Browse All : Religion from 1596 and 16th Century CE

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Actes and Monuments of ...
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Actes and Monuments of these latter and perilous dayes touching matters of the Church, wherein are comprehended and described the great persecutions & horrible troubles, that haue bene wrought and practised by the Romishe Prelates, speciallye in this Realme of England and Scotlande, from the yeare of our Lorde a thousande, unto the tyme nowe present
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The Ninth Booke containing the Actes and thinges done in the Reigne of King Edward the sixt
The Ninth Booke contain...
Actes and Monuments of ...
Parent Work Title
Actes and Monuments of these latter and perilous dayes touching matters of the Church, wherein are comprehended and described the great persecutions & horrible troubles, that haue bene wrought and practised by the Romishe Prelates, speciallye in this Realme of England and Scotlande, from the yeare of our Lorde a thousande, unto the tyme nowe present
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The Ninth Booke containing the Actes and thinges done in the Reigne of King Edward the sixt
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