Detail View: Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Collection:

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Out of order: Report of a formal investigation into the London Borough of Southwark
Commission for Racial Equality
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Publication Details: 
Commission for Racial Equality
Out of order: Report of a formal investigation into the London Borough of Southwark by the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE). At the end of March 1989, the CRE decided to conduct a formal investigation into the London Borough of Southwark concerning the way new properties at the Bramcote estate in Rotherhithe had been let to what was believed to be a group of mainly white tenants from the adjacent Bonamy estate. The CRE's contention was that the Council's decisions on allocations to the Bramcote estate might have been indirectly discriminatory.
Race relations
Category of Material: 
Rights Holder: Image: 
Ahmed Iqbal Ullah RACE (Race Archives and Community Engagement) Centre
Rights Holder: Work: 
The copyright in the document this publication has been adapted from and all other intellectual property rights in that material are owned by, or licensed to, the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, known as the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The CRE statutory codes of practice and legal guidance in this document are of a historical nature, please consult the EHRC website for contemporary information.