Browse All : Coronations--Great Britain--History--19th century of England: Greater Manchester: Manchester
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Coronation. The procession of the children will commence from St. Ann's-square, at half-past ten o'clock, and proceed down Bridge-street, over the New Bailey Bridge, Chapel-street, to the Crescent, where the military and the trades will be previously formed in line. : The grand procession will move from the Crescent through Chapel-street, Water-street, over the New Blackfriar's Bridge, St, Mary's Gate, St. Ann's-square, St. Ann's-street King-street, York-street Piccadilly, London Road, to Ardwick Green, where the military will fire a feu-de-joie.
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In the large room of the Police Buildings Manchester.---27th. June, 1821. At a numerous and respectable meeting of the inhabitants of Manchester and Salford, called by the boroughreeves and constables, for the purpose of considering and adopting the most appropriate means of celebrating the splendid event of His Majesty's approaching coronation: James Brierley, Esq., Boroughreeve of Manchester, in the chair: : it was resolved as follows.
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