Parent Work Title
An account of some ancient monuments in Westminster Abbey
Image Title
Monument of Aveline
Plate 29
Parent Work Title
An Account of Some Ancient Monuments in Westminster Abbey
Image Title
The figure of Aveline Countess of Lancaster, cumbent on her monument
Plate 30
Parent Work Title
An Account of Some Ancient Monuments in Westminster Abbey
Image Title
The monument of Aveline Countess of Lancaster
Plate 31
Parent Work Title
An Account of Some Ancient Monuments in Westminster Abbey
Image Title
The North front of the monument of King Sebert
Plate 32
Parent Work Title
An Account of Some Ancient Monuments in Westminster Abbey
Image Title
Figures of King Sebert (I) and King Henry III (2)
Plate 33
Parent Work Title
An Account of Some Ancient Monuments in Westminster Abbey
Image Title
Heads and Ornaments on the monument of King Sebert
Plate 34
Parent Work Title
An Account of Some Ancient Monuments in Westminster Abbey
Image Title
The moument of Ann of Cleves
Plate 35
Parent Work Title
The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament, and the New : newly translated out of the originall tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and reuised, by his Maiesties speciall commandement : appointed to be read in churches
Title page
Parent Work Title
Opus eximium, de vera differentia regiae potestatis et ecclesiasticae, : et quae sit ipsa veritas ac virtus vtriusque.
Image Title
Arms of Jean Bouhier
Title page [a1r]
Parent Work Title
[rev.D]The Byble in Englyshe of the largest and greatest volume : auctorysed and apoynted by the commaundemente of oure moost redoubted Prynce, and soueraygne Lorde Kynge Henrye the. viii. supreme heade of this his churche and Realme of Englande : to be frequented and used in euery churche w[i]t[h]in this his sayd realme, accordynge to the tenour of his former Iniunctions geuen in that behalfe
Image Title
Title within woodcut border
Title page
Parent Work Title
A few chapters in workshop re-construction and citizenship
Image Title
Christie binding
Upper cover
Parent Work Title
Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus Martin. Luther[um] : ædita ab inuictissimo Angliæ et Franciæ rege, et do. Hyberniæ Henrico eius nominis octauo..
Image Title
Page of text
Parent Work Title
Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus Martin. Luther[um] : ædita ab inuictissimo Angliæ et Franciæ rege, et do. Hyberniæ Henrico eius nominis octauo..
Image Title
Page of text
Parent Work Title
Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus Martin. Luther[um] : ædita ab inuictissimo Angliæ et Franciæ rege, et do. Hyberniæ Henrico eius nominis octauo..
Image Title
Page of text
Parent Work Title
Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus Martin. Luther[um] : ædita ab inuictissimo Angliæ et Franciæ rege, et do. Hyberniæ Henrico eius nominis octauo..
Image Title
Binding of book
Lower cover
Parent Work Title
Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus Martin. Luther[um] : ædita ab inuictissimo Angliæ et Franciæ rege, et do. Hyberniæ Henrico eius nominis octauo..
Title page [A1r]
Parent Work Title
Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus Martin. Luther[um] : ædita ab inuictissimo Angliæ et Franciæ rege, et do. Hyberniæ Henrico eius nominis octauo..
Image Title
Binding of book
Upper cover
Parent Work Title
Assertio septem sacramentorum aduersus Martin. Luther[um] : ædita ab inuictissimo Angliæ et Franciæ rege, et do. Hyberniæ Henrico eius nominis octauo..
Image Title
Presentation inscription
Parent Work Title
The excellent historye of Theseus and Ariadne : Wherein is declared her feruent loue to hym : and his Trayterous dealynge towarde her: Written in English Meeter in Com[m]endacion of all good women :and to the Infamie of suche lyght Huswyues as Phedra the sister of Ariadne was which fled away w[ith] Theseus her Sisters Husbande: as is declared in this History
Title page
Parent Work Title
The castle of Otranto
Image Title
The Castle of Otranto: Title page
Title page
Parent Work Title
[l.para] A booke of priuate prayer, necessarye to be vsed of all Christians with manye Godlye prayers.
