Miniature Antiche
Latin MS 14
Latin MS 20
Five wounds of Christ
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Latin MS 20
Wound on Christ's foot
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Italian MS 4
Scala del Paradiso
Scala del Paradiso
15th century
Italian MS 4
Detail of walled city
Scala del Paradiso
15th century
Latin MS 20
Prayer on rising
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Latin MS 20
St Wilgefortis
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Latin MS 20
St Margaret the Virgin
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Italian MS 4
Page of manuscript
Scala del Paradiso
15th century
Italian MS 4
Page of manuscript
Scala del Paradiso
15th century
Italian MS 4
Page of manuscript
Scala del Paradiso
15th century
Italian MS 4
Page of manuscript
Scala del Paradiso
15th century
Latin MS 20
Three shepherds
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century
Latin MS 20
Fifteen Oos in Latin
Horae and Psalter [Sarum]
15th century