Who What Where When



  1. Aiken, Lucy (1)
  2. Allan, Thomas, 1774-1845 (9)
  3. Allen, John (1)
  4. Annesley, Anne (1)
  5. Asbury, Francis, 1745-181 … (2)
  6. Atlay, John, 1736- (5)
  7. Aulonites, Erasmus (1)
  8. Austin, Margaret (1)
  9. Avlonites, Gerasimos, act … (1)
  10. Baker, Frank, 1910-1999 (3)
  11. Baldwyn, Mary (2)
  12. Baldwyn, Richard (1)
  13. Barber, Joanna (1)
  14. Barber, Sarah (2)
  15. Barber, William (2)
  16. Bardsley, Samuel, -1818 (1)
  17. Barnard, Thomas, 1728-180 … (3)
  18. Barrington, Daines (1)
  19. Bathurst, Charles, 1867-1 … (1)
  20. Batty, Edward, 1783-1849 (1)
  21. Baugh, George (2)
  22. Bell, George, -1807 (1)
  23. Bell, Lucy (1)
  24. Bell, William, 1795-1822 (1)
  25. Bengel, Johann Albrecht, … (1)
  26. Benger, Elizabeth (1)
  27. Bennet, William, -1858 (1)
  28. Benson, Joseph (1)
  29. Benson, Joseph, 1748-182 … (13)
  30. Benson, Joseph, 1749-1821 (3)
  31. Berkin, M. (1)
  32. Berridge, John, 1716-1793 (1)
  33. Bible Christian Magazine (2)
  34. Blackwell Family (1)
  35. Blackwell, Ebenezer (1)
  36. Blackwell, Ebenzer (3)
  37. Blackwell, Elizabeth (1)
  38. Blanshard, Thomas, 1774-1 … (1)
  39. Boardman, Richard, 1738-1 … (1)
  40. Bohler, Peter, 1712-1775 (1)
  41. Boswell, James (1)
  42. Boyce, Gilbert (1)
  43. Bradley, Alice (1)
  44. Bramwell, William, 1759-1 … (1)
  45. Bray, John (1)
  46. Briggs, William (5)
  47. Brisco, Thomas, -1798 (1)
  48. Bristow, Elizabeth (1)
  49. Brothers, Richard, 1757-1 … (1)
  50. Broughton, Thomas (2)
  51. Bunting, Jabez (1)
  52. Bunting, Jabez, 1779-1858 (2)
  53. Butcher, Elizabeth (1)
  54. Butcher, John (1)
  55. Butterworth, Joseph, 1770 … (3)
  56. Button, George, 1754-1822 (1)
  57. Butts, Thomas (4)
  58. Callender, Michael (1)
  59. Carlill, Thomas, -1801 (1)
  60. Cart, Eliza (1)
  61. Carter, Joseph (1)
  62. Caxton, Marshall, Reveren … (2)
  63. Cennick, John, 1718-1755 (1)
  64. Cervetto, Giacobbe, 1682- … (1)
  65. Chambers, Catherine, 1732 … (1)
  66. Chapman, Ann (5)
  67. Chapone, Sarah (1)
  68. Churchey, Walter (3)
  69. Clagett, Mrs. (1)
  70. Clarke, Adam, approximate … (9)
  71. Clinton, Henry, Sir, 1738 … (2)
  72. Clulow, John, -1830 (1)
  73. Coke, Thomas, 1747-1814 (15)
  74. Colbeck, Thomas, 1723-177 … (2)
  75. Collinson, Edward (1)
  76. Collinson, Elizabeth, 174 … (1)
  77. Colman, John (1)
  78. Condy, Richard, -1800 (1)
  79. Cook, Sophia, 1759-1834 (1)
  80. Cooke, Joseph (1)
  81. Cooper, Thomas (1)
  82. Cornwallis, Charles Cornw … (1)
  83. Cosway, Richard (1)
  84. Coughlan, Laurence (1)
  85. Cownley, Joseph, 1723-179 … (3)
  86. Cowper, Fanny (3)
  87. Cowper, Thomas (1)
  88. Creighton, James, 1737-18 … (1)
  89. Crook, John, 1742-1805 (1)
  90. Dall, Robert, 1745-1828 (4)
  91. Dallaway, William (1)
  92. Darney, William, -1774 (2)
  93. Dartmouth, William Legge, … (1)
  94. Davis, Ann (1)
  95. Davis, Mark (8)
  96. Degg, Mary (1)
  97. Designe, Susanna (1)
  98. Dillon, Richard, 1759- (1)
  99. Dobson, Joseph (1)
  100. Dodd, William, 1729-1777 (1)
  101. Doddridge, Mercy (1)
  102. Doddridge, Phillip, 1702- … (1)
