Vellum roll depicting a chronological history from the creation to 15th century France. It contains 65 painted medallions. The first column relates to the Christian Church in Rome and the line of popes from Celestine V to Urban VI. At this point the list of popes stops due to the Great Schism in the Catholic Church that followed the death of Urban VI. The second column lists the line of Holy Roman Emperors from Henry IV to Louis of Bavaria (Henry IV, Henry V, Lothair III [= Lothair of Supplinburg], Conrad III, Frederick I, and Louis IV). The history of the Roman Emperors concludes at this point with Louis' quarrel with Pope John XXII and the installation of the antipope Nicholas V. The third column continues the Capetian dynasty: Philippe IV, Louis X, his son John I who died as in infancy, and Philippe IV's remaining sons, Philippe V and Charles IV. Following Charles' death the monarchy passed to the House of Valois with the son of Charles de Valois, Philippe, becoming Philippe VI of France. He is succeeded by his son John II. The fourth column continues with the Crusades and the Kings of Jerusalem: Amalric I, Baldwin IV, Baldwin V, Sibylla, daughter of Amalric, and her husband Guy of Lusignan and John of Brienne. It concludes with the losing of Jerusalem and the end of the Christian Kings. A fifth column continues the English monarchy John losing Normandy, his successor Henry III, Edward I, Edward II marrying Isabella of France, and their son Edward II, married to Philippa of Hainault. The medallions depict events from the text, including Philippe de Valois (61), Edward I of England (60), and John II of France being captured at the Battle of Poitiers and taken to England (62).
Vellum roll depicting a chronological history from the creation to 15th century France. It contains 65 painted medallions. The first column relates to the Christian Church in Rome and the line of popes from Celestine V to Urban VI. At this point the list of popes stops due to the Great Schism in the Catholic Church that followed the death of Urban VI. The second column lists the line of Holy Roman Emperors from Henry IV to Louis of Bavaria (Henry IV, Henry V, Lothair III [= Lothair of Supplinburg], Conrad III, Frederick I, and Louis IV). The history of the Roman Emperors concludes at this point with Louis' quarrel with Pope John XXII and the installation of the antipope Nicholas V. The third column continues the Capetian dynasty: Philippe IV, Louis X, his son John I who died as in infancy, and Philippe IV's remaining sons, Philippe V and Charles IV. Following Charles' death the monarchy passed to the House of Valois with the son of Charles de Valois, Philippe, becoming Philippe VI of France. He is succeeded by his son John II. The fourth column continues with the Crusades and the Kings of Jerusalem: Amalric I, Baldwin IV, Baldwin V, Sibylla, daughter of Amalric, and her husband Guy of Lusignan and John of Brienne. It concludes with the losing of Jerusalem and the end of the Christian Kings. A fifth column continues the English monarchy John losing Normandy, his successor Henry III, Edward I, Edward II marrying Isabella of France, and their son Edward II, married to Philippa of Hainault. The medallions depict events from the text, including Philippe de Valois (61), Edward I of England (60), and John II of France being captured at the Battle of Poitiers and taken to England (62).