Who What Where When



  1. Acton, John Francis Edwar … (1)
  2. Adams, Henry, 1838-1918 (1)
  3. Adelaide, Queen, consort … (1)
  4. Adolphus Frederick, Princ … (6)
  5. Agathos (1)
  6. Agnew, A. J. (1)
  7. Agnew, G. W. (1)
  8. Agnew, W. L. (2)
  9. Albert Edward, Prince of … (4)
  10. Alfred, Prince, son of G … (15)
  11. Amelia, Princess, daughte … (1)
  12. Ammonaphris (1)
  13. Anatolius (4)
  14. Anstruther, Robert, 1768- … (1)
  15. Apa Ioannes (1)
  16. Apa Shoi (2)
  17. Arderon, W. (3)
  18. Argyll, Elizabeth Campbel … (1)
  19. Arnold, Matthew, 1822-188 … (1)
  20. Augusta Sophia, Princess … (18)
  21. Augustus Frederick, Princ … (1)
  22. Bache, A. D. (Alexander D … (2)
  23. Baker, Henry, 1698-1774 (8)
  24. Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820 (1)
  25. Bardini, Stefano (1)
  26. Baretti, Giuseppe, 1719-1 … (1)
  27. Barlow, Ann (1)
  28. Barrow, John, Sir, 1764-1 … (3)
  29. Barton, Royston (10)
  30. Beauclark, Topham, 1739-1 … (1)
  31. Beckford, William, 1760-1 … (2)
  32. Beecher Stowe, Harriet, 1 … (1)
  33. Behnes, Charles, -1840 (7)
  34. Behnes, William, 1795-186 … (7)
  35. Bence-Jones, Henry, 1813- … (1)
  36. Benson, Robert H. (1)
  37. Besodorus (2)
  38. Biagi, Guido,1855-1925 (2)
  39. Black, Joseph (2)
  40. Blair, Robert, 1699-1746 (2)
  41. Blood, E. M. (1)
  42. Bode, W. (1)
  43. Boscawen, Frances Evelyn (11)
  44. Boswell, James, 1740-1795 (1)
  45. Bowden, M. (1)
  46. Bowring, John, Sir (11)
  47. Bradshaw, John (1)
  48. Brandreth, Mary, 1803-187 … (1)
  49. Bremer, Fredrika, 1801-18 … (1)
  50. Bridgeman, Robert (1)
  51. Brontë, Emily, 1818-1848 (1)
  52. Brontë, Charlotte, 1816-1 … (9)
  53. Brontë, Patrick, 1777-186 … (2)
  54. Browning, Elizabeth Barre … (1)
  55. Bunbury, Thomas Charles, … (1)
  56. Bunney, J. W. (John Wharl … (1)
  57. Burney, Fanny, 1752-1840 (3)
  58. Burney, Frances (1)
  59. Burton, Frederic William … (65)
  60. Burton, H. B. (2)
  61. Butler, Austin (1)
  62. Byron, George Gordon Byro … (2)
  63. Caldwell, James, Sir, -1 … (17)
  64. Caldwell, John (2)
  65. Campbell, Elizabeth, Duch … (1)
  66. Carlisle, Frederick Howar … (3)
  67. Cathcart, Archibald Hamil … (1)
  68. Cathcart, Archibald Hamil … (4)
  69. Cathcart, Charles Schaw C … (3)
  70. Cathcart, Jean, Lady, 172 … (7)
  71. Cathcart, William Schaw C … (3)
  72. Cecilia Margareta Mostyn, … (1)
  73. Chaeremon (2)
  74. Champeneys, Antony (1)
  75. Charles I, King of Englan … (1)
  76. Charlotte, Queen, Consor … (12)
  77. Charlotte, Queen, Consort … (5)
  78. Charlotte, Queen, consor … (94)
  79. Christine, of Lorraine, G … (3)
  80. Circourt, Count Adolphe d … (1)
  81. Clarke, Alf, -1958 (1)
  82. Clarke, Anna Maria (15)
  83. Clarke, Caterina (3)
  84. Colman, George, 1732-1794 (1)
  85. Compton, née Douglas-Mac … (39)
  86. Correggio, 1489?-1534 (1)
  87. Cosimo I, Duke of Florenc … (2)
  88. Cosimo II, Grand Duke of … (2)
  89. Cosimo III, Grand-Duke of … (4)
  90. Crane, Walter, 1845-1915 (2)
  91. Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-16 … (1)
  92. D'Agincourt (6)
  93. D'Agincourt, M. (1)
  94. Dalton, John, 1766-1844 (52)
  95. Dampier, Thomas, 1748-181 … (1)
  96. Daniell, Peter (2)
  97. Danson, Julia (2)
  98. Dartrey, Philadelphia H … (44)
  99. Darwin, Charles, 1809-188 … (1)
  100. Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-180 … (4)
