Abey, Richard, 1797-1876
Adelaide, Queen, consort
Adolphus Frederick, Princ
Alfred, Prince, son of G
Allen, John
Amelia, Princess, daughte
Annesley, Anne
Argyll, Elizabeth Campbel
Atlay, John, 1736-
Augusta Sophia, Princess
Augustus Frederick, Princ
Aulonites, Erasmus
Austen, Thomas
Austin, Margaret
Avlonites, Gerasimos, act
Baldwyn, Mary
Baldwyn, Richard
Banks, A. M.
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820
Barber, Joanna
Barber, Sarah
Barber, William
Bardsley, Samuel, 1769-18
Barlow, Ann
Barnard, Thomas, 1728-180
Barrington, Daines
Beckford, William, 1760-1
Bell, George, -1807
Bengel, Johann Albrecht,
Benson, Joseph
Benson, Joseph, 1748-1821
Benson, Joseph, 1749-1821
Berkin, M.
Berridge, John, 1716-1793
Bessborough, Henrietta Fr
Blackwell Family
Blackwell, Ebenezer
Blackwell, Ebenzer
Blackwell, Elizabeth
Bohler, Peter, 1712-1775
Bosanquet, Mary, 1739-181
Boscawen, Frances Evelyn
Boyce, Gilbert
Bramwell, William, 1759-1
Bray, John
Briggs, William
Brisco, Thomas, -1798
Bristow, Elizabeth
Brittle, Jeremiah
Brothers, Richard, 1757-1
Broughton, Thomas
Bunbury, Thomas Charles,
Burney, Fanny, 1752-1840
Burney, Frances
Butcher, Elizabeth
Butcher, John
Button, George, 1754-1822
Butts, Thomas
Byron, George Gordon Byro
Callender, Michael
Campbell, Elizabeth, Duch
Carlill, Thomas, -1801
Carlisle, Frederick Howar
Cart, Eliza
Carter, Joseph
Cathcart, Archibald Hamil
Cathcart, Archibald Hamil
Cathcart, Charles Schaw C
Cathcart, Jean, Lady, 172
Cathcart, William Schaw C
Cennick, John, 1718-1755
Cervetto, Giacobbe, 1682-
Chambers, Catherine, 1732
Chapman, Ann
Chapone, Sarah
Charles I, King of Englan
Charles Wesley
Charlotte, Queen, Consor
Charlotte, Queen, Consort
Charlotte, Queen, conso
Churchey, Walter
Clagett, Mrs.
Clarke, Adam, approximate
Clarke, Anna Maria
Clarke, Caterina
Claxton, Marshall, 1813-1
Clinton, Henry, Sir, 1738
Cochran, J.
Coke, Thomas, 1747-1814
Colbeck, Thomas, 1723-177
Collinson, Edward
Collinson, Elizabeth, 174
Colman, John
Condy, Richard, -1800
Consitt & Goodwill
Cook, Sophia, 1759-1834
Cooper, Thomas
Cornwallis, Charles Cornw
Correggio, 1489?-1534
Coughlan, Laurence
Cownley, Joseph, 1723-179
Cowper, Fanny
Cowper, Thomas
Creighton, James, 1737-18
Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-16
Crook, John, 1742-1805
Crosby, Sarah
Crumble, Alexander
D'Agincourt, M.
Dall, Robert, 1745-1828
Dallaway, William
Danson, Julia
Darney, William, -1774
Dartmouth, William Legge,
Dartrey, Philadelphia H
Davis, Ann
Davis, Mark
Dawson, Thomas, Lord Dart
Dean, T.A.
Degg, Mary
Delany, Mary
Designe, Susanna
Devonshire, Georgiana Spe
Dickenson, John
Dickenson, John Sr
Dickenson, John Sr.
Dickenson, John, approxi
Dickenson, Louisa
Dickenson, Sarah
Dillon, Richard, 1759-
Dodd, William, 1729-1777
Doddridge, Phillip, 1702-
Dornford, Josiah
Downes, D.