  103. Dornford, Josiah (1)
  104. Downes, D. (2)
  105. Downes, Elizabeth (1)
  106. Downes, John (1)
  107. Downes, John, approximate … (3)
  108. Downing, George, 1728-180 … (1)
  109. Duchesne, Elizabeth, -177 … (1)
  110. Duckworth, Isaac (1)
  111. Durbin, Henry, -1799 (6)
  112. Dutton, Anne, 1692-1765 (2)
  113. Edmonds, John (1)
  114. Edmonds, Jonathan (1)
  115. Edmundson, Jonathan, 1766 … (1)
  116. Edwards, John (1)
  117. Elliott, L., Miss. (1)
  118. Ellis, William (1)
  119. Entwisle, Joseph, 1767-18 … (2)
  120. Erskine, James, Lord Gran … (2)
  121. Everett, James, 1784-1872 (7)
  122. Farley, Hester (1)
  123. Farley, Samuel (3)
  124. Fenwick, John (2)
  125. Fenwick, Michael, -1797 (3)
  126. Ferrers, Laurence Shirley … (1)
  127. Fitzgerald, Mary, 1725-18 … (4)
  128. Fletcher, John, 1729-1785 (9)
  129. Fletcher, Mary, 1739-1815 (3)
  130. Flewitt, James (1)
  131. Fordyce, Henrietta (1)
  132. Fox, Charles (1)
  133. Francis, Marianne, 1790-1 … (1)
  134. Francis, Mary (1)
  135. Franks, Samuel (2)
  136. Furness, John, -1830 (1)
  137. Gallatin, Bartholomew, -1 … (1)
  138. Gallatin, Elizabeth (2)
  139. Galloway, Joseph, 1730-18 … (1)
  140. Gambold, John (2)
  141. Gambold, John, 1711-1771 (4)
  142. Gardner, John (1)
  143. Gilbert, Catherine (1)
  144. Gilbert, Francis, 1779 (1)
  145. Gilbert, Nicholas (3)
  146. Glascot, Thomas (1)
  147. Goodwin, John, 1739-1808 (1)
  148. Greenwood, Charles, 1725- … (1)
  149. Greville, Elizabeth (2)
  150. Griffith, David, 1742-178 … (1)
  151. Griffith, Walter, 1762-18 … (2)
  152. Grimshaw, William, 1708-1 … (5)
  153. Grinfield, M. (3)
  154. Guy, Mary (2)
  155. Gwynne, Marmaduke, 1691–1 … (4)
  156. Gwynne, Rebecca, 1724-179 … (4)
  157. Gwynne, Sarah, née Evans, … (1)
  158. Haime, John (1)
  159. Halfpenny, Elizabeth (1)
  160. Hall, Martha (1)
  161. Hall, Martha, née Wesley, … (1)
  162. Hall, Westley, 1711–1776 (3)
  163. Hamilton, James, 1740-182 … (1)
  164. Hancock, Hannah (1)
  165. Handy, Han (1)
  166. Handy, Jonathan, -1759 (1)
  167. Harper, Emily (3)
  168. Harris, Howell (1)
  169. Harris, Howell, 1714-1773 (4)
  170. Hartley, Mr. (2)
  171. Haughton, John (1)
  172. Hawstead, Jane (1)
  173. Hawthorn, Rachel (1)
  174. Haynes, Mr. (1)
  175. Henderson, John (6)
  176. Henderson, John, 1757-178 … (3)
  177. Henderson, Richard, 1736- … (3)
  178. Hervey, James (2)
  179. Hervey, James, 1714-1758 (1)
  180. Hill, Rowland, 1744-1833 (1)
  181. Hill, William (1)
  182. Hinson, Elizabeth (1)
  183. Hitchens, William (1)
  184. Hoare, Henry, -1828 (1)
  185. Hodges, John, active 1740 … (1)
  186. Hopkins, William (1)
  187. Hopper, Christopher, 1722 … (4)
  188. Hopwood, Henry, 1784-1831 (1)
  189. Horsman, Thomas (10)
  190. Horton, John, -1802 (8)
  191. Hosier, Harry, -1806 (1)
  192. Hoxton, John (1)
  193. Humphreys, Joseph (1)
  194. Huntingdon, Selina Hastin … (6)
  195. Hurst, Mr. (1)
  196. Hurst, Nathaniel (1)
  197. Hutchinson, Bell (1)
  198. Hutchinson, Bill (1)
  199. Hutchinson, John (5)
  200. Hutton, James, 1715-1795 (2)
  201. Ibison, S. (1)
  202. Ingham, Benjamin, 1712-17 … (2)
