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The Police Service in England and Wales: Final report of a formal investigation by the Commission for Racial Equality
Commission for Racial Equality
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Commission for Racial Equality
A formal investigation by Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) into the police service in England and Wales. Section 48 of the Race Relations Act 1976 gave the CRE the power to conduct formal investigations, to help meet its three main duties: to work towards the elimination of racial discrimination and to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between people from different racial groups. Formal investigations could also be carried out into named organisations or into a sector as a whole. Sector-wide investigations were known as general formal investigations. This investigation focused on three areas of the police service in England and Wales: a. the recruitment, training and management of police officers; b. monitoring of these areas by the police service and police inspectorates; c. how police authorities and forces are meeting the statutory general duty to promote race equality, and related specific duties to publish a scheme and carry out employment monitoring. For the purposes of the formal investigation, the Home Secretary appointed Sir David Calvert-Smith QC, Ravi Chand and Nuala O'Loan as special commissioners of the CRE. An existing commissioner, Professor Jagdish Gundara, was appointed to this team. Forward by Sir David Calvert-Smith QC.
Race relations
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Rights Holder: Image: 
Ahmed Iqbal Ullah RACE (Race Archives and Community Engagement) Centre
Rights Holder: Work: 
The copyright in the document this publication has been adapted from and all other intellectual property rights in that material are owned by, or licensed to, the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, known as the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The CRE statutory codes of practice and legal guidance in this document are of a historical nature, please consult the EHRC website for contemporary information.