Aiken, Lucy
Allan, Thomas, 1774-1845
Allen, John
Annesley, Anne
Asbury, Francis, 1745-181
Atlay, John, 1736-
Aulonites, Erasmus
Austin, Margaret
Avlonites, Gerasimos, act
Baker, Frank, 1910-1999
Baldwyn, Mary
Baldwyn, Richard
Barber, Joanna
Barber, Sarah
Barber, William
Bardsley, Samuel, -1818
Barnard, Thomas, 1728-180
Barrington, Daines
Bathurst, Charles, 1867-1
Batty, Edward, 1783-1849
Bell, George, -1807
Bell, Lucy
Bell, William, 1795-1822
Bengel, Johann Albrecht,
Benger, Elizabeth
Bennet, William, -1858
Benson, Joseph
Benson, Joseph, 1748-182
Benson, Joseph, 1749-1821
Berkin, M.
Berridge, John, 1716-1793
Blackwell Family
Blackwell, Ebenezer
Blackwell, Ebenzer
Blackwell, Elizabeth
Blanshard, Thomas, 1774-1
Boardman, Richard, 1738-1
Bohler, Peter, 1712-1775
Boswell, James
Boyce, Gilbert
Bradley, Alice
Bramwell, William, 1759-1
Bray, John
Briggs, William
Brisco, Thomas, -1798
Bristow, Elizabeth
Brothers, Richard, 1757-1
Broughton, Thomas
Bunting, Jabez
Bunting, Jabez, 1779-1858
Butcher, Elizabeth
Butcher, John
Butterworth, Joseph, 1770
Button, George, 1754-1822
Butts, Thomas
Callender, Michael
Carlill, Thomas, -1801
Cart, Eliza
Carter, Joseph
Caxton, Marshall, Reveren
Cennick, John, 1718-1755
Cervetto, Giacobbe, 1682-
Chambers, Catherine, 1732
Chapman, Ann
Chapone, Sarah
Churchey, Walter
Clagett, Mrs.
Clarke, Adam, approximate
Clinton, Henry, Sir, 1738
Clulow, John, -1830
Coke, Thomas, 1747-1814
Colbeck, Thomas, 1723-177
Collinson, Edward
Collinson, Elizabeth, 174
Colman, John
Condy, Richard, -1800
Cook, Sophia, 1759-1834
Cooke, Joseph
Cooper, Thomas
Cornwallis, Charles Cornw
Cosway, Richard
Coughlan, Laurence
Cownley, Joseph, 1723-179
Cowper, Fanny
Cowper, Thomas
Creighton, James, 1737-18
Crook, John, 1742-1805
Dall, Robert, 1745-1828
Dallaway, William
Darney, William, -1774
Dartmouth, William Legge,
Davis, Ann
Davis, Mark
Degg, Mary
Designe, Susanna
Dillon, Richard, 1759-
Dobson, Joseph
Dodd, William, 1729-1777
Doddridge, Mercy
Doddridge, Phillip, 1702-
Dornford, Josiah
Downes, D.
Downes, Elizabeth
Downes, John
Downes, John, approximate
Downing, George, 1728-180
Duchesne, Elizabeth, -177
Duckworth, Isaac
Durbin, Henry, -1799
Dutton, Anne, 1692-1765
Edmonds, John
Edmonds, Jonathan
Edmundson, Jonathan, 1766
Edwards, John
Elliott, L., Miss.
Ellis, William
Entwisle, Joseph, 1767-18
Erskine, James, Lord Gran
Everett, James, 1784-1872
Farley, Hester
Farley, Samuel
Fenwick, John
Fenwick, Michael, -1797
Ferrers, Laurence Shirley
Fitzgerald, Mary, 1725-18
Fletcher, John, 1729-1785
Fletcher, Mary, 1739-1815
Flewitt, James
Fordyce, Henrietta
Fox, Charles
Francis, Marianne, 1790-1
Francis, Mary
Franks, Samuel
Furness, John, -1830
Gallatin, Bartholomew, -1
Gallatin, Elizabeth
Galloway, Joseph, 1730-18
Gambold, John
Gambold, John, 1711-1771
Gardner, John
Gilbert, Catherine
Gilbert, Francis, 1779
Gilbert, Nicholas
Glascot, Thomas
Goodwin, John, 1739-1808
Greenwood, Charles, 1725-
Greville, Elizabeth
Griffith, David, 1742-178
Griffith, Walter, 1762-18
Grimshaw, William, 1708-1
Grinfield, M.
