Browse All : Bindings and Bookbinding and Manuscripts of England from 14th century

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Binding of manuscript
Binding of manuscript
Account Book of Edward ...
Latin MS 132
Image Title
Binding of manuscript
Reference Number
Latin MS 132
Date Created
14th century
Binding of manuscript
Binding of manuscript
Account Book of Edward ...
Latin MS 132
Image Title
Binding of manuscript
Reference Number
Latin MS 132
Date Created
14th century
Binding of manuscript
Binding of manuscript
Account Book of Edward ...
Latin MS 132
Fore edge
Image Title
Binding of manuscript
Reference Number
Latin MS 132
Date Created
14th century
Binding of manuscript
Binding of manuscript
Account Book of Edward ...
Latin MS 132
Image Title
Binding of manuscript
Reference Number
Latin MS 132
Date Created
14th century
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