  101. Davies, Harry Donald, 189 … (2)
  102. Davy, Humphry (2)
  103. Dawson, Thomas, Lord Dart … (3)
  104. de Bonstetten, Charles Vi … (2)
  105. de Cussy (1)
  106. de' Medici, Giovanni di P … (1)
  107. de' Medici, Pier Francesc … (1)
  108. Delany, Mary (3)
  109. Delap, J. (John), 1725-1 … (15)
  110. Demainbray (2)
  111. Demarion (1)
  112. Denny, Arabella (3)
  113. Devonshire, Georgiana Spe … (2)
  114. Dickens, Charles, 1812-18 … (4)
  115. Dickenson, John (10)
  116. Dickenson, John Sr (1)
  117. Dickenson, John Sr. (1)
  118. Dickenson, John, approxi … (65)
  119. Dickenson, Louisa (1)
  120. Dickenson, Sarah (13)
  121. Dixwell, Elizabeth (5)
  122. Dixwell, Katherine (6)
  123. Doddridge, Philip, 1702- … (47)
  124. Dresser, H. E. (Henry Eel … (1)
  125. Dunraven, Edwin Richard … (18)
  126. Edward Augustus, Prince, … (1)
  127. Eliot, George, 1819-1880 (1)
  128. Eliot, Harriot Pitt, 175 … (66)
  129. Elizabeth, Princess, dau … (35)
  130. Elizabeth, Princess, daug … (8)
  131. Elizabeth, Princess, daug … (1)
  132. Elliot, Elizabeth, d. 184 … (2)
  133. Ellis, F. S. (2)
  134. Enkot (1)
  135. Ernest Augustus, King of … (3)
  136. Ferdinand I, King of the … (4)
  137. Ferdinando I, Grand-Duke … (5)
  138. Ferdinando II (2)
  139. Fergusson, Barbara (6)
  140. Fielding, Sophia (1)
  141. Finch, Charlotte, 1725-1 … (14)
  142. Finch, Charlotte, Lady, … (66)
  143. Finch, Harriet, 1751-181 … (23)
  144. Finlayson (1)
  145. Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, … (2)
  146. Fletcher, William Kew, Re … (2)
  147. Flint, William (1)
  148. Follows, George, -1958 (1)
  149. Forbes, G. E. (7)
  150. Forster, John, 1812-1876 (1)
  151. Francesco I, Grand Duke o … (2)
  152. Francesco I, Grand-Duke o … (4)
  153. Franklin, Benjamin, 1706- … (1)
  154. Frederick Augustus, Princ … (1)
  155. Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea, … (2)
  156. Gardiner, James, Colonel (1)
  157. Garnett, Richard, 1835-19 … (3)
  158. Garrick, Emma (1)
  159. Garrick, Eva Maria (8)
  160. Garrick, Eva Maria, 1724- … (6)
  161. Gaskell, Elizabeth Clegh … (41)
  162. Gaskell, William, 1805-18 … (1)
  163. Gauci, Maxim (1)
  164. Gay, John, 1685-1732 (1)
  165. George II, King of Great … (1)
  166. George III, King of Grea … (66)
  167. George IV, King of Great … (14)
  168. Gheri, Goro (1)
  169. Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Lud … (2)
  170. Glover, Eleanor (13)
  171. Glover, Mary (25)
  172. Glover, Richard, 1712-17 … (29)
  173. Goldsworthy, Martha Caro … (31)
  174. Goldsworthy, Martha Caro … (74)
  175. Graf & Soret (1)
  176. Green, Isabella (2)
  177. Green, J. Arnold (5)
  178. Green, Philip, 1831-1883 (1)
  179. Green, S.G. (2)
  180. Greenleafe, John (1)
  181. Gregory, Dorothea (7)
  182. Greville, Charles Francis … (6)
  183. Greville, Robert Fulke, H … (5)
  184. Grimshaw, James (1)
  185. Guasco, Ottaviano, 1712-1 … (1)
  186. Guiccioli, Teresa, Counte … (1)
  187. Gunning, Bell (1)
  188. Gunning, Charlotte Marga … (50)
  189. Hall, Anna Maria (1)
  190. Halliday, Michael Frederi … (3)
  191. Hallé, Charles, 1819-1895 (2)
  192. Hamilton, Catherine, Lad … (29)
  193. Hamilton, Charles, 1721-1 … (1)
  194. Hamilton, E. (1)
  195. Hamilton, Elizabeth, 1756 … (1)
  196. Hamilton, Emma, Lady, 176 … (9)
  197. Hamilton, Frederick, 172 … (79)
  198. Hamilton, Henry, -1796 (5)
  199. Hamilton, Mary (1)
