Illustrations of the Book of Job, published 8th of March 1825 by William Blake, No.3 Fountain Court Strand. Single line engraving in black ink. Two seperate titles - one in Hebrew and the other in a manuscript style Gothic script - rest atop an undulating, scroll-like band of seven angel-figures. The organic unity of their overlapping winged bodies is somewhat fragmented from within, however, by the opposition of each individuals directed gaze.
Illustrations of the Book of Job, published 8th of March 1825 by William Blake, No.3 Fountain Court Strand. Single line engraving in black ink. Two seperate titles - one in Hebrew and the other in a manuscript style Gothic script - rest atop an undulating, scroll-like band of seven angel-figures. The organic unity of their overlapping winged bodies is somewhat fragmented from within, however, by the opposition of each individuals directed gaze.