English MS 1404/31/d
Henry Tristram
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/33/d
Henry Seebohm
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/37/c
Henry Buckley
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/37/a
Howard Saunders
[date not identified]
English MS /37
Richard Sharpe
Henry Dresser Album
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/37/e
George Ernest Shelley
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/41/c
Alfred Russel Wallace
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/43/a
Thomas Caverhill Jerdon
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/43/e
William Blanford
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/45/a
John Henry Gurney
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/51
Antonio Brady
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/53
Charles Darwin
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/55/d
Henry Wemyss Feilden
English MS 1404/55/e
John Gould
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/55/b
Philip Lutley Sclater
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/57
Nikolai Alekseevich Severtzo
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/63/d
Viscount Walden
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/67/e
Robert Swinhoe
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/91/a
Horace William (Horatio) Whe
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/93
Lord Lilford
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/101/b
William Evans Hoyle
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/103
Edward Booth
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/109/d
Heinrich Gätke
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/115
Roualeyn Gordon-Cumming
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/111/b
Thomas Edward Buckley
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/119/c
Osbert Salvin
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/135
Nikolai Alekseyvich Zarudnyj
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/139
William Tegetmeier
English MS 1404/91/e
Ernst Hartert and Claudia Ha
[date not identified]
English MS /152
J.J. Audubon's wife Lucy
Henry Dresser Album
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/152/d
Spencer Fullerton Baird
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/156
Walter Rothschild
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/162
Joseph Wolf
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/164/b
Harald Loudon
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/164/c
John Wolley
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/167/b
Howard Saunders
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/13/a
John Harvie-Brown
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/172/c
British Ornithologists' Unio
English MS 1404/52
Charles Darwin letter and ph
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/166/c
Sergei Aleksandrovich Buturl
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/148
Frederick Courteney Selous
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/160/a
Three men in kimonos
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/1/a
Alfred Newton
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/5/c
Carte de visite-size photogr
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/5/b
Alfred Benzon
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/5/e
Robert Collett
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/5/d
Wilhelm Meves
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/5/a
Hans Christian Erichsen
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/9/e
George Boardman
[date not identified]
English MS 1404/9/b
Ercole Turati
[date not identified]