Downes, Elizabeth
Downes, John
Downes, John, approximate
Downing, George, 1728-180
Duchesne, Elizabeth, -177
Duckworth, Isaac
Durbin, Henry, -1799
Dutton, Anne, 1692-1765
Dyer, Armine Ann
Edmonds, John
Edmonds, Jonathan
Edward Augustus, Prince,
Edwards, John
Elizabeth, Princess, dau
Elizabeth, Princess, daug
Elizabeth, Princess, daug
Elliot, Elizabeth, d. 184
Elliott, L., Miss.
Ellis, William
Ernest Augustus, King of
Erskine, James, Lord Gran
Everett, James, 1784-187
Faber, J
Farley, Hester
Farley, Samuel
Fenwick, John
Fenwick, Michael, -1797
Ferdinand I, King of the
Ferrers, Laurence Shirley
Fielding, Sophia
Finch, Charlotte, 1725-1
Finch, Charlotte, Lady,
Finch, Harriet, 1751-181
Fitzgerald, Mary, 1725-18
Fitzherbert, Maria Anne,
Fletcher, John, 1729-1785
Fletcher, Mary
Fletcher, Mary, 1739-1815
Flewitt, James
Flint, William
Fox, Charles
Francis, Mary
Franks, Samuel
Frederick Augustus, Princ
Gallatin, Bartholomew, -1
Gallatin, Elizabeth
Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea,
Galloway, Joseph, 1730-18
Gambold, John
Gambold, John, 1711-1771
Gardner, Nancy
Gardner, Richard
Garrick, David, 1717-1779
Garrick, Emma
Garrick, Eva Maria
Garrick, Eva Maria, 1724
George II, King of Great
George III, King of Grea
George IV, King of Great
Gibbs, W.H.
Gilbert, Catherine
Gilbert, Francis, 1779
Gilbert, Nicholas
Glascot, Thomas
Glover, Eleanor
Glover, Mary
Glover, Richard, 1712-17
Goldsworthy, Martha Caro
Goldsworthy, Martha Caro
Goodwin, John, 1739-1808
Greenwood, Charles, 1725-
Gregory, Dorothea
Greville, Charles Franci
Greville, Elizabeth
Greville, Robert Fulke, H
Griffin, William
Griffith, David, 1742-178
Grignien, C.
Grimshaw, William, 1708-1
Grinfield, M.
Gunning, Bell
Gunning, Charlotte Marga
Gush, William
Guy, Mary
Gwynne, Marmaduke, 1691–1
Gwynne, Rebecca, 1724-179
Gwynne, Sarah, née Evans,
Haime, John
Halfpenny, Elizabeth
Hall, Martha
Hall, Martha, née Wesley,
Hall, Westley, 1711–1776
Hamilton, Catherine, Lad
Hamilton, Charles, 1721-1
Hamilton, E.
Hamilton, Emma, Lady, 176
Hamilton, Frederick, 172
Hamilton, Henry, -1796
Hamilton, Mary
Hamilton, Mary Catherine,
Hamilton, Mary, 1756-18
Hamilton, R.
Hamilton, Rachel
Hamilton, William, Sir,
Hampson, John
Hanby, Thomas
Hancock, Hannah
Handy, Han
Handy, Jonathan, -1759
Hardy, Charles
Hardy, Julius, 1763-1816
Harper, Emily
Harpur, Frances, Lady, ap
Harris, Howell
Harris, Howell, 1714-1773
Hartley, Mr.
Haughton, John
Hawstead, Jane
Hawthorn, Rachel
Haynes, Mr.
Haywood, William
Henderson, John
Henderson, John, 1757-178
Henderson, Richard, 1736-
Henrietta Maria, Queen, c
Herries, Lady
Hervey, James
Hervey, James, 1714-1758
Hill, Richard
Hill, Rowland, 1744-1833
Hinson, Elizabeth
Hitchens, William
Hoare, Henry, -1828
Hodges, John, active 1740
Hogarth, William, 1697-17
Holman (née Hamilton), J
Hone, Nathaniel, 1718-178
Hope, Charles
Hope, John
Hopkey, Sophia
Hopkins, William
Hopper, Christopher, 1722
Horton, John, -1802
Horton, William
Hosier, Harry, -1806
Hotham, Charles, Sir, 172
Hume, John, 1703-1782
Humphreys, Joseph
Huntingdon, Selina Hasti
Hurst, Mr.
