Detail View: Medieval Collection: King Corinbatrus

Image Number: 
Reference Number: 
English MS 103
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Image Title: 
King Corinbatrus
Parent Work Title: 
Brut Chronicle (1347 Continuation)
Alternative Parent Work Title: 
Brute or the Chronicles of England
Date Created: 
14th century [mid]
Image Sequence Number: 
Kings Brenne and Belyn conquer France and Rome. Red rubrication and an illuminated initial ' A ' introduce the story of King Corinbatrus and how he subdued King Gutlagh of Denmark. The written space is c.182 x 112 mm and the script is anglicana formata.
ȝaf ham batail wiþ his power but he was ou(er)come and ȝaf truage to Belyn and to his broþ(er) // And after þat þey wenten forþ to Rome . and conquerede Rome and al Lumbardye and Germayne and toke homages and feautes of Erlis Barouns and of all oþere and after þey comen in to þis lande of Bri taigne and duelled wiþ hir Britouns in ioye and reste and þo made Brenne þe toun of Bristowe and siþ he went ouer in to his owen lordshipp and þe(r) duelled al his lyf // and Belyn duelled at newe Troye and þe(r) he made a fair gate þat is called Bellingesgate after his owen name . and whan þis Belyn had regned nobly xj ȝere and .iiij. mounthes he deide and lith at Newe Troye How king Corinbatrus quelde þe king of Denmarc for enchesou(~) þat he wolde nought [...] paye him his truage. Capo.xxiiijo. And after þis Belin [...] regnede his sone Corinbat(u)s a good man and a worþy . and þe king of Denmark wolde nouȝt paie him his truage þat is to seyn a M(l) . pound as he had sworn by oth for to paye it and also by writyng recorded to Belyn his fader wher fore he was ill paide and wroth and assemblede a grete host of Britouns and went in to Denmark and slough þe king Gutlagh and brouȝte þe land in subiectiou(~) . al newe and toke of folc feautes and homages and after wente aȝen in to his lande / and as he come forþ by Orkeneye he fond xxx shippes ful of men and of wommen . bysides þe cost of þe see and þe king axede what þey were . An Erl þat was maister of ham alle curteisly ansuerede vnto ve kinge and saide þat þey were exiled out of Spaygne . and so þey had t(ra)uailed half a ȝer and more in þe see : to witen ȝif þey might fynden ony king in eny londe þat of ham wolde haue pite or m(er)cy to ȝeue ham ony londe in ony cuntre wher ynne þey mighte duelle and haue reste and bicomen his liege men and to him wolde don homage and feaute whi les þat he leuede and to his heires after him and of him and of his heires holden þat lande // And whan þe king
Language Code: 
Chronicles of England
Chronicles of England--Manuscripts
Great Britain--History
Category of Material: 
Technique Used: 
Illumination (image-making process)
Places Covered: 
Item Height: 
278 mm
Item Width: 
183 mm
Current Repository: 
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Rights Holder - Image: 
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work: 
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights: 
Creative Commons License
Parts of this catalogue have been reproduced from Ker, N.R., 'Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, vol. III, Lampeter-Oxford' (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983), p. 417. By kind permission of Oxford University Press.
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.23.
Bibliographic Citation: 
Brie, Friedrich W. D., 'The Brut, or, the Chronicles of England / edited from Ms. Rawl. B 171, Bodleian Library &c.', (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner for the Early English Text Society, 1906-1908)
Purchased by the John Rylands Library from the London booksellers J. & J. Leighton for £36.00 on 18 June 1908.
Date Captured (yyyy-mm-dd): 
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Image Creation Technique: 
Digital capture by The University of Manchester Library
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