Guy, Mary
Gwynne, Marmaduke, 1691–1
Gwynne, Rebecca, 1724-179
Gwynne, Sarah, née Evans,
Haime, John
Halfpenny, Elizabeth
Hall, Martha
Hall, Martha, née Wesley,
Hall, Westley, 1711–1776
Hamilton, James, 1740-182
Hancock, Hannah
Handy, Han
Handy, Jonathan, -1759
Harper, Emily
Harris, Howell
Harris, Howell, 1714-1773
Hartley, Mr.
Haughton, John
Hawstead, Jane
Hawthorn, Rachel
Haynes, Mr.
Henderson, John
Henderson, John, 1757-178
Henderson, Richard, 1736-
Hervey, James
Hervey, James, 1714-1758
Hill, Rowland, 1744-1833
Hill, William
Hinson, Elizabeth
Hitchens, William
Hoare, Henry, -1828
Hodges, John, active 1740
Hopkins, William
Hopper, Christopher, 1722
Hopwood, Henry, 1784-1831
Horsman, Thomas
Horton, John, -1802
Hosier, Harry, -1806
Hoxton, John
Humphreys, Joseph
Huntingdon, Selina Hastin
Hurst, Mr.
Hurst, Nathaniel
Hutchinson, Bell
Hutchinson, Bill
Hutchinson, John
Hutton, James, 1715-1795
Ibison, S.
Ingham, Benjamin, 1712-17
Isaac, Daniel, -1834
J. T.
Jackson, Henry, 1666-1766
Jaco, Peter, -1781
Jaggar, Jonas
James, J.
Jenkins, Daniel
Johnson, E.
Johnson, John
Johnson, John, 1725-1803
Johnson, Thomas, -1797
Jones, James
Jones, James, -1783
Jones, John, 1721-1785
Jones, Martha
Jones, Thomas, -1762
Judson, Thomas
Kemp, Richard
Kenton, James
Keysall, K.
Kilham, Alexander
Kilham, Alexander, 1762-1
Landy, Jane
Langshaw, John, 1718-1798
Langshaw, John, 1763-1832
Latrobe, Christian Ignati
Lee, Mary
Lewis, Thomas
Lloyd, James
Lloyd, Samuel
Lloyd, Samuel, active 174
Longden, Henry, 1754-1812
Lowe, George, 1750-1839
Lunell, William
Madan, Martin, 1726-1790
Madden, John
Maddern, Mary
Mann, Elizabeth
Manners, Mary, approximat
Manners, Robert, approxim
Mansfield, William Murray
March, Jane C.
Marriott, Elizabeth
Marsden, George, 1772-18
Martin, Ann
Mason, John, 1722-1810
Mason, Samuel
Mather, Alexander, 1733-1
Maxfield, Thomas, 1724-17
Maxwell, Darcy, Lady, app
McKendree,William, 1757-1
McNab, Alexander, 1745-17
Mears, William
Meriton, John, 1698-1753
Middleton, Sarah
Middleton, Thomas
Midgely, Mary
Midgely, William
Miens, John
Miller, Robert
Miller, William Edward, 1
Mitchell, Thomas, 1726-17
Montgomery, J.
Moore, Anne, 1757-1813
Moore, Henry, 1751-1844
Moore, Matthew
More, Martha
Morgan, Richard
Morgan, William
Mornington, Garrett Colle
Mortimer, Elizabeth, 1754
Moss, Richard
Murlin, John, 1722-1799
Murrow, Thomas
Nelson, John
Nelson, John, 1707-1774
New Zealand Methodist Chu
Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727
Newton, Robert, 1780-1854
Nightingale, Joseph
Nitschmann, David, 1696-1
Noble, John, -1827
North, Frederick, Lord, 1
Nowell, A.
Oglethorpe, James Edward
Okeley, Francis
Okely, T.
Okley, Thomas
Olivers, Thomas, 1725-179
Owen, John, 1745-1815
Oxlee, William
Parry, John
Partridge, Ann
Pawson, John, 1737-1806
Perronet, Elizabeth, 1728
Perronet, Vincent, 1693-1
Piers, Henry
Piers, Henry, 1694-1770
Pilmore, Joseph, 1739-182
Pine, William
Plat, Mrs.
Pluet, Mary
Powell, John
Price, Maria
Price, Thomas
Prince, W.G.
Provost, Samuel, 1742-181
Raddal, J.
Ramsay, Mary Jane
Rankin, Thomas, 1738-1810
Rathall, Mr.
