Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Collection
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Lines of progress: An enquiry into selection and equal opportunities in London Underground
Commission for Racial Equality
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Publication Details:
Commission for Racial Equality
Lines of progress: An enquiry into selection and equal opportunities in London Underground by the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE).
When CRE began this enquiry, London Underground was one among the many employers who pronounced themselves to be 'equal opportunity employers' but who had done nothing to redress the under-representation of ethnic minority employees in management. Matters came to a head at London Underground during a reorganisation of the company when ethnic
minority staff saw their white colleagues moving ahead of them.
When CRE began this enquiry, London Underground was one among the many employers who pronounced themselves to be 'equal opportunity employers' but who had done nothing to redress the under-representation of ethnic minority employees in management. Matters came to a head at London Underground during a reorganisation of the company when ethnic
minority staff saw their white colleagues moving ahead of them.
Race relations
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Rights Holder: Image:
Ahmed Iqbal Ullah RACE (Race Archives and Community Engagement) Centre
Rights Holder: Work:
The copyright in the document this publication has been adapted from and all other intellectual property rights in that material are owned by, or licensed to, the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, known as the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The CRE statutory codes of practice and legal guidance in this document are of a historical nature, please consult the EHRC website for contemporary information.
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