Browse All : Images by Hartley, James, active 1795-1839

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G. R. Coronation at Roc...
Parent Work Title
G. R. Coronation at Rochdale, Swan Inn, July 12th, 1821 a meeting this day holden here, pursuand to notice given for the purpose of considering and adopting such means of celebrating the splendid event of His Majesty's coronation as may best evince an attachment to the throne and constitution of this realm. : Present the Vicar in the chair ...
This is to give notice ...
Parent Work Title
This is to give notice , that a meeting will be holden on Thursday, next the 12th. of this instant. at the Swan Inn, in Rochdale, at the hour of twelve noon, for the purpose of considering and adopting such means of celebrating the splendid event of His Majesty's coronation : ... at which meeting, all respectable householders of the town and neighbourhood desirous of promoting such celebration, are requested to attend ... God save the King.
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