Who What Where When



  1. Abey, Richard, 1797-1876 (1)
  2. Aiken, Lucy (1)
  3. Allan, Thomas, 1774-1845 (9)
  4. Allen, John (1)
  5. Annesley, Anne (1)
  6. Asbury, Francis, 1745-181 … (2)
  7. Atlay, John, 1736- (5)
  8. Attlee, C. R. (Clement Ri … (2)
  9. Aulonites, Erasmus (1)
  10. Austen, Thomas (1)
  11. Austin, Margaret (1)
  12. Avlonites, Gerasimos, act … (1)
  13. Baldwin, Stanley Baldwin, … (2)
  14. Baldwyn, Mary (2)
  15. Baldwyn, Richard (1)
  16. Barber, Joanna (1)
  17. Barber, Sarah (2)
  18. Barber, William (2)
  19. Bardsley, Samuel, -1818 (1)
  20. Bardsley, Samuel, 1769-18 … (1)
  21. Barnard, Thomas, 1728-180 … (3)
  22. Barrington, Daines (1)
  23. Batty, Edward, 1783-1849 (1)
  24. Baugh, George (2)
  25. Bell, George, -1807 (1)
  26. Bell, Lucy (1)
  27. Bell, William, 1795-1822 (1)
  28. Bengel, Johann Albrecht, … (1)
  29. Benger, Elizabeth (1)
  30. Bennet, Grace (1)
  31. Bennet, William, -1858 (1)
  32. Benson, Joseph (1)
  33. Benson, Joseph, 1748-182 … (13)
  34. Benson, Joseph, 1749-1821 (3)
  35. Berkin, M. (1)
  36. Berridge, John, 1716-1793 (1)
  37. Blackwell Family (1)
  38. Blackwell, Ebenezer (1)
  39. Blackwell, Ebenzer (3)
  40. Blackwell, Elizabeth (1)
  41. Blanshard, Thomas, 1774-1 … (1)
  42. Boardman, Richard, 1738-1 … (1)
  43. Bohler, Peter, 1712-1775 (1)
  44. Booth, Catherine Mumford, … (1)
  45. Booth, General, William, … (7)
  46. Boswell, James (1)
  47. Boyce, Gilbert (1)
  48. Bradley, Alice (1)
  49. Bramwell, William, 1759-1 … (1)
  50. Bray, John (1)
  51. Bray, William, 1794-1868 (1)
  52. Briggs, William (5)
  53. Brisco, Thomas, -1798 (1)
  54. Bristow, Elizabeth (1)
  55. Brooke, Henry (11)
  56. Brothers, Richard, 1757-1 … (1)
  57. Broughton, Thomas (2)
  58. Bunting, Jabez (1)
  59. Bunting, Jabez, 1779-1858 (2)
  60. Butcher, Elizabeth (1)
  61. Butcher, John (1)
  62. Butterworth, Joseph, 1770 … (3)
  63. Button, George, 1754-1822 (1)
  64. Butts, Thomas (4)
  65. Byrom, John (1)
  66. Callender, Michael (1)
  67. Carlill, Thomas, -1801 (1)
  68. Cart, Eliza (1)
  69. Carter, Joseph (1)
  70. Caxton, Marshall, Reveren … (2)
  71. Cennick, John, 1718-1755 (3)
  72. Cervetto, Giacobbe, 1682- … (1)
  73. Chamberlain, Neville, 186 … (2)
  74. Chambers, Catherine, 1732 … (1)
  75. Chapman, Ann (5)
  76. Chapone, Sarah (1)
  77. Charles Wesley (1)
  78. Churchey, Walter (3)
  79. Churchill, Winston, 1871- … (2)
  80. Clagett, Mrs. (1)
  81. Clarke, Adam, approximat … (11)
  82. Clinton, Henry, Sir, 1738 … (2)
  83. Clulow, John, -1830 (1)
  84. Coke, Thomas, 1747-1814 (13)
  85. Colbeck, Thomas, 1723-177 … (2)
  86. Collinson, Edward (1)
  87. Collinson, Elizabeth, 174 … (1)
  88. Colman, John (1)
  89. Condy, Richard, -1800 (1)
  90. Cook, Sophia, 1759-1834 (1)
  91. Cooke, Joseph (1)
