Image Number:
Reference Number:
French MS 99
Image Title:
King Arthur
Parent Work Title:
Histoire Universelle
Alternative Parent Work Title:
Chronicle Roll
Translated Parent Work Title:
Universal history
Date Created:
15th century
Frame 14
Image Sequence Number:
Vellum roll depicting a chronological history from the creation to 15th century France. It contains 65 painted medallions. The first column relates to the Christian Church in Rome and the line of popes to Boniface I (listed as Eutychian, Gaius, Marcellinus, Marcellus I, Eusebius, Miltiades, Sylvester I, Marcus, Liberius, Felix (II), Damasus I, Siricius, Anastasius I, Innocent I, Zosimus and Boniface I). The second column relates the persecution of the Christians and lists the line of Roman Emperors to Valens (Valerian, Claudius II, Aurelian, Tacitus, Probus, Florianus, Carus, Diocletian, Constantius Chloris I and Galerius, Constantine I, Constantine II, Constans I, Constantius II, Jovian, Valentinian I and Valens). The third column continues with the line of the first French (Merovingian) kings (Dagobert I, Clovis II, Childeric, Theudoric, Clotaire III [Lothair III], Clovis III, Childebert III, Clotaire IV, Chilperich III, Dagobert II, Theudoric IV [Thierry IV] and Childeric III. Childeric III was deposed and replaced by the Mayor of the Palace, Pepin the Short, who became the first of the Carolingian dynesty. Mention is also made of Charles Martel, another Mayor of the Palace. The fourth column gives an account of the life and death of King Arthur. It continues with the line of early British kings (Constantine III, Adelbrit, Havelok the Dane (who was also known as Cuheran) and Aurelius Conan Constantine. Then begins the line of Anglo-Saxon kings of England (Edred [= Egbert], Alfred the Great, Edward the Elder, Edwig and St Edgar the Peaceable, St Edward the Martyr and Edred [=Ethelred II]). The medallions depict events from the text, including Dagobert founding the church at St Denis in France (48), Arthur killing Mordet [= Mordred] in battle (49) and a ruined town to indicate the destruction in England following the death of Arthur (50).
Language Code:
Great Britain--History
Roman history
Catholic Church
Category of Material:
Miniatures (paintings)
Technique Used:
Illumination (image-making process)
Time Period Covered:
1 BCE-500 CE; 500-1000 CE
Places Covered:
Great Britain
Places Covered:
Places Covered:
People Covered:
Constantius I, Emperor of Rome, -306
People Covered:
Constantine I, Emperor of Rome, -337
People Covered:
Constantine II, Emperor of Rome, 317-340
People Covered:
Gaius, Pope, active 283-296
People Covered:
Valerian, Emperor of Rome
People Covered:
Claudius, II, Emperor of Rome, 214-270
People Covered:
Dagobert I, King of the Franks, -639
People Covered:
Arthur, King
People Covered:
Eutychianus, Pope, -283
People Covered:
Marcellinus, Pope, -304
People Covered:
Marcellus I, Pope, -309
People Covered:
Eusebius, Pope, -309 or 310
People Covered:
Miltiades, Pope, -314
People Covered:
Sylvester I, Pope, -335
People Covered:
Marcus, Pope, -336
People Covered:
Liberius, Pope, -366
People Covered:
Damasus I, Pope, 305-384
People Covered:
Siricius, Pope, -399
People Covered:
Innocent I, Pope, -417
People Covered:
Zosimus, Pope, -418
People Covered:
Tacitus, Emperor of Rome
People Covered:
Probus, Emperor of Rome, 232-282
People Covered:
Florianus, Emperor of Rome
People Covered:
Carus, Emperor of Rome
People Covered:
Diocletian, Emperor of Rome, 245-313
People Covered:
Constans I, Emperor of Rome, 337-350
People Covered:
Constantius II, Emperor of Rome, 317-361
People Covered:
Jovian, Emperor of Rome, approximately 331-364
People Covered:
Valentinian I, Emperor of Rome, 321-375
People Covered:
Valens, Emperor of the East, approximately 328-378
People Covered:
Dagobert II, King of the Franks, approximately 650-679
People Covered:
Pepin, King of the Franks, -768
People Covered:
Charles Martel, approximately 688-741
People Covered:
Havelok the Dane (Legendary character)
People Covered:
Egbert, King of England, 769 or 771-839
People Covered:
Edward, King of England, -924
People Covered:
Edward, King of England, 962?-978
People Covered:
Edgar, King of England, 943 or 4-975
People Covered:
Ethelred II, King of England, 968?-1016
People Covered:
Boniface I, Pope, -422
People Covered:
Anastasius I, Pope, -401
People Covered:
Alfred, King of England, 849-899
People Covered:
Aurelian, Emperor of Rome, approximately 215-275
Item Height:
17230 mm (roll)
Item Width:
686 mm (roll)
Current Repository:
The University of Manchester Library, U.K.
Coppock, Mrs, former owner
Lindsay family Earls of Crawford and Balcarres, former owner
Rights Holder - Image:
The University of Manchester Library
Rights holder - Work:
The University of Manchester Library
Access Rights:
Tyson, Moses, 'Hand-List of the Collection of English Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library' (1928), p.7.
Bought from Mrs Coppock of Newquay in January 1908.
Date Captured (yyyy-mm-dd):
Multi Page Number:
Image Creation Technique:
Digital capture by Gten
Date Image Added (yyyy-mm):
Metadata Language:
Collection Code: