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Spiritual account
18th century
18th century
Letter from John Henderson t …
18th century
MA 1977/595
My ... dreadful hand
MS Hymns
18th century
MA 1977/595
My ... dreadful hand
MS Hymns
18th century
MA 1977/596
This God is the God we adore
MS Hymns
18th century
MA 1977/596
And in our priest will we re …
MS Hymns
18th century
MA 1977/596
The Lord of Sabbath, let us …
MS Hymns
18th century
MA 1977/596
Ye slaves of sin, ye ... of …
MS Hymns
18th century
Manuscript hymns labelled "M …
18th century
MA 1977/558
Manuscript hymns labelled "M …
18th century
MA 1977/424
Letter from Elizabeth Benger …
18th century
MA 1977/502/2/2
Letter from Jane Landy to Ch …
18th century
Manuscript hymns labelled "M …
18th century
MA 1977/560
Manuscript hymns labelled "M …
18th century
MA 1977/569
Manuscript hymns labelled "M …
18th century
MA 1977/562
Manuscript hymns labelled "M …
18th century
MA 1977/565
Eupolis's Hymn to the Creato …
Devotional Manuscript by Cha …
18th century
Wesley College, Bristol D2/9