  92. Cooper, Thomas (1)
  93. Cornwallis, Charles Cornw … (1)
  94. Cosway, Richard (1)
  95. Coughlan, Laurence (1)
  96. Cownley, Joseph, 1723-179 … (3)
  97. Cowper, Fanny (3)
  98. Cowper, Thomas (1)
  99. Creighton, James, 1737-18 … (1)
  100. Crook, John, 1742-1805 (1)
  101. Crosby, Sarah (1)
  102. Crumble, Alexander (1)
  103. Dall, Robert, 1745-1828 (12)
  104. Dallaway, William (1)
  105. Darney, William, -1774 (2)
  106. Dartmouth, William Legge, … (1)
  107. Davis, Ann (1)
  108. Davis, Mark (8)
  109. Degg, Mary (1)
  110. Designe, Susanna (1)
  111. Dillon, Richard, 1759- (1)
  112. Dobson, Joseph (1)
  113. Dodd, William, 1729-1777 (1)
  114. Doddridge, Mercy (1)
  115. Doddridge, Phillip, 1702- … (1)
  116. Dornford, Josiah (1)
  117. Downes, D. (2)
  118. Downes, Elizabeth (1)
  119. Downes, John (1)
  120. Downes, John, approximate … (3)
  121. Downing, George, 1728-180 … (1)
  122. Duchesne, Elizabeth, -177 … (1)
  123. Duckworth, Isaac (1)
  124. Durbin, Henry, -1799 (6)
  125. Dutton, Anne, 1692-1765 (2)
  126. Dyer, Armine Ann (1)
  127. Eden, Anthony, Earl of Av … (2)
  128. Edmonds, John (1)
  129. Edmonds, Jonathan (1)
  130. Edmundson, Jonathan, 1766 … (1)
  131. Edwards, John (1)
  132. Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dw … (2)
  133. Elizabeth Hamilton (1)
  134. Elizabeth II, Queen of Gr … (2)
  135. Elliott, L., Miss. (1)
  136. Ellis, William (1)
  137. Ellison, John (1)
  138. Entwisle, Joseph, 1767-18 … (2)
  139. Erskine, James, Lord Gran … (2)
  140. Everett, James (10)
  141. Everett, James, 1784-187 … (13)
  142. Farley, Hester (1)
  143. Farley, Samuel (3)
  144. Fenwick, John (2)
  145. Fenwick, Michael, -1797 (3)
  146. Ferrers, Laurence Shirley … (1)
  147. Fitzgerald, Mary, 1725-18 … (4)
  148. Fletcher, John, 1729-1785 (9)
  149. Fletcher, Mary (1)
  150. Fletcher, Mary, 1739-1815 (4)
  151. Flewitt, James (1)
  152. Fordyce, Henrietta (1)
  153. Fox, Charles (1)
  154. Francis, Marianne, 1790-1 … (1)
  155. Francis, Mary (1)
  156. Franks, Samuel (2)
  157. Furness, John, -1830 (1)
  158. Gallatin, Bartholomew, -1 … (1)
  159. Gallatin, Elizabeth (2)
  160. Galloway, Joseph, 1730-18 … (1)
  161. Gambold, John (2)
  162. Gambold, John, 1711-1771 (4)
  163. George V, King of Great B … (2)
  164. George VI, King of Great … (2)
  165. Gibbon, John Henry, 1880- … (4)
  166. Gilbert, Catherine (1)
  167. Gilbert, Francis, 1779 (1)
  168. Gilbert, Nicholas (3)
  169. Glascot, Thomas (1)
  170. Goodwin, John, 1739-1808 (1)
  171. Greenwood, Charles, 1725- … (1)
  172. Greville, Elizabeth (2)
  173. Griffith, David, 1742-178 … (1)
  174. Griffith, Walter, 1762-18 … (2)
  175. Grimshaw, William, 1708-1 … (5)
  176. Grinfield, M. (3)
  177. Guy, Mary (2)
  178. Gwynne, Marmaduke, 1691–1 … (4)
