Bethesda Singapore
Another View
Brisbane Gardens
Martha and Mother
Village Idols
James and Mary
Maori. Sunday School. N.Z
The Old Way
New Zealand Hot Springs
Mosque. Kuala Kangsar
'In Chinese Temple'
Mr Thu [?] Wee Thaim Geno[?]
Entrance to Palace (2)
Coolie with Wheelbarrow. Chi
Entrance to Bethesda
Mr Dan Evans
'Funeral Procession . No.1'
'A bit off the top'
Mrs Teskey. Miss [?]
Mr and Mrs Hanam
Outside Indian Boarding Hous
Seaside Party
Gate to garden
Garden way to tomb
Singapore Women's prison
[?] Ou Kang. Mrs Chow, China
Funeral Procession . No.2
Soldiers Christian Ass. Grou
[?] in Seringapatem
James Thompson. Trophy of gr
Rock Temple Ipoh
Birthday Party
Try to earn salvation
Our baby Leper
Farewell New Zealand
Kim Fat's wedding
In the front of Maori house
Mrs[?] Teskey Mr and Mrs Hop
Goodbye Rohna
Among the Leper Women
Scotch Leper Mary
Wee Thiam Seng. Family
Out for a Drive
Salvation sought by pain
Chinese Gospel Hall
Australian Assembly
Happy Group
Mr and Mrs Assan
Sharing a melon