Portrait of a woman
Group of men
Rajputana [?]
Group of High Caste Girls
Group portrait
View of a building
Group portrait
Route to India
[?] Balcony
Two months in India with a C
Group portrait
Group of people with woodwor
Seven men each carrying a bo
Christian in the Fields
Pilgrim's Progress
Pilgrim's Progress. Pt 6
Pilgrim's Progress Pt V
Christian and Faithful pass
Entangled in the net
The Pilgrims in the Storm
Vain-Hope the Ferryman
Pilgrim's Progress Pt VI
Pilgrim's Progress Pt VI
Knight in Prayer
Pilgrims ascend to Heaven
Pilgrims meet two thinking o
Atheist meets the Pilgrim
Glimpse of things eternal
Hill of Error
The Pilgrims welcomed by the
Giant Despair has a fit
Pilgrims Escape
Pilgrim's Progress Part 5 20
In the Castle Yard
Slough of Despond
Pilgrims in Dungeon of Castl
By Path Meadow
Arrested by Giant Despair
Pilgrims Progress Part VI 15
Faithful's Martyrdom
Christian and Hopeful
Chariot of Fire
Pilgrim's Progress Part V
Trail [sic] of Christian Fai
Bunyan before the Justice
Christian Knight
Christian enters the Valley
Apollyon is Conquered by Chr