  179. Gwynne, Rebecca, 1724-179 … (4)
  180. Gwynne, Sarah, née Evans, … (1)
  181. Haime, John (1)
  182. Halfpenny, Elizabeth (1)
  183. Hall, Martha (1)
  184. Hall, Martha, née Wesley, … (1)
  185. Hall, Westley, 1711–1776 (3)
  186. Hamilton, James, 1740-182 … (1)
  187. Hampson, John (5)
  188. Hanby, Thomas (1)
  189. Hancock, Hannah (1)
  190. Handy, Han (1)
  191. Handy, Jonathan, -1759 (1)
  192. Harper, Emily (3)
  193. Harris, Howell (1)
  194. Harris, Howell, 1714-1773 (4)
  195. Hart, Joseph, 1712-1768 (1)
  196. Hartley, Mr. (2)
  197. Haughton, John (1)
  198. Hawstead, Jane (1)
  199. Hawthorn, Rachel (1)
  200. Haynes, Mr. (1)
  201. Henderson, John (6)
  202. Henderson, John, 1757-178 … (3)
  203. Henderson, Richard, 1736- … (3)
  204. Hervey, James (2)
  205. Hervey, James, 1714-1758 (1)
  206. Hill, Rowland, 1744-1833 (1)
  207. Hill, William (1)
  208. Hinson, Elizabeth (1)
  209. Hitchens, William (1)
  210. Hoare, Henry, -1828 (1)
  211. Hodges, John, active 1740 … (1)
  212. Hoover, Herbert, 1874-196 … (2)
  213. Hopkey, Sophia (2)
  214. Hopkins, William (1)
  215. Hopper, Christopher, 1722 … (4)
  216. Hopwood, Henry, 1784-1831 (1)
  217. Horsman, Thomas (10)
  218. Horton, John, -1802 (8)
  219. Hosier, Harry, -1806 (1)
  220. Hoxton, John (1)
  221. Humphreys, Joseph (1)
  222. Huntingdon, Selina Hastin … (6)
  223. Hurst, Mr. (1)
  224. Hurst, Nathaniel (1)
  225. Hutchinson, Bell (1)
  226. Hutchinson, Bill (1)
  227. Hutchinson, John (5)
  228. Hutton, James, 1715-1795 (2)
  229. Ibison, S. (1)
  230. Ingham, Benjamin, 1712-17 … (2)
  231. Isaac, Daniel, -1834 (1)
  232. J. T. (1)
  233. Jackson, Henry, 1666-1766 (1)
  234. Jaco, Peter, -1781 (4)
  235. Jaggar, Jonas (1)
  236. James, J. (1)
  237. Jellicoe, John Rushworth, … (2)
  238. Jenkins, Daniel (1)
  239. Johnson, E. (1)
  240. Johnson, John (3)
  241. Johnson, John, 1725-1803 (1)
  242. Johnson, Thomas, -1797 (1)
  243. Jones, James (1)
  244. Jones, James, -1783 (1)
  245. Jones, John, 1721-1785 (11)
  246. Jones, Joseph (1)
  247. Jones, Martha (3)
  248. Jones, Sally (1)
  249. Jones, Thomas, -1762 (2)
  250. Judson, Thomas (6)
  251. Kemp, Richard (3)
  252. Kenton, James (6)
  253. Keysall, K. (2)
  254. Kilham, Alexander (1)
  255. Kilham, Alexander, 1762-1 … (2)
  256. King, William Lyon Macken … (2)
  257. Landy, Jane (1)
  258. Langshaw, John, 1718-1798 (1)
  259. Langshaw, John, 1763-1832 (1)
  260. Latrobe, Christian Ignati … (1)
  261. Law, Elizabeth (2)
  262. Lee, Mary (1)
  263. Lees, Joseph (201)
  264. Lewis, Harriet (3)
  265. Lewis, Thomas (1)
  266. Lloyd, James (1)
  267. Lloyd, Samuel (1)
  268. Lloyd, Samuel, active 174 … (3)
  269. London Society (1)
  270. Longden, Henry, 1754-1812 (1)
  271. Lowe, George, 1750-1839 (1)
  272. Lunell, William (2)