Hurst, Nathaniel
Hutchinson, Bell
Hutchinson, Bill
Hutchinson, John
Hutton, James, 1715-1795
Ibison, S.
Ingham, Benjamin, 1712-17
J. T.
Jackson, Henry, 1666-1766
Jaco, Peter, -1781
James, J.
Jenkins, Daniel
Johnson, John
Johnson, John, 1725-1803
Johnson, Samuel, 1709-178
Johnson, Thomas, -1797
Jones, James
Jones, James, -1783
Jones, John, 1721-1785
Jones, Joseph
Jones, Martha
Jones, Thomas, -1762
Judson, Thomas
Keith, Robert
Kelly, Charles H.
Kemble, John Philip, 1757
Kemp, Richard
Kenton, James
Keysall, K.
Kilham, Alexander
Kilham, Alexander, 1762-1
King, Wilhelmina
Kneller, Godfrey, Sir, 16
Landy, Jane
Langshaw, John, 1718-1798
Langshaw, John, 1763-1832
Langstone, Joseph
Latrobe, Christian Ignati
Lee, Mary
Lindgard, Edward
Litchfield, Ann
Lloyd, James
Lloyd, Samuel
Lloyd, Samuel, active 174
London Society
Longden, Henry, 1754-1812
Lowe, George, 1750-1839
Lunardi, Vincent, 1759-18
Lunell, William
Madan, Martin, 1726-1790
Madden, John
Maddern, Mary
Mann, Elizabeth
Manners, Mary, approximat
Manners, Robert, approxim
Mansfield, David Murray,
Maria Carolina, Queen, co
Marriott, Elizabeth
Martin, Ann
Mary, Duchess of Gloucest
Mason, John, 1722-1810
Mason, Samuel
Mather, Alexander, 1733-1
Maxfield, Thomas, 1724-17
Maxwell, Darcy, Lady, app
McNab, Alexander, 1745-17
Mears, William
Meriton, John, 1698-1753
Middleton, Sarah
Middleton, Thomas
Midgely, Mary
Midgely, William
Miens, John
Miller, Robert
Miller, William Edward, 1
Mitchell, Thomas, 1726-17
Montagu, Elizabeth, 1718-
Montgomery, J.
Moore, Anne, 1757-1813
Moore, Henry, 1751-1844
Moore, Matthew
More, Hannah, 1745-1833
More, Martha
Morgan, Richard
Morgan, William
Mornington, Garrett Colle
Mortimer, Elizabeth, 1754
Moss, Richard
Murlin, John, 1722-1799
Murray, Anne
Murray, Elizabeth
Murray, Louisa, 1758-1843
Murray, Wilhelmina (née
Murray, Wilhemina
Napier, Francis Napier,
Napier, M.F. Miss
Napier, Mary
Napier, William John, Bar
Napier, William, 7th Lord
Napier, William, 7th Lor
Napier,Mary, Lady
Nelson, Horatio Nelson, V
Nelson, John
Nelson, John, 1707-1774
Nevill, Charles
Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727
Nicholson, Margaret, appr
Nightingale, Joseph
Nitschmann, David, 1696-1
North, Frederick, Earl of
North, Frederick, Lord, 1
Nowell, A.
Octavius, Prince, son of
Oglethorpe, James Edward
Okeley, Francis
Okely, T.
Okley, Thomas
Olivers, Thomas, 1725-179
Opie, John, 1761-1807
Overton, H
Owen, John, 1745-1815
Owen, R
Oxlee, William
Palmer, Mary
Palmerston, Henry Temple,
Palombi, Elizabeth
Parkes, William
Parry, John
Partridge, Ann
Pawson, John, 1737-1806
Perronet, Elizabeth, 1728
Perronet, Vincent, 1693-1
Piers, Henry
Piers, Henry, 1694-1770
Pilmore, Joseph, 1739-182
Pine, William
Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 174
Pitt, William, 1759-1806
Planta, Margaret
Plat, Mrs.