  203. Isaac, Daniel, -1834 (1)
  204. J. T. (1)
  205. Jackson, Henry, 1666-1766 (1)
  206. Jaco, Peter, -1781 (4)
  207. Jaggar, Jonas (1)
  208. James, J. (1)
  209. Jenkins, Daniel (1)
  210. Johnson, E. (1)
  211. Johnson, John (3)
  212. Johnson, John, 1725-1803 (1)
  213. Johnson, Thomas, -1797 (1)
  214. Jones, James (1)
  215. Jones, James, -1783 (1)
  216. Jones, John, 1721-1785 (11)
  217. Jones, Martha (3)
  218. Jones, Sally (1)
  219. Jones, Thomas, -1762 (2)
  220. Judson, Thomas (6)
  221. Kemp, Richard (3)
  222. Kenton, James (6)
  223. Keysall, K. (2)
  224. Kilham, Alexander (1)
  225. Kilham, Alexander, 1762-1 … (2)
  226. Landy, Jane (1)
  227. Langshaw, John, 1718-1798 (1)
  228. Langshaw, John, 1763-1832 (1)
  229. Latrobe, Christian Ignati … (1)
  230. Lee, Mary (1)
  231. Lewis, Thomas (1)
  232. Lloyd, James (1)
  233. Lloyd, Samuel (1)
  234. Lloyd, Samuel, active 174 … (3)
  235. Longden, Henry, 1754-1812 (1)
  236. Lowe, George, 1750-1839 (1)
  237. Lunell, William (2)
  238. Madan, Martin, 1726-1790 (1)
  239. Madden, John (1)
  240. Maddern, Mary (1)
  241. Mann, Elizabeth (1)
  242. Manners, Mary, approximat … (2)
  243. Manners, Robert, approxim … (1)
  244. Mansfield, William Murray … (1)
  245. March, Jane C. (1)
  246. Marriott, Elizabeth (1)
  247. Marsden, George, 1772-18 … (14)
  248. Martin, Ann (1)
  249. Mason, John, 1722-1810 (1)
  250. Mason, Samuel (1)
  251. Mather, Alexander, 1733-1 … (4)
  252. Maxfield, Thomas, 1724-17 … (2)
  253. Maxwell, Darcy, Lady, app … (2)
  254. McKendree,William, 1757-1 … (1)
  255. McNab, Alexander, 1745-17 … (1)
  256. Mears, William (1)
  257. Meriton, John, 1698-1753 (1)
  258. Middleton, Sarah (1)
  259. Middleton, Thomas (1)
  260. Midgely, Mary (1)
  261. Midgely, William (1)
  262. Miens, John (1)
  263. Miller, Robert (1)
  264. Miller, William Edward, 1 … (1)
  265. Mitchell, Thomas, 1726-17 … (2)
  266. Montgomery, J. (1)
  267. Moore, Anne, 1757-1813 (2)
  268. Moore, Henry, 1751-1844 (10)
  269. Moore, Matthew (1)
  270. More, Martha (1)
  271. Morgan, Richard (2)
  272. Morgan, William (1)
  273. Mornington, Garrett Colle … (1)
  274. Mortimer, Elizabeth, 1754 … (1)
  275. Moss, Richard (1)
  276. Murlin, John, 1722-1799 (2)
  277. Murrow, Thomas (1)
  278. Nelson, John (1)
  279. Nelson, John, 1707-1774 (1)
  280. New Zealand Methodist Chu … (1)
  281. Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727 (1)
  282. Newton, Robert, 1780-1854 (1)
  283. Nightingale, Joseph (1)
  284. Nitschmann, David, 1696-1 … (1)
  285. Noble, John, -1827 (1)
  286. North, Frederick, Lord, 1 … (1)
  287. Nowell, A. (2)
  288. Oglethorpe, James Edward (1)
  289. Okeley, Francis (1)
  290. Okely, T. (1)
  291. Okley, Thomas (1)
  292. Olivers, Thomas, 1725-179 … (2)
  293. Owen, John, 1745-1815 (1)
  294. Oxlee, William (1)
  295. Parry, John (1)
  296. Partridge, Ann (1)
  297. Pawson, John, 1737-1806 (2)
  298. Perronet, Elizabeth, 1728 … (1)
  299. Perronet, Vincent, 1693-1 … (2)
  300. Piers, Henry (1)
  301. Piers, Henry, 1694-1770 (1)
  302. Pilmore, Joseph, 1739-182 … (4)