  200. Hamilton, Mary Catherine, … (1)
  201. Hamilton, Mary, 1756-18 … (770)
  202. Hamilton, R. (1)
  203. Hamilton, Rachel (3)
  204. Hamilton, S. (3)
  205. Hamilton, William, Sir, … (62)
  206. Harpur, Frances, Lady, ap … (4)
  207. Harris, Randal (1)
  208. Heger, Constantin-Georges … (1)
  209. Heliodoros (2)
  210. Henrietta Maria, Queen, c … (1)
  211. Henry, (William) Charles, … (5)
  212. Hermodorus (2)
  213. Herries, Lady (2)
  214. Higgins, Alfred (1)
  215. Higginson, Ellen (13)
  216. Holman (née Hamilton), J … (29)
  217. Holman, J. G. (Joseph Ge … (15)
  218. Hooper, Edward William, 1 … (2)
  219. Hope, Charles (2)
  220. Hope, John (21)
  221. Hotham, Charles, Sir, 172 … (1)
  222. Howitt, William, 1792-187 … (2)
  223. Hughes, Harriet (2)
  224. Hughes, J. D. (1)
  225. Hulton, Henry (39)
  226. Hume, Hamilton, 1797-1873 (1)
  227. Hume, John, 1703-1782 (1)
  228. Hunt, William Holman (10)
  229. Hunt, William Holman, 182 … (6)
  230. Irene (1)
  231. James, M. R. (Montague Rh … (1)
  232. Jephson, Henry (2)
  233. Jewsbury, Frank (2)
  234. Jewsbury, Geraldine Ends … (64)
  235. Jewsbury, Maria Jane, 18 … (63)
  236. Jewsbury, Maria, -1819 (2)
  237. Jewsbury, Thomas, -1840 (5)
  238. Johannes, de Caulibus, ac … (9)
  239. Johns, Catherine, 1800-18 … (1)
  240. Johns, William, 1771-184 … (32)
  241. Johnson, Samuel, 1709-178 … (1)
  242. Johnston, Cecilia, Lady, … (1)
  243. Kastor (1)
  244. Kay, Hannah (1)
  245. Keith, Robert (1)
  246. Kelbaule (1)
  247. Kemble, John Philip, 1757 … (1)
  248. King, Wilhelmina (5)
  249. Kneller, Godfrey, Sir, 16 … (1)
  250. Lanesborough, Brinsley B … (17)
  251. Layard, A. H. (2)
  252. Le Bas, Charles Webb, 177 … (5)
  253. Leighton of Stretton, Fr … (16)
  254. Leighton, Frederick, Sir (13)
  255. Leith, James, Sir, 1763-1 … (2)
  256. Leuchis (1)
  257. Lewis, W. B. (2)
  258. Lindsey, Theophilus, 1723 … (1)
  259. Linnell, W. (1)
  260. Linnell, William, 1837-19 … (2)
  261. Litchfield, Ann (1)
  262. Livingstone, David (3)
  263. Livingstone, David, 1813- … (3)
  264. Lort, Michael, 1725-1790 (1)
  265. Love, Nicholas, active 14 … (9)
  266. Lunardi, Vincent, 1759-18 … (1)
  267. Lysons, Samuel, 1763-1819 (1)
  268. MacAlister, John Young Wa … (6)
  269. MacPherson, James (1)
  270. MacPherson, John, Sir (4)
  271. Makarios (2)
  272. Malamos (1)
  273. Mansfield, David Murray, … (11)
  274. Maria Carolina, Queen, co … (5)
  275. Marriott, John, 1780-182 … (10)
  276. Martineau, Harriet (7)
  277. Martineau, Jane S. (1)
  278. Martineau, R. F. (1)
  279. Mary, Duchess of Glouces … (10)
  280. Maréchal Comte Radetzky (1)
  281. Medici, Raffaello de', 15 … (4)
  282. Medley, Samuel (2)
  283. Middleton, J. H. (John H … (14)
  284. Miles (1)
  285. Millais, Euphemia Chalmer … (1)
  286. Millais, John Everett, 18 … (1)
  287. Montagu, Elizabeth, 1718 … (38)
  288. Montesquieu, Charles de S … (1)
  289. More, Hannah, 1745-1833 (5)
  290. Morgan, J. Pierpont (John … (1)
  291. Morris, William, 1834-189 … (2)
  292. Murray, Anne (3)
  293. Murray, Charles Fairfax, … (99)
  294. Murray, Elizabeth (5)
  295. Murray, John, 1711-1787 (2)
  296. Murray, Louisa, 1758-1843 (3)
  297. Murray, Wilhelmina (née … (10)
  298. Müller, Johannes von, 17 … (2)
  299. Napier, Francis Napier, … (14)
  300. Napier, M.F. Miss (1)
  301. Napier, Mary (1)
  302. Napier, William John, Bar … (2)
