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Towards Racial Equality: An evaluation of the public duty to promote race equality and good race relations in England and Wales
Commission for Racial Equality
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Publication Details: 
Commission for Racial Equality
Towards Racial Equality: An evaluation of the public duty to promote race equality and good race relations in England and Wales - a Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) report prepared by Schneider-Ross. In the wake of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report, the legislation that came into force in England and Wales in May 2002 was about shifting the race equality agenda in the public sector so that it embraced a proactive, positive duty to deliver on race equality outcomes and good race relations. The aim of this research was to provide a profile of the nature, extent and quality of response at the outset of the public duty and thus to provide a baseline against which future progress can be measured and, in time, the effectiveness of the legislation reviewed.
Race relations
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Rights Holder: Image: 
Ahmed Iqbal Ullah RACE (Race Archives and Community Engagement) Centre
Rights Holder: Work: 
The copyright in the document this publication has been adapted from and all other intellectual property rights in that material are owned by, or licensed to, the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, known as the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The CRE statutory codes of practice and legal guidance in this document are of a historical nature, please consult the EHRC website for contemporary information.