  303. Pine, William (4)
  304. Plat, Mrs. (1)
  305. Pluet, Mary (1)
  306. Powell, John (1)
  307. Price, Maria (1)
  308. Price, Thomas (1)
  309. Prince, W.G. (1)
  310. Provost, Samuel, 1742-181 … (1)
  311. Raddal, J. (2)
  312. Ramsay, Mary Jane (1)
  313. Rankin, Thomas, 1738-1810 (2)
  314. Rathall, Mr. (1)
  315. Rawdon, John, 1720-1793 (1)
  316. Reece, Richard, 1765-1850 (1)
  317. Reeves, Jonathan, -1787 (2)
  318. Reynolds, John, 1759-1851 (1)
  319. Reynolds, Richard, 1674–1 … (1)
  320. Rhodes, Benjamin, 1743-18 … (2)
  321. Rich, John, 1692–1761 (1)
  322. Richard Hill, Sir, 1732-1 … (2)
  323. Richards, Brother (2)
  324. Richards, Thomas (1)
  325. Richardson, J. (1)
  326. Richardson, John (2)
  327. Richardson, John, 1734-17 … (1)
  328. Robe, James, 1688-1759 (2)
  329. Roberts, Robert, -1800 (1)
  330. Roberts, Thomas (2)
  331. Roberts, William (1)
  332. Robertson, J. (1)
  333. Robertson, S. (1)
  334. Robin John, Ancona Robin, … (5)
  335. Robin John, Little Ephrai … (6)
  336. Robinson, John (1)
  337. Romaine, William, 1714-17 … (1)
  338. Russell, John, 1745-1806 (1)
  339. Russell, Jonathan (1)
  340. Ryan, Henry, 1775-1833 (1)
  341. Ryan, Sarah (5)
  342. Sackville, George Germain … (1)
  343. Sarah, Sister (1)
  344. Saunders, Joseph (1)
  345. Saunderson, Joseph, -1803 (1)
  346. Sayce, Elizabeth (1)
  347. Seabury, Samuel (2)
  348. Sellon, Walter (1)
  349. Seward William 1703-1740 (2)
  350. Seward, Benjamin (2)
  351. Seward, Benjamin, 1705- (1)
  352. Seward, William, 1702-174 … (2)
  353. Shadford, George, 1739-18 … (1)
  354. Shepherd, Mary Freeman, 1 … (1)
  355. Shipman, John, 1788-1853 (1)
  356. Shirley, Walter, 1726-178 … (3)
  357. Simeon, Charles, 1759-183 … (6)
  358. Simpson, Christian (3)
  359. Skelton, Charles (1)
  360. Smith, Edward (1)
  361. Smith, William, 1736-1824 (1)
  362. Smyth, Edward (4)
  363. Southcott, J. (1)
  364. Stanislaw II August, King … (1)
  365. Stonehouse, George, 1714- … (2)
  366. Sutcliffe, Joseph, 1762-1 … (1)
  367. Swindells, Robert, -1783 (3)
  368. Tatham, Edward, 1749-1834 (1)
  369. Taylor, Henry, -1796 (3)
  370. Thomas, Naomi (1)
  371. Thompson, Joseph, 1808-18 … (1)
  372. Thompson, William (1)
  373. Thomson, George, 1698-178 … (1)
  374. Thornton, Henry, 1760-181 … (3)
  375. Thornton, Jane, 1760-1800 (1)
  376. Thornton, John, 1720-1790 (1)
  377. Tobias, Thomas (1)
  378. Townsend, Joseph (1)
  379. Turner, William (1)
  380. Tyerman, Luke 1820-1889 (7)
  381. Valton, John, 1740-1794 (5)
  382. Vandom, Elizabeth (1)
  383. Vazeille, John Anthony, 1 … (1)
  384. Vazeille, Mary, née Goldh … (2)
  385. Vernon, James (1)
  386. Vigor, Anne (2)
  387. Vivian, Thomas, 1722-1793 (1)
  388. Walker, Samuel, 1714-1761 (1)
  389. Waller, Elizabeth (3)
  390. Waller, Elizabeth, née Gw … (2)
  391. Waller, James (1)
  392. Waller, Rebecca (2)
  393. Waller, Thomas (1)
  394. Wallis, Tavernor (1)
  395. Walpole, Edward, Sir, 170 … (2)
  396. Walsh, John (1)
  397. Walsh, Thomas, 1730-1759 (3)
  398. Warren, Samuel, 1781-1862 (1)
  399. Washington, George, 1732- … (1)
  400. Washington, Henry, 1717- (1)