  303. Napier, William, 7th Lord (4)
  304. Napier, William, 7th Lor … (45)
  305. Napier,Mary, Lady (21)
  306. Napoleon I, Emperor of th … (1)
  307. Nelson, Horatio Nelson, V … (1)
  308. Nicholson (2)
  309. Nicholson, D (1)
  310. Nicholson, J (1)
  311. Nicholson, Margaret, appr … (1)
  312. Nightingale, Florence, 18 … (2)
  313. North, Frederick, Earl of … (2)
  314. Norton, Charles Eliot, 18 … (1)
  315. Octavius, Prince, son of … (4)
  316. Opie, John, 1761-1807 (1)
  317. Orrery, John Boyle, Earl … (1)
  318. Palfrey, Elizabeth (2)
  319. Palmer, Mary (1)
  320. Palmerston, Henry Temple, … (1)
  321. Palombi, Elizabeth (3)
  322. Pesas (1)
  323. Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1 … (1)
  324. Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 17 … (16)
  325. Planta, Margaret (2)
  326. Porphyra (1)
  327. Portland, Margaret Cavend … (9)
  328. Powell, L.F. (5)
  329. Psois (2)
  330. Railton, Alexander Balde … (10)
  331. Redman, John (1)
  332. Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 17 … (3)
  333. Rigby, Samuel, approximat … (2)
  334. Robinson, John (1)
  335. Rockingham, Charles Watso … (1)
  336. Rosenthal, Jacques, 1854- … (1)
  337. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, … (4)
  338. Ruskin, John, 1819-1900 (22)
  339. Rylands, Enriqueta (7)
  340. Scott, Bell William, 1811 … (6)
  341. Scott, Bell William, 1811 … (1)
  342. Seward, Anna, 1742-1809 (5)
  343. Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatr … (10)
  344. Siddons, Sarah, 1755-1831 (6)
  345. Skeat, W. W. (9)
  346. Sophia, Princess, daughte … (5)
  347. Sotheran, Henry (1)
  348. Spencer, Margaret Georgia … (1)
  349. Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859 (2)
  350. Stamford, George Harry Gr … (1)
  351. Stevenson, John, 1798-182 … (1)
  352. Stillman, Marie Spartali, … (5)
  353. Stillman, William James, … (3)
  354. Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1 … (1)
  355. Swan, Henry, 1825-1889 (1)
  356. Swift, Jonathan, 1667-174 … (8)
  357. Syrus (1)
  358. Talbot Fanny 1824-1917 (1)
  359. Taurinos (1)
  360. Theophanes (8)
  361. Thompson, Mary (1)
  362. Thrale, Henry, 1728-1781 (2)
  363. Turner, J. M. W. (Joseph … (1)
  364. Vesey, Elizabeth (11)
  365. Victor (1)
  366. Villoresi, Luigi (1)
  367. Vittoria della Rovere (1)
  368. Walkinshaw, Catherine (2)
  369. Walkinshaw, Mrs (16)
  370. Walpole, Horace, 1717-179 … (6)
  371. Warwick, George Greville, … (7)
  372. Warwick, Henrietta Grevil … (2)
  373. Watts, George Frederic, 1 … (1)
  374. Watts, George Frederick, … (1)
  375. Way, Albert, 1805-1874 (17)
  376. Wedgwood, Fanny, 1800-188 … (1)
  377. Wedgwood, Josiah, 1730-17 … (2)
  378. White, Gilbert, 1720-1793 (1)
  379. William Henry, Prince, Du … (1)
  380. William IV, King of Great … (7)
  381. Wilson, Charles (2)
  382. Wilson, May (2)
  383. Woolley, James, 1811-1858 (3)
  384. Wordsworth, Mary, 1770-18 … (1)
  385. Wordsworth, William, 1770 … (1)
  386. Wright, Elizabeth (1)
  387. Wycliffe, John, -1384 (11)
  388. Yearsley, Ann, 1753-1806 (1)

Browse All : Correspondence and Letters

1,951-1,977 of 1,977
English MS 1281/483
Letter from J. H. Middl...
Parent Work Title
Letter from J. H. Middleton to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/484
Letter from J. H. Middl...
Parent Work Title
Letter from J. H. Middleton to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/485