  273. Macdonald, James Ramsay, … (2)
  274. Madan, Martin, 1726-1790 (1)
  275. Madden, John (1)
  276. Maddern, Mary (1)
  277. Mann, Elizabeth (1)
  278. Manners, Mary, approximat … (2)
  279. Manners, Robert, approxim … (1)
  280. Mansfield, William Murray … (1)
  281. March, Jane C. (1)
  282. Marriott, Elizabeth (1)
  283. Marsden, George, 1772-18 … (14)
  284. Martin, Ann (1)
  285. Martin, John (1)
  286. Mason, John, 1722-1810 (1)
  287. Mason, Samuel (1)
  288. Mather, Alexander, 1733-1 … (4)
  289. Maud, Queen, consort of H … (2)
  290. Maxfield, Thomas, 1724-17 … (2)
  291. Maxwell, Darcy, Lady, app … (2)
  292. McKendree,William, 1757-1 … (1)
  293. McNab, Alexander, 1745-17 … (1)
  294. Mears, William (1)
  295. Meriton, John, 1698-1753 (1)
  296. Middleton, Sarah (1)
  297. Middleton, Thomas (1)
  298. Midgely, Mary (1)
  299. Midgely, William (1)
  300. Miens, John (1)
  301. Miller, Robert (1)
  302. Miller, William Edward, 1 … (1)
  303. Mitchell, Thomas, 1726-17 … (2)
  304. Montgomery of Alamein, Be … (2)
  305. Montgomery, J. (1)
  306. Moore, Anne, 1757-1813 (2)
  307. Moore, Henry, 1751-1844 (10)
  308. Moore, Matthew (1)
  309. More, Martha (1)
  310. Morgan, Richard (2)
  311. Morgan, William (1)
  312. Mornington, Garrett Colle … (1)
  313. Mortimer, Elizabeth, 1754 … (1)
  314. Moss, Richard (1)
  315. Mrs E Gregory (1)
  316. Murlin, John, 1722-1799 (2)
  317. Murrow, Thomas (1)
  318. Mussolini, Benito, 1883-1 … (2)
  319. Nelson, John (1)
  320. Nelson, John, 1707-1774 (1)
  321. Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727 (1)
  322. Newton, Robert, 1780-1854 (1)
  323. Nightingale, Joseph (1)
  324. Nitschmann, David, 1696-1 … (1)
  325. Noble, John, -1827 (1)
  326. North, Frederick, Lord, 1 … (1)
  327. Nowell, A. (2)
  328. Oglethorpe, James Edward (1)
  329. Okeley, Francis (1)
  330. Okely, T. (1)
  331. Okley, Thomas (1)
  332. Olivers, Thomas, 1725-179 … (2)
  333. Owen, John, 1745-1815 (1)
  334. Oxlee, William (1)
  335. Parker, Joseph, 1830-1902 (1)
  336. Parry, John (1)
  337. Partridge, Ann (1)
  338. Pawson, Frances, 1736-180 … (1)
  339. Pawson, John, 1737-1806 (4)
  340. Perronet, Elizabeth, 1728 … (1)
  341. Perronet, Vincent, 1693-1 … (2)
  342. Piers, Henry (1)
  343. Piers, Henry, 1694-1770 (1)
  344. Pilmore, Joseph, 1739-182 … (4)
  345. Pine, William (4)
  346. Pius XII, Pope, 1876-1958 (2)
  347. Plat, Mrs. (1)
  348. Pluet, Mary (1)
  349. Powell, John (1)
  350. Preston, Joseph, 1803-18 … (34)
  351. Price, Maria (1)
  352. Price, Thomas (1)
  353. Prince, W.G. (1)
  354. Provost, Samuel, 1742-181 … (1)
  355. Raddal, J. (2)
  356. Ramsay, Mary Jane (1)
  357. Rankin, Thomas, 1738-1810 (2)
  358. Rathall, Mr. (1)
  359. Rawdon, John, 1720-1793 (1)
  360. Reece, Richard, 1765-1850 (1)
