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Browse All : Images by Sherborn, Charles William, 1831-1912 from 1894
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Parent Work Title
Thus endeth the legende named in latyn Legenda aurea, that is to saye in Englysshe The golden legende : for lyke as golde passeth in valewe alle other metalles so thys legende excedeth alle other bookes : wherin ben conteyned alle the hygh and grete festys of our lord the festys of our blessyd lady the lyues passyons and myracles of many other sayntes and other hystoryes and actes as all allonge here afore is made mencyon
Reference Number
Inner upper cover
Parent Work Title
Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the worlde ....
Reference Number
Front flyleaf
Parent Work Title
Vocabularius [Italian and German]
Reference Number
Inner upper cover
Image Title
Armorial bookplate of The John Rylands Library
Parent Work Title
Oppianou Alieutikōn biblia pente. : Tou autou Kynēgetikōn biblia tessara. = Oppiani de piscibus libri V. Eiusdem de uenatione libri IIII. : Oppiani de piscibus Laurentio Lippio interprete libri V.
Image Title
Armorial bookplate of The John Rylands Library
Inner upper cover
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