Letter from J. H. Middl...
Parent Work Title
Letter from J. H. Middleton to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/486
Letter from J. H. Middl...
Parent Work Title
Letter from J. H. Middleton to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/487
Letter from J. H. Middl...
Parent Work Title
Letter from J. H. Middleton to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/488
Letter from J. H. Middl...
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
Letter from J. H. Middleton to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/606
Letter from Jacques Ros...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Jacques Rosenthal to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/648
Letter from William Jam...
Parent Work Title
Letter from William James Stillman to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/649
Letter from William Jam...
Parent Work Title
Letter from William James Stillman to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/650
Letter from Marie Spart...
[date not identified]
Parent Work Title
Letter from Marie Spartali Stillman to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/651
Letter from Marie Spart...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Marie Spartali Stillman to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/652
Letter from Marie Spart...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Marie Spartali Stillman to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/653
Letter from Marie Spart...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Marie Spartali Stillman to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1281/654
Letter from Marie Spart...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Marie Spartali Stillman to Charles Fairfax Murray
English MS 1307/A/214
Letter from Sir James L...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir James Leith to his wife Augusta
English MS 1307/A/215
Letter from Sir James L...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir James Leith to his wife Augusta
English MS 1230/1
Letter from Sir John Bo...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir John Bowring to Maria Bowring
English MS 1230/2
Letter from Sir John Bo...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir John Bowring to Maria Bowring
English MS 1230/3
Letter from Sir John Bo...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir John Bowring to Maria Bowring
English MS 1230/4
Letter from Sir John Bo...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir John Bowring
English MS 1230/5
English MS 1230/6
Letter from Sir John Bo...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir John Bowring to Maria Bowring
English MS 1230/7
Letter from Sir John Bo...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir John Bowring to Lewin Bowring
English MS 1230/8
Letter from Sir John Bo...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir John Bowring to Maria Bowring
English MS 1230/9
Letter from Sir John Bo...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir John Bowring to Maria Bowring
English MS 1230/10
Letter from Sir John Bo...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir John Bowring
English MS 1230/11
Letter from Sir John Bo...
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir John Bowring to Anne [?]
1,951-1,977 of 1,977