Caring for under-fives in a multi-racial society, a Community Relations Commission (CRC) report.
The CRC's work in the field of under-fives led to a recognition of the need
for a book such as this, which drew together the experience of a number of
people professionally involved in caring for racially-mixed groups of young
children in inner-city areas of many of the major cities in the country.
Forward by A. N. Little, Director of Reference and Technical Services, CRC.
Caring for under-fives in a multi-racial society, a Community Relations Commission (CRC) report.
The CRC's work in the field of under-fives led to a recognition of the need
for a book such as this, which drew together the experience of a number of
people professionally involved in caring for racially-mixed groups of young
children in inner-city areas of many of the major cities in the country.
Forward by A. N. Little, Director of Reference and Technical Services, CRC.