Austin-Smith: Lord
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626
Banks, G. Linnaeus (Georg
Bedford Lemere
Bedford Lemere and Co.
Beza, Theodore, 1519-1605
Bunyan, John, 1628-1688
Byron, George Gordon Byro
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564
Cassidy, John, 1860-1939
Champneys, Basil, 1842-
Coverdale, Miles, 1488-15
Dalton, John, 1766-1844
Descartes, Rene?, 1596-16
Erasmus, Desiderius, -153
Fitton, Hedley, 1858-1929
Gaskell, Elizabeth Clegho
Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang v
Gutenberg, Johann, 1397?-
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Frie
J.W. Singer & Sons Ltd
Kempe, Charles Eamer, 18
Linnell, William, 1837-19
Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
Milton, John,1608-1674
Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727
Nicholson, Norman, 1914-1
Pollard, Michael
Rainolds, John, 1549-1607
Robert Bridgeman & Son of
Robert Bridgeman & Sons
Rylands, Enriqueta
Rylands, Enriqueta Augus
Rylands, John, 1801-1888
Thales, approximately 634
Tyndale, William, -1536
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Wycliffe, John, -1384
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Library buildings and John Rylands Library
Parent Work Title
John Rylands Library, Manchester, 1900
Image Title
Cross corridor
Parent Work Title
John Rylands Library, Manchester, 1900
Image Title
Librarian's Office
Image Title
Cloistered corridor
Image Title
Reading Room & Gallery
Image Title
Theology Directing the Labours of Science and Art
Parent Work Title
Edward Gibbon
Parent Work Title
Edward Gibbon
Image Title
Letter from Enriqueta Rylands to William Linnell
Image Title
Letter from Enriqueta Rylands to William Linnell
Image Title
Thales of Miletus
Image Title
William Tyndall
Image Title
Sir Isaac Newton
Image Title
Johann Gutenberg
Image Title
Thales of Miletus
Image Title
Johann Gutenberg
Image Title
John Rainolds
Image Title
William Tyndall
Image Title
William Caxton
Image Title
Martin Luther
Image Title
Martin Luther
Image Title
John Rainolds
Image Title
Miles Coverdale
Image Title
Theology directing the labours of Science and Art
Parent Work Title
Elizabeth Gaskell's Bust
Parent Work Title
1920 extension - Octagon
Parent Work Title
Main Staircase
Parent Work Title
Entrance Hall
Parent Work Title
Main Staircase
Parent Work Title
Exhibition Hall
Parent Work Title
Entrance Hall
Parent Work Title
Exhibition Hall
Parent Work Title
Exhibition Hall
Parent Work Title
Exhibition Hall
Parent Work Title
Exhibition Hall
Parent Work Title
Exhibition Hall
Parent Work Title
Book Committee Room
Parent Work Title
Book Committee Room