  361. Reed, William Bryan, 1836 … (2)
  362. Reed, William, 1800-1858 (1)
  363. Reeves, Jonathan, -1787 (2)
  364. Reynolds, John, 1759-1851 (1)
  365. Reynolds, Richard, 1674–1 … (1)
  366. Rhodes, Benjamin, 1743-18 … (2)
  367. Rich, John, 1692–1761 (1)
  368. Richard Hill, Sir, 1732-1 … (2)
  369. Richards, Brother (2)
  370. Richards, Thomas (1)
  371. Richardson, J. (1)
  372. Richardson, John (2)
  373. Richardson, John, 1734-17 … (1)
  374. Robe, James, 1688-1759 (2)
  375. Roberts, Robert, -1800 (1)
  376. Roberts, Thomas (2)
  377. Roberts, William (1)
  378. Robertson, J. (1)
  379. Robertson, S. (1)
  380. Robin John, Ancona Robin, … (5)
  381. Robin John, Little Ephrai … (6)
  382. Robinson, John (1)
  383. Rogers, Hester Ann, 1756- … (2)
  384. Romaine, William, 1714-17 … (1)
  385. Roosevelt, Franklin D. (F … (2)
  386. Russell, John, 1745-1806 (1)
  387. Russell, Jonathan (1)
  388. Ryan, Henry, 1775-1833 (1)
  389. Ryan, Sarah (5)
  390. Sackville, George Germain … (1)
  391. Salisbury, Frank O. (Fran … (2)
  392. Sarah, Sister (1)
  393. Saunders, Joseph (1)
  394. Saunderson, Joseph, -1803 (1)
  395. Sayce, Elizabeth (1)
  396. Seabury, Samuel (2)
  397. Sellon, Walter (1)
  398. Seward William 1703-1740 (2)
  399. Seward, Benjamin (2)
  400. Seward, Benjamin, 1705- (1)
  401. Seward, William, 1702-174 … (2)
  402. Shadford, George, 1739-18 … (1)
  403. Shepherd, Mary Freeman, 1 … (1)
  404. Shipman, John, 1788-1853 (1)
  405. Shirley, Walter, 1726-178 … (3)
  406. Simeon, Charles, 1759-183 … (6)
  407. Simpson, Christian (3)
  408. Skelton, Charles (1)
  409. Smetham, James, 1821-1889 (1)
  410. Smith, Edward (1)
  411. Smith, William, 1736-1824 (1)
  412. Smuts, Jan Christiaan, 18 … (2)
  413. Smyth, Edward (4)
  414. Southcott, J. (1)
  415. Stanislaw II August, King … (1)
  416. Steele, Anthony, 1824-187 … (1)
  417. Stonehouse, George, 1714- … (2)
  418. Strangers' Friend Society (1)
  419. Sutcliffe, Joseph, 1762-1 … (1)
  420. Swindells, Robert, -1783 (3)
  421. Tatham, Edward, 1749-1834 (1)
  422. Taylor, Henry, -1796 (4)
  423. Taylor, Nancy (1)
  424. Taylor, Thomas, 1738-1816 (2)
  425. Thomas, Mary (1)
  426. Thomas, Naomi (1)
  427. Thompson, Joseph, 1808-18 … (1)
  428. Thompson, William (1)
  429. Thomson, George, 1698-178 … (1)
  430. Thornton, Henry, 1760-181 … (3)
  431. Thornton, Jane, 1760-1800 (1)
  432. Thornton, John, 1720-1790 (1)
  433. Tobias, Thomas (1)
  434. Townsend, Joseph (1)
  435. Trenchard, Hugh Montague, … (2)
  436. Truman, Harry S., 1884-19 … (2)
  437. Turner, William (1)
  438. Tyerman, Luke 1820-1889 (44)
  439. Valton, John, 1740-1794 (5)
  440. Vandom, Elizabeth (1)
  441. Vazeille, John Anthony, 1 … (1)
  442. Vazeille, Mary (1)
  443. Vazeille, Mary, née Goldh … (2)