Rawdon, John, 1720-1793
Reece, Richard, 1765-1850
Reeves, Jonathan, -1787
Reynolds, John, 1759-1851
Reynolds, Richard, 1674–1
Rhodes, Benjamin, 1743-18
Rich, John, 1692–1761
Richard Hill, Sir, 1732-1
Richards, Brother
Richards, Thomas
Richardson, J.
Richardson, John
Richardson, John, 1734-17
Robe, James, 1688-1759
Roberts, Robert, -1800
Roberts, Thomas
Roberts, William
Robertson, J.
Robertson, S.
Robin John, Ancona Robin,
Robin John, Little Ephrai
Robinson, John
Romaine, William, 1714-17
Russell, John, 1745-1806
Russell, Jonathan
Ryan, Henry, 1775-1833
Ryan, Sarah
Sackville, George Germain
Sarah, Sister
Saunders, Joseph
Saunderson, Joseph, -1803
Sayce, Elizabeth
Seabury, Samuel
Sellon, Walter
Seward William 1703-1740
Seward, Benjamin
Seward, Benjamin, 1705-
Seward, William, 1702-174
Shadford, George, 1739-18
Shepherd, Mary Freeman, 1
Shipman, John, 1788-1853
Shirley, Walter, 1726-178
Simeon, Charles, 1759-183
Simpson, Christian
Skelton, Charles
Smith, Edward
Smith, William, 1736-1824
Smyth, Edward
Southcott, J.
Stanislaw II August, King
Stonehouse, George, 1714-
Sutcliffe, Joseph, 1762-1
Swindells, Robert, -1783
Tatham, Edward, 1749-1834
Taylor, Henry, -1796
Thomas, Naomi
Thompson, Joseph, 1808-18
Thompson, William
Thomson, George, 1698-178
Thornton, Henry, 1760-181
Thornton, Jane, 1760-1800
Thornton, John, 1720-1790
Tobias, Thomas
Townsend, Joseph
Turner, William
Tyerman, Luke 1820-1889
Valton, John, 1740-1794
Vandom, Elizabeth
Vazeille, John Anthony, 1
Vazeille, Mary, née Goldh
Vernon, James
Vigor, Anne
Vivian, Thomas, 1722-1793
Walker, Samuel, 1714-1761
Waller, Elizabeth
Waller, Elizabeth, née Gw
Waller, James
Waller, Rebecca
Waller, Thomas
Wallis, Tavernor
Walpole, Edward, Sir, 170
Walsh, John
Walsh, Thomas, 1730-1759
Warren, Samuel, 1781-1862
Washington, George, 1732-
Washington, Henry, 1717-
Waterhouse, Jabez Bunting
Waterhouse, John
Wathen, Anne
Watson, Richard, 1781-183
Watson, Robert, 1711-
Weaver, S. E.
Webb, Joan
Webb, Samuel
Webster, Alexander, 1707-
Wells, Christopher, 1706-
Wells, Nathaniel
Welsh, John
Wesley, Anne
Wesley, Charles, 1707-1
Wesley, Charles, 1757-18
Wesley, Emily, 1691-1770
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Wesley, Kezziah, 1710-17
Wesley, Mahtabel, 1697-17
Wesley, Martha, 1706-1791
Wesley, Mary, 1710-1781
Wesley, Samuel, 1662-173
Wesley, Samuel, 1691-173
Wesley, Samuel, 1766-0837
Wesley, Samuel, 1766-1837
Wesley, Sarah, 1759-1828
Wesley, Sarah, née Gwynn
Wesley, Susanna, 1669-17
Wesley, Ursula
Whatcoat, Richard, 1736-1
White, William, 1748-1836
Whitefield, George, 1714
Whitehead, John, 1740-180
Whitelamb, John
Wilberforce, William, 175
Williams, Enoch
Williams, Joseph, 1692-17
Williams, Richard, -1856
Williams, Thomas, 1720-17
Windsor, Robert
Winter, Elizabeth
Wood, James, 1773-1840
Wood, Samuel, 1767-1842
Worgan, John
Wrench, Rebecca
Wride, Thomas
Browse All
Paper and English and Correspondence and Archives
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Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Image Title
Letter from Charles Wesley to Aaron Maw
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Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Image Title
Letter from Charles Wesley to Aaron Maw
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Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Image Title
Letter from Charles Wesley to Aaron Maw
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Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Image Title
Letter from Charles Wesley to Aaron Maw
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Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Image Title
Letter from Charles Wesley to Aaron Maw
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Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
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Marriott, Elizabeth
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Bristow, Elizabeth
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Middleton, Thomas
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Richards, Brother
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Richards, Brother
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Ramsay, Mary Jane
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Vandom, Elizabeth
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Winter, Elizabeth
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