Browse All : Images of England: Greater Manchester: Rochdale
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Soviet military map of Manchester and surrounding areas
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C17:41 Manchester
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Alarming riots: further particulars, with the number of killed and wounded.
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The Rochdale Improvement Act, 1853. : Public Acts incorporated..
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Order of the procession,and general festivities for the 18th and 19th of July, 1821, at Rochdale. : The ox and sheep intended to be roasted, to be conveyed through the town on a waggon, with suitable ornaments, attended by the band, on Wednesday, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. On Thursday, 19th, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the different societies, trades, and respectable inhabitants with the military &c. &c. to assemble at the guide-post, at different stations. appointed by the committee in order to form the procession as follows, ...
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G. R. Coronation at Rochdale, Swan Inn, July 12th, 1821 a meeting this day holden here, pursuand to notice given for the purpose of considering and adopting such means of celebrating the splendid event of His Majesty's coronation as may best evince an attachment to the throne and constitution of this realm. : Present the Vicar in the chair ...
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To the candidates for coronation prizes and premiums at Rochdale. : As soon as your hearts are invigorated by the good old cheer of beef and ale, you will be called upon to exert to the fullest extent all your bodily talents, in obtaining the rich prizes that will be exhibited in the memorable occasion of our beloved Sovereign's coronation.
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Proclaiming King George IV. County of Lancaster. On Tuesday, February 8th, 1820, at the hour of twelve noon, the High Sheriff of the said county will proclaim at Rochdale. that the High and Mighty Price, George Prince of Wales, is now become the only lawful and rightful liege lord George the Fourth, by the Grace of God King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Defender of the Faith.
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This is to give notice , that a meeting will be holden on Thursday, next the 12th. of this instant. at the Swan Inn, in Rochdale, at the hour of twelve noon, for the purpose of considering and adopting such means of celebrating the splendid event of His Majesty's coronation : ... at which meeting, all respectable householders of the town and neighbourhood desirous of promoting such celebration, are requested to attend ... God save the King.
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