zak'ariay episkopos, Bish … (3)
  8885. Zamick, M. (2)
  8886. Zanjānī, ʻAbd al-Wahhāb i … (1)
  8887. Zantani, Antonio, d. 1567 (1)
  8888. Zarotto, Antonio (23)
  8889. Zarotto, Fortuna, active … (2)
  8890. Zartusht Bahrām, active … (10)
  8891. Zarudny, Nikolai Alekseye … (1)
  8892. Zechariah ha-Kohen (1)
  8893. Zeiler, Martin (2)
  8894. Zell, Ulrich, -1503 (9)
  8895. Zell, Ulrich, d. 1503 (4)
  8896. Zelotti, Gian Battista, 1 … (1)
  8897. Zenaro, Damiano, active 1 … (6)
  8898. Zeno, Emperor of the East … (1)
  8899. Zenon (27)
  8900. Zentler, Fred (1)
  8901. Zephyrinus, Pope, -217 (1)
  8902. Zettl, Ewald (5)
  8903. Zhao Zengze zhuan (1)
  8904. Zheng Jixiang deng zuan j … (1)
  8905. Zheng, Zhiqiao, jin shi 1 … (4)
  8906. Zimmern, Alfred E., 1879- … (6)
  8907. Zisterzienserkloster Für … (1)
  8908. Ziyat (1)
  8909. Zla-ba-bsam-gr̓ub, Kazi, … (1)
  8910. Zoakipny, Terry (2)
  8911. Zoological Society of Lon … (1)
  8912. Zoppino, Nicolò, active … (5)
  8913. Zosimus, Pope, -418 (2)
  8914. Zovenzonius, Raphael, 143 … (2)
  8915. Zovenzonius, Raphael, 143 … (1)
  8916. Zuckerbram, J (1)
  8917. Zulay, M (4)
  8918. Zuntz, Gunther. (1)
  8919. Zweig, Arnold, 1887-1968 (1)
  8920.  Acosta, José de, 1540-1 … (1)
  8921. Élisabeth Philippine Mari … (1)
  8922. Āzād Bilgrāmī, Ghulām ʻA … (10)
  8923. Āzād Bilgrāmī, Ghulām ʻAl … (5)
  8924. Īrānshāh ibn Malikshāh (5)
  8925. Īsmā'īl Ibn Muṣṭafā Ibn M … (5)
  8926. ʻAliquli Jabbadar, active … (1)
  8927. ʻAlī Ibrāhīm Khān, -1 … (6)
  8928. ʻAlī Qulī Khān Vālih, 171 … (5)
  8929. ʻAṣṣār Tabrīzī, Muḥamm … (1)
  8930. ʻAṭṭār, Farīd al-Dīn … (1)
  8931. ʻAwfī, Muḥammad, active … (5)
  8932. ʻAṭṭār, Farīd al-Dīn, -ap … (1)
  8933. ʻUbayd Zākānī, Niẓām al- … (2)
  8934. ʻĀrifī, -approximately 14 … (4)
  8935. ʿAlī Khān Rāsikh ibn Sham … (5)
  8936. ʿĀlījāh Kashmīr Khān, act … (5)
  8937. اتحاد دمکراتیک ایران (117)
  8938. احمد انواری (18)
  8939. ارگان حزب زحمتکشان ملت … (129)
  8940. انتشارات آیندگان (157)
  8941. انتشارات تهران مصور (30)
  8942. انتشارات روزنامه کیهان (723)
  8943. حزب دمکراتیک مردم ایران (105)
  8944. حزب رستاخیز ملت ایران (266)
  8945. خداپرستان سوسیالیست (50)
  8946. سازمان جنبش (83)
  8947. سازمان چاپ و انتشارات کیه … (9)
  8948. سازمان کارگران انقلاب اسل … (5)
  8949. شورای نویسندگان (95)
  8950. شورای نویسندگان امت (90)
  8951. شورای نویسندگان و هنرمندا … (6)
  8952. مجاهدین خلق ایران (214)
  8953. مهر ایران (139)
  8954. نقش جهان (10)
  8955. کانون ایران باستان (101)
  8956. Ḥamd Allāh Mustawfī Qazvī … (5)
  8957. Ḥasan bin Muḥammad bin Na … (1)
  8958. Ḥāfiẓ (1)
  8959. Ḥāfiẓ Muḥammad ‘Azīm (1)
  8960. Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī, activ … (5)
  8961. ‘Abd al-Karīm ibn Muḥamm … (10)
  8962. ‘Abd al-Raḥman Jāmī, 1414 … (6)

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100,901-100,927 of 100,927
Weeping Willow at Napoleon's grave
Weeping Willow at Napol...
Image Title
Weeping Willow at Napoleon's grave
Weeping Willow at Napoleon's grave
Weeping Willow at Napol...
Image Title
Weeping Willow at Napoleon's grave
Silk shoes
Silk shoes
Image Title
Silk shoes
Docks of Sebastopol
Docks of Sebastopol
Image Title
Docks of Sebastopol
Docks of Sebastopol
Docks of Sebastopol
Image Title
Docks of Sebastopol
Shell purse
Shell purse
Image Title
Shell purse
Shell purse
Shell purse
Image Title
Shell purse
Embroidered sampler
Embroidered sampler
Image Title
Embroidered sampler
Stone from Inkerman
Stone from Inkerman
Image Title
Stone from Inkerman
Stone from Inkerman
Stone from Inkerman
Image Title
Stone from Inkerman
Shell purse
Shell purse
Image Title
Shell purse
Piece of Napoleon's Coffin
Piece of Napoleon's Cof...
Image Title
Piece of Napoleon's Coffin
Russian peasants spoon
Russian peasants spoon
Image Title
Russian peasants spoon
Queen Victoria's glove
Queen Victoria's glove
Image Title
Queen Victoria's glove
English MS 1393/8
William F. Cody
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
William F. Cody
English MS 1393/7
William F. Cody
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
William F. Cody
English MS 1393/10
William F. Cody
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
William F. Cody
English MS 1393/9
William F. Cody on hors...
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
William F. Cody on horseback
English MS 1393/12
Two American Indian chi...
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
Two American Indian children
English MS 1393/11
William F. Cody
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
William F. Cody
English MS 1393/25
Man mounted on horsebac...
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
Man mounted on horseback
English MS 1393/2
William F. Cody
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
William F. Cody
English MS 1393/13
John Nelson
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
John Nelson
English MS 1393/5
William F. Cody
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
William F. Cody
English MS 1393/26
Man mounted on horsebac...
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
Man mounted on horseback
English MS 1393/15
John Nelson and family
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
John Nelson and family
English MS 1393/6
William F. Cody
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
William F. Cody
100,901-100,927 of 100,927