  401. Waterhouse, Jabez Bunting (2)
  402. Waterhouse, John (13)
  403. Wathen, Anne (1)
  404. Watson, Richard, 1781-183 … (3)
  405. Watson, Robert, 1711- (1)
  406. Weaver, S. E. (1)
  407. Webb, Joan (1)
  408. Webb, Samuel (1)
  409. Webster, Alexander, 1707- … (1)
  410. Wells, Christopher, 1706- (3)
  411. Wells, Nathaniel (2)
  412. Welsh, John (1)
  413. Wesley, Anne (1)
  414. Wesley, Charles, 1707-1 … (320)
  415. Wesley, Charles, 1757-18 … (13)
  416. Wesley, Emily, 1691-1770 (12)
  417. Wesley, John, 1703-1791 (181)
  418. Wesley, Kezziah, 1710-17 … (10)
  419. Wesley, Mahtabel, 1697-17 … (4)
  420. Wesley, Martha, 1706-1791 (4)
  421. Wesley, Mary, 1710-1781 (1)
  422. Wesley, Samuel, 1662-173 … (13)
  423. Wesley, Samuel, 1691-173 … (16)
  424. Wesley, Samuel, 1766-0837 (1)
  425. Wesley, Samuel, 1766-1837 (4)
  426. Wesley, Sarah, 1759-1828 (3)
  427. Wesley, Sarah, née Gwynn … (39)
  428. Wesley, Susanna, 1669-17 … (14)
  429. Wesley, Ursula (1)
  430. Whatcoat, Richard, 1736-1 … (1)
  431. White, William, 1748-1836 (1)
  432. Whitefield, George, 1714 … (11)
  433. Whitehead, John, 1740-180 … (1)
  434. Whitelamb, John (4)
  435. Wilberforce, William, 175 … (3)
  436. Williams, Enoch (1)
  437. Williams, Joseph, 1692-17 … (2)
  438. Williams, Richard, -1856 (1)
  439. Williams, Thomas, 1720-17 … (1)
  440. Windsor, Robert (1)
  441. Winter, Elizabeth (1)
  442. Wood, James, 1773-1840 (3)
  443. Wood, Samuel, 1767-1842 (1)
  444. Worgan, John (1)
  445. Wrench, Rebecca (1)
  446. Wride, Thomas (8)

Browse All : Correspondence and Paper

701-716 of 716
Letter from Graham & Co...
MAW MS 18/240
Reference Number
MAW MS 18/240
Letter from John Wesley...
Reference Number
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Letter from Graham & Co...
MAW MS 18/236
Reference Number
MAW MS 18/236
Letter from Graham & Co...
MAW MS 18/237
Reference Number
MAW MS 18/237
Letter from John Wesley...
Reference Number
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Letter of Provenance
MA 1977/540
[date not identified]
Reference Number
MA 1977/540
Bradley, Alice
Letter of John Wesley t...
Reference Number
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Letter to Mrs Pendleton
MA 1977/540
Reference Number
MA 1977/540
Baker, Frank, 1910-1999
Letter to Rev. E. G. H....
MA 1977/540
Reference Number
MA 1977/540
Letter to Dr. Baker
MA 1977/540
Reference Number
MA 1977/540
Letter from Charles Wes...
Wesley College, Bristol...
Reference Number
Wesley College, Bristol D6/1/160b
Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Charles Wesley Volume I...
Reference Number
Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Charles Wesley Volume I...
Reference Number
Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Charles Wesley Volume I...
Reference Number
Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Ms Journal Letter from ...
MA 1977/503/5/7
Reference Number
MA 1977/503/5/7
Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Letter from John Wesley...
Reference Number
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
701-716 of 716