Parent Work Title
A Confession of the Christian faith, which was made at Constantinople in the year 1585, by one who, being complained of as a great heretick, gave this answer and reason of his faith
Parent Work Title
A true narrative of the proceedings at the Sessions-house in the Old-Bayly, October 11-13, 1676
Parent Work Title
A Certaine And Perfect Relation Of The Encovnter And Bloody Slavghter which is newly happened betweene the Marquesse Spinolas forces, and the forces within the Towne of Breda: With the copie of a Letter sent by the Marquis Spinola to the Archdusses of Austria to this effect, openly shewing his priuate intent for what causes the must of necessitie leaue the siege of Breda, and would haue done before now, had it not beene that hee must haue indangered to haue left his Ordnance behind him; Likewise a confirmatiue rehearsall of relieuing the Towne of Breda after a new inuention, with the Prince of Oranges designes, both to annoy the enemy, and drowne their trenches
Parent Work Title
To our sovereign lord, James the second, rightful king of Great Britain and Ireland: wheresoever he now inhabits in the parts beyond the seas: Dated July 25, 1692
Parent Work Title
The sayings of Richard Stafford, a prisoner in Bethlehem hospital in Moorfields
Parent Work Title
1585 : Fiue hundreth pointes of good Husbandrie, as well for the Champion or Open countrie, as also for the Woodland or seuerall, mixed in euerie month with Huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of Huswiferie : Corrected, better ordered, and newlie augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbs, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattell, with manie other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the Reader. Also a table of Husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of Huswiferie at the end, for the better and easier finding of anie matter conteined in the same ....
Image Title
Authors life
Parent Work Title
1585 : Fiue hundreth pointes of good Husbandrie, as well for the Champion or Open countrie, as also for the Woodland or seuerall, mixed in euerie month with Huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of Huswiferie : Corrected, better ordered, and newlie augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbs, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattell, with manie other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the Reader. Also a table of Husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of Huswiferie at the end, for the better and easier finding of anie matter conteined in the same ....
Image Title
Authors life
Parent Work Title
1585 : Fiue hundreth pointes of good Husbandrie, as well for the Champion or Open countrie, as also for the Woodland or seuerall, mixed in euerie month with Huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of Huswiferie : Corrected, better ordered, and newlie augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbs, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattell, with manie other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the Reader. Also a table of Husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of Huswiferie at the end, for the better and easier finding of anie matter conteined in the same ....
Image Title
Table of of Huswiferie
Parent Work Title
1585 : Fiue hundreth pointes of good Husbandrie, as well for the Champion or Open countrie, as also for the Woodland or seuerall, mixed in euerie month with Huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of Huswiferie : Corrected, better ordered, and newlie augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbs, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattell, with manie other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the Reader. Also a table of Husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of Huswiferie at the end, for the better and easier finding of anie matter conteined in the same ....
Image Title
Table of of Huswiferie
Parent Work Title
[rev.D] A Godlye exhortation to all suche as professe the Gospell : wherin they are by the sweete promises therof prouoked and stirred vp to folow the same in liuing, & by the terrible threates feared from the contrary : Anno Do. M.D. xlix. the first day of January
Parent Work Title
The poetical works : of John Milton. With a life of the author, by William Hayley..
Image Title
Paradise Lost
Opposite page 85
Parent Work Title
Midle-Sex described with the most famous cities of London and Westminster
Reference Number
Booker & Mills C281
Reference Number
Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Image Title
Folio entitled Letters of the Revd C. Wesley, page 12
Reference Number
Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Reference Number
Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788
Reference Number
Gwynne, Marmaduke, 1691–1769
Parent Work Title
Letter from E.R. Wyndham Quin to E.A. Freeman
Parent Work Title
Letter from A. V. Dicey to E. A. Freeman
Parent Work Title
Letter from A. V. Dicey to E. A. Freeman
Parent Work Title
Letter from A. V. Dicey to E. A. Freeman
Parent Work Title
Letter from A. V. Dicey to E. A. Freeman
Parent Work Title
Letter from Sir Henry James Sumner Maine to E. A. Freeman