Pluet, Mary
Portland, Margaret Caven
Powell, John
Price, Maria
Price, Thomas
Provost, Samuel, 1742-181
Raddal, J.
Ramsay, Mary Jane
Randle, Samuel
Rankin, Thomas, 1738-1810
Rathall, Mr.
Rawdon, John, 1720-1793
Reeves, Jonathan, -1787
Reynolds, John, 1759-1851
Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 17
Reynolds, Richard, 1674–1
Rhodes, Benjamin, 1743-18
Richard Hill, Sir, 1732-1
Richards, Brother
Richardson, J.
Richardson, John
Richardson, John, 1734-17
Ridley, William, 1764-183
Robe, James, 1688-1759
Roberts, Robert, -1800
Roberts, Thomas
Roberts, William
Robertson, J.
Robertson, S.
Rockingham, Charles Watso
Romaine, William, 1714-17
Russell, John, 1745-1806
Ryan, Sarah
Sackville, George Germain
Sarah, Sister
Saunders, Joseph
Saunderson, Joseph, -1803
Sayce, Elizabeth
Sellon, Walter
Seward William 1703-1740
Seward, Benjamin
Seward, Benjamin, 1705-
Seward, William, 1702-174
Shaw, Samuel, 1635-1696
Shirley, Walter, 1726-178
Siddons, Sarah, 1755-183
Simeon, Charles, 1759-183
Simpson, Christian
Skelton, Charles
Smith, Edward
Smith, Timothy
Smith, William, 1736-1824
Smyth, Edward
Sophia, Princess, daughte
Southcott, J.
Spencer, Margaret Georgia
Stanislaw II August, King
Stansfield, James
Stonehouse, George, 1714-
Strangers' Friend Society
Swindells, Robert, -1783
Tatham, Edward, 1749-1834
Taylor, Henry, -1796
Taylor, Thomas, 1738-1816
Thomas, Mary
Thomas, Naomi
Thompson, Joseph, 1808-18
Thompson, William
Thomson, George, 1698-178
Thornton, Henry, 1760-181
Thornton, Jane, 1760-1800
Thornton, John, 1720-1790
Tobias, Thomas
Townsend, Joseph
Turner, William
Tyerman, Luke 1820-1889
Undrell, John
Valton, John, 1740-1794
Vandom, Elizabeth
Vaslet, L.
Vazeille, John Anthony, 1
Vazeille, Mary
Vazeille, Mary, née Goldh
Vernon, James
Vesey, Elizabeth
Vigor, Anne
Vivian, Thomas, 1722-1793
Wale, Samuel, -1786
Walker, Samuel, 1714-1761
Walkinshaw, Catherine
Walkinshaw, Mrs
Waller, Elizabeth
Waller, Elizabeth, née Gw
Waller, James
Waller, Rebecca
Waller, Thomas
Wallis, Tavernor
Walpole, Edward, Sir, 170
Walpole, Horace, 1717-179
Walsh, John
Walsh, Thomas, 1730-1759
Warwick, George Greville,
Warwick, Henrietta Grevil
Washington, George, 1732-
Washington, Henry, 1717-
Waterlow & Sons
Wathen, Anne
Watson, Robert, 1711-
Webb, Joan
Webb, Samuel
Webster, Alexander, 1707-
Wells, Christopher, 1706-
Wells, Nathaniel
Welsh, John
Wesley, Charles, 1707-1
Wesley, Charles, 1757-18
Wesley, Emily, 1691-1770
Wesley, John, 1703-1791
Wesley, Kezziah, 1710-176
Wesley, Mahtabel
Wesley, Mahtabel, 1697-17
Wesley, Martha, 1706-1791
Wesley, Mary
Wesley, Samuel, 1662-173
Wesley, Samuel, 1691-173
Wesley, Samuel, 1766-1837
Wesley, Sarah, 1759-1828
Wesley, Sarah, née Gwynn
Wesley, Susanna, 1669-17
Wesley, Ursula
Whatcoat, Richard, 1736-1
White, William, 1748-1836
Whitefield, George, 1714
Whitehead, John, 1740-18
Whitelamb, John
Wilberforce, William, 175
William Henry, Prince, Du
William IV, King of Great
Williams, Enoch
Williams, John Michael
Williams, Joseph, 1692-17
Williams, Thomas, 1720-17
Windsor, Robert
Winter, Elizabeth
Winwood, Thomas
Wood, James, 1773-1840
Worgan, John
Wrench, Rebecca
Wride, Thomas
Yearsley, Ann, 1753-1806
Yekaterina Romanovna Voro
