Browse All : Maps and Printed of England

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Bradshaw's railway time...
Parent Work Title
Bradshaw's railway time tables, and assistant to railway travelling, with illustrative maps & plans. ... 10th mo. 25th, 1839. No. 3
Reference Number
Map of England and Wale...
Parent Work Title
Map of England and Wales. Report of the National Parks Committee
Reference Number
Regorum magnae Britanni...
Parent Work Title
Regorum magnae Britanniae sive Angliae Scotiae nec non Hiberniae
Reference Number
Booker & Mills C48
Noviffima prae caeteris...
Parent Work Title
Noviffima prae caeteris aliis accuratiffima regnorum Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae
Reference Number
Booker & Mills C43a
Isles Britanniques; qui...
Parent Work Title
Isles Britanniques; qui contiennent les Royaumes d'Angleterre, Ecosse, et Irlande
Reference Number
Booker & Mills C42b
Kitchin's Enlarged Map ...
Parent Work Title
Kitchin's Enlarged Map of the Roads of England & Wales with exact distances by the mile stones between town and town
Reference Number
Booker & Mills C103
A complete representati...
Parent Work Title
A complete representation of the coast of England together with the interior divided into counties and military districts. Also the coast of France and Holland from the Texel to Brest with the bearings from London and the distance in miles from Port to Port: To which is annexed eighteen plans of the ports of the enemy, the principal depots of the flotilla intended for the Invasion of England
Reference Number
Booker & Mills C106
Occidentalior Regni Ang...
Parent Work Title
Occidentalior Regni Angliae Districtus Comprehendens Principarum Walliæ et Glocestriæ Ducatum
Reference Number
Booker & Mills C75
Tractus Regni Angliae S...
Parent Work Title
Tractus Regni Angliae Septentrion. in quo Ducatus Eboracensis, Episcopatus Dunelmensis, Comitatus Northumbriae, Cumbriae, Westmoriae, et Lancastriae cum Mona Insula
Reference Number
Booker & Mills C76
Orientalior districtus ...
Parent Work Title
Orientalior districtus regni Angliæ comprehendens comitatus et provincias Cantium, Suthsexiam, Hantoniam, Surriam, Essexiam, Midlesexiam, Bercheriam, Hartfordiam, Buckingamiam, Cantabrigiam Nortfolciam, Oxonium, Bedfordiam, Suffolciam, Lincolniam, Huntingdoniam, Northamptoniam, Nottingamiam, Leicestriam, Rudlandiam
Reference Number
Booker & Mills C77
Le Royaume D'Angleterre...
Parent Work Title
Le Royaume D'Angleterre distinuge en ses Provinces; Sçavoir en Northumberland, Mercie, east-Angles, esex, kent, Sussex, West-sex, et la Principaute de Galles
Reference Number
Booker & Mills C78
Britannia et Hibernia
Parent Work Title
Britannia et Hibernia
Reference Number
Booker & Mills C31a
The census of Great Bri...
Parent Work Title
The census of Great Britain in 1851; comprising an account of the numbers and distribution of the people, their ages, conjugal condition, occupations, and birthplace; with returns of the blind, the deaf-and-dumb, and the inmates of public institutions. And an analytical index. Reprinted, in a condensed form, from the official reports and tables
Reference Number
[Proposed National Park...
Parent Work Title
[Proposed National Parks and conservation areas, scientific areas and national nature reserves]
Reference Number
Map Collection (Flat) C17 (70/3)
Work for all: Salvation...
Parent Work Title
Work for all: Salvation Army social campaign
Reference Number
Map Collection (Flat) C17 (107)
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