  444. Vernon, James (1)
  445. Vigor, Anne (2)
  446. Vivian, Thomas, 1722-1793 (1)
  447. Walker, Samuel, 1714-1761 (1)
  448. Waller, Elizabeth (3)
  449. Waller, Elizabeth, née Gw … (2)
  450. Waller, James (1)
  451. Waller, Rebecca (2)
  452. Waller, Thomas (1)
  453. Wallis, Tavernor (1)
  454. Walpole, Edward, Sir, 170 … (3)
  455. Walsh, John (1)
  456. Walsh, Thomas, 1730-1759 (3)
  457. Warren, Samuel, 1781-1862 (1)
  458. Washington, George, 1732- … (1)
  459. Washington, Henry, 1717- (1)
  460. Waterhouse, Jabez Bunting (2)
  461. Waterhouse, John (13)
  462. Wathen, Anne (1)
  463. Watson, Richard, 1781-183 … (3)
  464. Watson, Robert, 1711- (1)
  465. Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748 (1)
  466. Webb, Joan (1)
  467. Webb, Samuel (1)
  468. Webster, Alexander, 1707- … (1)
  469. Wells, Christopher, 1706- (3)
  470. Wells, Nathaniel (2)
  471. Welsh, John (1)
  472. Wes (1)
  473. Wesley, Anne (1)
  474. Wesley, Charles, 1707-1 … (396)
  475. Wesley, Charles, 1757-18 … (13)
  476. Wesley, Emily, 1691-1770 (12)
  477. Wesley, John, 1703-1791 (242)
  478. Wesley, Kezziah, 1710-17 … (10)
  479. Wesley, Mahtabel, 1697-17 … (4)
  480. Wesley, Martha, 1706-1791 (4)
  481. Wesley, Mary (1)
  482. Wesley, Mary, 1710-1781 (1)
  483. Wesley, Samuel, 1662-173 … (18)
  484. Wesley, Samuel, 1691-173 … (16)
  485. Wesley, Samuel, 1766-0837 (1)
  486. Wesley, Samuel, 1766-1837 (5)
  487. Wesley, Sarah, 1726-1822 (2)
  488. Wesley, Sarah, 1759-1828 (5)
  489. Wesley, Sarah, née Gwynn … (56)
  490. Wesley, Susanna, 1669-17 … (17)
  491. Wesley, Ursula (1)
  492. Wesleyan Methodist Army a … (1)
  493. Whatcoat, Richard, 1736-1 … (1)
  494. White, William, 1748-1836 (1)
  495. Whitefield, George, 1714 … (11)
  496. Whitehead, John, 1740-18 … (17)
  497. Whitelamb, John (4)
  498. Wilberforce, William, 175 … (3)
  499. Williams, Enoch (1)
  500. Williams, Joseph, 1692-17 … (2)
  501. Williams, Richard, -1856 (1)
  502. Williams, Thomas, 1720-17 … (1)
  503. Windsor, Edward, Duke of, … (2)
  504. Windsor, Robert (1)
  505. Winter, Elizabeth (1)
  506. Wood, James, 1773-1840 (3)
  507. Wood, Samuel, 1767-1842 (1)
  508. Worgan, John (1)
  509. Wrench, Rebecca (1)
  510. Wride, Thomas (8)
  511. Wrigley, Francis (1)
  512. Yewdall, Zachariah, 1751 … (14)

Browse All : Handwriting and Archives and Paper

1,251-1,273 of 1,273
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503/1/14
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503/1/14
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
Notebook XV
MA 1977/503/1/14
Translation of Fleury’s...
Reference Number
MA 1977/503/1/14
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Image Title
Translation of Fleury’s historical catechism
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