Yewdall, Zachariah, 1751
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Archives from 18th Century CE
Reference Number
DDPr 1/43
Horton, John, -1802
Reference Number
DDPr 1/44
Horton, John, -1802
Reference Number
DDPr 1/45
Horton, John, -1802
Reference Number
DDPr 1/46
Horton, John, -1802
Reference Number
DDPr 1/47
[Horton, John, -1802, Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788]
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DDPr 1/48
Horton, John, -1802
Reference Number
DDPr 1/49
Hill, Rowland, 1744-1833
Reference Number
DDPr 1/50
[Ingham, Benjamin, 1712-1772, Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788]
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DDPr 1/51
[Kenton, James, Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788]
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DDPr 1/52
Latrobe, Christian Ignatius, 1758-1836
Reference Number
DDPr 1/53
Langshaw, John, 1718-1798
Reference Number
DDPr 1/54
Lloyd, Samuel, active 1743-1750
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DDPr 1/55
Madan, Martin, 1726-1790
Reference Number
DDPr 1/56
Reference Number
DDPr 1/57
Mornington, Garrett Colley Wellesley, Earl of, 1735-1781
Reference Number
DDPr 1/58
[Okely, T., Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788]
Reference Number
DDPr 1/59
Reference Number
DDPr 1/60
Piers, Henry, 1694-1770
Reference Number
DDPr 1/63
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DDPr 1/64
Reference Number
DDPr 1/65
Robe, James, 1688-1759
Reference Number
DDPr 1/66
Reference Number
DDPr 1/67
Reference Number
DDPr 1/68
Russell, John, 1745-1806
Reference Number
DDPr 1/69
Shirley, Walter, 1726-1786
Reference Number
DDPr 1/70
Shirley, Walter, 1726-1786
Reference Number
DDPr 1/71
Simpson, Christian
Reference Number
DDPr 1/72
Simpson, Christian
Reference Number
DDPr 1/73
Simpson, Christian
Reference Number
DDPr 1/74
Smith, William, 1736-1824
Reference Number
DDPr 1/75
Stonehouse, George, 1714-1793
Reference Number
DDPr 1/76
Stonehouse, George, 1714-1793
Reference Number
DDPr 1/77
Thornton, Jane, 1760-1800
Reference Number
DDPr 1/78
[Vivian, Thomas, 1722-1793, Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788]
Reference Number
DDPr 1/79
[Walpole, Edward, Sir, 1706-1784, Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788]
Reference Number
DDPr 1/80
Walpole, Edward, Sir, 1706-1784
Reference Number
DDPr 1/81
[Whitefield, George, 1714-1770, Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788]
Reference Number
DDPr 1/82
[Whitefield, George, 1714-1770, Seward, William, 1702-1740]
Reference Number
DDPr 1/83
Whitefield, George, 1714-1770
Reference Number
DDPr 1/84
Wilberforce, William, 1759-1833
Reference Number
DDPr 1/87
Williams, Joseph, 1692-1755
Reference Number
DDPr 1/88
Reference Number
DDPr 1/89
Vazeille, John Anthony, 1730-
Reference Number
DDPr 1/90
Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Reference Number
DDPr 1/92
Williams, Joseph, 1692-1755
Reference Number
DDPr 1/93
Richard Hill, Sir, 1732-1808
Reference Number
DDPr 1/94
Jones, John, 1721-1785
Reference Number
DDPr 1/95
Jones, John, 1721-1785
Reference Number
DDPr 1/96
Jones, John, 1721-1785
Reference Number
DDPr 1/97