Browse All : Images by Luther, Martin, 1483-1546 and Pynson, Richard, -1530

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The devil playing the bagpipes
The devil playing the b...
Libello huic regio haec...
Parent Work Title
Libello huic regio haec insunt. Oratio Ioannis Clerk apud Ro.pon. in exhibitione operis regij. Responsio roman.pont.ad eandem ex tempore facta. Bulla ro.pon.ad regiam maiestatem, pro eius operis confirmatione. Summa indulge[n]tiaru[m], libellum ipsum regium legentibus, concessarum. Libellus regius aduersus Martinum Lutherum hæresiarchon. Epistola regia ad illustrissimos Saxoniæ duces pie admonitoria..
Image Title
The devil playing the bagpipes
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